Sacha Bourdo

Sacha Bourdo

Рождение : 1962-01-08, Oryol, Orlovskaya oblast, RSFSR, USSR [now Russia]


Sacha Bourdo


Monsieur Constant
On the island of the monks in Brittany, Constant Lucas, a former war photographer, lives in the memory of the one who was nicknamed "the star of Siberia". The old man cannot forget this passionate love that haunts him! His son Sergio suddenly arrives on the island with the little Adela that the old man does not know...
Music Hole
Francis, a little accountant officiating in a shady cabaret has marital concerns with his wife. After a violent argument, he wakes up to discover a surprise. It's the macabre and zany starting point of a burlesque thriller.
Si tu vois ma mère
Le Rabbin
Max is single, ophthalmologist, and a real mama's boy. Until she suddenly dies. Max should be devastated, yet he seems to be coping well. Too well. He actually still sees her, talks to her. She is not gone, still here, still close to her beloved baby boy. Max knows she is dead, yet he holds on to this impossible reality. Until he starts sharing his office with Ohiana, a shrink who he slowly falls in love with. Mom is not going to like it.
Doga, 29, works in the family restaurant in Argoun, Chechnya. When his secret lover, Ruslan, is suddenly arrested, Doga knows it's only a matter of days for him too.
The Red Collar
Soldat russe
In 1919, in a small town under the crushing heat of summer, a war hero is held prisoner in an abandoned barracks. Outside, his mangy dog barks night and day. Not far off in the countryside, an extraordinarily intelligent young woman works the land, waiting and hoping. A judge whose principles have been sorely shaken by the war is coming to sort out this case of which it is better not to speak.
Visiting Ours
Every month, women go to a prison on the outskirts of Paris to visit their loved ones: sons, fathers, brothers, partners. They wait in the summer heat. As they move through security checks, relationships are made and broken, tongues loosen, tension mounts… until finally a riot erupts behind bars.
The Girl Without Hands
The Gardener (voice)
A poor miller gets tricked by the Devil and accidentally sells his daughter for a bit of gold. But Satan can't take her because she's too pure and has wept on her hands. So Satan orders the miller to cut her hands off. It's the beginning of the young girl's journey towards freedom.
Microbe and Gasoline
Le prof de russe
Two young friends embark on a road trip across France in a vehicle they built themselves.
Tom the Truant
A class of five-year-old children gets lost in the forest after their schoolmistress faints from eating wild berries. All alone, they encounter a fourteen-year-old runaway, Tom the Truant, who lives in a centennial oak tree. Tom strikes a deal with them: he will bring them back to their parents, safe and sound, when they have forgotten everything they learned in school. A field trip led by a “master Truant”, or how to re-enchant the world with fantasy and impertinence.
Пена дней
La souris
История любви, разворачивающаяся в фантастическом мире, где влюбленные летают на свидания в розовых тучках и танцуют на потолке, где в коридоре обычной квартиры живет солнце, а мыши-домоправители ведут беседы с кошками, где цветы прорастают внутри людей и тепло человеческого сердца способно уничтожить самое опасное оружие.
Воскресные папы
Michka, le père Noël russe
После развода Антуан, тяжело работающий отец троих детей, медленно, но верно впадает в депрессию. С помощью старых друзей сползание в пропасть удается остановить, и отношения с детьми постепенно нормализуются. Видясь с ними только раз в неделю, он учится тому, как стать идеальным воскресным отцом и достойной моделью поведения для детей. Жизнь должна продолжаться, а радость и улыбка вернуться к нему. Кто знает, возможно, в будущем найдется место и для новых романтических отношений.
My Wife's Romance
Le traducteur
When Paul dies, he leaves his wife Eve with a mountain of debt. As the police begin their investigation into Paul’s death, Eve is supported by a lawyer named Chollet, a friend of her husband who generously helps her to clear the debts she has inherited. Eve and Chollet become close, perhaps too close, and their intimacy soon begins to arouse the suspicions of the police..
Le Temps du silence
Le Café du pont
Marek, le soldat polonais
During the war, on the banks of the Garonne, there is a café, the Café du Pont, where workers and sailors gather. Ten-year-old Pierrot's parents dedicate all their time and energy to the place. The German Occupation imposes restrictions and fear, but Pierrot knows that his father discreetly carries out brave actions and that his mother, both strong and fragile, knows how to settle any conflict - in her own way.
Gabrielle, a pleasant woman in her sixties, learns that she is about to be evicted from her second-hand shop...
Les Randonneurs à Saint-Tropez
Ten years after their disastrous walking holiday in Corsica, four friends – Cora, Nadine, Mathieu and Louis – decide to spend the summer together on the Côte d’Azur. To their surprise, who should they meet in St-Tropez but Eric, the guide-from-Hell who transformed their last holiday into a nightmare and whom they swore never to see again...
My Place in the Sun
Three couples and a single guy, from different social and career backgrounds, and of various ages, struggle with finding happiness in their lives.
Звезда солдата
Советский солдат Николай попадает в афганский плен к Ахмад Шаху Масуду, где ему дают новое имя Ахмад. Под влиянием французского журналиста Кристофа афганские моджахеды разрешают его отпустить. Французу афганцы поручают перевести пленного через границу. Вдвоём они пересекают границу Пакистана, где Кристофа, как гражданина Франции, пропускают, а советского солдата расстреливают…
Наука сна
Жизнь застенчивого, стеснительного Стефана меняется, когда мать убеждает его вернуться во Францию. Однако его ждет горькое разочарование, поскольку работа не оправдывает его ожиданий. Его новая знакомая, миловидная соседка Стефани, помогает преодолеть депрессию, и вскоре он влюбляется в нее. Но когда из печати выходит календарь с его рисунками, он вдруг замечает, что девушка стала пренебрегать им...
J'irai cracher sur vos tongs
Micha, 38 years old, Russian, spends his days in the Bois de Vincennes, talking to himself. Charles, 20 years old, works for a real estate agency and is given a camera to film apartments. Not knowing how to use it, he practices one weekend and of course, he falls on Micha. Charles' camera becomes an audience for Micha's rantings, which finally finds a docile and amused spectator.
Au large de Bad Ragaz
Alex, a professional tourist guide, is asked to welcome Sacha,a young woman of Russian extraction. She has participated in a contest and, consequently, won a one-week stay in Geneva. From the outset, the young woman shakes up Alex's plans and drags him along with her through a risky and hazardous treasure-hunt at the confines of Eastern Switzerland. Wanted by the police and hunted down by the mafia, Alex and Sacha decide to shake off their pursuers by moving about more slowly than the others: they then advance through lakes and other roundabout ways. While Alex and Sacha sink deeply into an ever stranger Switzerland, they will observe, discover, oppose and finally love each other to the vanishing point.
Clara and Me
Antoine has what every young single man could wish: a promising career, true and loyal friends, and an apartment of his own. However, he's a lonely man, until he meets Clara, a beautiful and exciting woman, and deeply falls in love with her. All his loneliness turns into joy... but then he learns something that makes it all extremely complicated.
Fais-moi rêver
Alice loves those who make her dream. Saleswoman in a video shop where she is bored, she longs for another life. Fortunately, she meets the beautiful Mickey whom she falls in love with. Mickey disappears and leaves Alice without news. Separation acts as a revelation. Finally they meet again. Alice decides to tackle everything and go on an adventure with him.
Поль, проныра и приживальщик (таких обычно называют коротко и емко: альфонс), в очередной раз изгнан очередной хорошей девушкой. У Поля нет ни денег, ни машины, ни работы, ни друзей - только долги, мутные полукриминальные связи парижского дна и природная наглость. И все же, несмотря на все это, неудачником Поля не назовешь - девушки его, как-никак, любят. Кассирши в супермаркетах закатывают глаза, и Поль без труда находит, чего бы ему поесть и выпить (взял да и переклеил штрих-коды с овощей на марочное вино или деликатесы). А та самая наглость, которая второе счастье, помогает найти крышу над головой - Поль легко втирается в доверие к случайному знакомому. Тихий, скромный, робкий, честный и романтичный музыкант Александр с порога подставляет уши под беспардонную лапшу нечистого на руку Поля и впускает его на постой в дом друга, где он сам живет на правах квартиранта.
Большая Гонка
Le laveur de pare-brises
Четверо мелких преступников, Таччини, Сами, Йайа и Кадер, должны притвориться высококлассными гонщиками и попасть в команду, принимающую участие в кругосветной гонке. Во время гонки они должны убить капитана команды, молодого богача Леонора, наследника крупного состояния. За это ребятам обещано четыре миллиона долларов от самого Карлито, босса местной мафии. Внезапно ситуация осложняется третьей силой — четверкой профессиональных киллеров, нанятой жестокой Мадам Йо.
Women or Children First
Tom, a Spaniard, is married to Sylvie and lives a quiet but a bit boring life in the Britanny countryside (west of France). Trouble comes when Tom ex girlfriend reappears, asking for help, announcing him that she had a girl from him 9 years ago.
La Grande Vie !
On a hospital bed, Marcello is plunged into a deep coma. His guardian angel asks the angel in charge of bringing him back to the afterlife to extend the contract of his protégé.
Ghislain Lambert's Bicycle
In the 70s, there was Merckx and there were the others. Ghislain Lambert was one of the others. This is his story, a quite simple one. The story of a modest Belgian bike racer. His greatest ambition in life? To become a champion. His greatest tragedy? Not having the legs his heart deserves.
J'ai tué Clémence Acéra
A man's wife has disappeared; her diary gives the police detailed account of their sexual life.
Highway Melody
A man discovers he's no longer as close to his ear as he once was in this absurdist comedy. Jeff is minding his own business when a phonograph record tossed from a passing car accidentally cuts off his ear. The ear falls into traffic, gets stuck on the windshield of another vehicle, and begins a long, strange journey, passing from car to car and hand to hand across the country. Jeff, however, can still hear whatever his separated ear is picking up, and is trying to follow the sounds in hopes of catching up with his former body part. However, a doctor warns him he only has a few hours to find his ear, otherwise reattachment will be impossible; in the meantime, Jeff's former girlfriend wastes several of his precious minutes with a discussion about the notion of giving their relationship another try.
Attention aux chiens
Les collègues
This is the story of a small Marseilles football club on the verge of extinction that ends up in an amateur tournament organised during the World Cup (inevitably referred to as "La Mondialette"). It's their opportunity to save the club. The team, made up of temperamental hotheads, will have to dodge all kinds of low blows.
Les Kidnappeurs
The hostage
Ulysse, a gun-toting hood, gets together a team of four people, including himself, to carry out what he thinks will be a fail-safe heist...
Вестерн по-французски
Даже в цивилизованной Франции бывает опасно сажать в свою машину странных попутчиков. Это и случилось с добропорядочным инженером, отправившимся в деловую поездку: он остался в незнакомом городе без машины, без денег, без документов. Но, оказалось, что именно это несчастье поможет ему найти женщину свое мечты! А потом – машину и грабителя. Но его избранница имеет свои представления о счастье. Она настаивает на «испытательном сроке» для их любви: герою придется несколько недель искать приключений по собственному желанию!