Ed Roe


Be Good For Rachel
Tonight Rachel is double-booked: babysitting job and nervous breakdown. But she's fine. REALLY, SHE'S FINE!
Be Good For Rachel
Tonight Rachel is double-booked: babysitting job and nervous breakdown. But she's fine. REALLY, SHE'S FINE!
A man dumps the garbage of his neighbours. Little does he know that this is going to affect his relationship to a woman.
A man dumps the garbage of his neighbours. Little does he know that this is going to affect his relationship to a woman.
Keane - Strangers
Strangers tells the story of Tom Chaplin, Tim Rice-Oxley and Richard Hughes, who formed Keane in '97 at school in Sussex, did their first gig in '98, signed a record deal in 2003, released their debut album Hopes & Fears in 2004 and went on to conquer the world with a voice, a piano and a set of drums. The film charts Keane's musical progression from a four-piece guitar band to the three-piece piano-based group that they've become today, and shows how they went on from playing tiny gigs on the UK pub circuit, to winning 2 Brits awards and selling nearly 5 million albums around the world.
Keane - Strangers
Strangers tells the story of Tom Chaplin, Tim Rice-Oxley and Richard Hughes, who formed Keane in '97 at school in Sussex, did their first gig in '98, signed a record deal in 2003, released their debut album Hopes & Fears in 2004 and went on to conquer the world with a voice, a piano and a set of drums. The film charts Keane's musical progression from a four-piece guitar band to the three-piece piano-based group that they've become today, and shows how they went on from playing tiny gigs on the UK pub circuit, to winning 2 Brits awards and selling nearly 5 million albums around the world.
Свидетель на свадьбе
Олли — писатель-неудачник, имеющий самую посредственную работу для человека своего круга. Казалось бы, его жизнь уже лишена всякого смысла… Но однажды случай меняет все… Раздается неожиданный звонок от друга по колледжу Джеймса с просьбой стать свидетелем на его свадьбе. И, конечно же, Олли влюбляется с первого взгляда в красавицу-невесту, в будущую жену своего лучшего друга. Всячески пытаясь сдержать свои чувства к Саре, главный герой постепенно понимает, что его лучший друг — вовсе не тот мужчина, который заслуживает любви такой прекрасной девушки. А что, если жених и свидетель поменяются местами?…
Call Register
A guy borrows his best friend's mobile phone in order to call a girl he recently met, but the phone recognizes the number being dialed, leading to a number of awkward and funny complications.
Call Register
A guy borrows his best friend's mobile phone in order to call a girl he recently met, but the phone recognizes the number being dialed, leading to a number of awkward and funny complications.
The Route V50
As a traveler searches for a place called Confidence, he keeps running into other versions of himself.