Russell Harlan

Russell Harlan

Рождение : 1903-09-16, Los Angeles, California, USA

Смерть : 1974-02-28


Born Russell September 16, 1903 in Los Angeles, California to Frank and Bertha Harlan, who hailed from Iowa and Missouri. Russell was raised in Los Angeles along with his younger brother Richard (b. 1911). His paternal grandmother Sarah J. Harlan also lived with the family. Harlan started in the film industry as an actor and stuntman, and by the early 1930s was working behind the camera as an assistant. His first work as lead cinematographer was in 1937, when he filmed four "Hopalong Cassidy" westerns for Harry Sherman Productions. Harlan had a career as a cinematographer that spanned some thirty-three years from 1937 to 1970. He was nominated six times for the Academy Award for Best Cinematography, including two in 1962 for his work on Hatari! and To Kill a Mockingbird.


Russell Harlan


Дорогая Лили
Director of Photography
Действие происходит во время первой мировой войны, а в основу сюжета положена легенда небезызвестной Маты Хари.
Director of Photography
Северная Африка, сентябрь 1942-го. Трудные времена. Идёт Вторая мировая война. Капитан Курт Бергман (Джордж Пеппард) и его люди — немецкие евреи, служащие в Специальной группе поиска, сокращённо SIG, освобождают из плена майора Дональда Крэйга (Рок Хадсон). Основываясь на старом предложении капитана, командование разработало план диверсионной операции по уничтожению в Тобруке бункеров с топливом, что должно помешать дальнейшему продвижению Африканского корпуса под командованием генерала-фельдмаршала Роммеля...
Director of Photography
В 1820-х годах Эбнер Хэйл, целеустремлённый и лишённый чувства юмора миссионер, женится на прекрасной Джеруше Бромли и отвозит её на экзотические Гавайи, где ему предстоит работать. Однако разрыв между двумя культурами слишком велик, и вместо понимания приходит трагедия.
Большие гонки
Director of Photography
Начало ХХ века. Знаменитый испытатель, рыцарь без страха и упрека, всегда с иголочки одетый во все белое, Лесли по прозвищу Великий организует беспрецедентный автопробег Нью-Йорк-Париж. Завистливый и злобный изобретатель профессор Фэйт со своим верным слугой Максом принимает вызов Лесли. Он готов на все, лишь бы тот не добрался до финиша живым. Но какое приключение без женщины. И она появляется - красотка Мэгги обещает редактору ежедневной газеты сделать сенсационный репортаж с места событий и отправляется навстречу опасностям за рулем своей колымаги. Гонка стартовала, герой, красавица и злодей отправляются в путь...
Quick, Before It Melts
Director of Photography
A reporter and a photographer become entwined with women, marriage, and a defecting Russian scientist while on an expedition to Antarctica for their magazine.
Дорогое сердце
Director of Photography
В нью-йоркском отеле встречаются два человека - Иви Джексон, делегат съезда руководителей почтовых отделений, и Гарри Морк, бизнесмен. За считанные часы знакомства они понимают, что расстаться не в силах.
Любимый спорт мужчин
Director of Photography
Роджер Уиллоуби работает в магазине спортивных товаров и является автором хорошо продаваемого самоучителя по рыбной ловле. Роджеру удалось написать этот бестселлер, ни разу не побывав на рыбалке. Но однажды настойчивая, если не сказать настырная, девушка по имени Эбби вовлекает Роджера в соревнование рыбаков, а такому «профессионалу» негоже их проигрывать…
Скопление орлов
Director of Photography
Полковник Джим Колдуэлл назначен командиром военной базы ВВС вблизи Сан-Франциско. Предыдущий командир Кармоди снят с должности, поскольку во время некоего инцидента база не была оперативно приведена в боевую готовность. Пытаясь навести порядок, Колдуэлл становится всё более жестким и требовательным к подчиненным. Его жена Виктория страдает от одиночества, потому что Джим всё больше и больше отдаляется от неё.
Убить пересмешника
Director of Photography
Фильм о юристе из Алабамы, воспитывающем без матери своих двоих детей. Помимо темы расовых предрассудков на Юге, это рассказ о том, как двое детей из мира фантазий делают первые шаги в совершенно иной мир подростков, где уже формируются такие понятия, как благородство, сострадание, справедливость и неравенство. В обстановке экономической депрессии, преисполненной фанатизма и ненависти, мудрый, мягкий, с тихой речью и великолепными манерами алабамский юрист должен защищать в суде негра, ложно обвиненного в изнасиловании.
The Spiral Road
Director of Photography
A selfish and prideful young Dutch doctor, through a series of circumstances, comes to learn that he does indeed "need" a higher spiritual being and other people.
Director of Photography
Шон с группой приятелей-охотников ловит в африканских саваннах зверей по заказам мировых зоопарков. Работа с дикими животными связана с высоким риском, поэтому, когда приехавшая из Европы репортёрша начинает уговаривать Шона взять её с собой на сафари, она получает категорический отказ. Впрочем, репортёрша весьма симпатична, и в итоге Шону оказывается трудно устоять перед её женскими чарами.
Sunrise at Campobello
Director of Photography
The story of Franklin Roosevelt's bout with polio at age 40 in 1921 and how his family (and especially wife Eleanor) cope with his illness. From being stricken while vacationing at Campobello to his triumphant nominating speech for Al Smith's presidency in 1924, the story follows the various influences on his life and his determination to recover - based on the award winning Broadway play of the same name.
Director of Photography
После смерти родителей девочку Поллианну забрала к себе ее тетя, известная своим суровым нравом и безраздельно властвующая в маленьком американском городке. Попав в мир строгих правил и запретов, оказавшись одна в чужом городе, в чужом доме, среди чужих людей, Поллианна не отчаивается. Ей помогает «Игра в радость», когда-то придуманная ее отцом. Все просто: в любой ситуации, при любых обстоятельствах надо найти что-то хорошее, то, чему можно порадоваться… и поделиться этой радостью с другими. Поначалу Полианна раздражает своим оптимизмом не только свою тетю, но и других жителей унылого города. Но «Игра в радость», которую дарит окружающим Поллианна, оказывается необычайно заразительной… и переворачивает жизнь всего сообщества…
Операция «Нижняя юбка»
Director of Photography
Вторая мировая война позади. Контр-адмирал Мэтт Шерман прощается с подводной лодкой «Морской Тигр», на которой служил капитаном. Шерман читает бортовой журнал и вспоминает события давно минувших дней. Шел 1941 год. Спустя три дня после Перл-Харбора, его лодка получила серьезные повреждения во время воздушного налета в Манильском заливе. Тогда он принял решение поднять лодку в самый разгар вражеской атаки. Это была рискованная операция.
День преступника
Director of Photography
В небольшом унылом и заснеженном городке на Диком Западе, где-то в штате Вайоминг прошлого века, жизнь далека от идиллии. Мало того, что местные ранчеры враждуют между собой, так ещё поселение захватывает банда головорезов, под руководством жестокого ветерана Гражданской войны, бывшего армейского капитана Джека Бруна. Единственной надеждой жителей становится суровый и внешне столь же грозный, как и бандиты, ранчер Блейз Старрет...
Рио Браво
Director of Photography
Шериф маленького городка Рио Браво Джон Ченс арестовывает убийцу. Брат арестованного, известный бандит, собирает самых отчаянных головорезов со всей округи для его освобождения. Город наводнен преступниками, но Ченс принимает вызов. На помощь к шерифу приходят лишь пьяница, певица и молодой, но быстрый стрелок. Горстка смельчаков стоит за правое дело…
King Creole
Director of Photography
Danny Fisher, young delinquent, flunks out of high school. He quits his job as a busboy in a nightclub, and one night he gets the chance to perform. Success is imminent and the local crime boss Maxie Fields wants to hire him to perform at his night club The Blue Shade. Danny refuses, but Fields won't take no for an answer.
Идти тихо, идти глубоко
Director of Photography
Вторая мировая воина. Гавайские острова. Японцы после нападения на Перл Харбор продолжают методично уничтожать флот США. Очередная американская подводная лодка потоплена японским эсминцем, капитан Ричардсон чудом остался в живых и списан на берег. Он жаждет отомстить врагам за гибель своей субмарины, и такая возможность ему предоставлена командованием, ведь только он знает все глубины в этом квадрате. Адмирал флота назначает его шкипером — капитаном на субмарину «Нерка», но команда не рада такому начальству, ведь матросы уже выбрали себе капитаном ДжимаБледсо. На борту начинается психологическое противостояние. Новый капитан ежедневно проводит тактические учения по быстрому погружению, от которых команда не в восторге, но эти учебные маневры в последствии дадут огромные преимущества в подводной войнеи приведут экипаж к победе над врагом.
Свидетель обвинения
Director of Photography
Сэру Уилфриду Робэртсу, престарелому адвокату, бережно опекаемому медсестрой мисс Плимсолл, поступает предложение защищать интересы Леонарда Стивена Воула, которому инкриминируется убийство. В невиновности подопечного его убеждает искренность чувств красивой женщины - Кристин Воул, в девичестве Хелм, и многоопытный юрист берётся за дело.
This Could Be the Night
Director of Photography
To earn extra money, a prim schoolteacher takes a second job as secretary to the uncouth owner of a boisterous nightclub.
Something of Value
Director of Photography
As Kenya's Mau Mau uprising tears the country apart, former childhood friends Kimani (Sidney Poitier), a native, and Peter (Rock Hudson), a British colonist, find themselves on opposite sides of the struggle in this provocative drama. Though each is devoted to his cause, both wish for a more moderate path -- but their hopes for a peaceful resolution are thwarted by rage, colonial arrogance and escalating violence on both sides.
Жажда жизни
Director of Photography
Фильм рассказывает о художнике Винсенте Ван Гоге, одолеваемом психическими проблемами и разочарованием от неудач. При поддержке своего брата Тео измученный Ван Гог покидает Голландию и отправляется во Францию, где он встречается с художником Полем Гогеном и старается найти вдохновение для своего творчества.
Последняя охота
A buffalo hunter has a falling-out with his partner, who kills for fun.
Land of the Pharaohs
Director of Photography
In ancient Egypt the Pharaoh Khufu is obsessed with acquiring gold and plans to take it all with him into the "second life." To this end he enlists the aid of Vashtar, an architect whose people are enslaved in Egypt. The deal: build a robbery-proof tomb and the enslaved people will be freed. During the years that the pyramid is being built a Cyprian princess becomes the pharaoh's second wife, and she plots to prevent Khufu from taking his treasure with him when he dies .. as well as helping him make the journey early.
Школьные джунгли
Director of Photography
Учитель Ричард Дэдьер получает назначение в школу, где учится очень много трудных подростков, а учителя смирились с тем, что потеряли контроль над учениками. Ричард пытается завоевать авторитет среди своих учеников, однако наталкивается на враждебность. Ситуация доходит до того, что начинают угрожать беременной жене Дэдьера. В ярости он обвиняет во всем чернокожего ученика Грегори Миллера, которого он считает главным зачинщиком в классе. Но не ошибается ли Дэдьер, подозревая Грегори только из-за его цвета кожи?
Riot in Cell Block 11
Director of Photography
A prisoner leads his counterparts in a protest for better living conditions which turns violent and ugly.
Ruby Gentry
Director of Photography
A sexy but poor young girl marries a rich man she doesn't love, but carries a torch for another man.
The Ring
Director of Photography
A young Mexican/American learns about life both inside and out of the ring when he takes up boxing.
Большое небо
Director of Photography
Джим Дикинс ведет торговлю с индейцами. С группой товарищей он отправляется вверх по реке Миссури, чтобы приобрести меха у дружественного племени индейцев. Но перед этим им нужно пройти через враждебные земли. К сожалению, они сильно недооценивают трудности, которые ждут их на пути…
Director of Photography
Антарктическая экспедиция обнаруживает вмёрзший тысячи лет назад глубоко в лёд инопланетный космический корабль. Из него извлекают тело замёрзшего инопланетянина. Но когда тот оттаивает, выясняется, что этот организм неуязвим для всех видов земного оружия и обладает немыслимой силой. Инопланетянин крайне опасен, легко ориентируется в лабиринтах коридоров станции, выбирая наилучшие маршруты, при этом нападает только на одиноких людей.
The Man Who Cheated Himself
Director of Photography
A veteran homicide detective who has witnessed his socialite girlfriend kill her husband sees his inexperienced brother assigned to the case.
Southside 1-1000
Director of Photography
The U.S. Secret Service goes after a counterfeiting ring by placing one of its agents in a criminal mob.
The Kangaroo Kid
Director of Photography
A 19th-century San Francisco detective named Tex Kinnane is sent "Down Under" to nab shyster lawyer Vincent Moller. Several comparisons are made between the American Wild West and the equally treacherous Australian outback.
Тарзан и рабыня
Director of Photography
Таинственная болезнь поразила дикое племя леонидов, и чтобы спасти свой народ от вырождения мужчины решаются на отчаянный шаг: похитить женщин из соседних племен. На их пути встает отважный Тарзан, но сможет ли он один противостоять целому племени? Однако у него нет выхода - ведь вскоре в их руках оказывается и его прекрасная Джейн...
Guilty Bystander
Director of Photography
A drunken ex-cop gets a shot at redemption when his young son is kidnapped after a smuggling deal goes belly up.
Без ума от оружия
Director of Photography
Барт Тэр с раннего детства любит оружие. По возвращению из армии друзья отводят его в парк с аттракционами, где он встречает Лори, девушку своей мечты, которая работает в этом парке и любит оружие не меньше, чем он. Вскоре они женятся. После свадьбы Лори становится недовольна своим финансовым положением. Барт не может противостоять беспощадной и жадной женщине, которую он любит. И пара начинает вереницу дерзких грабежей…
Bad Men of Tombstone
Director of Photography
A marshal goes up against a collection of vicious outlaws terrorizing his own.
Красная река
Director of Photography
На Запад идет большой караван. Тяжелые, медленные повозки тащат измотанные лошади и скорость этого усталого, еле-еле передвигающегося «организма» настолько мала, что это уже даже представляет опасность, так как на такой караван легче всего напасть и разграбить. И тогда самый отчаянный и пассионарный малый по имени Том Дансон решает наплевать на все, в том числе и на свою возлюбленную Фен, и податься на Юг. Туда, где настоящего ковбоя манит сказочно богатая и многообещающая Красная Река. Как только они перевалили через небольшой холм, то услышали сзади звуки выстрелов и увидели мощные клубы черного дыма.
Four Faces West
Director of Photography
Cowboy Ross McEwen arrives in town. He asks the banker for a loan of $2000. When the banker asks about securing a loan that large, McEwen shows him his six-gun collateral. The banker hands over the money in exchange for an I.O.U., signed "Jefferson Davis". McEwen rides out of town and catches a train, but not before being bitten by a rattler. On the train, a nurse, Miss Hollister, tends to his wound. A posse searches the train, but McEwen manages to escape notice. However a mysterious Mexican has taken note of the cowboy, and that loudmouthed brat is still nosing around. Who will be the first to claim the reward for the robber's capture?
Director of Photography
A cattle-vs.-sheepman feud loses Connie Dickason her fiance, but gains her his ranch, which she determines to run alone in opposition to Frank Ivey, "boss" of the valley, whom her father Ben wanted her to marry. She hires recovering alcoholic Dave Nash as foreman and a crew of Ivey's enemies. Ivey fights back with violence and destruction, but Dave is determined to counter him legally... a feeling not shared by his associates. Connie's boast that, as a woman, she doesn't need guns proves justified, but plenty of gunplay results.
Прогулка под солнцем
Director of Photography
Италия, 1943 год. Взвод американских солдат приближается к берегу вблизи Салерно. Неся потери, солдаты укрепляются на пляже и отстреливаются от противника. Уцелевшие отряды решают атаковать укрепленную ферму неподалеку, но число жертв со временем лишь растет...
Forty Thieves
When he runs for sheriff, Hoppy is beaten by Jerry Doyle, the gutless wonder voted for by every crook in town. When Hoppy moves to have the new sheriff impeached, outlaw leader Tad Hammond hires forty gunslingers to stop him. Stop Hoppy? Hah!
Mystery Man
Hoppy's ranch is threatened by rustlers. Hoppy and the gang oblige as usual.
Julie's husband has been murdered and land agents want her to sign away her property rights. Hoppy warns against this but she does so anyway. It looks as though she will be unable to deliver the timber called for in her agreement. Hoppy has to make the lumber deal happened and solve the murder.
Texas Masquerade
A young Eastern lawyer, seriously injured in a stage holdup, secures the help of Hoppy, California and Jimmy in completing his mission to his woman cousin's ranch in Texas. The ranch, as are others in the same area, is being plagued by a gang called the Night Riders, while the friendly local town lawyer is trying to cajole the cousin into selling out to him. Hoppy begins by arriving in the town, separate from his pals, all spiffed up and dandified, posing as the Eastern lawyer...
The Woman of the Town
Director of Photography
Bat Masterson, who after failing to secure a job as a newspaper reporter becomes marshal of Dodge City. Preferring socializing to peacekeeping, Masterson falls in love with Dora Hand, the obligatory golden-hearted chorus girl whose concern for the welfare of her fellow citizens at time reaches Madonna-like dimensions. When Dora is shot down cattle baron King Kennedy, Masterson begins taking his job seriously. After taking care of Kennedy, Masterson determines to enshrine the memory of Dora, whose efforts to clean up Dodge City were largely ignored by the "decent" townsfolk.
Тарзан и тайна пустыни
Director of Photography
В девственный тропический лес, где живет Тарзан и его сын Бой, на парашюте спускается срочное письмо от жены Тарзана Джейн. Джейн пишет, что находится далеко от них в Англии и ей нужна особая сыворотка от малярии для лечения больных солдат. А добыть ее можно только из сока плотоядных растений, находящихся в оазисе, окруженном знойной пустыней. Тарзан, Бой и Чита покидают джунгли и спешат под палящим солнцем пустыни навстречу новым приключениям…
Riders of the Deadline
When Ranger Hoppy's falsely accused young ranger friend is killed while supposedly trying to escape from jail, Hoppy is blamed and drummed out of the Texas Rangers.
False Colors
Director of Photography
Before he was killed by Mark Foster's men, Bud Lawton willed part ownership in his ranch to Hoppy and his two pals. When the three arrive they find a fake posing as Lawton. When they expose the imposter, Foster gets the Sheriff to jail them for Lawton's murder.
Bar 20
Stagecoach robbers take the money Hoppy was going to use to buy cattle so Hoppy, California and Lin go after them.
The Kansan
Director of Photography
Wounded while stopping the James gang from robbing the local bank, a cowboy wakes up in the hospital to find that he's been elected town marshal. He soon comes into conflict with the town banker, who controls everything in town and is squeezing the townspeople for every penny he can get out of them.
Colt Comrades
Hoppy, California and Johnny partner up with brother and sister ranch owners, two of several who are having their access to water blocked by a dam owned by a greedy merchant in town, who is intent on driving them out and taking their land for himself.
Leather Burners
As rustled cattle have mysteriously disappeared, Johnny sends for his friend Hoppy, Hoppy arrives and immediately suspects Dan Slack. Realizing his telegram about Slack was intercepted, he locks up the operator Lafe knowing he can escape. Tailing Lafe he finds a secret entrance to a mine and inside finds the missing cattle. But Slack's men also find him just as the cattle are stampeded through the mine shaft.
Buckskin Frontier
Director of Photography
A railroad man and the owner of a freight line battle for control of a crucial mountain pass.
Border Patrol
When three Texas Rangers try to investigate kidnapped Mexicans being used as forced labor in the mines of Silver Bullet, they are framed for murder by the town's corrupt sheriff.
Hoppy Serves a Writ
Posing as a cattle buyer, Hoppy crosses over into Oklahoma where the Jordan brother's and their outlaw gang operate outside the law. After receiving an unfriendly reception when he finds them, he, California, and Johnny rustle their cattle and drive across the river into Texas. He hopes they will cross over to retrieve their cattle and then he can arrest them.
Lost Canyon
Burton is after Clark's ranch. He gets the banker to refuse to renew Clark's note and then sends his men to rustle his cattle. Hoppy is Clark's new foreman and is on to Burton's scheme. But just as he learns of the rustling and is about to go after the gang, the Sheriff arrives and arrests him for hiding Johnny who has been accused of robbery.
American Empire
Director of Photography
Richard Dix as Dan Taylor and Preston S. Foster as Paxton Bryce are two longtime friends seeking their fortune in Texas after the war. The two men decide, not without problems, to establish a cattle empire. Paxton becoming too ambitious, distances himself from Dan and Abby, Paxton's wife. It will only be after a personal tragedy that he will come back to his senses.
Undercover Man
A bandit who robs both Americans and Mexicans is causing each side of the border to blame the other. Hoppy has to settle matters.
Tombstone: The Town Too Tough to Die
Director of Photography
Uneven version of Wyatt Earp vs. the Clanton Gang with a little romance thrown in haphazardly.
Secret of the Wastelands
Hoppy is leading a scientific expedition and the Chinese who have a hidden settlement nearby are trying to stop them. Saulters and his outlaw gang are also in the area looking for a gold mine. When Saulters men attack, the gold mine is found. Hoppy agrees to file for the Chinese and heads after Saulters in the chase to the land office.
Twilight on the Trail
Hoppy, California and Johnny come to the ranch of a friend and his daughter, disguised as dude detectives from the east, to investigate the disappearances, without a trace, of several herds of cattle.
Stick to Your Guns
Buck Peters arranges for Hoppy, California, Johnny and other cowboys to go to the aid of friends whose cattle are being rustled. Hoppy and California locate the rustlers' hideout and join the gang by posing as outlaws themselves, but must find a way to let the rest of the posse know where they are.
Riders of the Timberline
Hopalong Cassidy and Johnny Nelson ride to the mountains to help a man and his daughter save their logging business from someone who is sabotaging their efforts.
Wide Open Town
Belle Langtry runs a town being taken over by cattle rustlers. She is also a front for the outlaws, who are led by Steve Fraser. Hoppy gets elected sheriff and cleans up the town with help from the Bar 20 boys.
Pirates on Horseback
Hoppy, Lucky and California search for a mine owned by Trudy Pendleton after it was taken from her by thw swindling gambler Ace Gibson. They find the mine and Hoppy fights Gibson over it.
Border Vigilantes
A town bedeviled with outlaws sends for Hoppy, Lucky and California after their own vigilante committee fails to solve the towns problems. Hoppy discovers that the bad guys are led by the town boss, and so are the vigilantes.
In Old Colorado
Joe Weller has instigated a conflict over water rights between two ranchers. The idea is to have the ranchers do each other in then move in and take over. Hoppy and the good guys won't let this happen.
Doomed Caravan
Stephen Westcott and Ed Martin scheme to put Jane Travers' wagon line out of business. They want to use it take over all the wagon- train traffic going west. Hoppy, California and Lucky must make sure that doesn't happen.
Three Men From Texas
Hoppy and new sidekick California Carlson head to California to help out Lucky Jenkins.
Stagecoach War
Hoppy is busy chasing stagecoach bandits who sing as they rob.
Hidden Gold
Hoppy and Lucky have been called in to investigate a series of stage holdups. The robbers are taking gold from Colby's mine and Hoppy suspects it may be ex-outlaw Colby himself. When Speedy strikes gold, Hoppy borrows it and announces a gold shipment hoping to catch the gang and their leader.
The Light of Western Stars
Director of Photography
Easterner Madeline Hammond buys a ranch not knowing Hayworth is using it to smuggle ammunition across the border. When trouble starts, she brings back Gene Stewart ex-foreman who left the country after fighting with the Sheriff.
The Showdown
European bad guy Baron Bendor leads some local townsmen in a plot to obtain horses through theft. Hoppy and his sidekicks Lucky and Speedy must find and expose the horse thieves.
Santa Fe Marshal
U.S. Marshal Hopalong Cassidy is called when a town becomes overun with bad guys. Disguised as a member of a medicine show, Hoppy discovers that the ringleader is none other than sweet li'l ol' Ma Burton.
The Llano Kid
Lora Travers is the only person who can identify hold-up artist The Llano Kid and she persuades him to come in on a scheme with her and her husband. They have been searching for the long-lost son of a rich Mexican widow and they get the Kid to claim it is him. All goes according to plan until greed and jealousy raise their heads.
Law of the Pampas
Director of Photography
Hoppy and Lucky are headed to South America to deliver a heard of cattle. Bay guy Ralph Merritt gets in their way. For a while.
Range War
Buck Colins heads a group of local ranchers who are trying to prevent the railroad from completing its line through their property. Till now they have been able to charge tolls on herds passing through. Hoppy goes undercover to expose them.
Renegade Trail
Director of Photography
Hoppy goes to town to help Marshal Windy with some rustlers and winds up helping the widow Joyce when confidence men try to take her herd. King's Men songs include: "Hi Thar Stranger" and "Lazy Rolls the Rio Grande."
Heritage of the Desert
Director of Photography
John Abbott returns to the desert land he owns, and after being wounded by hired gunman Chick Chance, he is befriended by rancher Andrew Naab and his son, Marvin. Naab's daughter, Marian, falls in love with John but is about to marry Snap Thornton to keep a promise made by her father. She runs away on her wedding day but is captured and held hostage by outlaw Henry Holderness. John, the Naabs and fellow ranchers rush to her rescue.
Silver on the Sage
Director of Photography
Hoppy goes undercover as a gambler from the East when Bar 20 cattle are stolen by unknown rustlers. Brennan/Talbot are twin brothers (one a casino owner, the other a rancher) and Hoppy believes they provide alibis for each other while one is out committing crimes. Hoppy gets a job in the casino to learn more but is exposed when a gambling gunslinger notices him.
Sunset Trail
Disguising himself as a milquetoast Easterner who writes Western novels, Hoppy enrolls in a dude ranch in order to unmask the murderer of the owner's husband.
The Frontiersmen
The local school is causing Hoppy problems. First Bar 20 cattle are stolen when Hoppy investigates a problem there. Then the new teacher arrives and disrupts the routine of the Bar 20 hands. Later with the Bar 20 hands at graduation, the rustlers are poised to strike again. But there is dissension among them and this will lead to the break that Hoppy needs.
The Mysterious Rider
Director of Photography
Ben Wade and his partner Frosty return to Bellounds' ranch where twenty years earlier Wade was wanted for murder. Unrecognized, he gets a job on the ranch and soon becomes involved in Folsom's cattle rustling and a chance to settle an old score.
In Old Mexico
Escaped criminal "The Fox" hates Hoppy and a Rurales colonel for imprisoning him and lures Cassidy to Mexico in order to exact his vengeance.
Pride of the West
Caldwell and Nixon have their men rob the stage and then critcize the Sheriff for not catching the robbers. With her father the Sheriff under pressure, Mary sends for Hoppy who finds the stolen money and sets a trap to bring in the entire gang.
Bar 20 Justice
Hoppy's friend Dennis owns a rich gold mine. Frazier who owns the adjoining mine and wants the Dennis mine, has Dennis killed. Hoppy steps in to take over running the Dennis mine and learns Frazier's men sneak into and work the Dennis mine at night. Hoppy captures one of Frazier's men only to be captured in return by Frazier and left to die in a burning building.
Heart of Arizona
Belle Starr has returned from time in prison only to face a hail of bullets, along with rescue by Hoppy and the Bar 20 gang.
Cassidy of Bar 20
Director of Photography
Hopalong Cassidy, boss of the Bar 20 ranch in Texas, rides down the Camino Real in the New Mexico cattle country near Alamogordo, in response to an urgent message from his lifelong sweetheart, Nora Blake, who is in serious trouble. Before he and his saddlemates, "Lucky" Jenkins and "Pappy", can reach her ranch, they are stopped by Clay Allison, a cattle-rustler who is in almost complete control of the district, and wants to extend his holdings by seizing Nora's cattle and driving her out. Seeing Cassidy as a menace to his plans, he has him arrested on a trumped-up charge. Cassidy and his pals shoot their way out of the trouble and reach Nora;s ranch where they learn that Allison's henchmen have murdered her foreman, Tom Dillon, and Allison has sent for a crew of outlaws on the Texas border.
Partners of the Plains
Director of Photography
Lorna Drake has inherited a ranch. Hoppy teaches her a bit about ranching and handles Scar Lewis, the bad guy, in the process.
Texas Trail
The U.S. Army needs more horses for the Spanish-American War. Hoppy must turn his Bar 20 cowhands into Rough Riders to gather up the horses, and of course bad guys try to sabotage the operation.
Hopalong Rides Again
Director of Photography
On a cattle drive Hoppy, camp cook Windy, companion Lucky, and young Artie Peters encounter an eccentric professor. The professor professes to be searching for the evolutionary missing link, but in reality he is a cattle rustler who uses his dynamite to scatter the cattle in order capture some of them. Hoppy and Bar 20 guys ultimately capture the professor.
Rustlers' Valley
Hoppy clears Lucky on a charge of bank robbery and foils the plot of a crooked lawyer to rustle a herd of pedigree cattle and take over the valley.
North of the Rio Grande
Director of Photography
Hoppy's brother has been murdered and he is on the trail of the murderers. To get them he makes himself seem to be a wanted man.