Michael Kind

Michael Kind

Рождение : 1953-07-23, Halle an der Saale, Germany


Michael Kind


Urlaub mit Mama
Wolfsland – Irrlichter
Arnold Olmützer
Schwarzbrot in Thailand
Full Moon
Björn Steinert
Lara was severely traumatised as a child and every day this trauma catches up with her. During a photo session, she falls in love with Conrad, a writer who has just been released from prison. What Conrad doesn't know is that everyone around her knows the burden Lara lives with. Her uncle Markus resorts to drastic means to save Lara and risks losing her forever.
Lucky Loser
With Mike it's anything but round: flat away, job a one-way street, and to make matters worse, his little loser heart still beats for ex-wife Claudia.
Чёртов Берлин
«Берлин — это не город, Берлин — это ритм. Если твой ритм не совпадет с ритмом этого города, ты пропадёшь». Молодая студентка Соня пытается следовать этому правилу. Она приехала покорять Берлин, но скорее Берлин подчинил её себе. Учиться в Берлинском университете — её цель, а средство для достижения этой цели — бордель «Оазис». Фильм снят на основе одноименного автобиографического романа. Автор — девушка итальянского происхождения, проживающая в Германии и под псевдонимом Соня Росси описавшая несколько лет своей работы в берлинских борделях.
Verfassungsschützer K. – Brandenburg
An African-German Author loses his memory and is used by a modern National Socialist Party as promotion-figure for more political power over Germany.
King Richard
When she was a child, Ludmilla was the treasure of her parents, She worked, sewed, washed, and spun as much as seven ordinary people, and Ludmilla was “As Pretty as Seven.” But on account of her pretty face, everybody stared at her; and, as she did not like this, she put a veil over her face. The young peasant beyond her beauty is a humble woman who doesn't rely on her beauty alone but her strength of character, her education and on true love. The poor farmer's daughter veils her face, but that doesn't prevent Arthur, the Prince of the kingdom from recognizing her true inner beauty and falling deeply in love with her. The King cannot accept such a union. Her parent's farmhouse is burned. To save her life, she decides to change her identity by disguising herself as a valet and will henceforth be called Misfortune. “As Pretty as Seven was once my name, But it changed to Misfortune when here I came.”.
Dust On Our Hearts
Kathi is 30 years old, a single mother and a luckless actress who is regularly turned down at auditions. While Kathi doesn't know how to get her life on track, her mother Chris is a successful psychoanalyst. Chris doesn't take her daughter's career choices seriously, and constantly tries to give her good advice on everything. One day, Kathi's father suddenly appears after 15 years of absence and wants to reunite the family. Confronted with the past, Kathi gets the unexpected chance to address the ongoing conflict with her mother and to set new goals for her future.
Sushi in Suhl
Lothar Jäger (Kreisdirektor der HO)
"Artists" tells the fateful stories of eight young people behind bars who hope for nothing more than freedom and the simple desire to be normal again.
Mörder kennen keine Grenzen
Major Krawczyk
Résiste - Aufstand der Praktikanten
Herr Feldmann
After a few years working like intern, Till, eventually becomes head of his own company, job counseling for young trainees. In turn, comes Sydelia, left-wing activist, idealist and combative. Their paths will soon cross youth. She is determined to start it the capitalist world in which we now live in a revolutionary way. But really, two people so different can be attracted?
Die Entbehrlichen
Bertram Held
Jacob tries to hide the suicide of his father because he is afraid to have to live in an orphanage.
Hoffnung für Kummerow
Prager Botschaft
Günther Herfurth
Die Könige der Nutzholzgewinnung
Die Kette
Bert Heubler
Маленький немецкий городок Шлитц объят паникой — на расположенной неподалёку атомной электростанции произошла авария, и всю округу накрывает радиоактивное облако…
Liebe auf vier Pfoten
When her partner Erik has to cancel the holiday, lawyer Claudia Schmitt decides to travel alone to Lusatia. There she meets Mark Berner, who rents holiday cottages in the area. At first, the two are not sympathetic. But as Claudia run towards two little lynxes, they gradually come closer and fall in love. But then Claudia thinks he can find out a dark secret in Mark's past, which later turns out to be a misunderstanding. But it is already too late - Claudia is on her way back to Salzburg. But Mark decides to fight Claudia.
SA-Mann / Ruinenkeller
Апрель 1945 года. Советские войска сжимают кольцо вокруг столицы Третьего рейха - Берлина. Перед лицом неминуемого поражения нацистская верхушка ищет спасение в секретном бункере, не желая покидать обезумевшего фюрера. Отвергнув предложения о побеге, Гитлер утверждает, что победа близка. Он приказывает сравнять Германию с землёй и обсуждает детали своего самоубийства. Последнее убежище палачей пронизано агонией и страхом. И лишь те, кто выйдут живыми из этого бетонного ада, смогут поведать историю о последних минутах жизни и мрачном падении диктатора и его режима.
Dornröschens leiser Tod
Max Schreiner
Kleinruppin Forever
Two twin brothers are living on a different sides of Berlin Wall after being separated after birth.
Der Aufstand
Die Datsche
Pigs Will Fly
A man struggles with memories of his violent childhood.
A 16 years old boy from Germany runs away from a boring birthday party and follows a few graffiti artists to the station. When police arrives he escapes in a train and gets over the border to the Czech Republic. There he meets a wild Czech girl and falls in love with her. Together they try to go to Berlin without having money. A fine road movie about two young people trying to find their way.
Der tote Taucher im Wald
Bruno Bergmann
A crime comedy about the urban legend of the dead diver in the forest.
Hat er Arbeit?
Jörg Grüninger
Picknick im Schnee
Zivilfahnder Olaf Becker
Johannes Breutigam, a successful architect, is confronted with his real life on a New Year's Eve. His wife is cheating on him, his partner Losfeld has betrayed him and his company is on the verge of bankruptcy. Deeply depressed and desperate, he rents a hotel room on the 32nd floor. He writes a farewell letter to his wife and opens the window to jump into the depths. A young woman is standing on the window sill next door, apparently up to the same thing. With the promise to spend the last evening of the year with her, he manages to save her and himself for the time being. This is the beginning of a strange, romantic, comical story that takes place on a single New Year's Eve and in which two people change their lives
Hansjörg Meinel
Das Böse
Bodo Bennath
Zwischen den Feuern
Wer anhält stirbt
A drama about a east german village called 'Amerika'.
1. Soldat
Im Sog der Angst
The Tango Player
Winter 1968. Historian Dr. Dallow is released from prison. He is still trying to cope with and understand why he was put behind bars for 21 months for defamation of the state. His supposed "crime:" for five minutes he accompanied a cabaret chanson on the piano. The film shows what "ordinary socialism" was like, letting the audience feel the threat under which the people in the GDR had to live over many years.
Versteckte Fallen
Claudia and Georg Rattey, a married couple, have everything what people in their mid-thirties might wish for: a car, a farmhouse for vacations on the weekends, and their son Oliver. But their contentedness does not turn into happiness but into an inner void: Claudia and Georg have nothing left to say to each other and just live alongside each other. One day, they discover a ten-year old burglar in their half-finished vacation home.
Die Zeit ist aus den Fugen
Ich, Thomas Müntzer, Sichel Gottes
von Witzleben
Reunion in Travers
The time is the French Revolution; the place is the village of Travers, ensconsed in neutral Switzerland. Prussian aesthete Herman Beyer is on the verge of divorcing wife Corinna Harfouch. Radical writer Uwe Kokisch, Corinna's lover, hopes to find a way of smoothing out animosities. What follows, however, is a nonstop drinking binge. The film subliminally addresses the then-prevalent issue of a divided Germany. Whether or not it succeeds is unimportant; Treffen in Travers (Reunion in Travers) has proven to be a crowd pleaser wherever it has been shown.
Zum Teufel mit Harbolla
2. Unteroffizer
Even the military academy can't stop kind-hearted officer Gottfried Engelhardt from seeing the world through rose-colored glasses. Everything in the young GDR is blooming: Engelhardt's career, the socialist state, the black market, and maybe even a chance at love.
Kai from the Box
Kriminalassistent Schleicher
Kai, a young boy, living in 1923 Berlin tries to convince an American businessman that he can market his chewing gum better than anyone else in town.
Москва в 1920-е годы. На киностудии "Межрабпом-Русь" работают над фильмом "Белый орёл" о погромах на юге России. Имя печально известного губернатора Муратова, прозванного "Извергом", является символом преступлений времён царизма. Во время съёмок появляется пожилой захудалый мужчина, который из-за своего сходства с Муратовым хочет сыграть в фильме. Можно ли было представить, что этот человек и есть настоящий Муратов?
Wengler & Sons
A story spanning three generations, from 1871 to 1945. When Gustav Wengler, a farmer’s son, returns from the Franco-German war in 1871, he goes to work for a precision mechanics and optical company, where he soon becomes a master craftsman. Wengler loyally promises the owner on his deathbed that his sons and grandsons will also stand by the company.
Das Haus am Fluss
1942. The members of the Voß family, mother, two daughters, a daughter-in-law, and a son-in-law, are living in a house at the river. A fellow soldier of son Paul, who fights at the eastern front, delivers his greetings and an embroidered Russian blouse for Emmi, Paul′s wife. Daughter Agnes, whose husband is also fighting in the war, receives a fur vest from the junior partner who is stalking her. Obviously, the vest is also loot from the eastern front. When the family receives news that Emmi′s husband has been killed in action, the war finally enters the house at the river. Emmi commits suicide while Agnes′s husband returns as a cripple from the war front. At home, he has to learn what a price his wife had to pay for the "Russian fur".
Ein Wigwam für die Störche
Martin Luther