Ajay Chandhok


Saadi Marzi
The movie is directed by Ajay Chandhok and featured Anirudh Lalit, Aanchal Tyagi, Harby Sangha and Neena Bundhel as lead characters. Other popular actor who was roped in for Saadi Marzi is Yograj Singh.
Krazzy Tabbar
An engaged couple believes that they are meant to be together, but their conviction shatters when their families meet each other.
Беспечные близнецы
Gopi is a care-free, oversized young guy who lives with his grandfather. He suddenly discovers that his parents had separated following a spat right after his birth and he has a twin brother who lives in Mumbai with their mother...
Chatur Singh Two Star
Bumbling cop Chatur Singh is sent on a special mission to South Africa to solve a high profile case involving the murder of a politician and a cache of diamonds. But before he can redeem his botched up career he must deal with a bunch of loonies which include a crazy mafia don, a weird taxi driver, a hysterical boss and a pretty damsel in distress.
Team: The Force
Three aspiring music artistes endanger their lives after they get into the bad books of a gangster.
Отпетые мошенники
Два мошенника Джон и Джимми случайно узнают, что управляющий отеля Балрам похитил ЗО млн. рупий и начинают шантажировать его, требуя выплатить часть этой суммы. Кажется, что «дело выгорает», но, приехав в Мавританию за деньгами, они находят его мертвым. Теперь у них одна задача - найти, где спрятаны эти деньги. Но нельзя забывать и о том, что те, кто убил Балрама, могут начать охоту за ними…
Герой №1
Assistant Director
Очаровательная Мина, любимая внучка Динахана, приезжает учиться в Лондон. Здесь она встречает Раджа, сбежавшего от своего строгого отца Дханраджи. Молодые с первого взгляда влюбляются друг в друга, но вернувшись в Бомбей узнают о вражде между их отцами. Чтобы отстоять свою любовь, находчивый Радж под видом слуги проникает в дом Динахана..
Gola Barood
Assistant Director
After inspector Mahendra Nath is killed by criminal elements; his son Vijay takes admission as deputy jailer with the intention of reforming criminals so that he can fade way crime from his country. He is shocked to meet one of his truck-driver friend, Shambu who now turn an inmate with a record of going in-and-out of jail often. Vijay then vows to investigate as to how the kind-hearted man he know become a hardcore criminal.