Fabio Piccioni


Club Vacanze
Over the Line
Having had a one night stand with an obsessive prison inmate, the college professor teaching his prison literary soon lives the nightmare of her decision.
Over the Line
Having had a one night stand with an obsessive prison inmate, the college professor teaching his prison literary soon lives the nightmare of her decision.
Una donna da scoprire
Murder Obsession
Michael is a successful actor, but he has a scandal in his past: at a tender age he knifed his father to death. He and his girlfriend Deborah go to his mother's for the weekend, and are joined by the director and others from a recent film project, who are given a rather cool reception by the superstitious housekeeper Oliver. Soon rude things begin happening to some of the guests, and Michael fears a repeat of his nightmare past is in progress.
Murder Obsession
Michael is a successful actor, but he has a scandal in his past: at a tender age he knifed his father to death. He and his girlfriend Deborah go to his mother's for the weekend, and are joined by the director and others from a recent film project, who are given a rather cool reception by the superstitious housekeeper Oliver. Soon rude things begin happening to some of the guests, and Michael fears a repeat of his nightmare past is in progress.
Queen Kong
A female film crew journeys to Africa where a giant ape, Queen Kong, falls in love with the crew's male star.
La studentessa
La verginella
A high school girl is lured into prostitution by a fashion photographer.
The Godfather's Friend
Richard Harrison is the Mob hit man who finds friendships can get you into trouble when he meets an old buddy who turns out to be part of an opposing family!
Меченая пуля
Долгое время Аризона отсутствовал в своем родном краю, занимаясь охотой беглых и разыскиваемых преступников за вознаграждение, но вот пришел момент, когда он решил вернуться. Однако дома он находит, что их семейное ранчо захватили какие-то неизвестные ему чужаки, которые понимают лишь силу кулака и выстрел револьвера. Для стрелка Аризоны этот язык вполне известен и он собирается применить его против захватчиков без всякого стеснения...
You Can Do a Lot with 7 Women
Good fun crime caper! Richard Harrison is Mike Spencer, a cop whose girlfriend is killed by drug dealers after she stumbles onto their operation during a fashion show. He goes undercover as a photographer to catch the people responsible and discovers the modelling agency is a front for drug smugglers, so he uses muscle to get revenge. Featuring a wonderful score by Franco De Gemini and Stefano Torossi!
Finders Killers
A farmer returns home from the forest to find his family butchered. He decides to hunt down the murderers.
Finders Killers
A farmer returns home from the forest to find his family butchered. He decides to hunt down the murderers.
Shadow of Illusion
A young woman is lured to Cairo, where a cult of devil worshippers wants to sacrifice her.
Эль Пуро
Пьяный стрелок, спасаясь от пяти охотников за головами, прячется в салуне у девушки-танцовщицы. Когда его враги, узнав это, убивают девушку, он начинает мстить...
Если встретился с Сартаной, молись о смерти
Дилижанс, перевозящий золотой груз, атакован бандитами. Но само золото таинственным образом исчезает. А в городе появляется загадочный странник в чёрном, чьё появление, очевидно, как-то связано с пропавшим грузом…
The Glass Sphinx
An archaeologist is in danger because of his discoveries.
Thor and the Amazon Women
A race of Amazon warriors is enslaving the men of a country, and the mighty Thor is called upon to help them regain their freedom.
Thor and the Amazon Women
A race of Amazon warriors is enslaving the men of a country, and the mighty Thor is called upon to help them regain their freedom.
Taur the Mighty
The warlike men of Kixos murder the king of Surupak and abduct his two daughters, Jia and Tuja. Jia's bridegroom Syros asks the mighty warrior Taurus for assistance. Taurus faithful companion Ubaratuta will give Taurus a hand to defeat the warlike tribe.
Taur the Mighty
The warlike men of Kixos murder the king of Surupak and abduct his two daughters, Jia and Tuja. Jia's bridegroom Syros asks the mighty warrior Taurus for assistance. Taurus faithful companion Ubaratuta will give Taurus a hand to defeat the warlike tribe.