Dino Strano


Senza vergogna
A partially paralyzed teenager is failing to have sex for the first time. He's eager but clumsy and sickly, so the local country girls reject him. He starts to realize that the only affectionate person in his life is his beautiful mother.
Marlon (as Dean Stratford)
Доктор Робен посредник в необычных дебатах хрупкой Марей, неоднократно подвергавшейся физическому и психологическому насилию с теми людьми, кто повинен в том, что с ней произошло.
Due Magnum .38 per una città di carogne
Franco Palermo
Franco (Dean Stratford) decides to kill his girlfriend’s pimp, and from there things go bad and he gets beaten up by the henchmen of Gordon Mitchell, who also kidnaps and murders his girlfriend. So Franco buys two Magnum .38’s from a guy called “The Gypsy” and . . . it’s time for revenge.
Seven Savage Men
Jeff McNeal
The Cooper gang is terrorizing the town of Stanton with heinous crimes. When the gang rapes and murders an innocent young widow, the sheriff teams up with a notorious gunslinger, the brother of the murdered widow, in order to enact vengeance and justice. Because the lawman's and the gunfighter's methods are so different, two more innocent deaths occur, a friend of the sheriff and a lady friend of the gunfighter ...How will this end?
His Colt, Himself, His Revenge
An ex-sheriff sets out to find the bandits who beat and murdered his sister.
On the Third Day Arrived the Crow
Lincoln Tate and Lorenzo Rineschi are the Kennedy/Connelly brothers who are out to avenge their father's death at the hands of the Crow and his men. In their search, they stumble upon a gold shipment that the bandits are after.
La legge della camorra
Gaetano Liguoro
This film was Jeff Cameron's last film. He plays a secondary role, along with a few of Demofilo Fidani's regulars Dino ( Dean Stratford) Strano and Simonetta (Simone Blondel) Vitelli. Fidani set out to make a sequel to "Sedia Elettrica" which was set in the early days of American gangsterism. What Fidani ends up making is rather boring film. A mess, a montage of scenes composed mostly of action sequences that were removed from "Sedia Elettrica" which were fitted in as flash backs with some new scenes to bridge the present with the past. Some of the re-cycled scenes are with Big I Verdi but he's not given any star credit. Jeff Cameron doesn't do much, mostly drives around the back streets of Rome in his beefy Ford Mustang, trying to make it look like New York at dusk. Fidani almost gets away with it too, if it weren't for the painted road lines of the pedestrian crossing. Only in Europe do they have such crossings.
Зовите меня Сэм Уолш
Mash Flannigan / Mash Donovan
Жестокий и безжалостный бандит убивает хозяина таверны, который в свое время сдал его властям. Сэм Уоллбуш становится свидетелем разборки, в которой случайно погибает его брат, вставший на пути бандита, и клянется отомстить кровью за кровь...
Down with Your Hands... You Scum!
Dean/Bobby O'Neil/El Zorro
This audaciously dishonest spaghetti western from prolific director Demofilo Fidani (using the pseudonym "Lucky Dickerson") was created piecemeal using lengthy sequences from Fidani's previous films. The premise has legendary gunslinger Django (Hunt Powers) recounting some of his greatest adventures to a rapt Wild Bill Hickock (Gerardo Rossi as Jerry Ross) in a saloon. The stories which Django tells are entire scenes from such Fidani films as Arrivano Django e Sartana... E la Fine! (1970), Inginocchiati Straniero... i Cadaveri non Fanno Ombra (1971), and Quel Maledetto Giorno d'Inverno Django e Sartana... all'Ultimo Sangue (1971). Fidani regulars Gordon Mitchell, Dennis Colt and Lucky McMurray also appear.
Shoot the Living and Pray for the Dead
Dan Hogan and his gang have held up a bank for $100,000 in gold bars. They meet up at Jackal's Ranch, a weigh station for stage coaches. While waiting for the gold to arrive they encounter a stranger, John Webb, who wants half the gold in exchange for guiding them safely to Mexico. Reluctantly, Dan agrees and they set across the brutal desert for a race to the border with the Rangers hot on their tail. Is John who he says he is? Is he really after the gold or does he have an ulterior motive?
Finders Killers
A farmer returns home from the forest to find his family butchered. He decides to hunt down the murderers.
The Last Traitor
Wedding guests awaiting the arrival of the bride suddenly become nervous when they notice that the table has been laid for 13... an ominous number. Their worries are confirmed when the bridal carriage pulls up outside bearing the lifeless bride and the corpses of three other guests. The suspicions rise between the thirteen guests, and the identity of the murderer is a shocking surprise.
Brother Outlaw
A man is falsely charged with bank robbery, prompting his brother to break him out of prison. Together the pair set out to find the real culprits, and their search leads them to a gang of outlaws headed by a notorious gunfighter.
Один проклятый день в аду... Джанго встречает Сартану
Bud Willer / Wheeler
Черный город. Банды Санчоса и Барта Уиллера терроризируют его жителей. Закон не дает силы новому шерифу осадить бандитов. На Диком Западе действуют только дикие законы. Помощь Джанго решает исход поединка.
Безбожная четверка
Молодой человек, потерявший память, бежит из тюрьмы с тремя другими осужденными. Они помогают ему найти след из прошлого, и приезжают в деревню, где его узнают две враждующие семьи. Оказывается, он имеет репутацию ганфайтера, и ему было заплачено за убийство…
The Electric Chair
Johnny Bello
Prohibition-era thriller.
Quintana: Dead or Alive
Bounty Hunter (uncredited)
Don Juan, the governor of a Mexican province, arrests Manuel, the fiancé of the beautiful heiress, Virginia. When Quintana frees Manuel, Don Juan kidnaps Virginia to force her hand in marriage. The ceremony is interrupted in a violent battle.
Sartana and His Shadow of Death
Sheriff Logan
Geoffredo Scarciofolo (using the pseudonym "Jeff Cameron") is the famed gunfighter Sartana, who is offered a chance at amnesty from the $12,000 bounty on his head if he wipes out Benny Randal (Frank Fargas), his brother Baby Face (Dennis Colt), and an equally nasty sheriff (Dino Strano using the name "Dean Stratford").
Make the Sign of the Cross, Stranger!
Budd, Donovan henchman
Two brothers, who are the leaders of a gang of outlaws, besiege the village of White City. They rob and terrorize the people of the surrounding countryside which attracts the attention of a bounty hunter who upon arrival becomes involved in their plight. (SWDB)
Buckaroo: The Winchester Does Not Forgive
Jess, Lash henchman
Buckaroo avenges the death of his father.
Just when Cjamango has won a bag of gold in a poker game, he is attacked by the gangs of El Tigre and Don Pablo. As he recovers from the injuries caused by the attack, Cjamango becomes attached to a Mexican boy, Manuel, and to a beautiful girl, Perla. El Tigre and Pablo are meanwhile at odds with one another about the gold, and Cjamango tries to play them against themselves
Смерть не считает доллары
Лоуренс Уайт возвращается в город, чтобы отомстить за убийство своего отца. Для осуществления своих планов, он меняет имя и представляется совершенно другим человеком…