Antonio Sabàto, Jr.

Antonio Sabàto, Jr.

Рождение : 1972-02-29, Rome, Lazio, Italy


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Antonio Sabàto, Jr. (born February 29, 1972) is an American actor and model. Born in Italy and raised in the U.S., Sabàto first became known as a Calvin Klein model and for his role on the soap opera General Hospital. He continued appearing in films and television series throughout the 1990s and 2000s.


Antonio Sabàto, Jr.


Trail Blazers
Постапокалиптический фэнтези, действие которого происходит в пустыне Оклахомы. Божественно вдохновленная семья должна сражаться с самыми ужасными силами зла, проверяя их веру и чудесным образом развивая каждую из них.
Trail Blazers
Executive Producer
Постапокалиптический фэнтези, действие которого происходит в пустыне Оклахомы. Божественно вдохновленная семья должна сражаться с самыми ужасными силами зла, проверяя их веру и чудесным образом развивая каждую из них.
Trail Blazers
Постапокалиптический фэнтези, действие которого происходит в пустыне Оклахомы. Божественно вдохновленная семья должна сражаться с самыми ужасными силами зла, проверяя их веру и чудесным образом развивая каждую из них.
Trail Blazers
Постапокалиптический фэнтези, действие которого происходит в пустыне Оклахомы. Божественно вдохновленная семья должна сражаться с самыми ужасными силами зла, проверяя их веру и чудесным образом развивая каждую из них.
Carolina's Calling
Martin Haas
When Martin (Antonio Sabato Jr.), a brilliant but failing engineer, creates an infinite power source that causes Bob (Marshall Fox), an oddball space alien, to crash land on Earth, the two form a comedic alliance in their quest to get Bob home.
God's Not Dead: We The People
Mike McKinnon
The film centers on Reverend Dave who has to defend himself and a group of Christian homeschooling families after an inspection by a local government official.
Santa In Training
Two eccentric elves must train a man who hates Christmas to become the next Santa Claus.
One Nation Under God
Senator Viera
A student boldly stands up for God when a Presidential candidate visits his school. The exchange goes viral challenging both to step out in faith and be the men that God has called them to be.
Hometown Hero
A cynical divorce mediator (Brooke Nevin) is forced to care for a client’s dog. The mischievous hound warms her heart, and after spending time with the local vet (Jake Sandvig), she begins to find that maybe the true love she dared not believe in is actually closer than she thinks.
Inspired to Kill
After losing the hero worship of her excitement in a repulsive catastrophe, Kara moves across the country to attend a writing program in Los Angeles. She finds room and board as soon as Charlie Fratelli, a kooky, cheerful girl who loves to beverage wine and flirt when younger men. There, Kara meets Jason, a shy do something student, who nimbly takes to Kara even though his meek birds prevents him from making a involve. Instead, an older, dreamier man named Paul Reese sweeps Kara off her feet. Paul is an conventional crime novelist and Kara is hastily taken gone his mild confidence. Soon, it seems as though everyone who has persecuted Kara ends happening paying the ultimate price and she begins to admiration what she in dream of fact knows just roughly Paul. Kara enlists Jasons encourage to locate out the precise--but soon the two take taking place a haunting conclusion.
A Deadly Dance
Kate is a professional dancer on a hit TV show. One year after her sister’s murder, Kate's friend and the show's other lead dancer is also murdered. Kate's entire world is thrown into a spiral of fear.
Remote Paradise
A female business woman gets in over her head after inheriting some money and encountering a dangerous bad boy in Hawaii.
All I Want for Christmas
Mike Patterson
When a boy's Christmas wish of having different parents comes true, he finds himself living the extravagant lifestyle he always dreamed of... But at what cost?
Little Women Big Cars
Four soccer moms struggle to balance their busy schedules, family lives, and sanity: Meg, an overachieving people pleaser; Barbara, a recent divorcee; Rocky, a high-maintenance diva; and Connie, a curvaceous and big-hearted mother.
Три балбеса
Handsome Guy #1
Подкидыши Ларри, Кёрли и Мо выросли если и не полными кретинами, то уж звезд с неба точно не хватали. Видимо, от большого ума они, задавшись высокой целью спасти дом своего детства, вляпались в неприятную историю с убийством и в то же время стали героями фантастически успешного реалити-шоу на ТВ.
Тайна прошлого
Dr. Shawn Tessle
Стефани живет размеренной и спокойной жизнью. У неё скучный муж, раздражающий её сын, ну в общем ничего необычного. Но однажды появляется человек, который требует с неё 200 тысяч долларов, иначе он убьёт её мужа и сына, а потом и её саму. А всё дело в тайне 10-летней давности, когда жила она совсем в другом городе, да и звали её по-другому…
Принцесса Марса
John Carter
Джон Картер — капитан армии Конфедеративных штатов парализован в битве за Аризону. Получив новое тело в секретной лаборатории, он по заданию командования телепортируется на Марс. Его миссия — спасти планету от беспощадной тирании Тарков и передать власть истинным правителям Марса…
On an island in the Bermuda triangle, a film producer cannot resist the siren call when he sees a dolphin push a beautiful, unconscious woman ashore.
Drifter: Henry Lee Lucas
The true story of serial killer Henry Lee Lucas.
Ghost Voyage
A group of passengers plot their escape off a haunted ship to hell.
Bad Girl Island
A wealthy film producer Michael Pace discovers a beautiful unconscious woman pushed ashore by what appears to be a friendly dolphin. Confused and captivated by the apparent supernatural events taking place around him, Michael decides to make a film about his experience with the mysterious woman from the sea. Very soon the movie that Michael is making entwines itself into his family's past, his children's lives, and the very future of their existence together. Set at the cross roads of the modern world and ancient mystical cults, "Bad Girl Island" spins a tale of murder, obsession and seduction that leads its audience into a labyrinth of intrigue, action and mysterious forces.
Destination: Infestation
Ethan Hart
While on a flight home from Colombia, the plane that Dr. Carrie Ross and her daughter are on is attacked by bullet ants whose sting is the most painful and deadliest on the planet. Joining forces with air marshal Ethan Hart, Dr. Ross, an entomologist, tries desperately to save the flight from disaster. In the end, their struggle brings them closer together and offers the couple hope for the future.
Reckless Behavior: Caught on Tape
Greg Vlasi
Emma Norman spends a wild Spring break holiday on Mintners Cove beach, California, with her female friends, Lori, who seeks a new fling and academic Stefanie. There, slick stud Greg Vlasi gives them a good time and shoots video of them on beach and yacht (possibly drugged and/or drunk). The video is doctored and released onto the internet as porn distributed by Nick Bronson in LA. Soon Emma's promising career as Minneapolis school teacher is over. Her fireman fiancé David in home small-town Prairie dumps her, even her dad's firm gets boycotted.
Force Of Impact
Richard Donovan
When scientist Dr Madison Taylor discovers an asteroid the size of Texas is heading for Earth, she sets out to destroy it - with or without the help of the military.
Аварийная посадка
Major John Masters
Чудом выжив после авиакатастрофы, бесстрашный военный летчик Джон Мастерс получает пустяковое задание — сопровождать в полете в Австралию Киру, дочь миллиардера, и ее веселую компанию. Но когда самолет захватывают террористы, Джон понимает, что этот рейс станет для него новым экстремальным испытанием. В перестрелке со злодеями лайнер поврежден, и теперь пассажиры адского рейса спасутся, только если Джон сумеет совершить посадку на военном аэродроме в глухих джунглях. Правда, никто пока не знает, что в баках осталось слишком мало топлива, а посреди взлетной полосы восседает огромный валун! Идя на безумный риск, Джон всё же решает совершить аварийную посадку…
Джейн Доу: Любовь до гроба
Joey Angelini
Когда беспощадный убийца Кингпин осуществляет хитроумный план побега из тюрьмы, Джейн Доу и Фрэнк Дарнел, агенты АНБ, понимают, что он будет мстить. Кто станет его жертвой?
Pablo Alesandro
Dean has been stumped for some time in his attempt to produce a follow-up to "I was a Teenage Speed Freak," his incredibly successful graphic novel. His fans expect great things from him and his editor, Louise, is hounding him. Instead of working, however, Dean spends his time searching for his Argentine lover Pablo, who went out one night for cigarettes and never came back.
Matt Pollack
A cop on the track of a criminal finds himself in the midst of an unfinished subway tunnel, when his flashlight reveals a startling discovery: a three meter long scorpion-like Bug. With one slice of its massive tail the bug fells the man and devours him. FBI agent Matt Pollack is brought in to investigate, and when forensics reveal the source of the problem, he turns to his friend and entomologist Emily Foster for help.
Wasabi Tuna
A group of friends who take Halloween way too seriously kidnap Anna Nicole Smith's beloved pet Sugar-Pie. It's up to a bunch of drag queens dressed as Anna to bring Sugar-Pie back.
Обратитесь к Джейн
Timothy Rommelly
Когда вечно одинокая Джейн Грант получает приглашение на свадьбу на два лица, она обращается за советом к своим лучшим друзьям, с тем чтобы те помогли ей найти подходящего человека. Для осуществления этой задачи у неё в запасе есть всего два месяца, однако, собственное свидание приносит Джейн больше сюрпризов, чем она могла когда-либо себе представить.
Seconds to Spare
Paul Blake
When a deadly assassin hijacks a passenger train, he threatens to detonate a deadly can of poison that can wipe out an entire city, if he isn't given a 25 million dollar Ransom. While the cops are attempting to thwart the madman, they decide to call Former DEA agent Paul Blake (Antonio Sabato, Jr) the one man who can possibly stop the fiendish plot.
Hyper Sonic
Grant Irvine
In order to win $25 million, Daredevil pilots enter the worlds fastest jet race.
Dead Above Ground
Sgt. Dan DeSousa
Jeff Lucas is already an outcast, but when he makes a horror film instead of a documentary for a class project, the ridicule his classmates inflict upon him soon turns to outright abuse. After being forced into an auto race with one of his more sadistic classmates, Jeff's car careens over a cliff and the troubled student is presumed to be dead. When a new family moves into the home previously inhabited by Jeff and his family, a series of bizarre occurrences lead the family's high-school-age son to believe that Jeff has returned to inflict revenge upon those who wronged him in life.
Воля случая
Tommy Sutton
Teen Alex Taylor and his older brother Jack live in L.A. where Jack is a personal fitness trainer. Jack had an affair with Mitzi Price, a very powerful business man's wife. Her husband, Laszlo Price, then blackmails Jack into going to New York City to get information from Rachel Montgomery, about who she is selling her company to. Jack brings Alex with him to make sure that he will be safe. Jack and Rachel fall in love while Alex falls in love Rachel's daughter Kelly. Eventually Jack tells Rachel why he was sent to New York, and the two work together to bring Laszlo Price down. Rachel needs to have two million dollars in order to not sell her company. Alex wins the money in a halftime contest at a basketball game. They provide information about Laszlo Price to the police, and he is arrested.
Shark Hunter
Spencer Northcut
The Megalodon shark. A prehistoric killing machine 60 feet long, flashing 200 pounds of teeth and weighing over 20 tons. It's the deadliest predator the world has ever seen. The scientists say it's been extinct for more than 10,000 years. The scientists are wrong. In the darkness of the deep, an underwater research station has been viciously destroyed. Now a tough team of daring divers led by Spencer Northcutt [Antonio Sabato Jr. "Melrose Place"] is taking an experimental sub to war. It's killer instinct vs. sophisticated technology, deadly jaws vs. harpoon-tipped torpedoes, mega-shark vs. modern man is a thrilling extreme deep sea fight to the death.
Dan Oliver
A psychic's investigation into the disappearance of a Senator's daughter leads her to a dangerous cult and the truth about her mysterious past.
База 2: Виновен по предписанию
Sgt. Hawks
Лейтенант отряда особого назначения Джон Мерфи получает задание разобраться, как целый ряд бесследно исчезнувших солдат и офицеров был оправдан военным трибуналом несмотря на совершенное воинское преступление. Под видом новобранца он зачисляется в элитный отряд базы и подбирается к разгадке страшной тайны, не подозревая, что следующей жертвой маньяков, устраивающих охоту на людей, будет он сам.
Final Ascent
A man leading an expedition into the Rocky Mountains becomes entangled with a deadly band of thieves in search of their lost loot.
The Chaos Factor
Jack Poynt
An American army intelligence officer discovers corruption and murder by American soldiers in Vietnam.
Dr. Steven Stevenson
Jennifer Tilly plays a woman who's told by her psychic that the man of her dreams is a doctor named Steve.
Fatal Error
Seven executives die while on a video conference call, the victims of a rapidly spreading virus. Dr. Samantha Craig (Janine Turner) and disgraced doctor Nick Baldwin (Antonio Sabato Jr.) investigate, tracking the disease to a rival firm able to spread computer viruses to humans. They also discover the virus has killed before and is continuing on its deadly path, unless someone can stop it.
Padre papà
Don Giuseppe
Большое дело
Профессиональный убийца Мэл и его собратья по оружию работают без выходных. Очередное дело, на первый взгляд, кажется легким и незамысловатым. Они похищают дочь богатого промышленника, не подозревая, что девушка — крестница их могущественного босса. В довершении всего, судьба посылает Мэлу последнее решающее испытание; в тот момент, когда дела идут из рук вон плохо, он влюбляется в собственную жертву.
Crossing Paths
Jeremy Bonner
Jeremy Booner is a college kid struggling with his grades, with the ladies and with life in general. Brian Miano is a smooth-talking salesman on the fast track to success. A chance encounter at an intersection leaves Jeremy and Brian secretly envious of each other's lives. Jeremy wants Brian's cool car and extravagant lifestyle while Brian wishes for Jeremy's carefree college days. Jeremy's partying and womanizing ways may have cost him both his education and the girl of his dreams, Lindsey. After a visit from an old friend, Randy, a free-spirited wanderer, Brian decides to climb down off the corporate ladder and trade in his world for something more fulfilling. Meanwhile, when a college buddy gets swindled out of his tuition, Jeremy helps out and is inspired to turn his life around. As Brian and Jeremy both experience life altering events, their paths intertwine and their journeys come a full circle.
The Perfect Getaway
Randy Savino
Colt Erickson is a helicopter pilot who's hired by a woman to fly her around. But suddenly she pulls a gun on him and tells Colt to land in the nearby prison. When they do one of the inmates goes in and she tells Colt to go but the guards shoot at the copter damaging it. So it crashes. Colt sees the man she broke out is Randy Savino a guy he knows. They are now trapped in the desert. Colt's girlfriend Julia is approached by the FBI who tell her about the break out. She says Colt wouldn't do that. That's when they reveal that Colt and Savino's past and that Colt has been making trips across the border. So it seems that the Feds are treating Colt like a suspect so Julia tries to find him herself.
Высокое напряжение
Johnny Clay
After unknowingly robbing a money laundering operation the heist crew must avoid mobsters.
Code Name: Wolverine
Harry Gordini
Harry Gordini is on his way to Italy for a holiday with his family. On his way he accidentally picks up the wrong suitcase which holds in it hundreds of millions worth of new superdrug. Now the drugdealers want the drugs back and kidnap Harry's wife and son. But unfortunately Harry isn't just anyone, he's an ex-Navy SEAL and veteran of the Gulf war, code named "Wolverine". He successfully rescues his wife and kid from the drugdealers, but unfortunately their problems aren't yet over. Adolfo Jones, the head of the crime organisation, is still at large, and he's being helped by couple of dirty DEA-agents. Once again the drugdealer Jones is able to kidnap his son. So everything must come down to a final showdown between the "Wolverine" and Jones...
Jack Colson
A disgruntled worker rigs a bomb, triggered by a motion sensor, on the roller coaster at a financially troubled amusement park.
If Looks Could Kill
John Hawkins
The true story of John Hawkins as featured on America's Most Wanted.
Her Hidden Truth
Det. Matt Samoni
A young Billie Calhoun is accused of killing her mother and sister in a house fire. she is taken to a juvenile detention center. When she reaches 18 she requests an early release, but it is denied. so she escapes to find the real killer of her mother and sister. Eventually she seeks the aid of a cop, Matt Samoni.
Побег из тюрьмы
Молодая девчонка влюбилась в отчаянного парня, красивого, но с криминальными наклонностями. Охреневшая от скуки в маленьком городке с правильными родителями, она практически спровоцировала его на ограбление ювелирного магазина, после чего он сел в тюрьму, а ее родители увезли в другой город. Сбежав из тюрьмы, он совершает новое преступление и хочет увезти ее в Мексику — она всегда хотела попасть в какую-нибудь экзотическую страну. Но после того, как он убивает полицейского, к ней возвращается рассудок. Однако, уже поздно что-то менять…
Moment of Truth: Why My Daughter?
A.J. Treece
After a young prostitute is murdered and left in a rubbish heap, her mother does everything to track down the killer.
Arizona Road
The head of a gang of criminals in Arizona tries to kidnap a girl, but is hindered in his intentions by a handsome mining engineer and a federal sheriff.
Karate Rock
Kevin Foster
Fabrizio De Angelis leaves it all on the sweat-stained mat at the strip-mall karate studio that hosted the bone-crushing, senses-shattering, kickpocalypse between arch rivals Kevin and Jeff! The final battle would have been pretty lame (well, lamer than it was) if it hadn't been built toward with an unceasing increase in tension as Kevin and Jeff clashed in competitions where the stakes only got higher and higher and even freaking higher! Why, by the time that Kevin had bested Jeff in the race through the Tunnel of Death (neither of them died making the tunnel's name an unfortunate misnomer), I was thinking that surely nothing could top that! Well, nothing but a training montage!