Elsa Grube-Deister

Рождение : 1926-01-11,

Смерть : 2001-12-07


After the Truth
Perl Goldstein
The famous Nazi-Doctor Dr. Josef Mengele - the "death angel of Auschwitz", who killed more than 300.000 people - comes back from his hide out in Argentina to Germany as a 87 year old man. He must stand up in front of a court for his crimes. The young solicitor Peter Rohm has to defend him. But Peter Rohm - himself an expert on Josef Mengele and his crimes - feels unable to do this. When he decides to take on the case he endangers not only the relationship to his wife but also their lifes. A fictional story around the non-fictional person of Josef Mengele who died in 1979.
Love Your Female Neighbor!
Two young and attractive social workers/nuns bring fresh air into a city missionary station, but are also challenged by lust and money, offered by a millionaire.
Haus Herzenstod
Das große Fest
Rising to the Bait
Ada Fenske
Protected from the intrigues of con-men by the overwhelming blanket of the former regime in East Germany, at first it seems that Ada Fenske, the elderly widow living on a farm near a soon-to-be abandoned Russian island military base is fair game. The (West) German military intelligence services want to acquire her farm. At first, their agent attempts to buy the property openly, but her refusal to sell motivates him to try far shadier techniques. He comes up with a relative she never knew about who is entitled to a share in the property and tries to blackmail the township's mayor to get his cooperation. However, the hard-working and honest old lady has an ally in the person of her more sophisticated border, a woman who works in the mayor's office and has been to the West. She takes great delight in foiling the underhanded agent.
Der Sturmgeselle Sokrates
Film by Michael Verhoeven.
Marie Grubbe
Claire Berolina
After 35 years of military service, Officer Jürgen Drost takes on the job of mayor in the small village where he lived with his mother after World War II. The transition to civilian life comes as more of a shock than he expected, causing him to rethink many aspects of his life.
Family Gang
Film by Horst E. Brandt.
С французских времён
Mamsell Westfalen
По роману немецкого писателя Фрица Рейтера. После ухода наполеоновских войск из России пришлось отступить, они снова направлялись на запад к дому. Счета и реквизиции создавали проблемы для населения. Однажды, когда мародерствующие солдаты появляются в Ставенхагене, губернатор Вебер, который не понимает французского языка, пытается успокоить дико жестикулирующего егеря, предлагая ему вино. Нынешний Мюллер Восс оказывается запойным собутыльником, так что в конце концов француз лежит без сознания под столом. Мельник, тоже сильно пьяный, не хочет расставаться с французом, с которым он пил братство, и приказывает своему слуге Фридриху погрузить его в кузов фургона и привезти домой на мельницу. Поскольку Фридрих не думает, что это хорошая идея, он по пути избавляется от французов, оставив его спать где-нибудь под деревом. Он обнаружил большое количество украденных французами ценностей, которые он взял у солдата-егеря.
Levin's Mill
Tante Huse
In a small village in West Prussia in the 1870s, Germans, Poles, Gypsies and Jews live together as neighbors. One night Johann, a German mill-owner, secretly opens the dam gates and floods the mill of his Jewish rival Levin. After his business is ruined and his calls for justice go unanswered, Levin leaves town.
Plantagenstraße 19
Professor Tarantoga und sein seltsamer Gast
Frau Novak
Two men and two women in a hotel.
Ich zwing dich zu leben
Germany at the end of World War II: Teacher Grübler lives in a small village in the Ore Mountains together with his 15-year old son Wolfgang. At school, the dutiful Grübler, a member of the NSDAP, teaches his pupils to volunteer for military service, but when his own son volunteers for the Waffen SS, he is nevertheless shocked and fears for his boy′s life. But Wolfgang starts to hate his father for his doubts: He thinks his father is a coward. In his desperation, Grübler chains and kidnaps his son to hide him in a dugout in the forest until the end of the war. In their shelter, father and son are fighting bitterly but when the Nazis who still believe in the "Endsieg" discover their hideout, Grübler sacrifices his life to save Wolfgang.
Bankett für Achilles
For thirty years, Karl Achilles has been working at the chemical collective in Bitterfeld. But now his last day as a master at the plant has come. He is about to retire; even if Karl, who finds ending his working life difficult, wanted to stay on, it would not be possible. Karl’s colleagues have arranged a farewell dinner for the retiring master at an outdoor restaurant. But on his last day of work, before the farewell dinner, he meets all sorts of people: both colleagues and people, who do not work at the plant. A mosaic of the biography of a person who found fulfilment in his work and now has to look for the meaning of his life anew.
The Naked Man in the Stadium
In this film, Wolf and scriptwriter Wolfgang Kohlhaase explore the role of art and the artist in socialist society. A sculptor questions the reception and value of his work, in a delicately nuanced narrative interweaving personal memories, historical dilemmas, and political defeats.
Die klugen Dinge
The Winter's Tale
Leontes, king of Sicily, tries to convince his friend Polyxenes, king of Bohemia, to stay longer as his guest. But only Hermione, Leontes' wife, can talk Polyxenes into not leaving. Leontes gets suspicious. Is his wife having an affair with his friend? Leontes tries to find out about it...
Действие фильма происходит в пограничной области между США и Мексикой в 1848 году, когда Мексике пришлось уступить Америке территорию нынешних штатов Аризона, Нью-Мексико, Юта и Колорадо. Апачи племени мимбреньо в «Новой Испании» заключают с мексиканской горнопромышленной компанией договор, позволяющий мексиканцам производить разведочные работы. Однако залежи благородных металлов привлекают сюда и американского геолога Джонсона. Он зарится на эти земли и расстреливает в селении Санта-Рита индейцев из армейской пушки. Кроме того, он получает огромную премию за их скальпы. Лишь немногие из индейцев остаются в живых и скрываются, в их числе вождь Ульзана. Законы племени требуют покарать убийцу. Смогут ли они отомстить?
Junge Frau von 1914
Frau Pahl
Maiden, You please Me
A Saxon village in 1792: While the Prussians go against France, the haymaking takes place in the village and the resolute Marthe catches her daughter Ev with the village blacksmith Ruprecht in the hay.
Die Heirat
Fjokla Iwanowna
Eiche und Angora
Lot's Wife
The marriage of Katrin and Richard Lot has become a routine. She has a career and he, as a Marine officer, comes home only once every fourteen days. The children greet him with joy, but she greets him only with anxiety because their marriage is missing its key ingredient: love. She wants a divorce, but he refuses mainly out of comfort as well as due to pressure from the party. Katrin finds a strange solution: she shoplifts and is put on probation for three months. This is enough to force Richard into a divorce because he is concerned about the "moral liability" of his wife.
Pension Boulanka
A murder has been committed in "Pension Boulanka", a famous guesthouse for artists and circus people. Captain Bruckner is heading the investigating team.
Карбид и щавель
Вторая мировая война окончена, но Дрезден лежит в руинах. Калле приходит на родную табачную фабрику, которую приходится восстанавливать заново. Строителям срочно нужен карбид, который можно достать на заводе в Виттенберге, что находится в 200-х километрах от Дрездена. Калле берётся за эту работу. И вот он находится за воротами химического завода с семью бочками драгоценного материала. И пусть у него нет никакого транспорта, зато есть неисправимый оптимизм и смекалка...
Das verhexte Fischerdorf
Frau Patzig
Mauritius Halbermann, nicknamed "Mauts", works as an advertising manager for Gravo-Druck, a state-owned print company. Mauts, a man obsessed with his work, incessantly percolates with marvelous ideas - and now that he has once again come up with another brilliant idea, he naturally wants to present his proposal to his boss. As it happens, his supervisor along with his entire family and some of Mauts's colleagues - including Lore who Mauts secretly fancies - have gone on a holiday trip.
Sheriff Teddy
A story about thirteen years old Kalle who is moving with the family from West Berlin to East.