Jochen Bley


Hände hoch oder ich schieße
Small town policeman Holms suffers from a rather unusual problem: Because of the low crime rate, there is simply not enough to do for him. Deadly bored, he sinks into the depths of depression and requests the help of a psychiatrist. But his imagination is far more effective: In his dreams, he chases gangsters in London. Finally, some small-time crooks find a way to help "their" policeman out of his emotional misery: They steal a memorial from the market square and thus help Holms to a spectacular case.
Король Дроздобород
Knabe Wilhelm
Гордая и строптивая принцесса высмеивала всех женихов, которых предлагал ей отец. В наказание он решил выдать дочь замуж за первого мужчину, который войдет в их замок. Таким счастливцем оказался один из отвергнутых ранее женихов, переодетый нищим музыкантом.
Little Red Riding-Hood lives together with her parents in a house on the edge of the forest. Her friends are a bunny, a squirrel and a bear. The little girl is always prepared to help, friendly, innocent and even unsuspecting, for she does not hold anyone capable of doing anything bad. Little Red Riding-Hood often visits her grandmother who lives in the depths of the forest. But her way there is a dangerous one: the wolf and its lackey, the fox, terrorize everyone with their evil deeds. One day, Little Red Riding-Hood is caught in their net.