Robert McLane

Рождение : 1944-08-04, Macon, Georgia, USA

Смерть : 1992-09-30


Paul, husband
Затворник Адольф Шварц, весьма похожий на своего знаменитого тезку, увлечен дикими сексуальными играми с интернациональной группой проституток. Однажды Адольфа находят мертвым в его ванной — он стал жертвой голодной пираньи. Тем же утром прекрасная Марго во время пробежки по горам была схвачена и изнасилована неким злодеем. Защищаясь, она ломает насильнику шею. Свидетелем этого становится местный патрульный Гомер, который предлагает Марго молчание в обмен на ее пышное тело. Марго охотно соглашается.
A Very Natural Thing
When David, an ex-monk still in his twenties meets Mark, he falls hard; soon he's asked Mark if they can live together. Things go well for awhile, and then differences in their definition of "commitment" begin to push them apart. Mark wants other sexual adventures, David tries to go along. Can they talk through the crisis in their relationship or is a breakup in the offing? David sees his relationship with Mark as a marriage, so if it ends, can David's heart ever heal?
Blue Summer
A couple of dudes pack a van full of beer and go on a road trip in search of sexual adventures. They get that and more.
A teenage girl spends the summer on the notorious Fire Island off of New York. She has sex with a variety of people, while the others in her group engage in both straight and gay sex with each other. She succeeds in seducing her brother, then both hatch a plot to try to convert their parents to their newfound "lifestyle".