Therese Glahn

Therese Glahn


Therese Glahn


Summer With Bjørn
Bjørn has gone with his mum on a summerhouse trip. He’s a teenager and is finding life a little challenging in all aspects. When a group of 20 somethings occupy the neighbouring house, an unforgettable summer starts for Bjørn in this intimate coming of age drama, which hones in on issues of gender, intimacy and boundaries.
The Suitcase
In the 1940s war-torn Denmark, the young girl Marie turns 10 ye$ars old. It is celebrated in the parents' bakery shop where she and her cousin Sebastian on 13 years daily work. But the normally sheltered life comes to an end as a group of soldiers storms the shop and take both Marie's father and mother with them. Together with Sebastian, Marie goes out to find her parents. Although the reality gives little chances Marie is hopeful, while Sebastian fears the day he will have to tell her the truth
Engle Hører Til i Himlen
Встреча выпускников
В центре сюжета три школьных товарища, которым пришло приглашение на празднование 25 годовщины с тех пор, как они закончили школу. Андреас и Нильс не особо-то и хотят туда идти, но Томас совсем другого мнения. Он уговаривает друзей провести потрясающие выходные с девочками, выпивкой и сауной. Вопрос в том, смогут ли друзья пережить ночную жизнь Копенгагена… и попасть на встречу выпускников.
Tigers and Tattoos
Allans mor (voice)
Maj lives with her uncle Sonny and loves to sit with him when he “draws” on the tough women and hard-boiled men who frequent his tattoo shop. One day, a particularly large and scary customer dozes off and Maj ends up tattooing all over his huge back with her childish designs. Fearing the man's rage, Sonny and Maj make a hasty escape on Sonny's motorcycle—the start of an exciting adventure.
Karla & Katrine
Karla invites Katrine to spend the holidays with her, hoping they might become best friends. As it turns out, nothing goes as planned. Karla meets Jonas and falls in love for the first time, and she nearly forgets all about Katrine. However, the two girls are forced to put their difficulties aside for a while, as they join Jonas in exposing a local gang of thieves.
Father of Four: Home Field Advantage
When somebody swipes Father's wallet, which contains the office pool's winning sports lottery ticket, Uncle Anders and Per set out to catch the thief.
Anja & Viktor - Flaming Love
Finally, Viktor becomes a fireman, while Anja still do not have the great success of the advertising agency. Fortunately, they have each other and everything is bright as Anja gets a great opportunity at the office while being pregnant. Then Viktor just figure out how to be soft father, understanding man and tough firefighter at once. But how hard can it be?
Father of Four: Never Gives Up!
Dad loses his job and now the family is in the need for money. Mie and Ole is working on a talent show at their school. Little Per tries to help the family.
Mona's World
Dance Choreographer
Mona, a single girl in her thirties, leads a life filled with adventure and romance. In her dreams that is. But an ordinary visit to the bank is about to make her real life as exciting as her imagination, and moreover, during this encounter she is introduced to the man of her dreams in a way she never dreamt of.
Anja & Viktor
Highschool sweethearts Anja and Viktor find themselves in a lesser state of love when Anja graduates and gets a job in the city.
The Flying Granny
The girl Eva's parents are too busy at their jobs in the airport to go on summer vacation with her, so she decides to go with her grandmother in the attempt to find Eva's grandfather Åge, who used to be a pilot.
The Blue Monk
Anita, Bartender
The waitresses at a Copenhagen bar find themselves listening to and advising various clients who wander in to unburden their current problems. The Blue Monk is so named because its jukebox constantly plays music by jazz musician Thelonius Monk. ...The Blue Monk
В шикарном загородном особняке намечается торжество. На юбилей почтенного отца большого семейства съезжаются дети и родственники. В зале накрыт изумительный стол, откупорены изысканные вина. За столом нет только одной из дочерей юбиляра, покончившей с собой при таинственных обстоятельствах. Праздник начинается. Старший сын произносит первый тост. Никто не подозревает, что собравшимся нарядным гостям предстоит услышать шокирующую и жуткую правду…