Violante Placido

Violante Placido

Рождение : 1976-05-01, Roma, Italy


Violante Placido (born 1 May 1976) is an Italian actress and singer. She is the daughter of actor-director Michele Placido and actress Simonetta Stefanelli. Description above from the Wikipedia article Violante Placido, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia


Violante Placido


Improvvisamente a Natale mi sposo
Evelyne tra le nuvole
In her early forties, Sofia lives in the mountains, isolated from the world, a place where even basic Internet technology seems to be an unknown entity. She runs an old farmhouse, located at the highest point outside the village, an age-old structure that she has converted into a holiday farm, whilst taking tending to her cows, her curative herbs and producing special milk used for the making top-quality Parmesan. One day, a foreigner from a well-known telecommunications company shows up. He considers that particular location the ideal spot to erect a cellphone repeater, a tower that will bring progress not only to Sofia, but to the whole area… How can ancient customs, peaceful silence and recipes coexist with the inevitable approach of new technologies which can improve our lives?
Improvvisamente Natale
Il giorno più bello
Aurelio inherited the wedding-planner trade from his father: he runs the family business, "The Most Beautiful Day," and all his life he has sacrificed his dreams in the name of a mission: to give happiness. Today, however, complicit with the crisis and a divorce behind him, he feels the need for a radical change. He is in love with Serena, an associate of his, and with her he dreams of starting a new life, dropping everything to sail the oceans. Before he can taste freedom, however, Aurelio must resolve two no small matters: selling "The Most Beautiful Day" and convincing Serena to divorce Giorgio, who has been Aurelio's fraternal friend since high school.
Femminile singolare
Revenge Room
Federica locked herself in her bedroom because vulgar text messages keep coming to her.
Enrico Piaggio: An Italian Dream
Livia Rivelli
Pontedera, 1945. Enrico Piaggio's factory is in rubble. Piaggio feels the enormous responsibility that rests on his shoulders: the life of many families depends on his ability to create a new job. A project is beginning to form in his mind, a dream: to create a means of transport that is small, agile and economical, but capable of reviving mobility and boosting recovery. The road to affirmation, for Piaggio and its creature, is fraught with obstacles. An avid financier, Rocchi Battaglia, uses every means to take possession of the factory. Piaggio understands that his scooter, the Vespa, can and must become "the icon of rebirth" and so, when he learns that the American director William Wyler will shoot the film Roman Holiday (1953) in Italy, he sends Suso, a young and talented employee of the public office, to make contact with him to convince him to make the Vespa the "carriage of Cinderella" on which to make the two young and in love protagonists travel.
Останемся друзьями
Алессандро в одиночку воспитывает сына-подростка. Однажды из Бразилии ему звонит давний приятель Джиджи и просит об одной услуге — «одолжить» ему сына на некоторое время, чтобы он смог провернуть аферу с нотариусом и унаследовать три миллиона. Конечно, за хорошее вознаграждение. Алессандро на распутье, а события вдруг приобретают неожиданный оборот
Modalità aereo
Diego is a successful entrepreneur. Rich and not caring for the good of others, no scruples to belittle the next. His attitude turns against him when he forgets in his airport bathroom his latest-generation mobile phone with social profiles, contacts and credit cards.
7 минут
Чтобы сохранить производство, владельцы текстильной фабрики продают контрольный пакет акций международной корпорации. Кажется, что сокращений не будет, и служащие, наконец, могут спокойно выдохнуть, но в договоре есть один пункт, который должен быть подписан рабочим советом. Одиннадцать женщин должны решить за себя и своих коллег — соглашаться на это предложение или нет.
Комиссар Маттеи уже несколько месяцев преследует банду грабителей банков. Во время очередного ограбления банду вот-вот накроют, но уйти бандитам помогает таинственный снайпер, без промаха ранящий полицейских. После анонимного звонка удаётся арестовать пресловутого снайпера, но тому удаётся бежать, чтобы вычислить предателя. Когда Маттеи узнаёт, что снайпер повинен в смерти его сына во время операции в Афганистане, дело становится личным.
Призрачный гонщик 2
Действие разворачивается на задворках Восточной Европы, где главный герой Джонни Блэйз безуспешно пытается справиться со своим проклятием. Его принимает на работу некая секта, которая пытается заполучить дьявола в тот момент, когда он пытается вселиться в тело его смертного сына на дне рождения мальчика.
После провала очередной операции и гибели любовницы профессиональный киллер Джек решает завершить свою карьеру. Остается последнее дело, заказанное ему таинственной женщиной, для выполнения которого он тайно едет в Италию и поселяется в маленьком городке, затерявшемся в живописных горах. Здесь неожиданно для себя самого Джек сближается с местным священником и влюбляется в красавицу Клару. Впервые в жизни раскрывается сердце человека, вынужденного таиться всю свою жизнь. Джек спокоен и счастлив настолько, что теряет бдительность…
The life story of Italian iconic pornographic actress Moana Pozzi. The actress Ilona Staller sued the production of the film for the unauthorized use of the character "Cicciolina", of which she owned the rights.
Волшебная история Пиноккио
Fata Turchina
Волшебная сказка Карло Коллоди, знакомая с детства, снова возвращается на экран. Заботливо вырезанный мастером Джапетто из полена, деревянный мальчик Пиноккио оживает… и начинается захватывающая история! Злодеи, воры, феи, говорящий сверчок — чего только не будет в этой сказке! А непоседливый Пиноккио все-таки станет послужным и правдивым мальчиком — но только после невероятных приключений!
Barah Aana
Barah Aana is a comedy of real life set in today's Mumbai. The story revolves around three unlikely friends: a driver (Naseeruddin Shah), a watchman (Vijay Raaz) and a waiter (Arjun Mathur). The driver is an older man, stoic but dependable. The watchman, in his 30's, is a pushover at work but otherwise mischievous. The waiter is a young, swaggering chap, brimming with ambition. Living together, their different attitudes make for an interesting banter.At some point, misfortune befalls the watchman, and due to a series of chance events, he stumbles into a crime. Striking upon a seemingly low-risk way to make good money, and discovering a new sense of self-confidence, he tries to entice the others to join him in a series of such crimes. Cat and mouse games ensue between the three as personalities change, but events soon spiral out of control, leading them in a direction that none of them had ever wanted to take...
Sleepless - Senza sonno
Уроки шоколада
После того, как с рабочим-нелегалом по имени Камал происходит несчастный случай, амбициозный и беспринципный подрядчик Маттиа оказывается вынужден принять одно совершенно невообразимое предложение. Отныне Маттиа, под именем Камала, посещает профессиональные курсы для кондитеров-шоколадников при крупной фабрике шоколада. Под руководством опытного кондитера вместе с остальными шестью, куда более опытными соучениками он учится создавать новые конфеты. Для неумелого Маттиа, у которого все валится из рук, это начало самого ужасного периода его жизни — и одновременно возможность открыть себя с неожиданной стороны. Познать секреты шоколада и самого себя ему помогает очаровательная и несколько взбалмошная Чечилия.
A Dinner for Them to Meet
Actor Sandro Lanza is experiencing the most painful moment of his existence. After a suicide attempt, his three daughters, scattered throughout Europe, each with a different mother, come to his side. The sisters meet to decide what to do with their father, establishing a genuine tie for the very first time.
Any Reason Not to Marry?
Leo and Nina lived happily out of wedlock until one day Nina asked Leo to marry him. Leo, hostile to conformity, had always been opposed to the idea and it looked as though Nina as well. But giving in to his companion's insistence, the young man agrees to an unconventional wedding, without the expensive white gown, without the traditional candy box, with gifts to charities instead of wedding presents, the lot. Nina agrees … or seems to.
Украсть Джоконду
В августе 1911 года все газеты пестрели громкими заголовками — из Лувра похищена самая знаменитая картина всех времен и народов. Версии были самыми невероятными — в краже подозревали даже великого Пикассо. И по сей день ходят слухи, что подлинник великой «Джоконды» так и не был найден, а в музее на всеобщем обозрении висит ее искусно изготовленная копия. Как же злоумышленникам удалось похитить шедевр? И кто мог осмелиться на столь дерзкое преступление? Шаг за шагом инспектор Лепин распутывает непростое дело и узнает все подробности этой удивительной истории, полной романтических коллизий и невероятных поворотов.
Fade to Black
Still reeling from the painful breakup of his marriage to screen siren Rita Hayworth, filmmaker Orson Welles makes his way to Rome, where he gets pulled into a tangled political plot involving murder and mysterious motives. A beautiful actress proves a tempting distraction. But if they want to stay alive, Welles and his young Italian driver need to stay focused.
Кароль. Человек, ставший Папой Римским
Maria Pomorska
30-е годы. Польша. Десятилетний Кароль Войтыла полон радости и надежд, которые постепенно начинают рушиться. Сначала умирает его мать и брат, затем начинается война — люди уезжают из страны, спасая собственные жизни. Появляются первые предпосылки гонения на евреев. Все эти события дают толчок для преображения Кароля из простого рабочего в поэта и учителя. Его жизнь — постоянная борьба, которая в конечном счете и склоняет его к решению стать священником, а затем в 1978 году человеком, хорошо знакомым во всем мире, тем, кто сделал яркой нашу эпоху, тем, кто изменил ход истории.
Raul - Diritto di uccidere
Wherever You Are
A doctor's life takes a mysterious turn when his ambulance plunges into a river.
Che ne sarà di noi
A coming-of-age tale about three 18-year-olds just out of high school who go to a Greek island following one of the boys' older girlfriend.
The Undesirables
USA, 1951. When a group of Italian immigrants suspected to have connections with the Mafia are sent back to Italy with the brand of "undesirable", a journalist decide to inquire about the story.
Now or Never
2001. David, a university student about to graduate, gets involved in the anti-globalization movement after falling for activist Viola in the months preceding the fateful events of the G8 summit in Genoa.
L'anima gemella
In a small Southern Italian village, young Tonino is engaged to Teresa, but secretly loves her cousin Maddalena—who reciprocates. After discovering it, Teresa seeks revenge and vows to divide them.
Ciao America
Paola Angelini
Having recently earned his college degree, Lorenzo Primavera (Eddie Malavarca) leaves his home in Boston to travel to his family's ancestral homeland in Italy -- as was requested by his late grandfather. Upon arriving, Lorenzo is offered a short-term position as coach for an American-style football team by the team's manager, Giulio Fellini (Maurizio Nichetti). As the young American immerses himself in his new duties, he makes the acquaintance of Paola Angelini (Violante Placido) and the two begin a friendship that quickly blossoms into something more. In between spending time with Paola and working with the team, Lorenzo also begins investigating his own family's history and learns the reason for his grandfather's departure from Italy, as well as why his grandfather never returned to visit. As Lorenzo begins to forge an identity for himself in Italy -- not to mention strong romantic attachments to Paola -- he must eventually decide whether or not to return to the States.
A Deadly Compromise
In Genoa, Anna Merisi, the wife of the unconventional professor of the local university Paolo Merisi, decides to hire a babysitter for their son because she wants to work again to help to pay for their bills. Meanwhile, the deranged Caterina, who has just left a clinic, gets the Merisi family address and lies telling that she was sent by the agency. When Paolo sees her, he recalls that Caterina was his former student and they had an affair two years ago, but his wife is very connected to Caterina and he has no chance to fire her. When Caterina jeopardizes his marriage and his family, Paolo discloses his past to Anna. But Caterina does not want to give up on Paolo.
Sandra has a great passions, volleyball, and her boyfriend is also a volleyball player. She is transferred to a religious boarding school in order to improve her grades, but she struggles in her new surroundings, but specially misses playing volleyball
Jack Frusciante è uscito dal gruppo
Alex, a high-school boy fond of rock and punk music, falls in love with Adelaide, who shares his feelings but doesn't want to get too involved because she will soon leave for studying in America. Alex gets relief in music and his friend Martino who leads what looks to him as a more complete life.
Strangled Lives
Francesco is an entrepreneur in the building industry. His company is near to collapse if it doesn't win a deal to build a new school complex. It needs at least 60 million liras to participate to the deal, but all the banks refuse to lend the money. A corrupt bank employee introduces him to Claudio, apparently an assistant of Sergio, Francesco's old school friend. Sergio is an accountant available to lend Francesco the money he needs. Francesco wins the deal, but soon he discovers that Claudio is not what he says.
Quattro bravi ragazzi