Jana Krausová

Jana Krausová

Рождение : 1954-01-25, Prague, Czechoslovakia [now Czech Republic]


Jana Krausová
Jana Krausová
Jana Krausová
Jana Krausová


Женщина на вершине
Когда природная стихия превращает рождественские каникулы в вынужденную тюрьму в горной хижине, а дети решают взять судьбу родителей в свои руки, то так может начаться романтическая комедия.
Пробуждающая совесть 2: Дар змеи
От своих родителей Дина унаследовала сверхъестественный дар - способность распознавать правду по первому взгляду на человека. Будучи ещё ребёнком, с помощью своего таланта она расследовала убийство целой королевской семьи. В новой части приключенческого фэнтези "Пробуждающая совесть" Дина встречает таинственного незнакомца, который называет себя Чёрным Мастером и пытается убедить девушку, что является её отцом. Она не верит ни единому его слову и всеми способами старается избегать встречи с ним. Но в скором времени Дина вынуждена просить помощи Чёрного Мастера, и они отправляются вместе в опасное путешествие, чтобы спасти Давина, брата девушки, и принца Нико от кровожадного Дракана.
Prázdniny v Provence
teta Agáta
A trio of rock-and-roll musicians arrives in the south of France for a sun-drenched summer of debauched fun and romance in this breezy comedy.
Family Film
A couple embark on an early vacation. Left alone, their children cut loose until the boy gets caught for skipping school and things take an unexpected turn. Boasting exquisite camera work, the film is also unforgettable for its wholly original ending.
Totally Talking
Our hero is 25-year-old Štěpán – a nice enough guy but a bit of a waster who doesn’t have a clue what to do with himself. At the call centre where he works, he is jolted out of his lethargy when he takes a call from the mysterious and seemingly level-headed Marie. This playful flick revolves around young protagonists full of insecurities who are struggling to break out of the crushing stereotypical mould. And although Štěpán might not know exactly which path to take in life, the mere decision to put one foot in front of the other indicates a certain degree of progress. In its chosen stylisation the film opts for bizarre condensation and, in places, ventures into absurd poetics; even so, it reveals great understanding for its characters’ faltering moves.
Story follows two best friend on private investigation. They are going to their hometown to prove that Michals mother was killed by his stepmother.
The Magical Duvet
paní na hlídání
The great musical comedy by F. A. Brabec V perine is the first Czech film made entirely in 3D. This stimulating comedy, in true and thorough 3D, presents a whole new computer-made world concealed in a quilt, where a large part of the film is taking place. The film V perine is a musical comedy made in the high-spirited style of Mamma Mia. In a relaxed world, where everybody used to dance rock'n'roll and the streets were full of pink Cadillacs, good and bad dreams hidden in our quilts take form. The musical adventure culminates in the magical world of dreams.
Czech Made Man
matka Jakuba
The movie is based on the narrative of a Czech multimillionaire who achieved success not by stripping companies, making crooked deals and crony-ism, but by blazing his own trail like Schweikesque self-made man. He realizes early on that he has nobody but himself to rely on. During the totalitarian regime of the 80s, he ambles along his oddball path and then experiences the Velvet Revolution atypically, too - in an asylum amidst nut-cases. After the Revolution, he really gets rolling. To Germany and back. To prison and back. To China and back. The intriguing and endless opportunities afforded by the Internet eventually blossom into virtual prosperity. The hero has everything and is even planning a highly unorthodox family. A happy ending is nigh, until everything goes up in smoke, of course...
Человек широкого криминального профиля попадает за решетку за убийство двух жестоких бандитов. Свою вину он естественно отрицает. В деле куча процессуальных нарушений и море белых пятен в самом обвинении. Но суд принимает решение о пожизненном заключении обвиненного. И вот, когда герою для того, чтобы очутиться на свободе остается уповать только на побег, появляется адвокат готовая помочь законным способом…
Unknown Hour
Jana Valencikova
Hynek Michánek wants to study medicine but fails his entrance exams five times. He starts a job as an orderly in a district hospital where one of the doctors on the examining board works as well. He feels no-one takes him seriously and he loathes the doctors, who treat him with disdain. When an old man begs him to end his pain and suffering by helping him to die, Hynek gives him a "liberating" injection. But now he has done it once, he finds he can't stop. He continues killing other patients, even though he knows he can't get away with it for long.
À l'est de moi
A young woman travels to Moscow, speaking with the people she meets of the region's recent past.
V hlavní roli
Costume Designer
Pleasant Moments
Hana is a psychologist and a thoroughly independent woman. Her unemployed husband, jealous of his wife, finds a younger girlfriend, but their teenage son Honzik is frustrated; everyone ignores him. Hana's patient Eva, an attractive middle-aged woman, is having problems with her 25-year-old son; she is in love with her son's friend and her son is offended by her behavior. To complete the circle, he falls in love with Hana and Honzik is utterly disgusted by their affair. Another of Hana's patients is Dub, a millionaire who can have pretty much anything, or anyone, he wants. He wants Hana. But he can't have her.
Království potoků
Shark in the Head
Shark in the Head unfolds into a stunning cinematic powerhouse that combines comedy and drama for a touching story about how we influence the people we meet while being profoundly affected ourselves by the colors they bring to our own lives.
Kačenka a strašidla
matka Kačenky
Jindrich Polák's modern fairy tale comedy tells the story of a girl who unexpectedly inherits a fairground amusement - a haunted house from Vienna's Prater fun park. With the help of a magic timepiece she is able to bring three of the ghosts to life.
Kačenka a zase ta strašidla
matka Kačenky
Eugene among Us
Young Eugene from the provinces travels to Prague in search of fame. Once there he gets an offer to write engagé lyrics for pop songs...
The Period of Examinations
Petr Soukup, a student from Karlovy Vary, is tasked with getting support for student protests in the spa city. However, Petr’s attention is rather absorbed in his relationships with students Zuzana and Martina as well as by the plight of a friend – single mother Jiřina who is making ends meet through sex work.
Dětinské hry dospělých
Pěsti ve tmě
The year is 1936, the nervous atmosphere of the Nazi threat penetrates into the sport. Upgrade boxe Vilda Jakub will compete with German Kurt Schaller. The Nazis decisions are used in order to win his master even the dirtiest means. Vilda inspect their game and focus on the preparation of environmental events. The story culminates in the victory of one of the two lovers, between which Vilda tense moments in the decision.
Hilde, das Dienstmädchen
In 1938, a young woman leaves Germany to search for her love, Erich, in Reichenburg, Bohemia. Erich is secretly fighting the fascists, so Hilde ends up becoming a housemaid in the home of a German joiner in order to carry on their relationship. The joiner's son notices the passionate love shared between Hilde and Erich. To him, the young lady embodies the feminine ideal. When Hilde receives news of Erich's death, she descends into an uninhibited lifestyle in an attempt to forget.
Střepy pro Evu
В ожидании дождя
Август. Жаркое пражское лето. Одиннадцатилетняя Алена вынуждена остаться в городе одна без своих закадычных подруг. Во дворе остался лишь один рыжеволосый мальчишка, с которым отношения как-то не заладились. Спасаясь от скуки, она старается хоть как-то себя развлечь — устраивает домашнее караоке, влюбляется в живущую в соседнем подъезде кинозвезду, пытаясь обратить на себя его внимание и воображая их страстный «телефонный роман». Алена подсознательно пытается найти себе друзей — но не так-то просто приобрести их среди полупустынных улиц, раскаленных горячим бетоном новостроек. Радостным моментом становится приятельское общение с незрячим пожилым инженером и его дружелюбной овчаркой, а затем и с молодым соседом — солдатом, приехавшим в отпуск. Первая детская любовь, надежды, разочарования, разлука — всё это переживет героиня фильма, пытаясь найти своё место «под солнцем». И смыть накопившееся внутреннее эмоциональное напряжение может только прохлада долгожданного дождя…
A Major Role for Rosmaryna
The director of films for kids called Bonzurka together with her loyal assistants Drahuska and Honza are looking for the actors for a new movie "The Knee". Children for this movie should not be afraid and shy and they must have talent for acting. Thus the scouting is quite difficult. The most difficult is to find an actress for a main character who lost her hair after a serious illness and now has to spent the whole holiday in the countryside with a bald head resembling a knee. Although the makeup artist does his best an artificial baldness does not solve anything. From the selected little girls only the self-assertive Rosemary has the guts to let her long hair to be cut and shave off her head.
Podivný výlet
Завтра встану и обожгусь чаем
Группа упёртых затаившихся нацистов в далёком будущем 1997-м бандитски подкупила водителя туристической машины времени с целью вывоза в 1944-й музейного экспоната — портативной водородной бомбы — на предмет подарить Гитлеру.. водитель машины, собираясь утром на работу, подавился рогаликом и скончался скоропостижно, а его место занял добрый, но завистливый брат-близнец, о низких замыслах фашистов ничего не подозревающий…
Smrt mouchy
Odysseus and the Stars
A group of children are investigating a chain of mysterious events during the seventies.
Malé letní blues