Piero Lulli

Piero Lulli

Рождение : 1923-02-01, Florence, Tuscany, Italy

Смерть : 1991-06-23


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Piero Lulli (1 February 1923 – 23 June 1991) was an Italian film actor. He appeared in 111 films between 1942 and 1977. He was the brother of actor Folco Lulli. Description above from the Wikipedia article Piero Lulli, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Piero Lulli


Nazi Love Camp 27
Generał w nazistowskim burdelu
When World War II breaks out, two German lovers are cruelly separated. While he is sent to fight at the front, she, a Jewish girl, is sent to a concentration camp where humiliation and death have been elevated to a sinister art.
Trinity Plus the Clown and a Guitar
Minstrel / El Moro
A town awaits the arrival of a gunslinger to help defeat a gang of bandits, but a trio of misfits is mistaken for the anticipated relief.
Молодая Лукреция
Ludovico Maria Sforza 'il Moro'
Образ Лукреции Борджиа прочно вошел в историю с вполне определенной характеристикой – распутница, кровосмесительница, отравительница. В оправдание этой женщины можно сказать только то, что она была лишь инструментом в политической игре ее отца, римского папы Александра VI и брата Чезаре Борджиа.
Il figlio della sepolta viva
Меня зовут Шанхайский Джо
Stanley Spencer
Шанхайский эмигрант Чин Хау прибывает в техасский городок, населенный ковбоями, и быстро становится известным, благодаря своим бойцовским способностям. Получив работу на самом крупном ранчо, он узнаёт, что хозяин контрабандист. Друзья становятся врагами...
Меня зовут Никто
Шериф Борегард, самый меткий и быстрый стрелок на Диком Западе, мечтал лишь об одном — уехать в Европу и зажить спокойной жизнью. «Папа, — как-то спросил мальчик у папы, — а может кто-нибудь стрелять быстрее, чем Джек Борегард?» «Никто», — ответил папа. И однажды появился веселый молодой человек, который знал все о шерифе, не сводил с него восхищенных глаз и следовал за ним, как тень. «Кто ты», — спросил его Борегард. «Да так, НИКТО», — пожав плечами, ответил весельчак…
Come fu che Masuccio Salernitano, fuggendo con le brache in mano, riuscì a conservarlo sano
Fra' Jeronimo
The characters are two ruffians in various disguises: as false priests, they sell a rotten arm pretending it to be a relic of St. Luke; they cheat a stingy friar who abuses of the confessional to get rich and, once he finds out he's been cheated, gives himself sacramental absolution. They help the noble Filippo, disguised as a woman, in the alcove of the innkeeper's wife; they save from despair Fra Martino who had forgotten his underwear in his lover's house (one of them disguised as a cardinal retrieve the garment and expose it as a relic to the devotion of the faithful). To live with their lovers, Brother Jeronimo strives exorcisms and frà Partenope pretends to fight with the devil
The Boldest Job in the West
A bandit gang successfully executes a complicated bank heist but disagreements arise in the aftermath.
Мой дорогой убийца
Alessandro Moroni
Неуловимый убийца устраняет каждого, кто хоть на дюйм приблизится к его тайне - к давнему нераскрытому делу о похищении и последующем убийстве девочки и её отца. Душителю противостоит инспектор Лука Перетти. Он встречается с людьми, которые хоть как-то могут помочь в расследовании, а следующей же ночью приходит убийца... Как же найти маньяка, если его основная улика - рисунок маленькой девочки?
Облако пыли... предсмертный крик... Сартана идёт!
'Grande Full' / Grandville Fuller
Коварный бродячий стрелок Сартана приезжает в маленький городок и пытается отыскать спрятанные полмиллиона долларов в золоте и два миллиона фальшивых долларов. Разумеется множество других темных личностей, в том числе вдова Сеньора Манассас, ушлый парень - стрелок Гранд Фулл и жестокий и сумасшедший Генерал Монк, тоже пытаются прибрать сокровища к рукам.
When Heroes Die
Erwin Rommel / Capt. Arnold
The story of a group of American commandos assigned to kidnap General Rommel. But the soldiers are caught by the Germans who decide to use their plan against them. Replacing the American soldiers with German soldiers, and with the help of a fake "kidnapped" Rommel, they plan to kill General Eisenhower
I Am Sartana, Trade Your Guns for a Coffin
Стальной кулак Джанго
Samuel Spencer
Главный герой фильма — охотник за золотом Сартана. Он прибывает в маленьких городок, которым правит банда Мантаса, а главой города является человек по фамилии Спенсер. Он регулярно покупает золото у добытчиков, затем нанимает людей и переправляет его в банк, а банда Мантаса всё время грабит дилижанс. Герой Джорджа Хилтона, поняв, что в городе нет честных людей, решает стравить Спенсера и Мантаса, а себе заграбастать золото. В этом ему поможет очаровательная хозяйка отеля по имени Трикси…
Забытый стрелок
В основе фильма — древнегреческий миф об Оресте, который мстит убийце своего отца при помощи друга и бывшего учителя Пилада и сестры Елены. Только в фильме Ореста зовут Себастьяном. Однажды раненый незнакомец Рафаэль оказывается в доме Себастиана и рассказывает тому, что он сын мексиканского генерала, убитого женой и её любовником. Себастиан не помнит кровавой расправы, но звон колоколов возвращает обрывочные воспоминания. В итоге Себастиан находит свою сестру Изабеллу и вместе они мстят за смерть отца.
The Avenger, Zorro
The young Flem Mascaslim it be a hindrance to Bill Warner and, like his father did, try to get rid of it to take over his ranch. Along with his manager devises a plan: will be arrested on suspicion of robbing a bank and present false witnesses to his sentence. But the Fox manages to free the boy, putting him safely home of a friend and her daughter.
Hell Commandos
Colonel Kreuzfeld
Members of a German tank crew become trapped behind enemy lines.
E continuavano a chiamarlo figlio di...
Eros e Thanatos
Franco Adami injures a condescending prostitute to photograph her, but escaped from guilt, causing her death by bleeding.
Dead Men Don't Count
Sheriff Bob Watson
Damon and Steffen are paired up bounty hunters falsely accused of murder in a lawless town ruled by racketeering lawmen
Find a Place to Die
Paul Martin
An outcast Confederate soldier protects a woman from bandits trying to steal her gold mine.
Пистолет для сотни могил
J. Texas Corbett
Бандиты пытаются ограбить банк — но нет никаких денег в том банке, потому что транспорт с 200 000$ еще не прибывал. Они угрожают вскоре вернуться..., и граждане стремятся найти нового шерифа и подготовиться к нападению.
All on the Red
With the help of two accomplices an underhanded gambler prepares a rigged roulette wheel with which they quickly accumulate money hand over fist. But then greed forges a wall between the three and the intrusion of ruthless competitors result in a massacre.
God Made Them... I Kill Them
Sheriff Lancaster
A bounty-hunter is hired by the residents of a small town on the Mexican border to stop a series of gold robberies by marauding outlaws who are coordinated by the town's corrupt banker.
Vengeance Is My Forgiveness
John Kildare
In a small western town our hero Durango (Tab Hunter) delivers his prisoner to the jailhouse and then goes to the local saloon where the lady saloon owner Joanne has eyes only for him. But Durango only has eyes for his bride-to-be Lucy. Four masked men attack Lucy's father's farm and steal Lucy's dowry. They kill Lucy and her parents after the father strips the face mask from one of the bandits. A pocket watch is stripped from one of the bandits by Lucy's father and this is the only clue that Durango will have to revenge his love... With Joanne's help can Durango avenge himself?
A Devil Under the Pillow
Anselmo is a young anthropologist who is tormented by jealousy, and although his wife Camilla does not give reasons, keeps a close eye on her. After consulting a psychiatrist, the doctor says the problem is him and not his wife. So he plots to verify, once and for all, if his suspicions are true. By chance he meets an old friend, Lotario, who seems the ideal person to carry out his plans. What Anselmo does not know is that his friend is a real womanizer who ends seducing his wife.
Ringo: The Lone Rider
Dan Samuelson
A town is being terrorized by a gang of marauders led by Bill Anderson, a clever bandit boss. The town's leadership is deciding to do something against the problem, but it does not believe bringing in the military will be a solution. It is agreed upon that they will request help from the well-known Pinkerton agency. At the same time, Ringo, a gunslinger, is chasing after the bandits. He suspects a deeper-sitting conspiracy than random bandit assaults. He joins forces with the newly arrived under cover Pinkerton agent, to uncover a plot between a local businessman, the Mexican revolution and bandit's heist loot of gold. But the bandits have long planned to move on. Disguised as Mormons, they are moving west to start a new life of farming during the day and robbing stage coaches at night. Ringo and the agent track them down....
100.000 долларов за убийство
Джонни Форест (Гарко) охотник за вознаграждением, отсидевший немалый срок в тюрьме по ложному обвинению. Виновен в этом его брат Клинт (Клаудио Камазо, брат Д.М.Волонте), ставший нынче известным преступником. Джонни считает, что теперь настала очередь брата сидеть в тюрьме. Но тот только что отхватил большой куш в 100 000 долларов, и только ленивый не гоняется за этими деньгами.
The Dirty Outlaws
An outlaw masquerades as a blind man's son in order to trick him into a cache of Gold. After a while he grows attached to the family and all goes well until the outlaws gang comes through town...
El Tigre / Taylor
Just when Cjamango has won a bag of gold in a poker game, he is attacked by the gangs of El Tigre and Don Pablo. As he recovers from the injuries caused by the attack, Cjamango becomes attached to a Mexican boy, Manuel, and to a beautiful girl, Perla. El Tigre and Pablo are meanwhile at odds with one another about the gold, and Cjamango tries to play them against themselves
Джанго, стреляй...
… если ты жив — стреляй! Вестерн о Джанго, мстителе и защитнике слабых и беззащитных, таскающем за собой на веревке убедительный аргумент в виде пулемета в гробу. Одиночка, пришедший из ниоткуда. Он один выступает против злодея и его банды головорезов, терроризирующего все население небольшого городка на Диком Западе и окрест.
Seven Pistols for a Massacre
Luc Brada
A man is arrested, tried and convicted for a robbery that was actually committed by someone else. After he gets out of prison, he goes in search of the real robbers.
Kitosch, the Man Who Came from the North
Major Zachary Becker
A former Canadian Mountie escorts a group of women and coffins to Fort Eagle, but finds it destroyed and remains to defend the fort from a gang of marauding Indians and outlaws led by the mysterious Renegade who are after a shipment of gold bullion. source: SWDB www.spaghetti-western.net
Fury of Johnny Kid
Two family clans have always been enemies; they spend their time hating and killing each other. The daughter of the Campos family and the son of the Mounter family fall in love, thus causing further hatred and deaths.
People of Honor
In an operation aimed at hitting the mafia, the Sicilian police hunt down several assassins to trace their bosses. The hunted, with the help of the mafia, try to escape from the island.
Эль Рохо
Семью Соренсонов убивают, и в этом обвиняют индейцев. На их земле вырастает горд Голд-Хилл, которым правит группа дельцов. Годы спустя последний оставшийся в живых Соренсон приезжает в город, чтобы выяснить правду о убийстве семьи, и отомстить.
Taste of Killing
Lanky Fellow has a typical cynical SW like way to earn his living. He observes valuable transports of money or gold, but when they are robbed he doesn't intervene, but follows the robbers and then brings the loot back to collect the insurance. When his "job" brings him in conflict with the notorious outlaw Gus Kenneback, he has personal reasons to protect the money as Kenneback was once responsible for the death of Lanky's brother.
Операция «Страх»
Insp. Kruger
В небольшой городок по приглашению полицейского инспектора прибывает доктор Пол Эсвэй, которому поручено провести вскрытие тела девушки, предположительно покончившей жизнь самоубийством. Местные жители недовольны и даже разгневаны фактом вмешательства: они искренне верят в ужасное проклятье, нависшее над ними после смерти единственной наследницы баронессы Грапс, и боятся, что дотошные скептики навлекут беду на оставшихся в живых. Теперь каждый, кому явится призрак белокурой Мелиссы Грапс, может смело рыть себе могилу, ибо часы его сочтены. Однако доктор и инспектор не желают верить в местные байки и продолжают расследование.
Gunman Called Nebraska
Bill Carter
A drifter helps a ranch couple fend off the approaches of a ruthless landowner.
Challenge of the Gladiator
Consul Metellus
Руки стрелка
Davy Carter
Разыскиваемый преступник Дэн Мерфи, завязавший с темным прошлым, обзаводится женой и ребенком, желая начать жизнь с чистого листа. Он прибывает в небольшой городок на Диком Западе, однако привлекает внимание местного шерифа Роберта Роджерса, который убивает из винчестера его новорожденного сына. В отместку главный герой похищает сына служителя закона и вместе с супругой Мириам воспитывает как своего собственного, дав ему имя Энди. Четыре года спустя шериф все еще преследует Дэна Мерфи, объявив награду за его голову 10 тысяч долларов, рассчитывая вернуть похищенного мальчика.
The Conqueror of Atlantis
Curious noises in the Arabian desert signal an attack by bizarre phantom-like raiders of gold who are in search of their Queen. A relocated Hercules (KIRK MORRIS of The Witch's Curse) arrives on the scene and sets off to find a kidnapped Nomad princess. He follows her abductors past the Mountain of the Dead, through the City of the Phantoms, to a mysterious castle which turn out to be Atlantis. As if all this wasn't strange enough, Hercules will encounter gold-painted, blue body stocking-wearing, reanimated dead guys; female guards (who are killed if they taste the love of a man); a dying evil queen and her Ming the Merciless wanna-be sorcerer-scientist; and a torturous climax.
Goliath at the Conquest of Damascus
Goliath (Peter Lupus) comes to the aid of the former King Selim in order to regain his throne and rescue his daughter (Anna Maria Polani).
Bullet in the Flesh
The Masters and the Cherokees living in relative peace until a key member of this tribe falls in love with a woman from the Masters family. From there the situation is complicated to unknown heights.
The Revolt of the Seven
Peplum movie from 1964.
Hercules and the Tyrants of Babylon
Wrestler #3
Hercules goes to Babylon to rescue the Queen of the Hellenes and free the people of Babylon from slavery.
Hercules and the Tyrants of Babylon
Hercules goes to Babylon to rescue the Queen of the Hellenes and free the people of Babylon from slavery.
Buffalo Bill, Hero of the Far West
Colonel William Cody, alias Buffalo Bill, intends to put an end to the dishonest relations between a gang of white swindlers and the Indian, Yellow Hand. So he goes to the chief of Yellow Hand's tribe, Wise Fox, and tries to convince him to sign a peace treaty with the Federal troops. In order to avoid this, Yellow Hand abducts Wise Fox's daughter, pretending that the soldiers have done it.
Revolt of the Praetorians
Rome chafes under the rule of the Emperor Domitian and his Egyptian mistress, Artamne. A mysterious champion arises to fight against the Emperor -- a masked man known as the Red Wolf. In fact, the Red Wolf is Valerius Rufus, one of the Emperor's trusted centurions who's aided by none other than the Emperor's court jester, the diminutive Elpidion. Rebels in league with Valerius kidnap Artamne, planning to exchange her for two of their imprisoned colleagues, but Artamne escapes and soon both Valerius, (now exposed as the Red Wolf), and his fiancee, Lucilla, are sentenced to be immersed in a cauldron of molten lead. Valerius's friends, however, rise up to rescue him and to liberate Rome.
Два гладиатора
После смерти императора Марка Аврелия власть переходит к его сыну Коматосу — Цезарю, безжалостному тирану, которого интересуют только женщины и гладиаторские бои. Но оказывается, у трона есть еще один наследник — это чудом выживший в детстве брат Коматоса отважный Луций Крас. Он инкогнито прибывает в Рим и в смертельном гладиаторском поединке побеждает Коматоса. Вся Империя у его ног...
Hercules vs. the Giant Warriors
Hercules, having agreed to restore justice to Mycenae, confronts evil Prince Myles. The villain is invested with power over giant bronze warriors by his mother Pasiphaë, a sorceress in Hades. Myles assassinates the king and abducts his cousin, Queen Ate, through whom he plans to inherit the throne. Although Zeus temporarily removes Hercules' strength for killing Eurystheus, an innocent man framed by Myles, the god restores his powers. Hercules then saves Ate and destroys Myles, Pasiphaë, and the giant warriors.
Hercules and the Black Pirates
Rodrigo Sanchez
aka Hercules and the Black Pirates. Brave and noble Samson fights pirates as a soldier in the royal army. He wants to marry lovely fair maiden Rosita, but her haughty governor father disapproves. Meanwhile, the cunning and duplicitous Rodrigo Sanchez joins forces with the wicked Black Pirate to thwart Samson.
Goliath and the Sins of Babylon
Goliath battles for the freedom of the Babylonian people.
Фильм снят по сценарию Адже и Скарпелли и с участием международной группы актеров: Марчелло Мастроянни, Ренато Сальваторе, Анни Жирардо, Бернарда Блие, а также при участии очень юной Раффаэллы Карра. Мастер итальянской комедии воссоздает трагикомичную историю о туринских рабочих конца 19 века. В этом фильме Марчелло Мастроянни сыграл одну из лучших своих киноролей.
Hero of Babylon
The rightful heir to the throne of Babylon leads a slave revolt against an evil ruler.
The Sign of the Coyote
California, 1847. The territory is about to be incorporated into the United States. Parker, the new governor, is a cruel man who believes that the time has come to get rich regardless of the means, but he will soon find a mysterious opponent driven to end his tyranny.
Sign of Zorro
General Gutierrez, the evil governor of Mexico, terrorizes the people and demands high taxes. The young Ramon Martiney, after discovering that his father was murdered by Gutierrez, dons the mask of Zorro and starts fighting against the injustice.
Самый короткий день
Ufficiale a teatro (uncredited)
Два простака завербовываются в итальянскую армию во время Первой Мировой войны и по чистой случайности умудряются помочь выиграть важное сражение.
The Fury of Achilles
In the tenth year of the Trojan War, tensions between Achilles and Agamemnon divide the Greek camp while giving hope to the Trojans.
Attack of the Normans
An evil duke kidnaps the good king and tries to make the virtuous queen his bride and the peasants take arms.
Caesar Against the Pirates
Julius Caesar flees Rome because of a conspiration against him and takes refuge by the king of Bitinia. He finds a woman there and while he escorts her to Rhodes their ship is attacked. Caught by the pirates he asks for help to get back to Rome.
Samson Against the Sheik
In the late 1500s, forces of the Duke of Malaga topple the Sacred Obelisk in the North African city of Melida before they're defeated by the local Sheik. The Shiek's men then sail to Spain and kidnap the Duke's daughter, Isabella.
The Hawk of the Caribbean
In the mid-1500s, a ship containing Spanish prisoners being sent to a Spanish penal colony in the Caribbean sinks at sea, but some of the prisoners manage to survive and make it to shore at a nearby island. They organize themselves under the leadership of Juan Olivares (dynamically played by charismatic singer-actor Johnny Desmond), manage to take over a ship with some cargo that they barter for supplies, and eventually are asked to fight on behalf of the Spanish crown against the English... or is the request sincere?
Passport for a Corpse
When a robbery goes wrong the only survivor tries to smuggle himself across the border by hiding in a coffin. When he gets out of the coffin he finds himself locked in a morgue freezer with three dead bodies. While trying to escape the morgue and his isolation he slowly starts going mad and hallucinating. Throughout the film he is haunted or menaced by a woman who may or may not be real. Unique and strange film that gets more and more weird as it goes along.
Duel of the Titans
Twin brothers were raised by wolves, revolt against tyranny in pre-Roman Italy and then come to a parting of the ways as they lead their people toward the founding of a new city, the founders of Rome.
Sword Without a Country
In Renaissance Italy, the young and beautiful Gigliola resists her adopted father's effort to marry her off to a wealthy older suitor. Instead, Gigliola loves Cino, a humble troubador. When Cino kills the suitor in a moment of impulsive anger, he's condemned to death, but Cino's friends rescue him. Gigliola persuades Cino to take her with him. Together they join the rebels seeking to free the land from tyranny.
Татарская царица
После набега одного из монголо-татарских племен на стойбище своих врагов в живых осталась только маленькая девочка с типично татарским именем Таня. Вождь орды, одно из селений которого подверглось набегу, подобрал ее и воспитал в духе воинов. После гибели своего воспитателя, которого звали еще одним исконно монгольским именем Игорь, Таня встала во главе орды и повела ее в набег на богатые китайские земли. Но вождь племени, что когда-то вырезал весь род нынешней повелительницы татар, хоть и признал над собой власть Тани, но явно замыслил недоброе…
Il principe fusto
Wolves in the Abyss
At some point, somewhere in the relentless events of the Second World War: A submarine returns from a long, successful patrol. Shortly before their native coast, however, they are bombarded by enemy aircraft. The submarine sinks and for the men begins a fight for survival at 110 meters depth.
Captain Falcon
Baron Oddo de Serra who is cruel to his subjects, is neighbor of the Count Gualtiero of Roccalta. The servants of the baron cross the lands of Count to escape his abuses. Baron hatches a plot to assassinate the earl.
Cannon Serenade
Yalis, la vergine del Roncador
Ultima illusione
Retired social worker "Petrucci" goes to live with a baker and his family with whom he soon becomes fond. When a film producer arrives and attempts to lure the young "Gina" it falls to the ailing old man to save her from temptation.
Странствия Одиссея
Одиссей, царь Итаки, возвращается домой с Троянской войны, и его корабль терпит крушение на острове Феаки. В начале он не может вспомнить, кто он, но постепенно к нему возвращается память, и Одиссей начинает рассказ о своем долгом путешествии домой: о встрече с циклопом Полифемом, с волшебницей Цирцеей, поющими сиренами и путешествии в царство мертвых.
Bitter Waters
Leo Ferri
Valerio, a blind man of war, and his little sister Fiorella live with Uncle Mario, who has a shop on the coast.
La campana di San Giusto
Bruno Visentini
The adventures of Roberto, an heroic Italian soldier from Trieste during World War One.
La prigioniera di Amalfi
An Italian historical drama.
Di qua, di là del Piave
Sangue sul sagrato
Sangue sul sagrato
Don Vincenzo
Cuore forestiero
Dr. Manzi
Anna is a 1951 Italian drama film directed by Alberto Lattuada and starring the same trio as Bitter Rice: Silvana Mangano as Anna, the sinner who becomes a nun; Raf Vallone as Andrea, the rich man who loves her; and Vittorio Gassman as Vittorio, the wicked waiter who sets Anna on a dangerous path. Silvana Mangano's real sister, Patrizia Mangano, acts as Anna's sister on the film. Sophia Loren has got a small uncredited role as a nightclub assistant. Future film directors Franco Brusati and Dino Risi cowrote the script. [Wikipedia]
Spring song
The chastity belt
In a castle, some actors are guests of a duke. It happens that a precious chastity belt, family heritage, disappears by a thief.
Il sentiero dell'odio
Luigi, detto "il Rosso"
L'eroe della strada
Felice Manetti is a poor tramp in Turin who, due to his ingenuity, often finds himself in trouble.
Vertigine d'amore
Italian movie inspired by "Le pain des pauvres".
How I Lost the War
Ufficiale tedesco sul ponte
Leo Bianchetti has just finished his military service but then is again called to arms; after 10 years on various fronts, he finds himself again in Italy to guard a bridge destroyes by the Germans that he doesn't want to leave.
Трагическая охота
Послевоенная Италия, Эмилия-Романья. Сельские жители, сильно пострадавшие от недавней войны, понемногу пытаются восстанавливать свои хозяйства. Их надежда — деньги, которые должны прибыть на грузовике. Но шайка бандитов совершает налёт на автомобиль и похищает все средства. Жители вынуждены на время отложить личные разногласия и мелкие проблемы, чтобы найти бандитов и вернуть себе деньги.
A Pilot Returns
De Santis
A young Italian pilot is interned in a British prison camp after his plane is shot down during the war against Greece. He falls in love with a doctor's daughter and manages to escape during a bombardment. He reaches home, wounded, just as news arrives of the Greek surrender.
Love Story
Gianni Castelli
Venice Film Festival 1942