Roberto Risso

Roberto Risso

Рождение : 1925-11-22, Ginevra, Svizzera

Смерть : 2010-11-16


Roberto Risso


Hate Thy Neighbor
Duke (as Robert Rice)
Ken Dakota's search for the murderer of his brother, killed by bandit Gary Stevens, at the behest of land owner Chris Malone. Dakota attempts to bring the men responsible for his brothers death to justice.
D'Artagnan contro i tre moschettieri
Самый короткий день
Soldato austriaco (uncredited)
Два простака завербовываются в итальянскую армию во время Первой Мировой войны и по чистой случайности умудряются помочь выиграть важное сражение.
The Fury of Achilles
In the tenth year of the Trojan War, tensions between Achilles and Agamemnon divide the Greek camp while giving hope to the Trojans.
Gladiator of Rome
Valerio jr.
A warrior protecting a slave girl, who is really a princess, winds up as a gladiator in the Roman arenas.
The Valiant
Emilio Bianchi
Having placed mines on the hull of a British warship whilst it is safe in harbour during the second World War , the two man crew of an Italian miniature submarine are captured and held prisoner whist the crew try and discover the nature of their mission!
Un figlio d'oggi
Дыхание скандала
Aide de camp
История разворачивается в Вене на стыке двух веков. Принцесса Олимпия, чьи романтические эскапады то и дело вызывают скандалы в королевском дворе, временно изгоняется в деревню, где у нее появляется шанс встретиться с американцем и провести романтическую, но целомудренно-романтическую ночь наедине с ним в охотничьем домике. Однако на следующий день принцесса мгновенно забывает его, получив вызов из Вены, в котором ей сообщают, что она должна выйти замуж за принца Руперта из Пруссии. Тем временем американец страдает от любви к Олимпии. Забыв, что он находится не в родной стране, где уровень свободы гораздо выше, американец пытается убедить ее отца, принца Филиппа, позволить дочери выйти за него замуж. Конечно, такого разрешения принц не дает, но, когда американец отказывается признать свое поражение, дело приобретает серьезный оборот…
I piaceri del sabato notte
Carlo Malpighi
Behind the facade of a fashionable Milanese home, headed by Arabella, lies an efficient ring of high prostitution.
A qualcuna piace calvo
Two girls (a secretary and a musician) disguise themselves as men in order to work for a famous bald actor.
Tuppe tuppe, Marescià!
Maresciallo Pietro Stelluti
A landowner pretends he's in love with a provocative bar owner to make his fianceè jealous. She has fallen for a marshal.
Angel in a Taxi
Marietto is a very lively and creative orphaned child, housed in a boarding school of nuns. One day, while browsing a newspaper, he sees a photo of a beautiful opera house dancer, Camilla, and is convinced that she is her mother.
Adorable and Lying
Gino Gorni
The Rival
Ugo Perelli
The love triangle between a Countess, a soldier and a younger woman.
Paris, Palace Hotel
Gérard Necker, dit Brugnon
On Christmas Eve, Françoise, a manicurist at the Paris-Palace-Hotel, is invited to celebrate by Henri Delormel, an attractive fifty-something man. She later meets Gérard driving a Cadillac, and passes herself off as the wealthy Delormel's daughter. For his part, the young garage employee claims to own the vehicle.
A Mink Coat
A newlywed couple win the lottery and the prize is a mink fur which might change their lives forever.
Il campanile d'oro
La moglie è uguale per tutti
Antonio De Papis is a lawyer and his specialization is separation by mutual consent. He is contrary to marriage because he sees so many of them going wrong. So when his nephew calls on him asking for his approval to his marriage, Antonio suggests to him to spend a day in his office to see what marriage really is.
Le signorine dello 04
The lives and loves of five Italian telephone operators. One is betrayed by her husband, one helps a student who wants to take his life, one changes her boyfriend every other day, one is a single mother and the last one tries to inflame a recent-widower accountant.
Songs from all over Italy
The Desperate Women
The film is a cheesy but sincere plea for proper sex education--and against illegal abortion.
Хлеб, любовь и ревность
Carabiniere Stelluti
Командир карабинеров сержант Антонио решается уйти в отставку, чтобы жениться на Аннареле. Неугомонная Берсальера устраивается работать прислугой в доме у Антонио, тем самым давая повод для очередных сплетен...
Angels of Darkness
When "Tamara" throws herself from the window of their brothel, her colleagues are made to realise that a new law will close down the source of their livelihood. The girls must now find honest work.
Хлеб, любовь и фантазия
Carabiniere Stelluti
В маленькой итальянской деревушке - событие: прибыл новый командир карабинеров Антонио Каротенуто, любитель любовных приключений. Он сразу же обращает внимание на молоденькую Мариеллу. Она так хороша, что все местные мужчины буквально не дают ей прохода...
The Suitcase of Dreams
Giorgio Astori
In the movie La valigia dei sogni (The Suitcase of Dreams, Italy, 1953) directed by Luigi Comencini, some sequences from Cenere are inserted. The protagonist is a former silent film actor who has saved old movies of his time from destruction, and uses them to set up recreational performances at schools. After an accidental fire and the risk of prison, he meets a rich producer who helps him to build a film museum.
Francis the Smuggler
A smuggler has to skip town at avoid the pursuing police. The he returns, he falls for the daughter of his disapproving boss - and soon he has murder in mind
Toys and perfumes
La figlia del diavolo
Garibaldi, after landing in Marsala, moves on to Naples. The liberals are overjoyed but the Bourbons are terrified. The so-called Baron Tucci, on a recommendation from England, arrives at the home of Count Sereni, a notable liberal. But he turns out not to be a patriot who has returned to Italy to take part in the fight but a degraded Bourbon official who has been promised rehabilitation if he can succeed as a spy. Tucci discovers old Sereni's second wife is one of his former lovers and persuades her to murder her husband so as to gain his inheritance. She does indeed cause the count to die, by withholding his heart medicine, but not before he destroys his will.
Three Forbidden Stories
While recuperating from their injuries in a hospital, three young women flash back to the events leading up to the catastrophe. Remata (Lia Amando) has spent her entire life trying to overcome a childhood rape. Annamaria (Antonella Lualdi) has recently come out of an unfortunate marriage to a wealthy but insensitive boor. And Gianna (Eleanore Rossi Drago), the daughter of a college professor, has ruined her life with narcotics.
Nobody Has Betrayed
A retiring teacher tells a young teacher the story of two old pupils, who once the war begins they will become enemies ...
The Seven Dwarfs to the Rescue
Prince Charming
Having been warned in dreams that Snow White is in danger, the Seven Dwarfs set out to rescue the princess from the evil Prince of Darkness.
Revenge of the Pirates
A pirate tries to lead his followers in vengeance against a corrupt governor.
Il capitano nero
Domani è un altro giorno
A doctor saves a woman who was planning to commit suicide and takes her with him during his night shift.