Mostefa Djadjam

Mostefa Djadjam

Рождение : 1952-01-01,


Mostefa Djadjam


La papesse Jeanne
L'évêque sévère
The journey of young Jeanne through mountains and faith, from the lonely forests to the plains of Rome.
В разгар знойного лета, в маленькой, на вид спокойной деревушке, обыденная жизнь ее жителей нарушена Жозефом Бузу. Сын арматурщиков сеет смуту и считается основным источником всех неприятностей в деревне. Но вскоре одно событие меняет все…
Chroniques d'une cour de récré
Maurizio, associé Lolita Club
В один странный день самый заурядный, маленький-премаленький, «банальный» холостяк, работающий в конторе по утилизации компьютеров, — вдруг беспричинно становится знаменитостью: с месье Казинским мечтает сфотографироваться каждый встречный, YouTube лопается от роликов с его участием, сам же «суперстар поневоле» сходит с ума от свалившейся не иначе, как с неба, популярности…
Вне закона
Судьба разлучает изгнанных с родной алжирской земли мать и троих братьев. Мессауд отправляется воевать в Индокитай. Абделькадер становится во главе движения за освобождения Алжира в Париже, а Саид делает себе состояние в трущобах и боксерских клубах в районе Пигаль. Их судьбы, скрепленные мате
Перекрестный огонь
В полицейский участок на окраине города переведен новый инспектор — Винсент Дриё. И он начинает расследовать дела, на которые все давно махнули рукой. Он видит то, что никто не осмеливается замечать. Он выдвигает обвинения невзирая на чины и лица.
Собачья ночь
Станция Санта-Мария, ночь. Оссорио, сорокалетний мужчина, прибывает с толпой беженцев и побежденных солдат. Он возвращается в город, в котором, как он знал, была женщина, которую он любил. Но все изменилось. Армия жестоко терроризирует город... Этой ночью каждый пытается спасти свою шкуру. Напрасно.
L'équilibre de la terreur
This film tells, from the terrorists' point of view, how a network relying on the resources of a complicit state manages to deceive the surveillance of Western secret services and carry out a nuclear weapon attack in Europe.
Hussein Abad Al-Chir
Агент МОССАД и его группа выслеживает и методично уничтожает палестинских террористов, повинных в смерти израильских спортсменов в аэропорту Мюнхена после Олимпиады 1972 года…
Nom de code: DP
On September 11, 2001, an enemy whose evil knows no bounds unleashed its depraved brand of terror upon an unsuspecting world. 'Imminent Attack' is the story of a desperate race against time to avert yet another such tragedy. The key to success rests upon the reluctant shoulders of Léon, a young man currently imprisoned for armed bank robbery. His mission: Go under cover and infiltrate the terrorist network, discover the detail of their plot and expose the cold-blooded mastermind behind it. If Léon prevails, his wins his freedom. If he fails, thousands of innocent people will lose their lives.
La vie nue
Le médecin
The story is inspired by the biblical myth of Lazarus. The main character is called Lazarus who was a follower of Jesus, brother of Martha and Mary who was resurrected by Jesus.
Bleu le ciel
Kerim, a young Kurd, escapes from a fight by taking refuge in Bruno's car. The event plunges the two men into mutual embarrassment. As the day progresses, the word is born little by little and the tensions are dissipated.
Salut cousin !
The comedy in this lively film barely conceals its darker, more serious undertones as it chronicles a young Algerian's eye-opening introduction to the joys and travails of being an immigrant in Paris. Alilo has left his home to pick up an important suitcase for his employer. Unfortunately, he has lost the Parisian address. Fortunately, his cousin Mok, emigrated there several years before with his middle-class family before and is able to act as a guide. Mok, an aspiring rap singer, comes from a middle-class family, but chooses to live on his own in the dilapidated deteriorating 18th district, known as 'Moskova.' Mok characterizes the place as a haven for artists and intellectuals, but it is plainly just a Third World slum filled with tightly knit and colorful neighbors. Mok and Alilo have many interesting, some tragedy-tinged adventures over the five days it takes them to find the suitcase.
The story of a few couples who have arrived at a point of no return whose history will cross, mingle or fall apart.
Eden miseria
Danuta Zarasik plays Isabelle Eberhardt in this biographical drama. At the turn of the 20th century, Isabelle fell in love with the African desert, donning men's clothing to travel and record her adventures in writing while her Moslem husband patiently waited at home. This visually stunning feature shows the overwhelming majesty and beauty of the forces of nature. Director Christine Laurent relies upon her expertise as a painter and designer to bring an added dimension of artistic beauty to the film.
A Parisian Love Story
A very unusual love story indeed the one that unites for a while Marie, a young French woman born in Algier, whose dream is becoming a top model and Ali, an Algerian from Clichy, recently released from prison, who hopes to become ... an astronaut!
The Rose King
A mentally unstable woman and her son move to a sprawling mansion in Portugal to grow roses.
Three Crowns of the Sailor
A sailor sees a student killing his teacher and decides to spin a few yarns for him. He tells the boy of his many adventures in exotic South American ports where he visited opium dens and stayed in cathouses. In such dark, dreamlike places, the sailor meets many strange, mystical characters.
Cinématon XXII
Reel 22 of Gérard Courant’s on-going Cinematon series.
Day of the Idiots
A woman experiences psychic disintegration and ends up in a psychiatric hospital.
Le coup du singe
The Adventures of a Hero
In one of the tribes of the Algerian Sahara, everyone awaits the arrival of the hero who will defend the rights of the poor. A man decides one day to put the mark of the "hero" on his newborn son and the whole tribe celebrates the arrival of this eagerly awaited messiah who came to save them. This false hero then grows up by assuming his role of savior. Filled with cynicism, he crosses the countryside and has a number of adventures.
The Song of Roland
Roland des Roncesvalles is a legendary knight from the age of chivalry in France. In the 11th-century epic La Chanson de Roland, he is depicted as a key figure in halting the advance of the Arabs into France. In this story, the 10th-century legend is staged by a group of 12th-century pilgrims using the 11th-century poem. Their acting is interrupted by a violent peasant uprising, which kills many of the pilgrims. However, one of the survivors, is converted to the peasant cause and later speaks out in favor of more just treatment for the downtrodden.