Niki Reiser
Рождение : 1958-05-12, Reinach, Switzerland
Niki Reiser (born 12 May 1958) is a Swiss film score composer and flautist. He is considered one of the most outstanding film composers of the German-speaking countries, winning the German Film Award five times. His debut was in 1986 the score for the film Du mich auch, directed by Dani Levy, for whom he has composed all further scores. He had his breakthrough with the music for the film Beyond Silence, directed by Caroline Link in 1996.
Niki Reiser was born in 1958 in Reinach, Aargau in Switzerland, the son of a pastor and a nurse. Before he came to Basel age twelve, where he has lived since, he spent four years in Schaffhausen. In addition to classical flute lessons a child, he invented his own melodies on the piano. In his youth he played in several bands, composed pieces for them and for theater performances at school.
In the 1970s, Reiser studied classical music with an emphasis on flute in Basel. From 1980 to 1984 he studied in Boston at the Berklee College of Music jazz and classical music with a focus on film music. From 1984 to 1986, Reiser lived partly in Europe, mostly in Switzerland, where he continued his studies in composition in Basel. In workshops in the U.S., he met Ennio Morricone and Jerry Goldsmith who influenced his music. During this time he composed his first pieces for movies. During this period he also toured as a jazz flutist with the ensemble People, which he had co-founded.
In 1986, Reiser moved back to Europe where he met the film director Dani Levy. He composed the music for his first film Du mich auch. The film was a surprising success throughout Europe and was nominated for the Golden Camera at the Cannes International Film Festival in 1987. This encounter started a lasting friendship, resulting in Reiser composing the music for all of Levy's films.
At that time Reiser joined the klezmer band Kolsimcha as a flutist, and composed several pieces for the group. On two world tours he played with the band in Carnegie Hall and at the Montreux Jazz Festival, among others.
When Reiser realised that it was impossible to be a flutist and a composer at the same time, he concentrated on composition. In addition to working with Levy, he also composed for Caroline Link, whom he met in 1996. His breakthrough came with the music for her movie Beyond Silence. For her film Nowhere in Africa, Reiser studied African music in Nairobi. The influences of indigenous Kenyan music can be seen in the score he composed for the film. In addition to cinema and TV films, he also wrote music for the theater. In 2008 he worked again for Link for A Year Ago in Winter. The score won both the Preis der deutschen Filmkritik and the Deutscher Filmpreis of 2009.
Reiser has his studio in Basel's Gundeldingerfeld. He is on the board of the Deutsche Filmakademie since its inception in 2003.
Source: Article "Niki Reiser" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.
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Original Music Composer
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Original Music Composer
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Original Music Composer
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Original Music Composer
Действие комедии разворачивается в 1944 году. Гитлер предстает в ней как физически и психически разрушенный человек, который по совету Геббельса берет в учителя актера-еврея из концлагеря для уроков красноречия, чтобы воодушевить немецкий народ на дальнейшую борьбу. Между делом фюрер играет в ванне игрушечным линкором и пытается научить овчарку Блонди, одетую в форму СС, вскидывать лапу в нацистском приветствии.
Original Music Composer
Карола планировала провести с другом две недели на белых кенийских пляжах. Но когда она встретила Лемалиана, воина-масаи в традиционных одеждах, прическе и самодельных украшениях, она принимает решение уйти от друга и навсегда остаться с Лемалианом. Молодая женщина преодолевает все бюрократические препоны и выходит замуж за неграмотного африканца.
Original Music Composer
Germany director Dani Levy filmed this comedy about Jewish life in today’s Germany along side the familiar east-west conflict. With it great success this film is a joyful comedy of humor and knowledge.
Original Music Composer
Тоби и Ачим крепко дружили на протяжении многих лет. Они, лидеры команды гребцов, не раз побеждали в спортивных соревнованиях, а теперь, готовясь к регате, тренируются в сельском лагере. Видя, что отношения Ачима с его подругой Сандрой, которая тренируется в женской команде, становятся более серьезными, Тоби начинает понимать, что чувства, которые он испытывает к Ачиму, намного глубже, чем он думал.
Original Music Composer
A boy who was once a perpetual outcast finds friends in a new boarding school, united with his new peers gets involved in a heated rivalry with a group of students from a neighboring school.
Original Music Composer
В 1938 году Йеттель и ее пятилетняя дочь Регина едва успевают бежать из Германии в Африку, где уже обосновался их муж и отец Вальтер. После «цивилизованной» Европы Вальтер и Йеттель не сразу свыклись с тем, что неопределенное время они должны будут провести на отдаленной ферме в Кении. А Регина быстро привыкла к новой жизни, выучила язык и подружилась с местными жителями. Красота «черного континента» приводит ее в неописуемый восторг, передающийся ее родителям.
Original Music Composer
Анналуизе 10, а Антону 11, они лучшие друзья, хотя живут в совершенно разных семьях. Мать Антона бедная и больная, он вынужден по ночам работать у мороженщика, потому и засыпает на уроках. Анналуиза, которую дома зовут Точечка, из богатой семьи, но родители уделяют ей очень мало времени, поручив ее воспитание француженке Лоранс.И вот однажды вечером, когда родители уехали в оперу, Точечка решила заработать деньги для Антона. Лоранс обучила ее французским песенкам, которые девочка собирается исполнять на улице…
Original Music Composer
Выросшая в семье глухих, Лара всегда была единственным звеном, соединяющим её отца и мать с окружающим миром. Но однажды в её жизнь пришла музыка. Волшебная сила прекрасных звуков заворожила девушку и завладела её сердцем. Теперь Лара должна сделать единственный выбор между милым домом и несуществующим для её родителей совершенным миром музыки.
Original Music Composer
On the brink of her 30th birthday, Fanny feels the door to marital happiness closing on her. She is obsessed with death and even visits evening classes on dying, so it seems fitting that she encounters a skeleton in the malfunctioning elevator of her apartment building. The skeleton is her neighbour Orfeo, a Black, gay, self-declared psychic, who convinces her that she is about to meet "him". But is it really Lothar, the new yuppie apartment manager ...?
Film by Kläy and Brauer.
Silva fulfills herself a dream: from Poland she flies to USA. With only a few hundred dollars she arrives in New York, incapable of the language. Not long until the charming swindler Avi steals all her money - but she doesn't give up: She hunts him down, follows him around, demanding her money back.
Julia and Romeo are two disenchanted lovers who want to break up but are unwilling to suffer the pain. After a nasty fight, Romeo storms off and unsuccessfully vents his frustration with a black prostitute. While visiting the ramshackle brothel, he sees a strange man, who may be a government official, handing over a huge wad of money. Later, he and Julia reunite and go to an upscale golden anniversary party. There a handsome American flirts with Julia. After yet another row, Romeo and Julia retire to the balcony for a love scene. Unfortunately, their making up is interrupted by a sudden power outage. When the lights go back on, Romeo finds the knifed corpse of the party's hostess at his feet. Naturally, he's accused of the crime, but before the other partygoers can get him, he and Julia flee into the Berlin summer night. Their strange series ensuing adventures comprise the rest of the film.