Two dancers fall in love at a Florida hotel before competing in a dance competition.
Former Australian Intelligence operative Victoria Dev Ries, lives a quiet life in suburban America where as a single mother she raises her only daughter and trains fighters in her own M.M.A. gym. But when her daughter goes on a camping trip and fails to return, she is forced to go back into action.
Executive Producer
Former Australian Intelligence operative Victoria Dev Ries, lives a quiet life in suburban America where as a single mother she raises her only daughter and trains fighters in her own M.M.A. gym. But when her daughter goes on a camping trip and fails to return, she is forced to go back into action.
Former Australian Intelligence operative Victoria Dev Ries, lives a quiet life in suburban America where as a single mother she raises her only daughter and trains fighters in her own M.M.A. gym. But when her daughter goes on a camping trip and fails to return, she is forced to go back into action.
Former Australian Intelligence operative Victoria Dev Ries, lives a quiet life in suburban America where as a single mother she raises her only daughter and trains fighters in her own M.M.A. gym. But when her daughter goes on a camping trip and fails to return, she is forced to go back into action.
Sequel to Deadly Prey. Colonel Hogan is still alive and just getting out of prison on parole, some 28 years later. But he has only one thing in mind and that is revenge on Mike Danton. So once again, Hogan puts together a group of mercenaries, has Danton kidnapped, and the games begin. Only this time Hogan is funded by a huge internet company in exchange for broadcasting the hunting of Danton over the internet, worldwide. For Hogan, winning is everything. Proving that there can only be one best and that it is him. What he had not thought of is that he isn’t the only one who had twenty eight years to get pissed off. Because now Mike Danton is pissed off and that means few will survive.
Man in Van
Sequel to Deadly Prey. Colonel Hogan is still alive and just getting out of prison on parole, some 28 years later. But he has only one thing in mind and that is revenge on Mike Danton. So once again, Hogan puts together a group of mercenaries, has Danton kidnapped, and the games begin. Only this time Hogan is funded by a huge internet company in exchange for broadcasting the hunting of Danton over the internet, worldwide. For Hogan, winning is everything. Proving that there can only be one best and that it is him. What he had not thought of is that he isn’t the only one who had twenty eight years to get pissed off. Because now Mike Danton is pissed off and that means few will survive.
Sequel to Deadly Prey. Colonel Hogan is still alive and just getting out of prison on parole, some 28 years later. But he has only one thing in mind and that is revenge on Mike Danton. So once again, Hogan puts together a group of mercenaries, has Danton kidnapped, and the games begin. Only this time Hogan is funded by a huge internet company in exchange for broadcasting the hunting of Danton over the internet, worldwide. For Hogan, winning is everything. Proving that there can only be one best and that it is him. What he had not thought of is that he isn’t the only one who had twenty eight years to get pissed off. Because now Mike Danton is pissed off and that means few will survive.
A small town is being terrorized by a killer Bigfoot. One that is blood thirsty, vicious and kills without warning and without discrimination. A scientist by the name of Sarah Evan shows up to help the town's sheriff and his deputy girlfriend Roberta hunt this thing down and put an end to the killings. At the same time, Hunter Crawford is a thug-like character who along with his two henchmen, is hunting the creature himself, for his own personal gain and he does not care who he has to go through to accomplish his goal.
A small town is being terrorized by a killer Bigfoot. One that is blood thirsty, vicious and kills without warning and without discrimination. A scientist by the name of Sarah Evan shows up to help the town's sheriff and his deputy girlfriend Roberta hunt this thing down and put an end to the killings. At the same time, Hunter Crawford is a thug-like character who along with his two henchmen, is hunting the creature himself, for his own personal gain and he does not care who he has to go through to accomplish his goal.
A small town is being terrorized by a killer Bigfoot. One that is blood thirsty, vicious and kills without warning and without discrimination. A scientist by the name of Sarah Evan shows up to help the town's sheriff and his deputy girlfriend Roberta hunt this thing down and put an end to the killings. At the same time, Hunter Crawford is a thug-like character who along with his two henchmen, is hunting the creature himself, for his own personal gain and he does not care who he has to go through to accomplish his goal.
A small town is being terrorized by a killer Bigfoot. One that is blood thirsty, vicious and kills without warning and without discrimination. A scientist by the name of Sarah Evan shows up to help the town's sheriff and his deputy girlfriend Roberta hunt this thing down and put an end to the killings. At the same time, Hunter Crawford is a thug-like character who along with his two henchmen, is hunting the creature himself, for his own personal gain and he does not care who he has to go through to accomplish his goal.
У Воина лишь одна цель – низвергнуть темного властелина Шукату, воцарившегося в мире, где еще живы древние предания. Но на пути героя ждет множество препятствий – драконы, проклятый Дамоклов меч, шесть самураев, воинственные амазонки и т.д. С каждым испытанием Воин становится все сильнее, а окружающий его мир все больше напоминает виртуальную реальность. А может быть, его путешествие и было компьютерной игрой?..
Таинственный незнакомец появляется в городке именно в тот день, когда молния убивает туриста. Странник утверждает, что его миссия — уничтожить существо, которое спускается на землю верхом на молнии, чтобы убивать. Поначалу Шериф не обращает внимания на эти слова, считая их речью обыкновенного безумца. Но однажды светящаяся тварь является в дом за его сыном…
После нескольких лет затяжной войны, лишь небольшой группке повстанцев, удается выжить в пост-апокалиптическом мире, где власть находится в руках зомби. Лидер группы людей, Брайан, обнаруживает страшную тайну: у зомби созданы специальные отдельные резервуары, где они выращивают живых людей, для того, чтобы в последствии их съесть. Всех этих людей необходимо спасти. Но как это сделать, когда сам находишься в бегах от мертвых тварей, не чувствующих усталость.
После нескольких лет затяжной войны, лишь небольшой группке повстанцев, удается выжить в пост-апокалиптическом мире, где власть находится в руках зомби. Лидер группы людей, Брайан, обнаруживает страшную тайну: у зомби созданы специальные отдельные резервуары, где они выращивают живых людей, для того, чтобы в последствии их съесть. Всех этих людей необходимо спасти. Но как это сделать, когда сам находишься в бегах от мертвых тварей, не чувствующих усталость.
После нескольких лет затяжной войны, лишь небольшой группке повстанцев, удается выжить в пост-апокалиптическом мире, где власть находится в руках зомби. Лидер группы людей, Брайан, обнаруживает страшную тайну: у зомби созданы специальные отдельные резервуары, где они выращивают живых людей, для того, чтобы в последствии их съесть. Всех этих людей необходимо спасти. Но как это сделать, когда сам находишься в бегах от мертвых тварей, не чувствующих усталость.
This is a Twilight Zone type story that involves five soldiers out on a mission. And they soon find themselves stuck in a foxhole in an apparently deserted camp. Then strange things begin to happen. For one they are surrounded by strange creatures shrouded in black who do not fire on them or attempt to hurt them in any way but still they stay out there watching, almost as if waiting for something. And this, along with other things that happen, cause these men to question weather they are alive or dead. And that is where their struggle begins. Exploring the age old question of fate and if it is something that is written in stone or is it something we as people can affect. One by one, four of these five men give in to fate as it were and walk off into the woods never to be seen again, but Captain Jason Briggs will not give up for any reason and in the end it is up to him alone to fine out if he can truly change his own fate.
This is a Twilight Zone type story that involves five soldiers out on a mission. And they soon find themselves stuck in a foxhole in an apparently deserted camp. Then strange things begin to happen. For one they are surrounded by strange creatures shrouded in black who do not fire on them or attempt to hurt them in any way but still they stay out there watching, almost as if waiting for something. And this, along with other things that happen, cause these men to question weather they are alive or dead. And that is where their struggle begins. Exploring the age old question of fate and if it is something that is written in stone or is it something we as people can affect. One by one, four of these five men give in to fate as it were and walk off into the woods never to be seen again, but Captain Jason Briggs will not give up for any reason and in the end it is up to him alone to fine out if he can truly change his own fate.
Токсичные отходы загрязнили мировую систему подачи питьевой воды. Специально отобранная команда из нескольких человек, способная очистить эту систему, управляет миром. Минна отдает приказы этой команде из гигантского военного корабля, принуждая отчаявшихся обитателей Земли обменивать все самое ценное, что у них есть, на мизерные порции воды. Земные обитатели ищут вождя, который возглавил бы борьбу против тирании…
Second Unit Director
The Hostage is about a gang of high-end thieves who plan to break into a really rich businessman's house, hack into his computer, and download all his money. Ted Prior plays a down-on-his-luck former special forces soldier who signs on with this crew so he can make some quick cash for him and his daughter. Things go wrong, though, and the guys are holed up in the mansion, holding the businessman hostage, while the feds have them under siege outside, led by agent Cynthia Rothrock. Will the thieves get away with the cash?
A UFO expert, a local sheriff, and an FBI agent are forced to team up with an alien warrior to track down and destroy a lethal extraterrestrial robot killing people in a remote forest in Alabama.
Профессиональный убийца ликвидирует двух гангстеров, а лицо, заказавшее убийство, «сдает» его полиции. Отсидевший в тюрьме полтора года он бежит из тюрьмы и начинает искать тех, кто его предал. Информатор, который передавал деньги, вывел его на след, приведший в подразделение полиции, которое как раз и проводило его арест.
A rocket containing bio-hazardous material to be disposed of by launching into space crashes in a remote wooded area. An army team is sent to recover it. One of the men is infected and mutates into a monster, killing most of the rest of the team. One man escapes with the help of a brother & sister who live in the woods. He then tries to stop his former buddy, while also fighting against another army team sent in to destroy everything. The bio-material was supposed to create a super-soldier, was banned, and the crash of the rocket appears to have been deliberate so the experiment could proceed. But who is behind it all? And will others be infected?
A rocket containing bio-hazardous material to be disposed of by launching into space crashes in a remote wooded area. An army team is sent to recover it. One of the men is infected and mutates into a monster, killing most of the rest of the team. One man escapes with the help of a brother & sister who live in the woods. He then tries to stop his former buddy, while also fighting against another army team sent in to destroy everything. The bio-material was supposed to create a super-soldier, was banned, and the crash of the rocket appears to have been deliberate so the experiment could proceed. But who is behind it all? And will others be infected?
A reality cop show films a police raid on a drug ring that goes awry and results in the massacre of 11 policemen. All of this gets taped by the cameraman who tries to sell the tape to the gangsters and gets killed for his efforts. Meanwhile the film commentator gets pursued by the cops, the gangsters, and some crooked FBI agents. All are after the film which he doesn't have.
A reality cop show films a police raid on a drug ring that goes awry and results in the massacre of 11 policemen. All of this gets taped by the cameraman who tries to sell the tape to the gangsters and gets killed for his efforts. Meanwhile the film commentator gets pursued by the cops, the gangsters, and some crooked FBI agents. All are after the film which he doesn't have.
Для расследования убийства дочери мэр тайно нанимает бывшего полицейского Майка. Поиски приводят его в офис мэра. Но когда Майк уже почти обнаружил преступника, его начинает преследовать полиция.
Для расследования убийства дочери мэр тайно нанимает бывшего полицейского Майка. Поиски приводят его в офис мэра. Но когда Майк уже почти обнаружил преступника, его начинает преследовать полиция.
A New Orleans cop tries to track down and stop a vicious and demonic killer whom has sold his soul to the devil for invulnerability and immortality.
A New Orleans cop tries to track down and stop a vicious and demonic killer whom has sold his soul to the devil for invulnerability and immortality.
A former movie star, Monica Scott, returns to the big screen along with younger boyfriend, Eric Cline, after a long absence. Monica is very jealous of the attention Eric gives to her body double - Lisa. The plot becomes difficult to follow as it changes between real life and the movie they are making. The jealousy inevitably leads to murder attempts and denials
A former movie star, Monica Scott, returns to the big screen along with younger boyfriend, Eric Cline, after a long absence. Monica is very jealous of the attention Eric gives to her body double - Lisa. The plot becomes difficult to follow as it changes between real life and the movie they are making. The jealousy inevitably leads to murder attempts and denials
Executive Producer
A cop tracks down the mobster who escaped his custody while being escorted cross-country to stand trial.
An actor is wrongly taken as a professional killer by a band planning to murder the Governor. Then he is hired by the Security Dept. to try to unmask and to catch the leaders.
An actor is wrongly taken as a professional killer by a band planning to murder the Governor. Then he is hired by the Security Dept. to try to unmask and to catch the leaders.
Executive Producer
A cop goes to a small Texas town to find out who murdered his former partner there.
Семь женщин убиты в течение десяти дней. Пресса в панике, а у полиции нет улик.
Когда появляется Джимми Клэйтон, который в своих видениях становится невольным свидетелем
всех этих преступлений, детектив Эллис и капитан Гэвин, ведущие это дело, сочли его
Роман с красивой журналисткой на время избавляет Клэйтона от ужасных видений, но вскоре они
возобновляются с новой силой и доводят его почти до безумия.
Семь женщин убиты в течение десяти дней. Пресса в панике, а у полиции нет улик.
Когда появляется Джимми Клэйтон, который в своих видениях становится невольным свидетелем
всех этих преступлений, детектив Эллис и капитан Гэвин, ведущие это дело, сочли его
Роман с красивой журналисткой на время избавляет Клэйтона от ужасных видений, но вскоре они
возобновляются с новой силой и доводят его почти до безумия.
A sheriff in a small Nevada town goes up against a gang that's using his town to illegally dump toxic waste.
Executive Producer
A sheriff in a small Nevada town goes up against a gang that's using his town to illegally dump toxic waste.
After war breaks out between the U.S. and Russia, the two countries decide to settle the conflict by putting its two best warriors into an arena in a fight to the death.
After war breaks out between the U.S. and Russia, the two countries decide to settle the conflict by putting its two best warriors into an arena in a fight to the death.
Actor Robert Culp introduces trailers for and scenes from movies from Action International Pictures.
Actor Robert Culp introduces trailers for and scenes from movies from Action International Pictures.
A film crew shooting a movie finds itself battling against terrorists trying to take over a city.
A film crew shooting a movie finds itself battling against terrorists trying to take over a city.
Джон Такер был самым крутым полицейским своего времени, пока не погиб в кровавом столкновении. Тридцать лет спустя его сын Билли пытается предотвратить смерть отца. Проникнув сквозь «Зону будущего», Билли попадает в Лос-Анджелес за шесть часов до смерти отца…
Джон Такер был самым крутым полицейским своего времени, пока не погиб в кровавом столкновении. Тридцать лет спустя его сын Билли пытается предотвратить смерть отца. Проникнув сквозь «Зону будущего», Билли попадает в Лос-Анджелес за шесть часов до смерти отца…
Джон Такер был самым крутым полицейским своего времени, пока не погиб в кровавом столкновении. Тридцать лет спустя его сын Билли пытается предотвратить смерть отца. Проникнув сквозь «Зону будущего», Билли попадает в Лос-Анджелес за шесть часов до смерти отца…
An American reporter covering a civil war in Nicaragua discovers that four soldiers that he used to know during World War II are there and they are actual vampires fighting their own personal war against an evil Nicaraguan general and his own personal army of vampires terrorizing the country.
An American reporter covering a civil war in Nicaragua discovers that four soldiers that he used to know during World War II are there and they are actual vampires fighting their own personal war against an evil Nicaraguan general and his own personal army of vampires terrorizing the country.
Two ruthless criminals take two teenage couples hostage at a remote mountain cabin in Colorado following a botched bank robbery.
Two ruthless criminals take two teenage couples hostage at a remote mountain cabin in Colorado following a botched bank robbery.
A Vietnam vet has nightmares about murder and zombies, and then discovers that he and other vets have been programmed to commit crimes and then kill themselves afterwards so they can't be traced. He investigates to try to find out who is responsible.
A Vietnam vet has nightmares about murder and zombies, and then discovers that he and other vets have been programmed to commit crimes and then kill themselves afterwards so they can't be traced. He investigates to try to find out who is responsible.
A police detective, investigating a string of murders of strippers at a Los Angeles night club, must race against the clock to clear his name when he's wrongfully accused of being the killer.
Two deranged and homicidal escaped convicts terrorize a group of teenagers engaged in a paint-ball war.
Executive Producer
Two deranged and homicidal escaped convicts terrorize a group of teenagers engaged in a paint-ball war.
Drug Runner
Two Vietnam vets with nothing to lose are called back into the bloodiest action of their lives. Their assignment: locate and destroy a terrorist base and bring back a General's daughter alive.
Two Vietnam vets with nothing to lose are called back into the bloodiest action of their lives. Their assignment: locate and destroy a terrorist base and bring back a General's daughter alive.
Two Vietnam vets with nothing to lose are called back into the bloodiest action of their lives. Their assignment: locate and destroy a terrorist base and bring back a General's daughter alive.
Недалекое будущее, для борьбы с преступностью создано спецподразделение C.O.P.S.
Недалекое будущее, для борьбы с преступностью создано спецподразделение C.O.P.S.
Mike Thompson is a former U.S. government agent whom is called on by his no-nonsense ex-employer Hanson to stop a terrorist named Mustapha who breaks out of a maximum security military prison aboard a battleship with the help from his aide Eddy Williams a former agent-turned-mercenary armed with an unstoppable rapid-firing, multi-use machine gun whom the U.S. government wants back at any cost. Mike is forced to rely on his former partner-in-crime Pappy, and a CIA agent named Corle, to help him try to track down Eddy hoping to lead him to Mustapha before they can plan their next terrorist strike.
Mike Thompson is a former U.S. government agent whom is called on by his no-nonsense ex-employer Hanson to stop a terrorist named Mustapha who breaks out of a maximum security military prison aboard a battleship with the help from his aide Eddy Williams a former agent-turned-mercenary armed with an unstoppable rapid-firing, multi-use machine gun whom the U.S. government wants back at any cost. Mike is forced to rely on his former partner-in-crime Pappy, and a CIA agent named Corle, to help him try to track down Eddy hoping to lead him to Mustapha before they can plan their next terrorist strike.
Mike Thompson is a former U.S. government agent whom is called on by his no-nonsense ex-employer Hanson to stop a terrorist named Mustapha who breaks out of a maximum security military prison aboard a battleship with the help from his aide Eddy Williams a former agent-turned-mercenary armed with an unstoppable rapid-firing, multi-use machine gun whom the U.S. government wants back at any cost. Mike is forced to rely on his former partner-in-crime Pappy, and a CIA agent named Corle, to help him try to track down Eddy hoping to lead him to Mustapha before they can plan their next terrorist strike.
Mike Thompson is a former U.S. government agent whom is called on by his no-nonsense ex-employer Hanson to stop a terrorist named Mustapha who breaks out of a maximum security military prison aboard a battleship with the help from his aide Eddy Williams a former agent-turned-mercenary armed with an unstoppable rapid-firing, multi-use machine gun whom the U.S. government wants back at any cost. Mike is forced to rely on his former partner-in-crime Pappy, and a CIA agent named Corle, to help him try to track down Eddy hoping to lead him to Mustapha before they can plan their next terrorist strike.
A squad of U.S. troops seek out a mysterious agent hiding out in the jungles of 1960s Vietnam whom has classified documents that could win the war.
After a man's sister is killed by two gunmen who seemingly come out of nowhere, he manages to find and kill them. He then discovers that the men he killed were part of a multi-millionaire's bizarre "death game", where someone is hunted through the streets of Los Angeles by teams of killers who get a big-money prize for killing their quarry--and he realizes that now he is "it".
Two Vietnam Veterans have realistic nightmares about the war. So real are these nightmares that they start getting injured in them, and bringing things back that they had in the dream. They then buy weapons and go in to try and get one of their friends out that originally died in a POW camp during the Vietnam war. This is made harder by a traitor from the US Military Corps.
Two Vietnam Veterans have realistic nightmares about the war. So real are these nightmares that they start getting injured in them, and bringing things back that they had in the dream. They then buy weapons and go in to try and get one of their friends out that originally died in a POW camp during the Vietnam war. This is made harder by a traitor from the US Military Corps.
Two Vietnam Veterans have realistic nightmares about the war. So real are these nightmares that they start getting injured in them, and bringing things back that they had in the dream. They then buy weapons and go in to try and get one of their friends out that originally died in a POW camp during the Vietnam war. This is made harder by a traitor from the US Military Corps.
A female CIA agent is assigned to train and lead an all-female squad to Colombia to stop a renegade agent who has hired himself out to a drug cartel.
A female CIA agent is assigned to train and lead an all-female squad to Colombia to stop a renegade agent who has hired himself out to a drug cartel.
A group of sadistic mercenaries led by Col. John Hogan kidnap Michael Danton from his home, and set him loose on the grounds of their secret camp to be used as training for new recruits. Danton has been called the "most perfect killer ever." Now, he'll have to prove it again. This prey has become DEADLY!
A group of sadistic mercenaries led by Col. John Hogan kidnap Michael Danton from his home, and set him loose on the grounds of their secret camp to be used as training for new recruits. Danton has been called the "most perfect killer ever." Now, he'll have to prove it again. This prey has become DEADLY!
Two years ago, a young woman named Valerie was burned after entering a tanning salon. Now, Rhonda runs a local gym where all of a sudden, people are being murdered.
Two years ago, a young woman named Valerie was burned after entering a tanning salon. Now, Rhonda runs a local gym where all of a sudden, people are being murdered.
Two years ago, a young woman named Valerie was burned after entering a tanning salon. Now, Rhonda runs a local gym where all of a sudden, people are being murdered.
Two years ago, a young woman named Valerie was burned after entering a tanning salon. Now, Rhonda runs a local gym where all of a sudden, people are being murdered.
Vietnam: The battle-tested Seargents Casey and Lance have to accompany a young Lieutenant and a group of newly arrived teenage soldiers on a practice trip in the jungle. But the trip turns bloody serious when they are discovered by Russian scouts and have half a company follows hot on their heels.
Vietnam: The battle-tested Seargents Casey and Lance have to accompany a young Lieutenant and a group of newly arrived teenage soldiers on a practice trip in the jungle. But the trip turns bloody serious when they are discovered by Russian scouts and have half a company follows hot on their heels.
A troubled Vietnam vet snaps during a training exercise at a survivalist-type military camp and thinks he's back in Vietnam. He kills several of the staff members who he thinks are Vietcong. The other participants set out to track him down and capture him before he hurts or kills anyone else. However, the camp's owner, who knows he'll be in trouble if word of this incident gets out, has no intention of capturing the man; he plans on killing him.
A troubled Vietnam vet snaps during a training exercise at a survivalist-type military camp and thinks he's back in Vietnam. He kills several of the staff members who he thinks are Vietcong. The other participants set out to track him down and capture him before he hurts or kills anyone else. However, the camp's owner, who knows he'll be in trouble if word of this incident gets out, has no intention of capturing the man; he plans on killing him.
A young boy murders his mother and her lover with a hammer. Ten years later, a wave of teenage murders plagues the same area.
A young boy murders his mother and her lover with a hammer. Ten years later, a wave of teenage murders plagues the same area.