Judy Cornwell

Judy Cornwell

Рождение : 1940-02-22, Hammersmith, London, England, UK


Judy Valerie Cornwell (born 22 February 1940) is an English actress best known for her role as Daisy in the successful British sitcom Keeping Up Appearances. She also played Anya Claus in the 1985 film Santa Claus: The Movie.


Judy Cornwell


Comedy Classics: Keeping Up Appearances
Keeping Up Appearances remains one of Britain's best loved series. Running for 5 years throughout the 90s, millions of viewers tuned in to watch the delightfully monstrous Hyacinth Bucket (pronounced Bouquet) as she attempted to climb the social ladder, only to be endlessly let down by her family. In this 90-minute celebration we feature the very best and most hilarious moments from the series, and cast, crew and celebrity fans pay tribute to the show and share backstage secrets. Featuring an exclusive interview with Dame Patricia Routledge, who shares her memories of the show, we learn how she came to be cast, how she developed the character, and what happened when the cameras stop rolling.
A Dandy and a Clown: The Life of Jon Pertwee
This exclusive documentary looks at the life and career of Jon Pertwee. With contributions from actors Katy Manning, Judy Cornwell, David Jacobs, Geoffrey Bayldon and Kenneth Earle, Doctor Who writer and script editor Terrance Dicks and long-time friend Stuart Money.
The Funny Blokes of British Comedy
Movie with some of the greatest brittish comedians such as Rowan Atkinson, John Cleese.
David Copperfield
After the death of his father and a second wedding of his mother, David Copperfield suffers from his tyrannical stepfather, Mr. Murdstone. The mother dies shortly after the death of another child, whereupon Mr. Murdstone sends David to London, where he has to work for a starvation wage.Here he makes some new friends, but soon flees from the capital of England to his aunt Traddles in Canterbury, where he is adopted by her.
Inkeeper's Wife
Фильм демонстрирует историю Иисуса глазами его матери — Марии.
Mad Cows
Maddy’s Mother
When her TV star husband Alex decides to divorce her so that he can start a career in politics, newly single mother Maddy goes shoplifting and ends up in jail. Losing custody of her infant child, Maddy hatches a scheme to break out of prison with the assistance of her friend Gillian, who's avoiding the law herself for credit card fraud. Now Maddy has to find the couple who have adopted her son and avoid falling in love with selfish Alex all over again.
The Student Prince
Mrs. Quigley
The Queen's youngest son is off to university, mainly because "I'm hopeless at anything else". Barry, his new bodyguard, has no time for the royal family and left school at fifteen. He certainly didn't volunteer for this job, and is damned if he's going to enjoy it. Yet he can't help liking the hopelessly unworldly young prince, at least, until they both set their eyes on the new American student!
The Life and Crimes of William Palmer
Mrs. Palmer
Keith Allen plays William Palmer in this true story of a Victorian-era English surgeon who uses poison to settle scores and ward off debt. William lacks a sense of regret, even after killing his wife, brother and three of his own children.
The Memoirs of Hyacinth Bucket
Daisy and Onslow find the secret diary of Hyacinth and start reading in it. The rest of this TV-special are clips from prevous episodes.
Ветер в ивах
Barge Woman (voice)
Крыса, Крот и Барсук пытаются отговорить их богатого друга мистера Жабу от опасного увлечения автомобилями. Но ничто не может сдержать страсти мистера Жабы к скорости!
Mrs. Musgrove
Anne Elliot, the daughter of a financially troubled aristocratic family, is persuaded to break her engagement to Frederick Wentworth, a young sea captain of meager means. Years later, money troubles force Anne's father to rent out the family estate to Admiral Croft, and Anne is again thrown into company with Frederick -- who is now rich, successful, and perhaps still in love with Anne.
Мисс Марпл: Зеркало треснуло
Heather Badcock
Мисс Марпл расследует убийство Хитер Бэдкок, которая выпила отравленный коктейль, который, как предполагали, предназначался американской кинозвезде Марине Грегг, чьей поклонницей была Хитер. В ходе расследования мисс Марпл обнаруживает много тёмного в прошлом Марины, а также нити, связывающие Марину с другими жителями деревушки. Поначалу расследование заходит в тупик, поскольку нет очевидных мотивов для убийства Хитер. Марина Грегг сама отдала Хитер свой бокал с напитком вскоре после их первого знакомства. Это наводит на мысль, что именно Марина была предполагаемой жертвой, к тому же она известная личность, и скорее всего именно её хотели устранить.
Клич свободы
Основанная на реальных событиях драматическая история о дружбе двух мужчин, африканского активиста и журналиста, которые, несмотря на различия, были объединены борьбой против апартеида.
Doctor Who: Paradise Towers
The Doctor and Mel visit Paradise Towers, a residential complex that promises a peaceful life to its residents. However, the establishment is far from what its name suggests: A conflict persists among the Kangs, humanesque multicolour beings who gather in opposing gangs based on which colour of the rainbow they bear; killer cleaning robots prowl the halls, and a secret in the complex's basement poses the greatest threat of all.
Paying Guests (Part 2)
Mrs. Bliss
Miss Howard's exhibition of water-colours at the Green Salon falters but then takes off. The season at 'Wentworth' is now drawing to a close, peoples' plans for the winter unfold. Florence, for the first time in her life, refuses to go off with her selfish old father. Miss Howard has some momentous news, and the Colonel must make a very brisk about-turn.
Paying Guests (Part 1)
Mrs. Bliss
Spend some time in the company of the guests at 'Wentworth' - all taking the waters except for the Colonel and Miss Howard, who has some leisure for the beginnings of a late romance. Gossip, bicycle rides, rounds of golf, bridge in the evenings and preparations for the charity concert all make time pass most pleasantly - don't they?
Santa Claus: The Making of the Movie
This behind-the-scenes documentary follows Team Salkind as they set out to bring Santa's "true" story to the screen. Dudley Moore (Patch) hosts; David Huddleston intros in character as Santa.
Санта Клаус
Anya Claus
In ancient times, a man named Claus, who delivers toys in his small village, fulfils his destiny to become Santa Claus after meeting an expert toy-making elf, Patch, in the North Pole. In the present day, Santa Claus has become overwhelmed by his workload, and the disgruntled Patch flees the workshop to New York City. There, Patch unknowingly threatens the fate of Christmas by taking a job at a failing toy company run by a scheming businessman.
A Touch of the Tiny Hacketts
Sylvia Collis
Three a.m. A crash of breaking glass ... the slow creak of a door opening ... is it a burglar? Raymond Collis finds out the hard way.
Pot Luck
Farmer's Wife
The Chiffy Kids go camping on a farm. Magpie causes a tent to collapse and as a punishment is tied to a large cooking pot. Freeing herself, she prepares a stew which is eaten by Herbert. The kids find only bones in the pot, and the repentant Herbert returns with sausages.
Кто прикончил тетушку Ру?
Госпожа Форрест, которую все зовут тетушкой Ру, любит детей и каждое Рождество устраивает для приютских детей чудесный праздник в своем особняке. Она вдова и поговаривают, что много лет назад что-то произошло с ее малолетней дочерью. В очередное Рождество среди приютских детей тётушка Ру видит девочку, как две капли похожую на ее утраченное дитя. Девочку зовут Кэтрин, как и умершую дочь, она примерно того же возраста и ей очень понравился плюшевый медведь покойной. Форрест решает оставить девочку у себя и это решение вызывает ярость старшего брата Кэтрин. Он внушает сестре, что тетушка Ру ведьма и собирается зажарить их как в сказке «Гензель и Гретель», поэтому они должны первыми ее убить и забрать ведьмины сокровища.
Грозовой перевал
Эта готическая драма, неоднократно воплощавшаяся на экране, рассказывает историю двух поколений семейных кланов Эрншоу и Линтон, о сложном переплетении их жизней и судеб и о роковом проклятии двух возлюбленных — Хитклиффа и Кэти.
An Irish lover tries to juggle varied sexual encounters with uninspired home life in ordinary comedy-drama.
Every Home Should Have One
Liz Brown
Teddy works for a large advertising company. Given the seemingly impossible task of selling frozen porridge, he decides to produce commercials that make the product seem sexy. This leads him to confrontation with the "Keep Television Clean" movement, of which his wife is a senior member.
Brotherly Love
Having left her husband, Hilary moves in with her unbalanced brother, Pink, who uses wit and humor to hide his amorous yearnings.
Can Heironymus Merkin Ever Forget Mercy Humppe and Find True Happiness?
Filigree Fondle
Heironymus Merkin screens an autobiographical movie of his life, growth and moral decay.
Cry WoIf
A highly imaginative boy involves his friends in a series of false alarms, with the result that nobody will come to his aid when he is involved in a dangerous situation.
The Wild Racers
Promising young racing car driver Joe Joe Quillico leaves the stock car racing scene in the United States in order to pursue Grand Prix racing in Europe. After limited success he manages to win the Spanish Grand Prix. His love life however, is much less successful and his winning on the track only serves to alienate the woman he loves - with unhappy consequences.
Poor Cherry
A politically-active couple's involvement in an election campaign threatens their marriage through personal entanglements with the candidate and other campaigners.
Jules Verne's Rocket to the Moon
Lady Electra
Phineas T. Barnum and friends finance the first flight to the moon but find the task a little above them. They attempt to blast their rocket into orbit from a massive gun barrel built into the side of a Welsh mountain, but money troubles, spies and saboteurs ensure that the plan is doomed before it starts...
Двое в пути
Переживающие кризис супружеской жизни, Марк и Джоанна Уоллес отправляются отдохнуть на французскую Ривьеру, место их знакомства. Будучи студентом, Марк, изучавший памятники европейской архитектуры, встретился там с весёлой компанией девушек-музыкантов. Вначале Марк «запал» на Джекки, но затем переключился на Джоанну… Уже поженившись, они ещё не раз совершали поездки по Европе, и каждый раз их брак подвергался испытаниям на прочность. Нынешнее путешествие помогает им понять, что, сколько бы они ни ссорились и какие бы серьезные причины не говорили в пользу развода, они все ёще очень любят друг друга…
Дом ужасов доктора Террора
Nurse (segment 4 "Disembodied Hand")
В купе поезда, в котором уже едут пятеро мужчин, подсаживается таинственный доктор Шрек, профессор парапсихологии и оккультных наук. Задремав, господин Шрек роняет на пол свой портфель из которого вываливается колода карт таро, а попутчики, заинтересовавшись, просят его предсказать их будущее. Доктор Шрек любезно соглашается и предсказывает одному из них погибнуть от руки оборотня, другому принять смерть от умного растения, третьему — поплатиться за воровство музыки Вуду, четвертому — умереть от собственного эго, а пятому — пасть жертвой вампира. Разумеется, никто из пассажиров в удивительные предсказания доктора не поверил, но на конечной станции их всех ждал большой сюрприз…