Dakota Blue Richards

Dakota Blue Richards

Рождение : 1994-04-11, Chelsea, London, England, UK


​Dakota Blue Richards (born 11 April 1994) is an English actress. Ten thousand girls turned up for open auditions in Cambridge, Oxford, Exeter and Kendal for the role of Lyra Belacqua in the adaptation of 'His Dark Materials: Northern Lights' to the film 'The Golden Compass (2007)'. In June 2006, twelve-year-old Dakota, a Londoner schoolgirl, was awarded the part after the casting directors' took a shine to her in the Cambridge auditions. Her mother is an American anthropologist.


Dakota Blue Richards


What The Butler Saw
Dr Prentice, a psychiatric doctor in a private clinic, is attempting to interview – and seduce – would-be secretary Geraldine. Unwittingly surprised by his wife, he hides the girl. The affairs multiply as Mrs Prentice is seduced and blackmailed by young bellhop Nicholas Beckett, and promises him the secretarial post. When a government inspector arrives, closely followed by Sergeant Match who is in search of missing parts of Winston Churchill, chaos, cross-dressing and mistaken identity lead the charge. This is The Curve Theatre's 2020 production of Joe Ortonm's play
ChickLit is a comedy drama about four guys trying to save their local pub from closing down. They group write a chick lit, or more specifically a 'mummy porn' novel in the style of 'Fifty Shades of Grey' and it gets snapped up. The only snag is that the publisher insists that the young woman 'author' does press and publicity. The guys have to keep their involvement a secret and so engage an out of work actress to 'role play' the part of the author. This leads to her becoming the star in the film of the book, the tables are turned on the guys and she is in control - leaving them with the awful prospect of having to secretly churn out sex novels for the foreseeable future.
Тихий час
В отдалённой части сельской, пост-апокалиптической Англии, захваченной инопланетными захватчиками, вспыльчивая девушка-подросток отправляется в отчаянной попытке дать отпор группе преступников и защитить ферму её родителей, оставшуюся домашнюю скотину и солнечные батареи, которые помогают им защищаться от инопланетян. Если у неё не получится достигнуть цели, она потеряет единственный источник питания и укрытие, если же будет сопротивляться, то она и её беспомощный слепой брат будут убиты.
Girl Power
It's 1997 and into a dizzy world of glamour and false promises comes Cass, a recent graduate. Innocent publishing appears perfect – but behind cool Britannia lurks a much darker place.
The Fold
Eloise Ashton
Struggling with her grief, Anglican priest Rebecca Ashton tries to replace her deceased daughter with another girl.
Five Miles Out
Cass is sent away on holiday with her cousins where she meets a boy on a secret mission. All the while, in the back of her mind, is her sister back home in a hospital bed.
Dustbin Baby
The film follows the story of young teen April whose troubled life began in a dustbin - a new born baby, abandoned and alone, not celebrated, not wanted but discarded and left like so much rubbish in an industrial bin behind a pizza parlour. On the morning of her fourteenth birthday April has a devastating row with her foster mother, Marion and leaves the house determined to find out where she really comes from, who she really is and maybe, just maybe, find her real mother. Telling no-one what she's up to or where she's going, April skips school and begins the search she's dreamed about all her life. It's a blur of social workers, children's homes and special schools as April revisits and recalls the key scenes of her fragmented past. It's a painful journey, sometimes frightening but there's also friendship and love and laughter. And now she's started, there's no going back - April must find her mother.
Тайна Мунакра
Maria Merryweather
Когда отец 13-летней Марии умирает, оставив её бездомной сиротой, ей приходится оставить Лондон и переехать к сэру Бенджамину, эксцентричному дядюшке, о котором она никогда ранее не слышала, в его загадочное поместье «Лунная Долина». Мария оказывается в мире, разделённом древней враждой с тёмным родом де Нуар. Она — последняя Лунная Принцесса — должна преодолеть семейную гордость и раскрыть тайны прошлого до того, как Луна взойдёт пятитысячный раз и Лунную долину поглотит море.
Золотой Компас
Lyra Belacqua
Двенадцатилетняя Лира отправляется в удивительное путешествие к Северному Полюсу, чтобы спасти своего похищенного друга. В помощь к девочке приходят северные ведьмы под предводительством прекрасной Серафины Пеккала и огромный бронированный медведь. На пути их стоят зловещая Миссис Коултер и армия её монстров.