Hans Diehl

Hans Diehl

Рождение : 1940-01-01, Offenbach am Main, Germany


Hans Diehl


Aller Tage Abend
Irma and Henry live the dream of eternal love, which might end badly. A whimsical tale about old age.
Das Märchen vom Schlaraffenland
Paul's life is marked by hunger, poverty and hard work. His sister Magda is sick and needs medicine. In town they meet Master Flintstone.
Das Märchen vom Schlaraffenland
Die Spezialisten: Flowerpower
Herbert Rothmann
The IEK team investigates the corpse of 1970s-disappeared flower girl Monika Rothmann, both burned and suffocated as drowned. She was believed to have abandoned husband Herbert and daughter Anja without a trace, but it turns out she started a new life as a political and environmental activist, yielding potential motives and suspects, but also an adulterous affair.
Herbert Rothmann
An affluent city is covered in snow, all seems perfect – on the surface. Divorcé Rolf is doing his best to rebuild his relationship with his daughter. Pregnant Lena appears to be living a faultless family life with her husband and son. Social worker Judith has a tough job and escapes it through her fantasies, whilst widowed Maria has finally built up the courage to invite her male acquaintance to a romantic dinner. In the course of one day, all of them will cross paths with the Bulgarian Mia, who works in the red-light trade and their seemingly perfect lives will never be the same…
The Stranger in Me
Bernhard Seidel - Julian's father
A young couple in love: Rebecca (32) and her boyfriend Julian (34) are expecting their first child and are full of pleasant expectation. As Rebecca gives birth to a healthy boy their luck seems to be perfect. But instead of the unconditional motherly love she was expecting she is thrown into an emotional turmoil. Helplessness and desperation reign and her own baby is a stranger to her. With every day that passes her inability to meet the demands of motherhood become more and more apparent. Unable to admit this to anyone, not even Julian, she falls into a deep darkness - to the point that she realises she is becoming a threat to her child. Now only unconditional love can bring her back on track…
В поисках древней гробницы
Во время раскопок близ Иерусалима молодой археолог Штеффен обнаруживает гробницу двухтысячелетней давности. А в ней — такой же древний скелет, сжимающий в руке инструкцию к суперсовременной видеокамере, еще не поступавшей на рынок, и листок с именем Иисус. Штеффен предполагает, что нашел останки путешественника во времени, посетившего древнюю Палестину, а камера могла запечатлеть облик Христа. Сенсационная находка, угрожающая основам мировых религий, становится причиной ожесточенной схватки между могущественными силами. А в руках Штеффена — зашифрованная инструкция, как найти видеокамеру. Преследуемый со всех сторон, он надеется найти разгадку этой невероятной тайны, укрывшись в древнем монастыре в пустыне Негев, где, по легенде, находится «священное зеркало» с обликом Иисуса…
Detective Lovelorn and the Revenge of the Pharaoh
Prof. Bovsky
Planet B - Edition No. 3
Biikenbrennen - Der Fluch des Meeres
von Bütow
Господин Землемер приглашен Замком для ведения соответствующих работ. Прибыв в Деревню, он с удивлением обнаруживает, что здесь его никто не ждет. Попытки доказать свои права наталкивается на стену непонимания. Желание проникнуть в загадочный Замок все сильнее овладевает героем…
Die Alten
A fearless Antigone, refusing to allow the dishonored body of her murdered brother Polynices to be devoured by vultures and dogs, defies the Thebian tyrant Creon by burying him.
Der Rausschmeisser
Pater Roland
Лодка полна
Hannes Krueger
During World War II, Switzerland severely limited refugees: "Our boat is full." A train from Germany halts briefly in an isolated corner of Switzerland. Six people jump off seeking asylum: four Jews, a French child, and a German soldier. They seek temporary refuge with a couple who run a village inn. They pose as a family: the deserter as husband, Judith as his wife, an old man from Vienna as her father, his granddaughter and the French lad, whom they beg to keep silent, as their children. Judith's teenage brother poses as a soldier. The fabrication unravels through chance and the local constable's exact investigation. Whom will the Swiss allow to stay? Who gets deported?