August Schmölzer

August Schmölzer

Рождение : 1958-06-27,


August Schmölzer


Alice im Weihnachtsland
Toni Huber
Марлен — женщина, страдающая от ужасных снов в отдалённой деревне. Когда Мона, дочь Марлен, следует за ней, она натыкается на семейную тайну — старое проклятие, которое угрожает её жизни.
Франк работает наёмным убийцей на штирийский криминальный синдикат и известен своим хладнокровием и беспощадностью к врагам. Но когда ему поручают похитить Марлену - дочь смертельного врага главы синдиката, Франк переживает глубокий внутренний надлом и оказывается перед непростым выбором.
Erik & Erika
Hubert Grassl
Erik(a) Schinegger – the ski star who became a media sensation. Erika was hailed as a champion skier, until a sex test determined that she was a he – and Erik was rejected and accused of fraud. A story based on real life, a tale about nature and the taboo subjects of 1970s society.
Treibjagd im Dorf
A terrible accident occurs while 13-year-old Franzi is doing target practice in the quarry . A bullet misses its target and hits his grandfather, old farmer Anton Wolf. While Anton falls into a coma , the true remainCircumstances of the fact unknown for the time being . Instead , the rumor spread in the village that Franzi 's father Franz was the shooter, especially since there were constant arguments between father and son about running the farm . A real drive hunt in the village begins .
Ein Geheimnis im Dorf - Schwester und Bruder
Anton Wolf
Irene, the mayor of a Styrian community, also helps her mother and stepfather in their small department store and takes touching care of her 17-year-old brother. But when Paul Berger, an innovative cook, wants to take over the old village inn, wounds of the past break open and a dark secret slowly comes to light...
Das kalte Herz
German TV adaptation of Wilhelm Hauff‘s fairy tale “Heart of Stone“.
Die Tote aus der Schlucht
Josef Landauer
Inspector Susanne Landauer is called to a mission in the country. A schizophrenic woman admitted anonymously years ago has disappeared from Dr. Mangold's clinic. Susanne can only recover the woman dead from the nearby river. A DNA comparison reveals that the dead woman is her biological mother. Luckily, Susanne's partner Isabell is there for her.
Die Fremde und das Dorf
In the tranquil Styrian highlands, the waves rise when an Italian earthquake victim threatens to expose a dark family secret. Highly dramatic, enthralling and high-carat busy. Right down to the supporting roles, Austrian celebrities can be found in this modern Heimat film, which tells of the imponderables of love.
Die Fremde und das Dorf
Anton Wolf
In the tranquil Styrian highlands, the waves rise when an Italian earthquake victim threatens to expose a dark family secret. Highly dramatic, enthralling and high-carat busy. Right down to the supporting roles, Austrian celebrities can be found in this modern Heimat film, which tells of the imponderables of love.
Matthias Leitgeb
Young police chief Sandra Mohr returns to her hometown of Graz with a bad feeling. Together with her new boss, Sascha Bergmann, she is tasked with solving the death of a journalist who was planning to write an article on abuse of office and nepotism.
Ladies Only
Eva has mainly cared for her young son in recent years, but now the charming mid-thirties wants to return to her job as an interior designer. The talented designer applies for the equipment of a hip scene, but does not receive any support from either her busy husband or her retired father. In this emergency, the old childhood friend Lucy comes in, who makes the prototypes for Eva's designs in her small carpentry shop. Even as a substitute father for Eva's little son Jona makes the carpenter a good figure.
Людвиг Баварский
Bernhard von Gudden
Баварский король Людвиг II стал легендой еще при жизни. Тонкий любитель искусства, знаток музыки и архитектуры, возвышенный юноша… Да, трудно представить себе менее подходящую кандидатуру на баварский престол — особенно в век расцвета воинствующих империй. Красавец Людвиг, более увлеченный оперой, чем пополнением казны, и сам сомневался в том, что оправдает надежды отца и станет достойным преемником. Между тем, почувствовав вкус политической игры, Людвиг становится ключевой фигурой баварской истории.
The Legacy of the Siren
Wolfram von der Aue
Michel must go to dangerous lengths to save his wife and newborn child from the intrigues of the king’s mistress in this historical drama.
Hannas Entscheidung
Hans Zollner
Hanna Forster is still waiting eagerly for the return of her husband Karl, who has been in Russian captivity for seven years. Hanna brought the family and joinery on her own through the war and post-war years. When Karl finally returns, Hanna is overjoyed, but luck does not last long. Heavily injured and traumatized, Karl finds it difficult to get used to everyday and family life again. To prevent the bankruptcy of the joinery, Hanna makes a momentous decision.
2 für alle Fälle - Manche mögen Mord
Frider von Posselt
Der Winzerkrieg
Der Winzerkrieg
Josef Fink
Sture Hermansson
Холодный день в январе 2006. В маленькой шведской деревушке было по-зверски убито 18 человек. Каждый убитый был либо родственником судьи из Стокгольма Бригитты Рослин, либо тем или иным образом имел отношение к её жизни. Полиция подозревает одного наркомана, считая, что именно он ответственен за этот безумный акт. Бригитта не согласна с полицией и начинает своё собственное расследование, которое приводит её в далекий китайский город Гуанчжоу к местной элите... Экранизация одноименного романа Хеннинга Манкеля.
Vielleicht in einem anderen Leben
Werner Springenschmied
Meine Schwester
Heinz Ortner
Katharina Wallner is the owner of a long-established business for film videos. After the will of her disinherited landlord Heinz Ortner she should now close the lovingly run shop. So far, she was able to withstand Ortner's harassment, but the dreamy old lady is annoyed at the end. Her sister Hannah, surprisingly returning from South America, encourages Katharina to do something about the homeowner. When Ortner lies dead in the stairwell the next morning, Katharina comes over a terrible suspicion.
Die Hüttenwirtin
Xaver Riemer
Alle meine Lieben
Otto König
Mein Nachbar, sein Dackel & ich
Hagen Schroff
Detektiv wider Willen
Josef 'Joschi' Sowinetz
Liebe und andere Gefahren
Max Luginsland
Johanna – Köchin aus Leidenschaft
Josef Kappl
The Wall - The Final Days
Andreas Wagners Chef
Der schwarze Löwe
Klubpräsident Havlicek
Familie ist was Wunderbares
Toni Hoffmann
Mord in aller Unschuld
Max Luginsland
Alma ermittelt – Tango und Tod
Die Erntehelferin
Andreas von Braunfels
After escaping from the Sudeten German Marienbad, Clara, together with her widowed brother-in-law Johann and his four children, is quartered in a small Franconian village in 1946. In addition to hunger and poverty Clara burdens the tuberculosis of her six-year-old niece Heidi. To raise money for life-saving medicines, she works as a harvest helper at Gut Braunfels. Here she meets the estate manager Martin again, her great love she had to leave because of the children. Immediately it sparkles again between the two, but also the power-conscious squire has kept an eye on Clara.
Сокровища Трои
Otto von Bismarck
Более трёх тысяч лет живёт легенда о Трое — городе, разрушенном греками после длительной осады. Древний миф о несметных богатствах, погребённых под руинами легендарного города, издавна не даёт покоя искателям приключений. Генрих Шлиман, археолог и один из самых богатых людей в Европе, ещё в юности был очарован Илиадой Гомера и всегда мечтал найти этот давно потерянный город. Осуществляя свою мечту, Шлиман, собрав команду, отправляется в экспедицию на поиски Трои и её невиданных сокровищ. Это будет очень трудный и суровый поход, но ни упорное сопротивление турецких властей, ни зависть, ни насмешки, ни вероломные интриги — ничто не может остановить человека, одержимого поисками затерянного города.
Rettet die Weihnachtsgans
Xaver Wasmeier
Franziskas Gespür für Männer
Max Luginsland
Vom Ende der Eiszeit
Bruno Massmann
Polly Adler - Eine Frau sieht rosa
21 Liebesbriefe
Max Luginsland
Апрель 1945 года. Советские войска сжимают кольцо вокруг столицы Третьего рейха - Берлина. Перед лицом неминуемого поражения нацистская верхушка ищет спасение в секретном бункере, не желая покидать обезумевшего фюрера. Отвергнув предложения о побеге, Гитлер утверждает, что победа близка. Он приказывает сравнять Германию с землёй и обсуждает детали своего самоубийства. Последнее убежище палачей пронизано агонией и страхом. И лишь те, кто выйдут живыми из этого бетонного ада, смогут поведать историю о последних минутах жизни и мрачном падении диктатора и его режима.
Three loser-type ex-students who earn too little money and don´t get laid as much as they want, try to change that by producing a home made porn movie starring themselves. They loan money from a pimp and begin casting the girls. When filming starts they find out that sex in front of the camera is hard work. Also you should know how to work a video camera. Frustration, relationship problems and cabin fever culminate in a dope induced garden orgy. But is it a film?
Und Tschüss, Ihr Lieben
Dieter Wendrich
Utta Danella - Der Sommer des glücklichen Narren
Conni Killinger
Writer's block, divorce, financial shortage: The charming writer Paul Buchner has already experienced better summers. He decides that the topic of "women" is no longer of interest to him, and he retires to his mountain lodge. But with the quiet loneliness it is over quickly. As the handsome Steffi knocks on his door, it is suddenly more turbulent than he would like.
Drei unter einer Decke
Hartmut Pfähler
A comedy directed by Peter Weck.
August der Glückliche
Alois Salcher
Franz und Anna
Forstmeister Göpfert
The action of the melodrama takes place in the late 19th century, in an idyllic mountain village. Behind the façade of law and morality there is stubbornness, depravity and fear. As a dedicated teacher , Franz Gattl has been caring for the children of the mountain village for years . The kids love him.The progressive assistant teacher is a thorn in the side of the village priest Kleiber, who reports to Franz , and he uses every opportunity to spoil his future ; Especially when he found out about his assistant teacher 's love for Anna Rissbacher . When Anna becomes pregnant , he sees hishour has come. The young couple has to leave their home country head over heels .
Rechtspfleger Ettschläger
Bobby Kustermann is a young man with Down syndrome who lives in a loving family until his mother dies unexpectedly, leaving a hefty heritage. There is a dispute between Bobby's two siblings, Nanni and Johannes, as to whom could give Bobby a better home. Nanni and her husband Klaus would offer a “normal” family environment, but Klaus is only after the money. Johannes really wants to take care of Bobby and give him a home for the future. The problem is he is gay and lives with his partner Marc. The responsible offices don't like that at all. Only when the matter goes to court, do the parties to the dispute realize that this is mainly about Bobby's will and that he can actually best decide who he would like to live with in the future.
An Unusual Affair
Wolfganf Bauer
Jochen Wenzel, a young teacher, married with two kids, one day surprisingly falls in love with a young male colleague, Tom Leuthner and they begin an unusual affair (= "Eine aussergewöhnliche Affäre"). While Ina, Jochen's wife, worries about Jochen's distanced behavior without having a clue of her husband's affair, Jochen and Tom seriously fall for each other. Torn between his family and his new love, Jochen has to make a decision. Written by Smoothhoney
Sektion - Die Sprache der Toten
La mer
A man is swimming in the ocean. Suddenly he is hit by something. Unconsciously he drops to the bottom. When he wakes up on the beach again everything looks the same. But something is not entirely right.
Bargeld lacht
Bruno Steiger
Невеста ветра
Gustav Klimt
Вена, 1902 год. Альма Шиндлер знакомится с Густавом Малером. Она юна, красива и сочиняет музыку, которая составляет всю её жизнь. Вскоре Альма становится возлюбленной Малера, а затем его женой. Но суровый муж просит Альму бросить сочинительство. Родив Малеру двух детей, она долгие годы была его секретарем и спасала от долгов. Но все это время она чувствовала себя бесконечно подавленной. После скоропостижной смерти ребенка, Альма знакомится с архитектором Вальтером Гропиусом и влюбляется в него. Ей предстоит непростой выбор: бежать с любовником или остаться с Малером…
Jetzt bin ich dran, Liebling!
Der Nebelmörder - Schatten über der Stadt
Ein einzelner Mord
Franz Hindenburg Wipfler
Typisch Ed!
The 3 Postal Robbers
Two rival children groups are trying to find a three postal robbers who kidnapped a young girl.
Ultimate Trespass
Christine Wagner is raped by a burglar in her house while her husband Stefan is on a business trip. When she later wants to report the break-in and the sexual assault to the police, her descriptions are believed to be implausible. The officer in charge considers her representations to be exaggerated and made up and decides not to deal with this case any further. Christine is frustrated by this and suppresses what has happened.
The Deathbus
A street collapses on a rainy day over a newly made tunnel for a future trainline and captures a bus full of passengers in a hole, slowly sinking into the mud.
Lychees weiß blau
Ein Mann fällt nicht vom Himmel
The Unfish
Sophie "inherits" her uncle's preserved whale and finds out that whoever sleeps in the whale's belly with her will be granted one wish, causing chaos and hatred in the village.
Женский рок-квартет совершает побег из тюрьмы. Преследуемые полицией Германии, «Бандитки» делают все возможное, чтобы остаться на свободе. Сбываются все их мечты. Они свободны, а их музыка приносит им популярность. Но полицейские все ближе. И единственная надежда - это корабль, который отправляется в Южную Америку.
Die letzte Rettung
Stephan Winz
Tod im Paradies
Knallhart daneben
Sau sticht
Am Morgen danach
Lauras Entscheidung
Список Шиндлера
Dieter Reeder
Лента рассказывает реальную историю загадочного Оскара Шиндлера, члена нацистской партии, преуспевающего фабриканта, спасшего во время Второй мировой войны более тысячи ста евреев. Это триумф одного человека, не похожего на других, и драма тех, кто, благодаря ему, выжил в ужасный период человеческой истории.
The Rebellion
Vinzenz Topp
The disabled ex-soldier Andreas Pum lost a leg for emperor and father land. After leaving the army he receives a license and a drehorgel. One day he gets into a controversy with a welldressed gentleman, disturbs the public order, and hits a policeman. Andreas Pum goes to jail, loses his license and becomes toilet guard in the Cafe Halali after his release. Only at the moment of death he recognizes that he was always too decent and too obedient.
After spending seven years in jail, Max Kulik returns home. At night he watches a girl in the house across the street, and her desparate anguish both touches and attracts him. For just a moment, it seems as if the two of them might manage to start a new life together.
Jenseits von Federn
Wilhelm, who is a fanatic for justice, and Mango Karl kidnap Erwin, the beloved cockerel of Mrs. Wassermann. As always, the two men aim to distribute the money obtained by extortion among the socially needy. The rest is "Beyond Feathers"...
Herr Pfau
The former waiter Ernst Held believes himself to be called higher and seeks self-realization as a poet. When he recites poems to his wife's beautician in an ambiguous situation, his wife puts him out the door. Completely destitute, the thwarted poet must therefore return to the lowlands of life and become the head in the Munich pub "Goldener Löffel".
Wolfgang A. Mozart
When rumors spread about a "child prodigy" among the Mozarts in Salzburg, the archbishop orders an investigation in which the seven-year-old Wolfgang has to demonstrate his talent before a committee of scholars. Soon afterwards, Leopold Mozart and his son are traveling all over Europe to play for patrons and admirers. The new Archbishop of Salzburg, Count Colloredo, is not very enthusiastic about Mozart and dismisses him. Mozart marries Constanze Weber, settles in Vienna and has his first successes, earning him commissions and the goodwill of Josef II. In the last years of his life, his situation worsens; Mozart runs into financial difficulties and health problems, but still works incessantly.
Sehnsüchte oder Es ist alles unheimlich leicht
Requiem for Dominic
Requiem for Dominic powerfully portrayed the upheaval in that liminal space between revolution and order. This drama is captured partly on film, partly on video adding to the gritty reality of the time, place and events as they were unfolding in Eastern Europe as the "Iron Curtain" collapsed.
Freund der Mutter
1969. The Prague Spring has been demolished. New barbed wire installations have been erected. Julia, who is thirteen, has moved with her mother to a village in northern Austria which lies on the Czech border. Julia has not spoken since her father's death. Her isolation increases in the village where she is an outsider. Provoked into proving her courage by some young villagers, she walks into no-man's land. She discovers a forgotten tunnel which leads to a construction site on the Czech side of the border. Julia makes the acquaintance of Roland, a forty-five-year-old surveyor, on "the other side". An ambivalent father-daughter relationship develops between them. Roman is the only one to whom she confides the secret of her border crossings. Due to his affection for her, she regains her ability to speak. And she starts to feel at ease with Alexander, who is her age. Roman makes new plans at Julia's urging. The insurmountable border foritfications will remain vulnerable . . .
Die Erpressung
Marienthal: The Sociography of an Unemployed Community
One of the main theses of the Marienthal study was that prolonged unemployment leads to a state of apathy in which the victims do not utilize any longer even the few opportunities left to them. The vicious cycle between reduced opportunities and reduced level of aspiration has remained the focus of all subsequent discussions.
Wiener Walzer
Der vierte Mann
Am Ende wird alles sichtbar