Stunt Driver
In his new film a young director puts his girlfriend through a love test. By doing so he risks his real life relationship with her.
A shooting accident in which a dutch police officer shoots a young Moroccan rapper creates polarization about the issue of racism among citizens of a multicultural society.
A shooting accident in which a dutch police officer shoots a young Moroccan rapper creates polarization about the issue of racism among citizens of a multicultural society.
Stunt Coordinator
The start of the career of Herman Brood, who lived his life filled with sex, drugs and rock 'n roll. Guided by his manager they aim to take over the USA with his music.
50-летний официант из затрапезного бистро только и видит в жизни, что нагоняи от хамоватых посетителей да козни потрепанной любовницы, обожающей приходить в его заведение и требовать к себе особого внимания в самый разгар дня. Тогда официант идет к сценаристу, который, оказывается, пишет ситком из его жизни, и просит заменить любовницу на что-нибудь поприличнее и дать возможность хотя бы пару раз ответить самому наглому клиенту. Сценарист соглашается — и вскоре у его дверей выстраивается целая очередь из обездоленных персонажей.
Melissa is a 15-year-old girl who loves to dance. Her parents think she is taking classes in classical ballet, but once at the dance school she devotes herself to the hip-hop dance classes. Melissa is good friends with Jordi and he is very happy for Melissa when she is asked to dance in the music video of the famous rapper Brainpower. But because of bad influences, her life becomes a nightmare. Until her real friends decide to get her out of there.