Blas Jaramillo


Gus, Julius and Nicole are childhood friends who reconnect as they approach their forties. In an intense weekend, they seek to understand what has happened with their lives and the world around them.
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El Orejón
В трущобах колумбийского города Кали в обшарпанном номере заштатного отеля пересекаются судьбы трех главных действующих персонажей — гангстера средней руки Виктора, тайно присвоившего деньги мафии, психически неуравновешенного киллера Бенитеса, виновного в гибели крестного сына криминального авторитета по имени Эль Орехон, и мафиози Сьерра. По поручению Эль Орехона они ищут те самые деньги, которые и украл Виктор, но в этих поисках каждый из героев преследует собственные низменные цели, волей-неволей вовлекая друг друга и окружающий их бандитский мир города в опасную и непредсказуемую игру на выживание.
Looking for Miguel
A wealthy Columbian politician blinded by his own privilege is forced to walk a mile in the shoes of the people he despises most after falling victim to a violent attack and subsequently losing his memory. Miguel was a man of fine stock, a politician who has led a charmed life since the day he was born. But Miguel has no appreciation for his lot in life, and scoffs at the everyday people who must struggle just to survive. One day, after being assaulted on the street and left for dead, Miguel awakens with no memory of the past. He has forgotten his distain for the dumpster divers, petty thieves, and wandering transients who crowd the city streets, and now their warmth and solidarity is the only thing keeping him alive. As Miguel forges a friendship with a pious but promiscuous drag queen, the fragments of the past gradually become illuminated in his mind, prompting him on a desperate quest to reclaim his identity and atone for the sins of his past.
Ernesto - the priest
Три истории, излагаемые параллельно, происходят в канун резни Позетто. Главные герои — роковая красавица, которая подставляет богатых мужчин, священник, влюбленный в домохозяйку и утомленный жизнью ветеран войны, ставший преподавателем и теперь снедаемый страстью к одной из своих студенток. Три разных человека, ищущие любви, искупления грехов и второго шанса на новую жизнь, которая обязательно начнется, когда закончатся эти трагические события…
Chronic City
Covering news of impact in Bogotá has become a personal race between Roco and Matías, two contemporary journalists who are reaching their fifties, determined to be the first to get red notices for their editors. 30 years dedicated to competing for the most macabre news, they are driven to cross paths through death, in a desolate and hostile city that offers them no shelter or company.
Martillo, tells the story of Pablo’s sexual awakening, a student at a boys' school where Sister Edwin teaches discipline with an iron hand. At home, Pablo lives in a different world. His father is a plastic surgeon and shamelessly exposes him to his sexual world and that of his lover. His mother is dead and Albina, his nanny, takes care of him like a son. At thirteen, Pablo is confused. When he discovers Sister Edwin's secret, he will leave his innocence behind.