Kirsten Hager


Gier nach Gold
Production Manager
Zeit zu beten
Production Manager
Patrick and Julia have an enviable, stable marriage, there is security and inspiration. But no sex. The couple's well-established life structure falls apart when they outsource the deficit with the help of a confident, attractive young woman, who completely underestimates her feelings.
Winterherz: Tod in einer kalten Nacht
Break-Out to the Unknown
In the near future: Europe is in chaos. Right-wing extremists have taken power in many countries. The democratic state that once was Germany has become a totalitarian system that persecutes dissenters, Muslims and homosexuals. Jan Schneider has stood as a lawyer on the side of dispossessed victims. When he learns that the regime wants to jail him again, he decides to flee with his family. His goal is the South African Union, which enjoys political and economic stability after an economic boom. A freighter is to bring him, his wife Sarah and the two children Nora and Nick together with other refugees to Cape Town, but the tugs abandon their passengers in much too small boats off the coast of Namibia. On rough seas, it comes to disaster, the little Nick is lost, and no one knows if he could reach the shore...
Lena Fauch - Du Sollst Nicht Töten
Lena Fauch - Vergebung oder Rache
Willkommen im Club
Allein unter Nachbarn
The Last Fine Day
The phone call from Sybille was usual. Her family didn't even know that this call just started their last fine day...
Allein unter Schülern
Катастрофа над Берлином
Потерявший управление самолет с 90 пассажирами на борту стремительно теряет высоту в небе над Германией. Капитану Винклеру и его помощнику Никласу Седлажеку придется забывать о внутренних разногласиях, чтобы спасти отчаявшихся пассажиров и ничего не подозревающих жителей Берлина от неминуемой катастрофы.
Licht über dem Wasser
After the death of his wife, successful author Seefeld has retreated to a lighthouse on the Irish coast. His nervous publisher is waiting in vain for a new bestseller and sends a spy: psychologist Carolin is to find out what Seefeld is up to. She disguises herself as an ornithologist - and the outcome is immediately clear to all connoisseurs of schmaltz.
Забойный футbол
В маленьком поселке, где живет Эки, футбол — это спорт для настоящих мужчин. И хотя он много лет защищал ворота местного клуба и был настоящим любимцем публики, один неверный поцелуй поставил его вне любимой игры. «Голубой» вратарь? Только не в нашем поселке! Бесцеремонно выставленный из клуба, Эки клянется отомстить бывшим товарищам. Но как это сделать? А очень просто. Нужно собрать команду, целиком состоящую из «голубых», и победить этих противных жлобов на футбольном поле…
Paradise Mall
St. Pauli Nacht
Sometimes your fate lies in the hands of those you meet. Filled with promising ambitions, shattered dreams, love and revenge and in the end hope, the story reveals how tangibly interconnected our induividual fates really are. Cabby Robby drives in and around St.Pauli, Hamburg, from sunset to sunrise. He is surrounded by stories of the night. Drowning in human incidents.
A black comedy about the dream of freedom and the difficulty of obtaining this: While Molly (Eva Mattes), Elisabeth (Katja Flint) and Maria (Ornella Muti) are great friends, but at the same time completely different. Molly is a difficult stressed housewife and mother of three children, Elisabeth is the perfect career woman and Maria uses already in their third marriage sex appeal to get ahead in life. But one day it turns out that the three except their friendship still connects another great thing in common: They are all tired of her life as a wife. And so begins the story of a rabenscharzen comedy about the dream of freedom and the difficulties to achieve this. The only question is: How are they merely their husbands going on?
Irren ist männlich
Hollywood, Germany - Die amerikanische Herausforderung
Documentary by Eckhart Schmidt.
Silent Shadow
A drama directed by Sherry Hormann.
Unit Manager
In the Bavarian village of Schladerbach, the kobold Hatschipuh and his comrades live, of whose existence only Grandpa Reiter is aware. When the building constructor Lederer builds himself a new mansion, the subterranean settlement of the kobolds gets destroyed, and Grandpa Reiter sees himself forced to move them into his barn. But this abode as well is soon threatened: Since the farm is no longer profitable, Father Reiter plans to sell it…