Hannelore Schroth
Рождение : 1922-01-10, Berlin, Germany
Смерть : 1987-07-07
Elisabeth Merz
In Friedliche Tage, we enter a totalitarian and inhuman society, in which daily life is a series of nightmares and the protagonists search for a utopia of freedom and love.
Madame Basil
Hedwig Lehner, seine Schwiegermutter
Frau Almany
If Die Mörder sind unter uns was about the ruins around then, Zwischengleis is about the ruins within, the ones that couldn’t be erased by new construction work. If Susanne back then could slowly overcome her concentration camp memories to prevent Hans from taking justice into his own hands, here Anna cannot forget that she couldn’t protect a strange boy in the mad final days of WWII when she was fleeing the approaching Soviet Army with her mother and younger brother. She’s a prisoner, caught in a timeloop in her head, it’s not an accident that her name is a palindrome. Wars take everything away from her: for her one true love Charles Stone, a colonel with the occupation forces, is sent to the battlefields of Korea, never to return.
Mama Sekulovich
Fru Petrell
Nursing a piglet back to life because it's the runt of the litter earns Emil a friend for life.
Fru Petrell
Emil's reputation for being a troublemaker makes the Svensson family's neighbours take up a collection for sending the boy off to America. But even if he among other unfortunate mishaps causes his father to get stuck in the outhouse window and get bitten by crawfish, all is forgotten when he skillfully wins the family a free horse. And when Alfred the farmhand gets seriously ill, Emil puts his own life on the line, venturing into a snow storm to get his best friend to a doctor before it is too late.
Fru Petrell
Эмиль живет на хуторе с папой, мамой и маленькой сестренкой Идой. Проделки этого сорванца известны на всю округу. Эмиль — большой фантазер и следопыт! Как только в доме Свенссонов завелась крыса, Эмиль тут же нашел место, где поставить ловушку…
Mathilde Zwicknagel
Vera Zinn
Philomena Marturano
Lollia - Macros Frau
Yvonne Carruche
Lilli Vanessi
Madame Riffi
Uschi Gunzel
Biography of the famous German actress Renate Müller, who died in 1937 under unsettled circumstances; While doing her first movie for the UFA in Berlin, she meets the elderly secretary-general Dr. Simon and is impressed by his charm. Although her Nazi-friend Volker discourages her to befriend a Jew, they start dating. While she ascends to one of the most famous German actresses of her time, Simon is suffering more and more under the Nazi regime.
Addie Bemis
Sylvia Groth
Katharina Parr
Kate Parr
Eva Träumer
A man takes in three a dog and three runaway girls.
Nita Clive
Marianne Herzberg
Gabriele Roscher
Dagmar Mansfeld
Klärchen Müller
Mathilde Obermüller
Его имя Фридрих Вильгельм Фойгт, и он — один из самых знаменитых мошенников мира. Когда-то он был простым сапожником — правда, с незаурядным воображением. Однажды он купил у старьёвщика форму гауптмана и, нарядившись в неё, приказал двум отделениям прусских гвардейцев сопроводить его в ратушу Кёпеника. В результате ратуша была захвачена солдатами под его командованием, бургомистр арестован якобы за растрату, а касса с кругленькой суммой изъята «для нужд армии».
Ottilie Klamroth, geb. Clausen
Пожилой промышленник Матиас Клаузен после смерти жены потерял радость жизни. Его не утешает и привязанность к своим отпрыскам, которые из эгоизма думают только о защите своих интересов. Поэтому, когда Клаузен влюбляется в молодую женщину, которую нанимает секретарём, дети понимают, что она может стать их мачехой.
Dona Angela
Dorothee (voice)
The wealthy man Tobias Knopp becomes ever more lonely and quirky over the years. He had let himself go, his girth increased significantly, and his hair fell out. Over that, he waited too long for the right woman and stayed a bachelor involuntarily. But now, he wants to try again one more time and wants to get married after all. But first of all, the right woman for this has to be found, and thus Knopp embarks on a journey to look for a wife all through the German lands. During that, he visits his friends who are already married for a long time and gets all kinds of advice from them on how to get to know a woman and to conquer her heart. On his journey, Knopp then learns much about the different facets of married life. After countless adventures, he, however, doesn’t find an adequate partner and returns home frustrated. But perhaps, his housekeeper might be able to help out?
Stefanie Vernon
Directed by Richard Eichberg.
Frl. Bimbi
Inge Imhof
Kitty Grille
Leni Fink
Barbara Hessling
Melanie, seine Tochter
Anna Altmann
Two barge skippers fall in love with the same woman.
Ingrid Peters
Lisa Rodenius
1944 German film.
Marion Austerlitz
Marion Austerlitz is a stubborn person, much to the chagrin of her husband, Dr. Fritz Austerlitz. There's constantly some kind of excitement going on in their house: this time, Marion takes in a barking dog, much against the wishes of her husband; that time she's harrasses the old servant; then countless traffic tickets from the police come in the mail; or high bills for extravagant huts are delivered by the mailman. Finally, Fritz blows a fuse. In the presence of his friend, Professor Endres, and Marion's mother, a big fight breaks out between the couple.
Felicitas / Beate Rechenmacher
Gabriele Eckberg
The successful writer Erich Eckberg lives with his wife Sigrid and their three children -- the twins, Knut and Michael and the daughter Gabriel -- on their estate "Sophienlund". On their sons' 21st birthday, Eckberg tells them the great family secret: Knut and Michael aren't his children (happy birthday, kids ... oh! and did I mention Santa Claus doesn't exist either?). But thankfully, the news gets better: their real mother died giving birth to them (guilt trip ... guilt trip!) and the Eckbergs decided to adopt the boys and bring them up in a proper family (no doubt so they could shatter their lives with this tale on their 21st birthday). But hey: it made everyone forget about the War going on outside the theatre, right?
Hella Jüttner
Marieluise Kornberg
Ursula, ihre Tochter
When Dr Hartung (Fritz Odemar) hits Eva (Geraldine Katt) with his car, she decides to make him her "life's mission" and free him of his "unhappy marriage" which he never declares as such. In her way stands only her best friend Ursula (Hannelore Schroth) who happens to be Dr Hartung's daughter and is all but enthusiastic about her friend trying to seduce her father.
Laura Rieger
В этом фильме изображена жизнь великого немецкого драматурга, философа и поэта Фридриха Шиллера. В фильме рассказывается, среди прочего, о сложном периоде, который Шиллер пережил во время пребывания в военной академии, и о том, как этот период вдохновил его в последующей работе.
Anni Rössler
The setting is Lugano (Switzerland), where an apparently very important world conference takes place. The film tells the story of the young Kitty (Hannelore Schroth), who works as a manicurist at the Eden Hotel, and who in the course of events gets to know both a young journalist (Christian Gollong) and the English minister of economics (Fritz Odemar). A lot of wild mix-ups, comic situations, a love story and occasional singing ensue, and in the end most of the VIPs have gained their share of laughter… There’s also a great performance by Paul Hörbiger as the hotel porter. For a 1939 film made in Germany, “Kitty” is remarkably irreverent and satirical about politics.
Aenne, beider Tochter
Daughter Ellen
Each evening, before saying their prayers, some children swallow their cod liver oil. One evening, the youngest child makes a daring request in his prayer.