Gabriela Maria Schmeide

Gabriela Maria Schmeide

Рождение : 1965-07-10, Bautzen, Germany


Gabriela Maria Schmeide


Ella Feddersen (1965 - 1984)
When his grandmother Ella becomes increasingly confused and his grandfather Sönke simply doesn't want to part with his pub, the Dorfkrug, 47-year-old Ingwer Feddersen sees the time has come to return to his home village Brinkebüll. The village tavern isn't what it used to be - but that's also true for the whole village. Ingwer wonders when exactly was the point in time when the village of Brinkebüll went downhill? Was it in the 1970s when the hedges disappeared after the land consolidation and then the birds too? When larger and larger farms were built so that smaller ones had to give way? Is it perhaps his fault because he left his grandfather alone with gastronomy to study in Kiel? Based on Dörte Hansen's 2018 novel of the same name.
Le Moine Noir
Andrey Kovrin, overworked intellectual who dreams of liberty and glory, decides to retire to the country house of his old friend Pesotsky and his daughter Tanya to get some rest. As he sits in the garden, he sees the ghost of a monk, who will haunt his stay and eventually drive him mad.
The Girl With the Golden Hands
East Germany, in autumn 1999. Gudrun Pfaff is about to turn sixty when she finds out that the orphanage she grew up in is being sold to turn into a hotel, and she is willing to do anything to stop it.
Schwester Walrika
Born at the same place, on the same day, Hannes and Moritz grow up to be inseparable friends. But one day a tragic motorcycle accident will change their lives forever, leaving Hannes in a coma with a slim chance of recovery. Moritz refuses to give up on his friend and puts his own life aside to ensure Hannes is always loved and surrounded by life and laughter. Trying to stand his ground, Moritz will then embark on an inspiring and life-changing journey, realizing that every day is worth celebrating and proving their friendship is stronger than ever.
Lindenberg! Mach dein Ding
Long before his big stage breakthrough in 1973 in Hamburg, and 4.4 million records sold, the rock musician Udo Lindenberg from the Westphalian province, the man with the long hair and the hat, had many adventures. Before it all started, he moved from the remoteness of Gronau to Hamburg, where he met Paula, who was not his great love, but was quite a hottie. When the team of three was complete with Steffi Stephan, the idea of founding a band developed. But the road to get there was a long one: he drummed as a jazz drummer in bands, had a highly dangerous performance in a US military base in the middle of the Libyan desert and always believed in making it to the very top.
Разрушительница системы
Frau Bafané
Бенни – хрупкая на вид малышка, наделённая безграничной энергией. Она «разрушительница системы». Так называют детей, которые нарушают все мыслимые правила, не принимают никакой организации и проскальзывают сквозь трещины в немецкой системе социальной защиты детей. Куда бы ни определяли 9-летнюю девочку, через некоторое время её снова выгоняют. Ей только того и надо, потому что больше всего она хочет жить с мамой – женщиной, которая совершенно неспособна справляться с непредсказуемыми выходками дочери.
Das Märchen von der Regentrude
The whole country wants an end of the drought. Maren has even more reason to wish for rain, her austere father,the rich hay farmer Iven, will approve her marriage with her beloved Andrees only if the rain falls before the next sunset.
Der Prag-Krimi - Der kalte Tod
Klára Majerova
Der Prag-Krimi - Die Wasserleiche
Klára Majerova
Am Ende ist man tot
In Times of Fading Light
Just before the fall of the Berlin Wall, the birthday celebrations of an East German family turn into a tragicomical moment of political and personal breakdown.
Wellness für Paare
Michaela Ellerbrook
A wellness hotel in a small German castle specializes in well-off couples, offering a wide range of services, including one some partners feel trapped into : relational therapy. It's truth time, for some liberating, forcing others to face their secrets of dysfunctional relationship.
Фрау Мюллер должна уйти!
Frau Müller
Because of their children's bad grades, some parents want the teacher Mrs. Müller gone. They meet with Mrs. Müller and try to convince her to leave the class.
A king is married to a woman with golden hair. The queen falls ill, and realising she’s going to die she asks her husband that, if he’d ever remarry, it would be only to a woman as beautiful as her with the same golden hair. Unfortunately, the only one to fit the description is his own daughter, Princess Lotte. He decides to marry her. All she can do is flee. She dirties her face and hands with soot and escapes.
Fly Away
Sybille Simon
Maria Rubenstein
A nameless man receives phone calls intended for someone else and ends up pretending to be that person, while a female character rebels against her author.
Генрих Наваррский
Marie de Medici
После смерти матери королем Наварры провозглашается Генрих, и вскоре он женится на Маргарите Валуа, известной как «королева Марго». Брак этот политический и имеет целью примирение католической и протестантской партий, которые ведут кровавую борьбу за землю и власть.Свадьбу празднуют несколько дней, которые заканчиваются жестокой расправой над протестантами — Варфоломеевской ночью. Генриху удается спастись, приняв католицизм, после чего он почти 4 года остается пленником при французском дворе. В феврале 1576, после побега на юг, Генрих возвращается к протестантству. В народной памяти Генрих IV остался как «добрый король Анри».
The Hairdresser
Kathi König
When a salon refuses to hire her because of her plump figure, irrepressible hair stylist Kathi plots revenge by opening her own beauty parlor next door. But when she faces a cash-flow problem, Kathi resorts to some creative means of raising capital.
Белая лента
The Steward's Wife
Деревня в протестантской северной Германии. 1913—1914 года. Канун первой мировой войны. История о детях и подростках церковного хора, поддерживаемого деревенским школьным учителем и их семьями: бароном, управляющим, пастором, доктором, акушеркой, землевладельцами. Происшедший загадочный несчастный случай постепенно принимает характер карательного ритуала. Кто стоит за этим всем?
Die Drachen besiegen
Sabine Vogt
Braams - Kein Mord ohne Leiche
Laura Braams
Jana Martinez
Stella and the Star of the Orient
Stellas Mutter
What child doesn’t dream of finding some secret door to the past! For Stella, a sassy 10-year-old, this dream comes true when she finds a magic wardrobe that transports her back to the early 20th century. There she must find a precious stone, the “Star of the Orient”, and ward off criminals who also want the treasure. Both haunting in its dream-like atmosphere and rousing through its spirited young protagonists, the film sweeps youngsters into a magical story of friendship and discovery.
A Good Boy
After his mother's death, 17-year-old Sven moves in with his dad Achim, a taxi driver, who had divorced his mother several years earlier. It is not easy for Achim to get used to an adolescent around the house, especially since Sven hardly speaks to him. But Sven does well in school, and Achim hopes that time will bring them closer together. It is Achim's girlfriend Julia who first senses that something is wrong with Sven. Why, she wonders, does he always hang around with young boys? Why does not he have any friends his own age? She suspects that he is gay. The truth, however, is somewhat more nuanced - and chilling: Sven has pedophile tendencies. Proof is soon found on videos that shock and sicken Achim. Sven himself is shattered and regrets his actions. Julia suggests therapy, but Achim is convinced that he and Sven can handle this together. But he is wrong. Though Sven practically begs his father to lock him up in his room, Achim has confidence in his son.
Krauses Fest
Marie Dost
Police chief Krause celebrates Christmas every year with his two sisters. However, this year everything will be different.
Die Weihnachtswette
Two old pals lose their work as boatmen on the Elbe river. While down-to-earth Gero tries to get back on his feet, reckless Kowsky keeps gambling with friendship and life time and time again. For all that, they set out together from Dresden for Hamburg, hoping to find new work, a new love, a new life.
Die Abrechnung
Barbara Kurzeck
A reporter has only one purpose after the death of his daughter: find the fugitive driver responsible for the accident.
Tante Helga
Маленький немецкий городок Шлитц объят паникой — на расположенной неподалёку атомной электростанции произошла авария, и всю округу накрывает радиоактивное облако…
‎In a Sweatbox‎
The "Schwitzkasten" is a sleazy sauna located in a undistinguished neighborhood in Berlin, Germany where several persons are used to meet day by day, discussing their personal problems and feelings.
Am Tag als Bobby Ewing starb
1986 - The protest movement against the construction of the nuclear power plant in Brokdorf is on its last legs. Only one rural commune remains: the "Alternative Wohnkollektiv Regenbogen". For them, it could go on and on with endless consensus discussions, shearing sheep and naked communal bathing. One day, the lowland communards are joined by two city dwellers, Hanne and her son Niels. While Hanne gets used to scream therapy and raising vegetables surprisingly quickly - and even more quickly to the tantra games with commune guru Peter - Niels has less and less desire for the dogmatic commune rules. Out of defiance, he joins the violent nuclear power plant resistance, thus upsetting the tranquil chaos of the commune. The big bang, however, comes when a reactor explodes in distant Chernobyl. Exactly on the day Bobby Ewing dies, the petroleum prince from "Dallas" and series favorite of the commune.
Das Zimmermädchen
Frau Mackbett
Liebe Amelie
After moving to Munich with her parents Kristin and Bernd, the 16-year-old Amelie has problems adjusting to her new school. Although the family seems to be happy, her parents are too busy themselves to notice how depressed she is - until she tries to commit suicide. Amelie survives, but her disease worsens...
Leben wäre schön
Ute Even
My First Miracle
When the strong friendship between a precocious eleven year old girl and a middle-aged family man is attacked for being unhealthy and immoral, the two run away together, but their care-free days are numbered.
Большие девочки не плачут
Ingrid, Katis Mutter
Кати и Штеффи – лучшие подруги. Теперь, когда личная жизнь начинает бурлить, они забрасывают учебники и ходят по ночным клубам. Но когда Штеффи видит своего отца в компании другой женщины, ее жизнь начинает выходить из-под контроля. Штеффи затевает план мести любовнице отца. Тем временем Кати заводит веселый роман со взрослым мужчиной. Теряя связь, девушки понимают, что нужны друг другу больше, чем когда-либо.
Гриль-бар «На полпути»
Четверо на пороге сорокалетия в бывшем гэдээровском захолустье, почти на границе с Польшей.
Nicht ohne dich
Die Polizistin is a documentary by Andreas Dresen about the life of a young police woman who is faced with the difficulties between her responsibilities at work and her personal responsibilities.
Полюби меня!
Размеренная жизнь Катрин Ведель неожиданно меняется, когда она знакомится с Еленой, новой школьной преподавательницей своего сына. Притяжение между женщинами перерастает в глубокий роман. Но удержать его в секрете не в их силах, Катрин нужно выбрать, с кем она хочет быть.
In Liebe, eure Hilde