Carlo Giustini

Carlo Giustini

Рождение : 1923-05-04,


Carlo Giustini


Во власти смертельного тумана
Capt. Jaques Dubois
В 21-ом столетии иноземные (странные зеленые огни, что иногда проявляются как большие облака дыма) вторгаются в Солнечную систему. Используя Марс как пристанище, они крадут все космические станции Земли…
Дикая-дикая планета
Lt. Ken
Сумасшедший доктор, стремящий создать новую расу людей, с помощью своих подручных похищает здоровые человеческие «образцы» и экспериментирует с ними. На его беду одной из похищенных становится подружка крутого космического полицейского Майка Хальмстеда.
Beauties on Motor Scooters
Zwischen Schanghai und St. Pauli
Damon and Pythias
Damon is a thief who begins to question his beliefs after he meets Pythias, a liberal Athenian who believes all men are brothers.
Понтий Пилат
Фильм начинается с суда над Понтием Пилатом. Пилат изображается как человек, желавший мира и процветания народу, которым его назначили управлять. Несмотря на сопротивление Синедриона, он строит акведук, дороги, а склоки и распри верхушки иудейского общества ему мешают, что становится для него настоящей трагедией. Варрава - разбойник, выполняющий за деньги любые приказания, показан…
Разбойник Варавва
Officer (as Carlo Giutini)
Библейская легенда о воре и убийце Варавве, которого помиловал Понтий Пилат. Была такая традиция в древней Иудее, когда зрители, присутствующие на массовых казнях, которые являлись своеобразным шоу, проходившими при гигантском стечении публики, могли по своему произволу выбрать одного понравившегося им преступника и освободить его от смерти. В тот раз люди выбрали Варавву…
Эль Сид
Африканский эмир Бен Юсеф, пытаясь завоевать Испанию в 1080 году, сталкивается с великим воином Родриго Диасом Де Бевара, известным в истории как Эль Сид Повелитель. Он поднялся над религиозными распрями и объединил христиан и мавров против общего врага. Борьба Эль Сида с завоевателями стоит в центре картины, но не менее важной сюжетной линией является нелегкая любовь героя к Химен, прекрасной дочери знатного графа.
Joseph and His Brethren
A brother is cast out from his family, sold in to slavery and then returns years later as a man of power - but shows forgiveness and compassion to his family through the strength of character given to him by God.
Amazons of Rome
Marching down the Italian peninsula to sack ancient Rome, Etruscan warrior Drusco instead offers to hold back his onslaught if the Romans hand over hostages, including Clelia, the sexy leader of a clan of woman warriors. But before long, intrigue and betrayal unravel the fragile peace. Directors Carlo Ludovico Bragaglia and Vittorio Cottafavi helm this vintage sword-and-sandal epic.
В пятницу в половине двенадцатого
Фрэнк Морган — криминальный авторитет со стажем — предлагает своим друзьям и партнерам по криминальному бизнесу необычное дело. Он решил ограбить броневик, который раз в неделю перевозит на военную базу сумму в один миллион долларов. Моргану удаётся уговорить своих друзей принять участие в нападении на машину. Согласно плану, приманкой для водителя и охранника броневика должна стать молодая и красивая женщина, сымитировавшая автомобильную аварию. Но когда план был приведён в действие, события стали развиваться по непредсказуемому сценарию.
The Savage Innocents
Second Trooper
An Eskimo who has had little contact with white men goes to a trading post where he accidentally kills a missionary and finds himself being pursued by the police.
Мессалина, имперская Венера
Lucius Geta
Древний Рим, эпоха, когда в стране правили коррупция и предательство, время насилия и жестокости. Молодая весталка Валерия (Белинда Ли) становится супругой императора Клавдия. Ей суждено войти в историю под именем императрицы Мессалины, одной из самых амбициозных, распутных и кровавых повелительниц Рима.
The Siege of Pinchgut
Luke (as Carlo Justini)
An escaped prisoner is trying to clear his name.
The Whole Truth
Leading Man
On the French Riviera, movie producer Max Poulton is on location shooting a film starring his lover, Gina Bertini. But when the rueful Max ends his fling with Gina to return to his loyal wife, Carol, the jilted actress threatens to reveal details of their affair to Carol. Later, at a party at Max's villa, investigator Carliss arrives with news that Gina has been killed and that Max is a murderer suspect.
Intent to Kill
Francisco Flores (as Carlo Justini)
While resisting pressure from his upper-class wife to take a higher-paying job in London, a Montreal physician prepares to carry out brain surgery on a Latin American president. They don't suspect that a trio of assassins is also waiting, for their chance to carry out a political assassination on the operating table.
Невидимый враг. Боевые пловцы
В 1941 году на Средиземном море итальянцы применили боевых пловцов для проведения диверсий против кораблей союзников. Для борьбы с ними в Гибралтар прибывает специалист по минному делу, но только два британских боевых пловца способны сравняться с итальянцами...
La trovatella di Pompei
Roberto Ventura
Maria, is a girl raised by the loving care of a poor couple but without knowing anything about her real parents. She is in love with Giorgio, a boy from a good family, who however has also aroused the interest of the intriguing Edvige who frequents bad company including jealous Roberto.
The Passionate Stranger
Carlo / Mario
Judith Wynter is a happily married novelist whose romantic works are eagerly devoured by scores of female readers. When Carlo, a handsome young Italian chauffeur, arrives to work for Judith and her husband, a professor currently recovering from an attack of paralysis, he causes quite a flutter; when he then reads the manuscript of Judith's latest novel, he jumps to a rather unfortunate conclusion... and life in the Wynter household becomes very complicated indeed!
La ragazza di Via Veneto
Knights of the Queen
A new adventure for the Dumas musketeers who this time must save the Infanta of Spain from the intrigues of the Prince of Condé who wants to take the throne at any cost. (This film is a compendium edit made from episodes of the television series "I tre moschettieri")
The Fate of Two Queens
Anthology film in which Hedy Lamarr plays 2 queens during 2 different time periods. Ulmer directed the Genoveffa di Brabante part whereas Allégret was responsible for the empress Josephine section after he left due to artistic differences with Lamarr.
Nerone e Messalina
Sins of Rome
74 B.C. Somewhere in the Roman Empire, Spartacus, a young officer, is condemned to be a slave because he hit a superior. Brought back to Roma in a gladiators' school, he escapes and stirs up all the slaves in a revolt against the Roman Empire.
La prigioniera della torre di fuoco
Marco Pepli
Italy, 15th century: Marco and Cesco, two youths from rival families are friends but become enemies when they both fall in love with the same girl, Germana, who is kept prisoner by Cesco's family in a tower. Germana is however in love with Marco and Cesco, feeling betrayed, has Marco imprisoned. During a battle Marco proves however his loyalty to his friend, who falls unfortunately deadly wounded.
Sangue sul sagrato
La Leggenda del Piave
Conte Riccardo Dolfin
In a castle of the Veneto lives Countess Dolfin: she is a fervent patriot, but her husband Count Riccardo intends to use the opportunity of the war (1915-18) to make illegal profits.
Serenata tragica
Don Peppino
Mamma mia, che impressione!
Shy, clumsy and petulant, Alberto tries in every way to impress Margherita. With the hope of winning the first prize, he participates in a race.
City of Violence
Paolo Giaccone - un Camorrista
Amore e sangue (released in the U.S. as "City of Violence"), the 1951 Marino Girolami (billed as "John Wolff") West German/Italian romantic action adventure war thriller.
Children of Chance
In Ischia, a priest uses the money a young woman has made on the black market toward a home for illegitimate children.
Campane a martello
Agostina is a maid turned prostitute during World War II. She sends all the money she makes to the local priest in her home village for safekeeping. After the war is over Agostina and her friend Australia plan to open a clothing store so they return to her home island to collect the money from the priest. But after arriving there Agostina learns in shock that the priest has been dead for more than a year and that his eccentric successor mistook the received money for donations and spent all of it on building a new orphanage for war orphans. To make matters even worse, other islanders think that Agostina is now a millionaire and beg her to help them financially.
Antonio di Padova
Padre di Ferdinando
Fantasmi del mare
Sergente Banti
Evocation of a dramatic episode of the Second World War told by an old guard. Boarded as a non-commissioned officer on the battleship sailed from Pola and headed south. In time of danger, the man is forced to sacrifice the lives of seven sailors and the son of the Captain, his good friend, in order to save the rest of the crew.