Samuel Weiss

Рождение : 1967-02-07,


Марлен — женщина, страдающая от ужасных снов в отдалённой деревне. Когда Мона, дочь Марлен, следует за ней, она натыкается на семейную тайну — старое проклятие, которое угрожает её жизни.
Until We Fall
Louise loved Adam. Adam loved Louise. That is how it used to be. But a child has disappeared. Their child. The police said it was a drowning accident. Yet the truth is that their little boy’s body was never found. Lucas, ten years old. How easy it all would have been if the ocean had taken the trouble to throw up a little-swollen child’s corpse onto the beach. Or if a local with alcohol in his blood and blood on his hands had ploughed him down at full speed. An indescribable pain. No more living, no more happiness, but at least no unanswered questions. Unfortunately, that is not how it is for Adam and Louise.
Nur eine Handvoll Leben
Stiller Abschied
Johann Gellert
Charlotte, in her early 70s, is not a woman to fool. With energy and assertiveness, she leads the family-owned company since the death of her husband. But lately, irritating incidents are piling up: Charlotte gets bumpy, forgets appointments and messes things up. Alone Katrin, the life partner of her son Markus, speaks out, what nobody wants to admit: Charlotte suffers from dementia. But even though she herself feels that something is wrong with her, the proud woman refuses any help. Until the situation threatens to escalate.
Night Rush
Herr Bodmer
Three disillusioned young people commit a bank robbery. They make a clean get-away, but the seemingly easy job develops into a deadly nightmare and a nerve-racking escape as they leave blood trail behind them. “Night Rush” is an action-packed psychological thriller featuring three young people whose utopian dreams escalate in a spiral of violence.
A rich American couple, a family of Dutch criminals, a French gay couple, a working class family from Germany and an illegal Moroccan youth and his kid brother, are all in Amsterdam, each with their own story. Different reasons make their paths intertwine, leading to a dramatic climax that changes their lives for ever.
In Anita's dreams, her father Martin is larger than life - even after he has died. Is she the only one seeing the strange things that happened to her family in the days before the funeral? Or is it really Martin's look she feels on her neck when she sits at the piano?
Виктор Фогель - Король рекламы
Anatole Lanzerac
Как вчерашний неудачник заработал состояние на безумных выходках? Еще вчера его вышвыривали из офисов за нелепый вид. Теперь все иначе: все подражают Виктору Фогелю. За его идеи по рекламе платят бешеные деньги, ему поручают разработку рекламной кампании для новой модели Опеля. Получив работу своей мечты, Фогель тут же находит и девушку своей мечты — художницу Розу, которую случайно встречает на вечеринке. Но не все так радужно: теперь Виктору придется выбирать между любовью и карьерой, чувствами и деньгами.
What does it feel like to be 13, having to spend summer holidays at home? You can go to the pool, read magazines and sink into boredom… or fall madly in love for the first time.
Dynastie Knie - 100 Jahre Nationalcircus
Fredy Knie Senior