Paul Sawtell

Рождение : 1906-02-03, Gilve, Poland

Смерть : 1971-08-01


They Call Him Marcado
Original Music Composer
The Kid is a vicious psychopath given to laughing a lot, an actor manqué who leads a gang of looters and rapists, and is incestuous with his father to boot. The town’s resident Mater Dolorosa, madam of the brothel, hires her lover Marcado to kill the Kid, who is of course her son.
Emiliano Zapata
Original Music Composer
This is the story of a man, Emiliano Zapata, and of a revolution, the Mexican Revolution.
The Christine Jorgensen Story
Original Music Composer
Christine Jorgensen goes to 1950s Denmark and makes headlines for having the first sex-change operation.
The Bubble
Original Music Composer
A couple encounter mysterious atmospheric effects in an airplane and find themselves in a town where people behave oddly.
Быстрая Кошечка! Убей, Убей!
Original Music Composer
Банда фигуристых культуристок — лесбиянок похищает богатую девушку, прячет в пустыне и требует за нее выкуп. Им пытаются помешать одиноко живущие сумасшедший старик-инвалид и его очень мускулистый сын…
Безумные мотоциклисты
Original Music Composer
Три полоумных мотоциклиста несутся по пустынным дорогам Запада избивая и насилуя встречных. Ветеринар Кори Мэддокс, чью жену зверски изнасиловала банда помешанных байкеров, пытается отловить подонков, чтобы отомстить или хотябы сдать их полиции. По дороге он встречает Руби Боннер, её мужа убила та же самая шайка. Руби и Кори пускаются вместе в погоню и попадают в ловушку в каньоне, где вступают в жестокую схватку с главарем банды, которым оказывается озверевший и окончательно рехнувшийся ветеран вьетнамской войны.
Остров голубых дельфинов
Племя индейцев мирно живет на острове. К ним приплывает судно с белыми охотниками на каланов. Они истребляют всех каланов и убивают мужчин. Остатки племени монахи вывозят в миссию на материке. На острове случайно остается юная индианка с маленьким братом, которым, как Робинзонам, приходится выживать одним...
Последний человек на Земле
Original Music Composer
Доктор Роберт Морган, благодаря случайно приобретённому иммунитету, стал единственным выжившим после опустошительной чумы, пронесшейся над Землей. Сейчас он совсем одинок… или это только так кажется. Когда наступает ночь, жертвы чумы просыпаются и идут на поиски свежей крови… его крови!
Thunder Island
Original Music Composer
A hit man hijacks a boat — and the married couple aboard — in order to carry out a contract on a dictator in the Caribbean.
Кинг-Конг против Годзиллы
Мистер Тако, глава Тихоокеанских Фармацевтических препаратов, хочет повысить оценки своих препаратов. Когда доктор говорит о гигантском монстре, что он обнаружил на маленьком Острове Фараона, Тако верит, что это была бы блестящая идея « … с ударом», чтобы использовать монстра для рекламы своей компании. Тако немедленно посылает двух мужчин, Сакураи и Кинсабуро, найти и вернуть монстра от Фараона. Тем временем, американская субмарина Seahawk поймана в айсберге. Но это — тот же самый айсберг, в который Годзилла был похоронен семью годами ранее...
Джек убийца великанов
Original Music Composer
Злобный чародей Пендрагон метит на трон Корнуолла, намереваясь украсть королевскую дочку и жениться на ней. С помощью своего подручного великана он похищает принцессу, но на её счастье великан попадается на глаза деревенскому парню, решившему помочь девушке.
About Time
Music Supervisor
An entry in the Bell Science animated film series, on the nature of time.
Путешествие на дно моря
Вся планета объята страшным пожаром, вызванным внезапным «сумасшествием» пояса радиации Ван Аллена. Мужественный адмирал Нельсон, командир атомной подводной лодки, придумывает хитроумный план спасения человечества. Он направляет подлодку в район Марианской впадины, чтобы запустить на орбиту ракету «Полярис» и взорвать очумевший «пояс». Эта миссия настолько опасна, что экипаж корабля готов поднять бунт против командира.
Путешествие на дно моря
Original Music Composer
Вся планета объята страшным пожаром, вызванным внезапным «сумасшествием» пояса радиации Ван Аллена. Мужественный адмирал Нельсон, командир атомной подводной лодки, придумывает хитроумный план спасения человечества. Он направляет подлодку в район Марианской впадины, чтобы запустить на орбиту ракету «Полярис» и взорвать очумевший «пояс». Эта миссия настолько опасна, что экипаж корабля готов поднять бунт против командира.
Original Music Composer
Every year the Chincoteague fire department rounds up the wild ponies of Assateague Island and holds an auction to thin out the herd. The young children set out to raise enough money in hopes that the Phantom will be caught in this years round up. They soon realize they will get more than they bargained for when the Phantom has a surprise for everyone: a foal named Misty.
Police Dog Story
After exhaustive training, a police dog joins an arson investigation.
Five Guns to Tombstone
Original Music Composer
Billy Wade (James Brown) is an ex-gunslinger who is approached by his outlaw brother Matt (Robert Karnes), not long out of prison, to help him with a big-time robbery. Matt forces Billy's participation with an offer he cannot refuse, unaware that Billy is actually working on the side of the law.
Tess of the Storm Country
Original Music Composer
Fourth reworking of the classic Grace Miller White novel, this time updated to the 60s, with young Scottish lassie Tess (Diane Baker) becoming embroiled in a conflict about a toxic chemical plant near her new home in Pennsylvania.
The Walking Target
Original Music Composer
An ex-con finds unexpected romance with the widow of his former accomplice as he tries to collect his hidden loot.
Затерянный мир
Original Music Composer
В начале XX века знаменитый профессор Челленджер делает потрясающее открытие — на удаленном плато в джунглях Амазонки существует удивительный и прекрасный мир, в котором до сих пор обитают динозавры. Миллионы лет эволюции его не коснулись — он остался в первозданном виде. Чтобы переубедить скептиков, группа искателей приключений — сам Челленджер, его чудаковатый коллега профессор Саммерли, девушка Агнес из миссионерского посёлка, бесстрашный охотник лорд Джон Рокстон и молодой репортер Эдвард Мэлоун — отправляются в захватывающее, полное опасностей путешествие на поиски этого удивительного доисторического мира.
Cage of Evil
Original Music Composer
While investigating a diamond heist, disgruntled cop Harper falls for Holly, the top suspect's main squeeze. When she convinces him to kill her boyfriend and make off with her and the loot, they start down a treacherous path full of dark surprises.
The Music Box Kid
Original Music Composer
A young gangster in 1920's New York quickly rises through the ranks of the mob, then sets up his own murder-for-hire organization. When he starts kidnapping other mobsters for ransom, the New York gangs band together for revenge.
Noose for a Gunman
Original Music Composer
Case Britton, gunslinger and wanted man, comes to town to meet his bride-to-be, stop a stagecoach robbery, and get even with the man who killed his brother.
Three Came to Kill
Original Music Composer
Assassins take a flight controller's family hostage to force him into revealing the aircraft carrying their quarry.
A Dog's Best Friend
A young orphan rejects his foster parents and instead turns to a German shepherd whose master was recently murdered. Stumbling on some evidence, the boy is rescued from the killer by his dog.
Vice Raid
A prostitute sets out to frame a cop.
Pier 5, Havana
A Yank comes to Havana in search of an old friend who disappeared during the Cuban Revolution, and discovers a group of Batista sympathizers plotting to overturn Castro.
The Big Circus
A circus owner tries to keep his financially troubled circus on the road, despite the efforts of a murderous saboteur who has decided that the show must not go on.
Возвращение мухи
Original Music Composer
Сын ученого Деламбре продолжает исследования отца по телепортации предметов и живых организмов. Из-за козней продажного ассистента его ждет та же участь — превратиться в гибрид человека и насекомого.
The Cosmic Man
Original Music Composer
A strange sphere settles down in a California canyon, causing both the scientific and military communities to gather around to investigate.
Biographical south-of-the-border cowboy western adventure thriller of Mexican revolutionary leader Pancho Villa
Ветер над равнинами
В конце XIX века в Майами начинается новая золотая лихорадка, только на этот раз охотятся не за золотом, а за перьями диких птиц, которыми щеголи украшают шляпы. Уолт Мердок, молодой учитель естественных наук, решает прекратить незаконное убийство птиц, чтобы их перья украшали женские шляпы. Таким образом, он становится хранителем заповедника. Несмотря на убийства своих предшественников, он намерен выполнить свою миссию и таким образом спасти тысячи птиц...
The Hunters
With its electrifying flight sequences and high-powered cast, The Hunters is a mesmerizing film based on the best-selling novel by veteran fighter pilot James Salter. Set during the height of the Korean War, the story centers on Major Cleve Saville (Robert Mitchum), a master of the newly operational F-86 Sabre fighter jets. But adept as he is at flying, Saville¹s personal life takes a nosedive when he falls in love with his wingman¹s (Lee Philips) beautiful wife (May Britt). To make matters worse, Saville must cope with a loud-mouthed rookie (Robert Wagner) in a daring rescue mission that threatens all their lives in this well-crafted war drama.
Оно! Ужас из космоса
Original Music Composer
1973 год. Корабль, на котором отправлена первая пилотируемая экспедиция на Марс, терпит крушение на красной планете. К тому времени, когда прибывает спасательная миссия, в живых остается только командир, полковник Эдвард Каррутерс. Прибывшие спасатели полагают, что полковник убил остальных членов экипажа. По словам же самого Каррутерса, его товарищей во время песчаной бури убила неизвестное существо. Скептически настроенные спасатели не подозревают, что "это" спряталось на их корабле, возвращающемся на Землю...
Original Music Composer
Ученый Андрэ Деламбре, добившийся способа телепортировать живые организмы, ставит опыт на себе и оказывается жертвой чудовищной случайности. Он обменивается набором генов с попавшей в телепортационную камеру мухой и постепенно начинает превращаться в человека-насекомое. Теперь ему необходимо поймать «скрестившуюся» с ним муху, чтобы попытаться запустить процесс в обратном порядке. Ему отчаянно пытаются помочь жена Хелен и все домашние, но проклятая муха ускользает, оставляя Андрэ мутировать в монстра…
Засада на перевале Симаррон
Original Music Composer
1867 год. Отряд кавалерии сопровождает в свой форт заключенного, пытавшегося продать новейшие винтовки апачам. По дороге они встречают местных ковбоев, бывших солдат Конфедерации. Тем временем индейцы пытаются завладеть желанным оружием.
Stopover Tokyo
Original Music Composer
An American intelligence agent is sent to Tokyo to track down a Communist spy ring.
The Story of Mankind
Original Music Composer
The devil and the spirit of mankind argue as to whether or not humanity is ultimately good or evil.
The Black Scorpion
Original Music Composer
Giant scorpions wreck havoc after being released due to volcanic activity.
Original Music Composer
Середина XVII века. Колониальный раздел Северной Америки продолжается. Борьба Англии и Франции за территориальное господство разделила и сделала врагами индейские племена и европейских переселенцев. Воспитанный индейцами, Зверобой вместе со своим кровным братом Чингачгуком, пытается спасти двух девушек, живущих с отцом в маленьком форте на реке, от нападения враждебного племени гуронов.
Gun Duel In Durango
Original Music Composer
A former outlaw must prove himself innocent after he's accused of bank robbery. Western.
She Devil
Original Music Composer
Biochemists give fruit-fly serum to a dying woman, with side effects.
Original Music Composer
Scientists investigate a huge meteor that crashes into the ocean off Mexico, and encounter a skyscraper-tall, mobile machine which is designed to syphon energy from earth, including any energy directed at it in an effort to destroy it.
Five Steps to Danger
Original Music Composer
Can a couple keep important secrets from Communist spies?
The Desperados Are in Town
Original Music Composer
In this western, a young man tries to walk the straight and narrow, but he is impeded by his past. The trouble begins when the young fellow flees his family's Texas dirt farm and becomes an outlaw. He is advised by one of the desperadoes to return home. The boy does, and with hard work, makes the farm successful. Harvest time rolls around. He is just about to celebrate when the outlaws ride up and force him to help them pull a local bank job. He refuses and kills the gang leader and his brother. Meanwhile, the boy's past is revealed to the town banker. Seeing that he truly has gone straight, the banker forgives him. The boy marries and lives with his lovely bride upon his land.
The Animal World
Original Music Composer
A documentary showcasing the world's many different animal species, both past and present.
Texas Lady
Original Music Composer
Claudette Colbert plays Prudence Webb, who arrives in the wide-open town of Fort Ralston, Texas, to assume control of her late father's newspaper. Her first major print crusade is aimed at gambler Chris Mooney (Barry Sullivan), whom Prudence holds responsible for her dad's suicide. She then takes aim at a couple of crooked cattle barons (Ray Collins and Walter Sande), who'd like nothing better than to put Prudence out of the way for keeps.
A Lawless Street
Original Music Composer
A Marshal must face unpleasant facts about his past when he attempts to run a criminal gang out of town.
A Lawless Street
A Marshal must face unpleasant facts about his past when he attempts to run a criminal gang out of town.
Tall Man Riding
Still seeking revenge against ranch owner Tuck Ordway for publicly whipping him years earlier and breaking up his relationship with Ordway's daughter, cowboy Larry Madden plans to oust Ordway from his ranch by having his claim to the land declared invalid. Ordway's daughter Corinna, believing Madden to be the cause of the family's recent misfortunes, is unaware that the local saloon owner also has designs upon the Ordway holdings.
Rage at Dawn
Original Music Composer
In this film's version of the story, four of the Reno Brothers are corrupt robbers and killers while a fifth, Clint is a respected Indiana farmer. A sister, Laura, who has inherited the family home, serves the outlaw brothers as a housekeeper and cook. One brother is killed when they go after a bank, the men of the town appear to have been waiting for them…
Ten Wanted Men
When his ward seeks protection with rival cattleman John Stewart, embittered, jealous rancher Wick Campbell hires ten outlaws to help him seize power in the territory.
They Rode West
Dr. Allen Seward is assigned to a western cavalry post where his predecessors had been drunks and slackers. The post doesn't take kindly to him either, especially after he disregards regulations and tends to sick Indians on the malaria-infested reservation. The Indians break away from the reservation to move to a healthier higher ground, and when they join with the Comanches to besiege the fort, Seward is branded as a "woodhawk", the bird that turns against its own. Donna Reed is present as the niece of the post commander; Phil Carey is a cavalry captain that believes the only good Indian is a dead Indian, and May Wynn is the white girl raised by the Indians and married to the chief's son.
Down Three Dark Streets
Original Music Composer
An FBI Agent takes on the three unrelated cases of a dead agent to track down his killer.
Return to Treasure Island
There's something to be said for finishing what you've started. That's why the gentile Captain Long John Silver is heading back to Treasure Island to see if he can unearth the cache of riches buried there by his colleague, Captain Flint. At the same time, he also hopes to bring to safety the governor's daughter and a young boy abducted by El Toro.
The Diamond Queen
Original Music Composer
A French jeweler travels to India in search of a fabulous diamond.
Flight to Tangier
Original Music Composer
At the Tangier airport, a group of people await the arrival of a mysterious plane from behind the Iron Curtain. The reception committee includes Susan, an American; Gil Walker, a free-booting pilot; Danzer, a black market operator; and Danzer's girlfriend, Nicki. The plane crashes and burns. No survivors are found, nor are any corpses. Soon the search begins for a missing courier worth $3 million.
Original Music Composer
When selfish and arrogant millionaire Donald Carson fractures his leg during a desert vacation, his wife, Geraldine, leaves with their friend Joseph Duncan to supposedly get help. However, the two of them are really lovers who are leaving Carson to die in the heat. Slowly, Carson realizes he is on his own and vows revenge on the traitorous couple. Having had a privileged life, Carson must now use his wits to stay alive.
Director Charles Marquis Warren's 1953 western stars Charlton Heston and Jack Palance.
The Sea Around Us
Original Music Composer
Irwin Allen explores the mysteries of the deep blue sea in this Technicolor documentary. Based on Rachel L. Carson's famous study, this Oscar winning project investigates everything under the sea, from sharks, whales and octopuses to microscopical creatures and their coexistence in this vast underwater world.
Pony Express
Original Music Composer
Buffalo Bill and Wild Bill Hickok join forces to establish a mail route that can get mail from St. Joseph, Missouri, to Sacramento, California, in ten days. Along the way they must battle bad weather, hostile Indians and outlaws intent on robbing the mail and shutting down the entire operation.
Below the Sahara
Original Music Composer
The photographic record of an African expedition led by producer-explorer Armand Denis and his (very) photogenic and camera-toting wife Michaela, who goes bird-riding at an ostrich farm. The expedition ranges from the central interior jungles and mountains to both coasts and as far south as Capetown, and ends with a gorilla hunt led by natives using 100-year-old muskets.
Raiders of the Seven Seas
After staging a mutiny and commandeering his own ship, famed pirate Barbarossa (John Payne) takes hostage a spirited Spanish noblewoman named Alida (Donna Reed), intending to trade her to her fiancé, Capt. Jose Salcedo (Gerald Mohr), for a handsome ransom. But Barbarossa falls in love with Alida, who meanwhile discovers that the roguish swashbuckler is more honorable than her erstwhile betrothed.
Sky Full of Moon
Original Music Composer
A cowboy seeks fame and fortune in Las Vegas where he meets a girl working in a casino.
The Black Castle
A Man investigates the disappearance of two of his friends who were the guests of a sinister Austrian count.
Тайны Канзас-Сити
Original Music Composer
Бывший заключенный Джо Рольф обвинен в вооруженном ограблении банка. Бандиты использовали цветочный фургон, принадлежавший Джо. За отсутствием у него похищенных денег, а также веских доказательств, Джо отпускают на волю. Гонимый жаждой мести, он собирается узнать, кто и зачем подставил его. Вскоре он узнает, что следы грабителей ведут в Мексику. Постепенно в своем расследовании Джо сталкивается как с беспощадными бандитами, так и продажными полицейскими…
Hurricane Smith
Original Music Composer
South Sea freebooters fight for hidden treasure and the love of the beautiful Luana.
The Savage
Original Music Composer
The only white survivor of a Crow Indian raid on a wagon train is a young boy. He is rescued by the Sioux, and the Sioux chief raises him as an Indian in very way. Years later, the white men and the Sioux threaten to go to war and the Indian-raised white man is torn between his racial loyalties and his adopted tribe.
Desert Passage
Original Music Composer
Parolee John Carver seeks the stolen money he has hidden, but so does his girlfriend, lawyer and cellmate. Tom and Chito are hired to get him across the border into Mexico and find themselves caught in the middle.
Denver and Rio Grande
Original Music Composer
Jim Vesser and his team of railroading men try to build a rail line through a mountain pass, while a group of less scrupulous construction workers sabotages the entire operation in the hopes that they can get their tracks laid first and get the money from the railroad.
The Half-Breed
Original Music Composer
An Apache of mixed blood tries to make peace between Indians and whites.
Original Music Composer
A female marshal and a newspaper editor help heroic Tim Holt fight an evil land agent. Western.
Road Agent
Original Music Composer
Brand controls the only road to the cattle market and is charging exorbitant rates. Tim and Chito rob Brand to recover only their overcharge, but accidentally end up with all of Brand's money......
Trail Guide
Original Music Composer
A cowboy (Tim Holt) and his Mexican-Irish sidekick (Richard Martin) lead a wagon train to an unfriendly place.
Flaming Feather
Original Music Composer
A mysterious outlaw known as the Sidewinder, phantom leader of renegade Ute Indians, terrorizes the people of the Arizona Territory in the 1870s. When rancher Tex McCloud has his place burned out, he vows to find and kill the Sidewinder.
Overland Telegraph
Original Music Composer
Not to be confused with the 1929 film The Overland Telegraph, this Western from director Lesley Selander stars Tim Holt as a cowboy appropriately named Tim Holt. In order to hinder the construction of a new telegraph line for his own financial gain, scheming shopkeeper Paul Manning (George Nader) enlists the assistance of a gang of outlaws led by Brad Roberts (Hugh Beaumont in one of his many pre-Leave it to Beaver roles). Unfortunately for the bad guys, Holt and his cohort Chito Rafferty (Richard Martin) sense that there's foul play afoot and embark on an investigation.
Original Music Composer
John Vickers has spent eight years hunting for the three men who murdered the woman he loved. He finds one, Woodson, and kills him in a gunfight, but not before learning that the other two men have joined the U.S. Cavalry.
Яд другого человека
Original Music Composer
Успешная писательница Жанет Фробишер, много лет назад расставшаяся со своим мужем преступником, живет одна в Английской провинции. Сюжетная линия развивается вокруг убийства мужа, приехавшего после очередного преступления.
The Son of Dr. Jekyll
Original Music Composer
The son of the notorious Dr. Henry Jekyll is determined to prove that his father's reputation has been unjustly deserved. He sets out to develop his father's formula in order to prove that he was a brilliant scientist rather than a murderous monster.
The Racket
Original Music Composer
Mobster Nick Scanlon has managed to buy several of the local government and law-enforcement officials. However, he can't seem to touch the incorruptible police captain Tom McQuigg, who refuses all attempts at bribery. Prosecuting attorney, Welch, and a police detective, Turck, are crooked and make McQuigg's job as an honest officer nearly impossible.
Fort Defiance
Original Music Composer
It's just after the Civil War and Ben Shelby arrives looking for Johnny Tallon whom he plans to kill. Shelby was the only survivor of a battle due to the cowardice of Tallon. Thinking Tallon dead, another man who lost a brother at the same battle arrives to kill Tallon's blind brother. Tallon arrives to find Shelby and his brother fleeing. Then they are attacked by Indians and Shelby and Tallon must now fight together postponing the inevitable showdown.
The Whip Hand
Original Music Composer
A small-town reporter investigates a mysterious group holed up in a country lodge.
Original Music Composer
An insurance agent's greedy girlfriend with a taste for mink leads him to a life of crime.
Pistol Harvest
Original Music Composer
Two men are accused of killing their boss. They are saved from the hangman's noose when two other guys are arrested, but Holt feels as though justice is still not being served. On their own, they set about to track down the genuine killer.
Best of the Badmen
Original Music Composer
After the North defeats the South, Union Maj. Jeff Clanton heads to Missouri to provide the Confederacy's Quantrill's Raiders a chance to claim allegiance to the Union, thereby clearing their wanted status. But standing in Clanton's way are the corrupt lawmen Joad and Fowler, who would rather keep the men outlaws to collect the reward on their heads. After Joad and Fowler frame Clanton for murder, he manages to escape, becoming an outlaw himself.
Comin' Round the Mountain
Al Stewart and Wilbert are magicians doing a stage act when they run into Wilbert's cousin, Dorothy McCoy. They find out that Wilbert's grandfather, Squeeze-box McCoy, had treasure hidden in the hills of Kentucky, which they go to find.
Original Music Composer
Landry has Sam Martin killed. When Tim and Chito find Martin and his son, Chip says Matt Potter was responsible. But when Tim and Chito start their search, no ones knows a Matt Potter.
New Mexico
Captain Hunt of the cavalry is trying to promote good relations with the Indian chief Acoma. But Hunt's superiors in the military insist on pursuing policies that will provoke a conflict, and Chief Acoma is not willing to let himself be insulted.
Land of the Zuider Zee
This Traveltalks visit to Holland spotlights The Hague and two smaller tourist destinations. We learn that the economy of Holland, which for many centuries has been based on fishing and the growing of tulips, is slowly changing to an agricultural base.
Saddle Legion
Original Music Composer
A cattle inspector runs a rustling ring on the side.
Santa Fe
Original Music Composer
After their service in the Civil War, four brothers go their separate ways, but later find themselves on opposite sides of a final showdown.
Law of the Badlands
Original Music Composer
The Texas Rangers send Dave and Chito into the badlands to see if they can locate a counterfeiting operation. They arrive posing as wanted outlaws and this gets them into the gang. But as soon as they uncover the operation and locate the printing press, one of Chito's girl friends arrives to expose their identity and they find themselves trapped by the entire gang.
Springtime in the Netherlands
This Traveltalk short concentrates on Holland's historical relationship with its main industry: growing tulips. The country's windmills are also highlighted.
Hunt the Man Down
Original Music Composer
A lawyer uncovers secrets behind a 12-year-old murder case.
Stage to Tucson
Original Music Composer
A group of outlaws posing as Southern sympathizers and led secretly by freight-line owner Jim Maroon are raiding stagecoaches, and this is a threat to the Union communications. Grif Holbrook, a trouble-shooter for the Butterfield Stage Line, and Union man Barney Broderick team up to try and put a stop to the activity, when they aren't fighting over the charms of Kate Crocker.
Southside 1-1000
Original Music Composer
The U.S. Secret Service goes after a counterfeiting ring by placing one of its agents in a criminal mob.
Rio Grande Patrol
Original Music Composer
Fowler is smuggling guns across the border and his buyer is the outlaw Bragg. The guns are hidden in the luggage of the girls that come to work in his saloon. Border guards Kansas and Chito, along with Mexican Captain Trevinom suspect them and they are trying to find the guns.
Original Music Composer
По дороге домой с работы молодая женщина подвергается нападению насильника. Полученная психологическая травма всё больше отдаляет её от семьи, и в конце концов женщина уезжает на отдалённую ферму, где у неё вскоре появляется новый поклонник.
Bunco Squad
Original Music Composer
Police sergeants Johnson and McManus take on Los Angeles confidence tricksters. Con man Tony Wells, lining up rich widow Jessica Royce as his latest mark, sets up a false paranormal society with other charlatans to convince the credulous Jessica that her late son is speaking to her through their sham seances. When the plan leads to murder, Johnson and McManus must bring the group down before they kill again.
Abbott and Costello in the Foreign Legion
Jonesy and Lou are in Algeria looking for a wrestler they are promoting. Sergeant Axmann tricks them into joining the Foreign Legion, after which they discover Axmann's collaboration with the nasty Sheik Hamud El Khalid. Bits include Lou's mirage sightings, one a New York newsboy ("they gave me a bad corner").
Border Treasure
Original Music Composer
Two cowboys aim to reclaim stolen jewels and money in this 1950 Western.
The Cariboo Trail
Original Music Composer
A cattleman fights to establish a ranch in the middle of gold country.
Винчестер 73
Отчаянный Лин МакЭдам, преследуя убийцу своего отца, приезжает в Додж-сити со своим другом Джонни по прозвищу «Высокий клинок». Героям предстоит соревноваться в меткости на празднике города за лучший винчестер страны. МакЭдаму удается победить противника и получить дорогую винтовку, но раздосадованный враг нападает на победителя и забирает винчестер. Обозленный Лин начнет преследовать похитителя винтовки...
Тарзан и рабыня
Original Music Composer
Таинственная болезнь поразила дикое племя леонидов, и чтобы спасти свой народ от вырождения мужчины решаются на отчаянный шаг: похитить женщин из соседних племен. На их пути встает отважный Тарзан, но сможет ли он один противостоять целому племени? Однако у него нет выхода - ведь вскоре в их руках оказывается и его прекрасная Джейн...
Rider from Tucson
In order to make Tug Cardwell (William Phipps) sign over his rich gold claim to them, John Avery (Robert Shayne), Gypsy Avery (Veda Ann Borg) and Jackson (Marshall Reed) hire Bob Rankin (Douglas Fowley') to kidnap Tug's sweetheart Jane Whipple (Elaine Riley). Rankin hides Jane and then demands half the mine from the other crooks. Dave Saunders (Tim Holt) and Chito Rafferty (Richard Martin), friends of Tug's, find Jane and taker her to safety. The conspirators then shoot Rankin, capture Tug and force him to take them to his claim. Dave and Chito are close behind.
Fortunes of Captain Blood
When he unwittingly sends some of his men into a trap, pirate Captain Peter Blood decides to rescue them. They've been taken prisoner by the Spanish Marquis de Riconete who is now using them as slave labor harvesting pearls from the sea.
Storm Over Wyoming
Original Music Composer
Dave Saunders and his sidekick Chito, cowhands looking for work, arrive in Sundown Valley, Wyoming just in time to stop sheep ranch foreman Jess Rawlins from lynching cattleman Tug Caldwell. Rawlins seems set on starting a range war; but why? Before Dave and Chito can find out, they must convince Chris Marvin, Rawlins's attractive boss, that he's no good...and get out from under a framed murder charge. - Rod Crawford
Dynamite Pass
Original Music Composer
A cowhand becomes involved in a war between a road construction crew and the greedy toll-owner hoping to thwart the new project.
Colorful Holland
This Traveltalk series short visits four villages in the Netherlands.
Riders of the Range
Out-of-work cowboys Kansas Jones and Chito Rafferty are offered jobs at pretty Dusty Willis' ranch after saving her from a beating by saloon owner Clint Burrows. Dusty's good-hearted but weak-willed brother Harry, adding to his $3000 gambling debt to Willis, reluctantly agrees to pay it off by allowing the Ringo Kid, Burrows' vicious hired gun, to rustle cattle from his sister's ranch. Kansas intervenes, deters the rustlers and persuades Harry to confess his involvement to Dusty. Kansas, sent into town by Dusty to pay off Harry's debts, suddenly finds himself on the wrong side of the law, wrongly accused of murder and must rely on Dusty's belief in his innocence for his salvation.
The Threat
Original Music Composer
A violent escaped con and his gang kidnap the police detective and DA who put him behind bars.
Fighting Man of the Plains
Original Music Composer
Former bandit Jim Dancer becomes marshal of a Kansas town and cleans up the criminal element - with the help of his old pal, Jesse James.
In Old Amsterdam
This Traveltalks entry looks at the sights, sounds, people, and art masterpieces in the capital of the Netherlands.
Savage Splendor
The film tells of the Armand Denis/Lewis Cotlow expedition that had the two men cover 22,000 miles through Tanganyika, Belgian Congo, and British East Africa. The high points of their ten-month trip are an impressive elephant hunt by the Pygmies of Belgian Congo, the crowning of King Mbofe Mabiashe and the capture of a rhino.
Black Magic
A hypnotist uses his powers for revenge against King Louis XV's court.
Stagecoach Kid
Crooked ranch foreman Thatcher sends his two henchmen, Parnell and Clint, out to murder his boss, wealthy Peter Arnold who has just arrived to retire on his ranch, bringing in tow his daughter, tomboy Jessie, who despises western life and can't wait to run off back to San Francisco. Stagecoach line owner Dave Collins and his sidekick Chito show up just in time to deter the attackers. Collins isn't done yet, though, as a gold shipment sent on one of his stages is stolen by Parnell and Clint, one of whom is recognized by Jessie, attempting to escape back to the west coast. Collins has his hands full trying to retrieve the stolen gold, and dealing with Jessie, who's fallen head-over-heels in love with him.
The Doolins of Oklahoma
Original Music Composer
When the Daltons are killed at Coffeyville, gang member Bill Doolin, arriving late, escapes but kills a man. Now wanted for murder, he becomes the leader of the Doolin gang. He eventually leaves the gang and tries to start a new life under a new name, but the old gang members appear and his true identity becomes known. Once again he becomes an outlaw trying to escape from the law.
Original Music Composer
Rancher Clay and his brother, Steve, head out across the Sonora mountain pass, followed by Lednov, an ex-con seeking revenge on Clay for putting him behind bars. Clay and Steve unexpectedly cross paths with a group of dance hall girls -- including Mary, Marcia and Helen -- whose stagecoach has broken down, and help them get to the nearest ranch, where Lednov unfortunately catches up to Clay.
Quebec in Summertime
This Traveltalk series short takes the viewer to Quebec, the city that was called the "New France".
The Big Cat
Original Music Composer
A city boy arrives in his late mother's birthplace to discover the locals have been pestered by a cougar.
A group of Arizona ranchers, trying to learn the identities of the Salt River Gang and prevent any further rustling, marks the currency that rancher Frank Abbott turns over to the gang to get his cattle back. Unfortunately drifters Dick McBride and Chito Rafferty are accused of being in the gang when they are found with the money, which they have actually won at the casino of saloon owner Brad Carew, a member of the gang. Dick and Chito break out of jail and hunt down the fleeing Carew in hopes of finding out who the true leader of the gang is.
The Clay Pigeon
Original Music Composer
Jim Fletcher, waking up from a coma, finds he is to be given a court martial for treason and charged with informing on fellow inmates in a Japanese prison camp during WWII. Escaping from the hospital he tries to clear himself by enlisting the aid of Martha Gregory, widow of a service buddy he was accused of informing on. Helped also by Ted Niles, a surviving fellow prisoner, he gets closer to finding the answers he needs, and becomes ensnared in a grandiose scheme involving his Japanese ex-prison guard, $10,000,000 of US currency forged by the Japanese and a burgeoning crime network poised to wreak havoc throughout southern California.
Bad Boy
Original Music Composer
A lawman tries to find the source of a juvenile delinquent's bad behavior.
Brothers in the Saddle
Original Music Composer
When he thinks his brother has let him down, a cowboy goes bad.
Gun Smugglers
A young boy threatens to follow in his outlaw brother's footsteps.
Indian Agent
Honest government agent Dave Taylor sets out to find the men responsible for stealing food supplies from an Indian reservation.
Original Music Composer
A cop on suspension is framed for murder when he noses in on a murder investigation.
Walk a Crooked Mile
Original Music Composer
A security leak is found at a Southern California atomic plant. The authorities stand in fear that the information leaked would go to a hostile nation. To investigate the case more efficiently, Dan O'Hara, an FBI agent, and Philip Grayson, a Scotland Yard sleuth, join forces. Will they manage to stop the spy ring from achieving their aim?
Variety Time
Jack Parr hosts a variety program of comedic sketches.
Mystery in Mexico
Original Music Composer
Insurance detective Steve Hastings is sent by his company to investigate the disappearance of a fellow agent. His first lead is the agent's fetching sister, Victoria, whom he trails to Mexico City. After charming his way into her confidence, Steve helps Vicki unravel the mystery.
Four Faces West
Original Music Composer
Cowboy Ross McEwen arrives in town. He asks the banker for a loan of $2000. When the banker asks about securing a loan that large, McEwen shows him his six-gun collateral. The banker hands over the money in exchange for an I.O.U., signed "Jefferson Davis". McEwen rides out of town and catches a train, but not before being bitten by a rattler. On the train, a nurse, Miss Hollister, tends to his wound. A posse searches the train, but McEwen manages to escape notice. However a mysterious Mexican has taken note of the cowboy, and that loudmouthed brat is still nosing around. Who will be the first to claim the reward for the robber's capture?
Northwest Stampede
Original Music Composer
In this romantic western, the real stars are a mustang and a police dog. The human aspect of the story centers on a rodeo rider whose late father bequeathed him a ranch in Calgary, Canada. The rider really tries to settle down to ranching, but finds himself pining for the rodeo. His forewoman, also a former rodeo performer, thinks her employer is shirking his duties and needs to forget about broncos, and bull-riding and settle down. Meanwhile, the fellow also longs to catch the white stallion running wild. The dog helps out.
Return of the Bad Men
Original Music Composer
US Marshall Vance is assigned to rid the Oklahoma Territory of outlaws.
Guns of Hate
Original Music Composer
Ben Jason has found a lost gold mine. When Morgan learns this, he and his henchman chase down Jason and kill him. Banning and sidekick Rafferty arrive on the scene only to be arrested and jailed for the murder. They escape from jail and now have to find the real killers to clear their name.
River Lady
Original Music Composer
In the 1850s, in a logging town on the Mississippi River, a conflict between the people of a mill town and the lumberjacks who work downriver. Romance and deceit are catalyzed by the arrival of the gambling river boat, River Lady, owned by the beautiful Sequin. Bauvais, a representative of the local lumber syndicate and Sequin's business partner, is trying to convince H.L. Morrison, the mill owner, to sell his business.
Грязная сделка
Original Music Composer
Подлый напарник Рик подставил гангстера Джо Салливана и упек его в тюрьму. Позже он устроил Джо побег в полной уверенности, что того пристрелят или поймают и посадят уже навсегда. Но Джо везет - он оказывается на свободе, к тому же в компании с двумя красавицами - ловкой подругой Пэт и взятой им в заложницы адвокатом Энн. Теперь Джо предстоит не только расквитаться с подлецом Риком, но и решить важную проблему - с кем из женщин ему следует остаться.
The Arizona Ranger
A disgraced veteran wanders the West alone until he decides to help a battered woman.
The Black Arrow
Original Music Composer
A young British nobleman comes back from fighting in the War of the Roses to discover that his father has been murdered by an old family friend who is now an outlaw. However, he becomes suspicious about the exact circumstances of his father's death and determines to find out exactly what happened.
Western Heritage
Original Music Composer
A forger has made a copy of a Spanish land grant and Arnold is after it. Arnold and his men attack, shoot the forger, and take the deed while Russ tries unsuccessfully to stop them. Arnold presents it at the recorders office. It appears authentic and he starts evicting ranchers from their land. But Russ knows something is wrong as one of Arnold's men was a man he fought with during the attack.
For You I Die
Original Music Composer
A convict is forced to participate in a prison break even though he only has a year left on his sentence.
Люди Ти
Original Music Composer
Агенты казначейства США О’Брайен и Дженаро проникают в банду фальшивомонетчиков, которой удалось добиться очень высокого качества своих подделок. Фильм основан на нескольких реальных делах, которые вели агенты казначейства.
Wild Horse Mesa
Original Music Composer
Dave and Chito are working for Melburn who is looking for wild horses. Olmstead has his men looking for then also. When Dave finds them first, Olmstead buys them from Melburn and then kills him. A clue leads Dave to Olmstead's where he breaks in and finds the murder weapon. When he takes his evidence to the Marshal he learns Olmstead has been murdered and he is the one under arrest.
The Last Round-up
Original Music Composer
A rancher tries to convince an Indian tribe to relocate so their land can be used to provide water for Kansas City.
Дик Трейси: Встреча с Ужасным
Original Music Composer
Преступники узнают о секретном газе, который парализует человека. Один из бандитов случайно вдыхает газ и падает в обморок. Полицейские, думая что он мертв, относят его в морг, откуда он, ожив, убегает. Этот случай привлекает внимание Дика, и когда преступники используют газ, чтобы ограбить банк, Трейси начинает действовать.
The Sea Hound
Original Music Composer
Columbia's 34th serial production starring Buster Crabbe, the Serial King himself
Original Music Composer
An innocent trucker takes it on the lam when he's accused of robbery.
Seven Keys to Baldpate
Original Music Composer
Writer Kenneth Magee has bet that he can finish a story at rural resort Baldpate Inn, now closed for the winter. The owner has given him the "only" key to the front door. But there are six other keys, and peculiar characters, some of them up to no good, keep turning up as the mystery deepens.
Thunder Mountain
Original Music Composer
Marvin Hayden returns to find his ranch is about to be sold at auction and the Hayden Jorth feud still going strong. Carson wants the Hayden ranch and tries to kill Hayden. When he fails he kills Chick Jorth with a rock. As Hayden does not carry a gun and the two had argued earlier, Hayden is arrested for the murder. With Hayden in jail, his friends Chito, Ginger, and his Lawyer Gardner now go to work to find the murderer.
Дик Трейси: Дилемма
Original Music Composer
Дик расследует кражу меховых шуб, надувательство со страховкой и несколько убийств. Все это связано с огромным головорезом, который имеет крюк вместо правой руки.
Рожденный убивать
Original Music Composer
По мотивам романа Джеймса Ганна "Беспощаднее мужчин" (Deadlier than the Male). Убив из ревности свою девушку и ее нового ухажера, Уайлд едет в Сан-Франциско. Туда же уезжает недавно разведённая миссис Брент. Они встречаются в поезде. Их тянет друг к другу, но новый знакомый женится по расчету на ее собственной сестре. Вскоре героиня узнает, кто был убийцей молодой пары...
Тарзан и охотница
Original Music Composer
В девственный тропический лес, где живет Тарзан, Джейн и их сын Бой, прибывает зоологическая экспедиция, возглавляемая Таней Роулинс и ее сподвижником Полом Вейром, которые под видом исследователей вступили в сговор с принцем Озирой, племянником добропорядочного короля Фаррода. Эти «лже-ученые» преследуют цель не изучать, а отлавливать диких животных для зоопарков. Тарзан, узнав о намерениях пришедших в джунгли людей, вмешивается в ход развивающихся событий…
Code of the West
Original Music Composer
Knowing the railroad is coming, Carter is after the rancher's land. Bob and Chito return just in time to save Banker Stockton and his money from Carter's men. When Stockton then lends the ranchers money, Carter has them burned out. Bob knows Carter is responsible and when Carter's henchman Saunders is recognized, Bob goes into action.
The Devil Thumbs a Ride
Original Music Composer
Steve Morgan kills a man in a holdup and hitches a ride to Los Angeles with Fergie. At a gas station, they pick up two women. Encountering a roadblock, Morgan takes over and persuades the party to spend the night at an unoccupied beach house. The police close in as one by one, the others learn that Morgan is a killer.
Trail Street
Bat Masterson cleans up Liberal, Kansas.
Blind Spot
Original Music Composer
A mystery writer becomes the prime suspect in a murder investigation when a publisher he last saw is found dead.
Alias Mr. Twilight
Original Music Composer
Geoffrey Holden (Lloyd Corrigan) is an elderly con-man who is a lovable old man when providing his beloved granddaughter (Gigi Perreau) with the simple luxuries of life, yet has no qualms when working a racket devised to relieve his victims of their property. Trudy Marshall is the governess of the granddaughter, and is in love with a detective (Michael Duane) who is about to expose the old man's unsuspected activities.
San Quentin
Original Music Composer
An ex-con sets up a program to straighten out hard-core prisoners. Things don't go as planned.
The Falcon's Adventure
Original Music Composer
A society sleuth rescues a kidnapped woman, then is framed for murder.
Vacation in Reno
A hapless husband searches for buried treasure at a dude ranch; meanwhile, his wife wants a divorce and bank robbers want him dead.
Criminal Court
Original Music Composer
A lawyer who is planning to run for District Attorney accidentally kills a gangster who owns the nightclub where the attorney's girlfriend is a singer. Although he manages to cover up his involvement in the crime, his girlfriend discovers the body and is subsequently charged with the murder.
Step by Step
Original Music Composer
Marine veteran Johnny Christopher meets and is immediately drawn to beautiful Evelyn Smith one day on the beach. Evelyn's new job as secretary to a U.S. senator in California soon brings unexpected intrigue and trouble for her and Johnny. The machinations of a sinister group of Nazi spies lead to mysteries and mistaken identities, and the two soon find themselves framed for murder!
Original Music Composer
The daughter of a prominent citizen marries an outlaw's son.
Таинственная гостья
Additional Music
Эдвард Стилвел - престарелый владелец музыкального магазина, нанимает частного детектива Дона Гейла, чтобы найти Элору Лунд, которая, будучи в возрасте 14-ти лет, исчезла семь лет назад после смерти её матери. Стилвел признаётся, что может заплатить только 100 долларов, но намекает, что, найдя Лунд, загадочным образом Гейл может стать очень богатым человеком.
Тарзан и женщина-леопард
Тарзан, Джейн, их сын Бой вместе с любимой обезьянкой Читой, отправляются в деревню за покупками. Все идет своим чередом непринужденно и спокойно, но неожиданно на деревенскую площадь вбегает слон, на спине которого лежит смертельно раненный мужчина. Сказав, что его друзей убили дикие леопарды, и он единственный кому удалось вырваться из их лап, несчастный умирает. Тарзан, осмотрев раны на теле убитого, говорит полиции, что это убийство совершил не леопард, а люди одетые в шкуры леопардов…
A Game of Death
Original Music Composer
A shipwreck victim washes up on a homicidal big-game hunter's Caribbean island.
The Crime Doctor's Warning
Original Music Composer
A criminal psychologist treats an artist whose blackouts coincide with a series of murders.
West of the Pecos
Original Music Composer
Heading west for his health, Colonel Lambeth takes his daughter Rill along. Lost on the desert they are saved by Pecos and Chito. The Colonel hires the two and the Lambeths soon find themselves mixed up in Pecos' trouble. Pecos has killed Sawtelle's brother and Sawtelle as head of the vigilantes is after him.
Secret Agent X-9
Original Music Composer
American, Chinese and Australian agents join forces to stop the Nazis from obtaining the formula for synthetic fuel.
The Falcon in San Francisco
Original Music Composer
While on vacation, the Falcon is arrested for kidnapping after striking up a friendship with a girl who's nurse has been recently murdered.
The Jungle Captive
Music Director
Once again Paula the ape woman is brought back to life, this time by a mad doctor and his disfigured assistant, who also kidnaps a nurse in order to have a female blood donor.
Wanderer of the Wasteland
Original Music Composer
In this western, a young cowboy rides out to avenge his father's killer. Eventually, he finds the scoundrel, but by this time opts not to kill him for the cowboy has fallen in love with the outlaw's niece. Later, the killer ends up killed and the hero is blamed for the crime.
Тарзан и амазонки
Original Music Composer
Тарзан, его сын Бой вместе с любимой шимпанзе Читой, отправляются на плоту на встречу с Джейн, которая возвращается домой в джунгли после поездки в Англию. Вскоре они становятся свидетелями нападения черной пумы на девушку Атэна. Тарзан спасает раненую незнакомку и приносит ее на руках в горное королевство амазонок. Когда-то королева амазонок взяла с Тарзана обещание, что он не расскажет никому, где расположена волшебная и богатая стран смелых женщин. Тем временем, вместе с Джейн в джунгли прибывает группа археологов с целью разыскать золото амазонок. Тарзан отказывается быть проводником, но его доверчивый сын соглашается тайно отвести экспедицию в горы, не видя в этом ничего плохого. Этот поступок мальчика повлечет за собой невероятные последствия для всех участников этой истории…
Beyond the Pecos
Original Music Composer
Rancher Lew Remington is at odds with longtime rival Bob Randall. The two men battle over rights of oil land that borders both their properties.
The Power of the Whistler
Original Music Composer
A woman uses a deck of cards to predict death within 24 hours for a stranger sitting at a bar, then tries to help him remember who he is based on items in his pockets.
Шерлок Холмс: Замок ужаса
Original Music Composer
Фильм представляет собой вольную экранизацию романа Артура Конан Дойла «Пять апельсиновых зёрнышек.В мрачном особняке на западе Шотландии обедают семь членов «Клуба Хороших Товарищей». Один из них получает любопытную смертельную угрозу, конверт, содержащий семь апельсиновых косточек. Он умирает следующей ночью в автокатастрофе. На его похоронах другой член получает конверт с шестью косточками, и десять дней спустя его тело возвращено морем. Шерлок Холмс приглашен расследовать это дело.
Original Music Composer
Just as Nevada wins $7000 in yellowback bills, Ben Ide takes his $7000 and heads out to buy mining equipment. Burridge has his man Powell kill Ide and retrieve the money and Nevada finds Ide just as the posse arrives. Found with the money Nevada is arrested and Burridge now gets Powell to incite the local citizens to lynch Nevada.
Проклятие мумии
Тела египетского священника Хариса и его возлюбленной принцессы случайным образом находят в одном из болот Луизианы. На место находки прибывает археолог Джеймс Холси, который собирается доставить останки в музей, но у его ассистента оказываются совсем другие планы на мумию Хариса.
Проклятие мумии
Music Director
Тела египетского священника Хариса и его возлюбленной принцессы случайным образом находят в одном из болот Луизианы. На место находки прибывает археолог Джеймс Холси, который собирается доставить останки в музей, но у его ассистента оказываются совсем другие планы на мумию Хариса.
Dead Man's Eyes
Artist David Stuart is blinded by a jealous assistant / model. His fiance's father generously offers his eyes for a sight restoring operation. There's only one hitch: Stuart has to wait until after the man dies. Not surprisingly, when the benefactor dies a very premature death, suspicion falls on the artist.
One Mysterious Night
Original Music Composer
After a rare gem is stolen from an exhibition at a posh hotel, Inspector Farraday decides to recruit former thief Boston Blackie to find the stone. Along with his assistant, "The Runt", Blackie focuses his investigation on the hotel manager, George Daley, and his sister, Eileen. Through disguises and ruses, Blackie and the Runt try to trick their way to discovering the thieves.
Youth Runs Wild
The teens of a defense-plant town hop on the road to juvenile delinquency while their parents are busy with the war.
Шерлок Холмс: Жемчужина смерти
Music Director
В этом деле Холмс и Ватсон охраняют бесценный Жемчуг Борджиа, «проклятый» драгоценный камень, который вдохновил на множество убийств за свою жизнь. Их главный противник - Джайлс Коновер, который, невзирая на все помехи его попыткам украсть Жемчуг, все же сумеет дискредитировать Холмса в глазах публики.
Шерлок Холмс: Жемчужина смерти
Original Music Composer
В этом деле Холмс и Ватсон охраняют бесценный Жемчуг Борджиа, «проклятый» драгоценный камень, который вдохновил на множество убийств за свою жизнь. Их главный противник - Джайлс Коновер, который, невзирая на все помехи его попыткам украсть Жемчуг, все же сумеет дискредитировать Холмса в глазах публики.
Secret Command
Original Music Composer
Secret Command features Pat O'Brien as a onetime foreign correspondent in the wartime employ of the FBI. Under an assumed name, O'BRIEN goes to work at a shipyard, intending to keep both eyes open for potential saboteurs. To maintain the cover, O'BRIEN is given a "wife" (Carole Landis) and two children. When O'BRIEN's brother Chester Morris shows up, he can't comprehend the charade and nearly spills the beans to the Nazi spies O'BRIEN hopes to trap. Based on the short story The Saboteurs by John and Ward Hawkins, Secret Command offers a graying but still feisty Pat O'Brien doing what he does best.
Jungle Woman
Music Director
Paula, the ape woman, has survived the ending of CAPTIVE WILD WOMAN and is running around a creepy old sanitarium run by the kindly Dr. Fletcher, reverting to her true gorilla form every once in a while to kill somebody.
Jungle Woman
Original Music Composer
Paula, the ape woman, has survived the ending of CAPTIVE WILD WOMAN and is running around a creepy old sanitarium run by the kindly Dr. Fletcher, reverting to her true gorilla form every once in a while to kill somebody.
Gildersleeve's Ghost
Original Music Composer
Gildersleeve, running for office, is aided by two ghosts and hindered by a mad scientist and an invisible woman.
Шерлок Холмс: Багровый коготь
Original Music Composer
Приехав в Канаду на встречу королевского общества по оккультизму, Шерлок Холмс и доктор Ватсон сталкиваются со старинным поверьем о деревушке Ле Морт Руж (Красная смерть), где по преданию, на болотах бродит призрак, разрывающий своим жертвам горло. Хотя скептицизм Холмса встретил холодный прием среди участников конгресса, после смерти от руки призрака жены одного из участников - Лорда Пенроуза, Холмс отправляется в Ле Морт Руж, чтобы расследовать череду таинственных убийств...
Weird Woman
Original Music Composer
After bringing his beautiful new wife Paula home to America from a remote island on which she was raised, Professor Norman Reed begins to feel the clash between his world of rational science and hers of bizarre dancing and freaky voodoo rituals. Norman's stuck-up friends also sense Paula's strangeness, and soon their meddling gossip and suspicious scheming push the poor woman to use her magic to defend herself and her husband – and maybe even to kill! Or is it just the power of suggestion...?
Тарзан и тайна пустыни
В девственный тропический лес, где живет Тарзан и его сын Бой, на парашюте спускается срочное письмо от жены Тарзана Джейн. Джейн пишет, что находится далеко от них в Англии и ей нужна особая сыворотка от малярии для лечения больных солдат. А добыть ее можно только из сока плотоядных растений, находящихся в оазисе, окруженном знойной пустыней. Тарзан, Бой и Чита покидают джунгли и спешат под палящим солнцем пустыни навстречу новым приключениям…
Calling Dr. Death
Losing his memories of the last few days, neurologist Dr. Steele is told that his wife has been brutally murdered. Steele, aware of his conniving wife's infidelity, believes he may have been the killer and enlists the aid of his pretty nurse Stella to hypnotize him into recovering his lost memories.
Death Valley Manhunt
Unknown to oil company president Ross, his man Quinn is pulling a swindle on the independent drillers. Quinn controls both the Judge and the Marshal. But when the Marshal is accidentally killed, Wild Bill Elliott is brought in as the new Marshal and things begin to change.
Arizona Trail
Music Director
A young cowboy returns home to help his father fight off a gang trying to take over the family ranch.
Henry Aldrich Swings It
Original Music Composer
Teenager Henry Aldrich decides to take matters into his own hands when his high school principal forbids the student band from playing swing music.
Hit the Ice
Original Music Composer
Flash Fulton (Bud Abbott) and Weejie McCoy (Lou Costello) take pictures of a bank robbery. Lured to the mountain resort hideout of the robbers and accompanied by Dr. Bill Elliott (Patric Knowles) and Peggy Osborn (Elyse Knox), they also meet old friend Johnny Long (Johnny Long) and his band and singer Marcia Manning (Ginny Simms). Dr. Elliott and Peggy are being held in a remote cabin by the robbers, but Weejie rescues them by turning himself into a human snowball that becomes an avalanche that engulfs the crooks.
Power of the Press
Original Music Composer
During WWII, the publisher of the isolationist New York Gazette is murdered just as he was about to change the paper's policy and support the US war effort. His friend, a small town patriotic editor, is brought in to find the culprits.
Cinderella Swings It
Original Music Composer
Scattergood Baines, Coldriver's most popular citizen, neighborly counselor and sly old fox, entices a Broadway producer to Coldriver to see the gay musical extravaganza Baines is staging for the benefit of the U.S.O. He is also promoting the singing career of his latest local protégé, Betty Palmer. There are a few problems but the Sage of Coldriver manages to keep pulling the right strings.
Триумф Тарзана
В девственный тропический лес, где живет Тарзан, Джейн и их сын Бой, вторгается карательная немецко — фашистская экспедиция, возглавляемая полковником Фоном Рейхартом и его вооруженными до зубов приспешниками. Их цель найти затерянный в горах город Паландрия, забрать сокровища и уничтожить всех подданных принцессы джунглей Зандры. Тарзан, узнав о планах нацистстов, вступает в схватку с оккупантами, призвав на помощь своих друзей животных…
Red River Robin Hood
Music Director
An honest cowpoke (Tim Holt) comes to the rescue when the ranchers of Red River, AZ have their property seized by a greedy businessman (Eddie Dew). This 1942 B-western, directed by Lesley Selander, also stars Barbara Moffett, Cliff Edwards, Otto Hoffman and Russell Wade.
Scattergood Survives a Murder
Original Music Composer
Rural sage Scattergood Baines (Guy Kibbee) shows big-city newsman how to solve a mystery.
Bandit Ranger
Original Music Composer
Rancher Clay Travers finds and brings in the body of ranger Frank Mattison, murdered on the road to Trail City, where he had been sent to deal with an outbreak of cattle rustling. Businessman Art Kenyon, who has hired gunman Ed Martin to impersonate Mattison to further his rustling schemes, quickly changes Martin's story and has Travers framed for the ranger's murder. Managing to escape, Travers must come up with proof to clear his name and bring the true killers to justice.
Bandit Ranger
Music Director
Rancher Clay Travers finds and brings in the body of ranger Frank Mattison, murdered on the road to Trail City, where he had been sent to deal with an outbreak of cattle rustling. Businessman Art Kenyon, who has hired gunman Ed Martin to impersonate Mattison to further his rustling schemes, quickly changes Martin's story and has Travers framed for the ranger's murder. Managing to escape, Travers must come up with proof to clear his name and bring the true killers to justice.
Thundering Hoofs
Music Director
Bill Underwood falls out with his father and chooses the life of a cowhand rather than take charge of his father's stage line.
Night in New Orleans
Original Music Composer
A policeman's family helps to exonerate him of murder charges in the death of a man he had under interrogation.
Сокол и большая афера
Additional Music
Сокол и журналистка Энн Риордан пытаются разгадать цепь загадочных убийств, начавшихся после того, как бывший рестлер, освобожденный из тюрьмы, отправляется на поиски своей девушки.
Valley of the Sun
Original Music Composer
An Arizona frontiersman steals an Indian agent's girlfriend, followed by trouble.
A Date with the Falcon
Original Music Composer
In the second film of the series (and not a second part of anything), Gay Lawrence, aka The Falcon, is about to depart the city to marry his fiancée, Helen Reed, when a mystery girl, Rita Mara, asks for his aid in disposing of a secret formula for making synthetic diamonds. He deliberately allows himself to be kidnapped by the gang for which Rita works. His aide, "Goldy" Locke, trails the kidnappers and brings the police. But the head of the gang escapes, and the Falcon continues the pursuit.
Dude Cowboy
Original Music Composer
A Nevada rancher goes undercover for the U. S. Secret Service to help capture a gang of counterfeiters. Director David Howard's 1941 B-western stars Tim Holt, Marjorie Reynolds, Lee White, Eddie Kane, Ray Whitley, Helen Holmes, Glenn Strange, Byron Foulger, Eddie Dew, Tom London and Hank Worden.
No Hands on the Clock
Original Music Composer
A wise-cracking private detective's honeymoon is interrupted by a kidnapping case.
The Gay Falcon
Original Music Composer
Having forsaken the detective business for the safer confines of personal insurance, Gay Laurence is compelled to return to his sleuthing ways. Along with sidekick Jonathan "Goldie" Locke, he agrees to look into a series of home party robberies that have victimized socialite Maxine Wood. The duo gets more than they bargained for when a murder is committed at Wood's home, but Lawrence still finds time to romance the damsel.
The Bandit Trail
Music Director
A cowboy turns bad for revenge, but can't stomach his new evil ways.
The Bandit Trail
Original Music Composer
A cowboy turns bad for revenge, but can't stomach his new evil ways.
Bad Man of Deadwood
Roy and Gabby fight bad guys to save the town of Deadwood.
Cyclone on Horseback
Music Director
Whopper, Stan Bradford, and Smokey are delivering a herd of pack horses to telegraph lineman Jeff Corbin when intercepted by smooth-talking Cobb Wayne, who is in a deadly competition with Corbin.
A Man Betrayed
Bucolic lawyer John Wayne takes on big-city corruption in A Man Betrayed. He sets out to prove that an above-suspicion politician (Edward Ellis) is actually a crook. The price of integrity is sweet in this instance, since Wayne happens to be in love with the politician's daughter (Frances Dee).
Along the Rio Grande
Music Director
A trio of cowboys infiltrate a cattle rustler's gang to seek vengeance for one of their fathers' murder.
Play Girl
Music Director
When a gold digger starts to get a little old to ply her trade, she teaches a younger woman all her tricks.
The Fargo Kid
Music Director
The Fargo Kid is mistaken for a killer and is hired to kill another man...
Meet the Missus
Gran Higgins falls under the spell of a love-starved widow.
Triple Justice
Original Music Composer
Brad Henderson arrives in Star City just in time to witness three men rob a bank of $30,000 and kill a teller. Charged for the crime and jailed, Brad realizes he must escape and track down the real killers since the only one who can prove his innocence is his friend, Sheriff Bill Gregory, who has been shot and will not soon regain consciousness. Chasing down the robbers one by one, he eventually discovers the identity of the gang's ringleader.
Melody Ranch
Original Music Composer
His Arizona hometown of Torpedo invites Gene back to be the honorary sheriff of the Frontier Days Celebration.
Stage to Chino
To investigate a gold-shipping scam, a postal inspector goes undercover and tries to infiltrate the gang he believes is responsible.
Adventures of Red Ryder
Original Music Composer
Calvin Drake employs a group of low-lifes to drive away land owners along the path of a new railroad; Red Ryder opposes this strategy.
Prairie Law
Music Director
Judge Curry is selling Austin's land to nesters and his men are rustling his cattle to provide beef. When the Sheriff accuses butcher Gore of possessing stolen beef, Gore kills him. Curry then holds a quick election to change the county seat so he can preside at the trial. But Brill gets the Governor to change it back and this leads to the big shootout between Curry's men and Brill and the ranchers.
Bullet Code
Music Director
Protecting himself in an attack by rustlers, Rancher Steve Holden believes he has killed one of the attackers, young Bud Mathews, who in reality has warned Holden of the rustlers' approach. Unaware that Mathews was actually killed by rustler boss Cass Barton, Holden heads out to Mathews' home town where he plans to tell the boy's family of his death but instead uncovers a plan by a local businessman to force Mathews' father out of his ranch.
Bullet Code
Original Music Composer
Protecting himself in an attack by rustlers, Rancher Steve Holden believes he has killed one of the attackers, young Bud Mathews, who in reality has warned Holden of the rustlers' approach. Unaware that Mathews was actually killed by rustler boss Cass Barton, Holden heads out to Mathews' home town where he plans to tell the boy's family of his death but instead uncovers a plan by a local businessman to force Mathews' father out of his ranch.
Drums of Fu Manchu
Original Music Composer
The nefarious Dr. Fu Manchu searches for the keys to the tomb of Genghis Khan, in order to fulfill a prophecy that will enable him to conquer the world. His nemesi, Dr. Nayland Smith and his associates fight to keep the evil doctor from getting his hands on the keys. In 1943 the serial was edited together into a feature movie also called Drums of Fu Manchu.
Millionaire Playboy
Original Music Composer
A young millionaire gets hiccups whenever he kisses a pretty woman.
Little Orvie
Family film, based on a Booth Tarkington tale, about a young boy who takes extreme measures to keep the stray dog he befriends.
Legion of the Lawless
Music Director
Residents of a small frontier town take up arms when vigilantes try to block a railroad right-of-way.
The Marshal Of Mesa City
Original Music Composer
A retired lawman gets back into action to fight political corruption.
Dick Tracy's G-Men
Original Music Composer
A mad doctor named Zanoff uses a drug to bring himself back from the dead after his execution in prison. Dick Tracy sets out to capture Zanoff before he can put his criminal gang back together again.
In Old Monterey
Original Music Composer
The (pre-WWII) Army takes over a large area of land, over the objection of citizens and corporations who live and work there.