Carsta Löck

Carsta Löck

Рождение : 1902-12-27, Deezbüll, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

Смерть : 1993-10-19


Carsta Löck


Non Stop Trouble with Spies
Frau Prietschke
Herbie Melbourne is a poor schlemiel who is inadvertently caught between the Devil and the deep blue sea in this German farce about a cab driver assigned to bring a "comrade" back to the East German side of the Berlin wall, a passenger who is dead to the world, permanently, when he arrives. Herbie the cabbie is recruited by the KGB and East German Intelligence to help them discover who murdered the man in his back seat. After arriving on the West German side of the divide, Herbie is then recruited by the CIA and West German Intelligence to become a counterspy, for double what the other side is paying him. As Herbie seems to have no viable way out of this mess, he goes to a therapist for help. Reaching into her bag of tricks, she gives Herbie a small bottle he can sniff when in need of self-confidence, an act guaranteed to put him on top of any situation. Now Herbie is a cabbie, a KGB agent, a CIA agent, and a bottle sniffer -- and he is falling in love with his gorgeous therapist.
Frau Juliane Winkler
News from Robber Hotzenplotz
Feuer um Mitternacht
Tante Lene Stennkamp
Im Hause des Kommerzienrates
Emil and the Piglet
Nursing a piglet back to life because it's the runt of the litter earns Emil a friend for life.
Federlesen - Bilder aus dem Leben eines Einfallsreichen
Frau Iwanowski
New Mischief by Emil
Emil's reputation for being a troublemaker makes the Svensson family's neighbours take up a collection for sending the boy off to America. But even if he among other unfortunate mishaps causes his father to get stuck in the outhouse window and get bitten by crawfish, all is forgotten when he skillfully wins the family a free horse. And when Alfred the farmhand gets seriously ill, Emil puts his own life on the line, venturing into a snow storm to get his best friend to a doctor before it is too late.
Эмиль из Лённеберге
Эмиль живет на хуторе с папой, мамой и маленькой сестренкой Идой. Проделки этого сорванца известны на всю округу. Эмиль — большой фантазер и следопыт! Как только в доме Свенссонов завелась крыса, Эмиль тут же нашел место, где поставить ловушку…
Einer fehlt beim Kurkonzert
Frau Trojan
Vier Stunden von Elbe 1
Klara Andresen
Die Heirat
Mädchen hinter Gittern
Frau Leischke
Das ozeanische Fest
Das Mädchen und der Staatsanwalt
Eheinstitut Aurora
Zenzi, Hausmädchen
Murder mystery
Im Namen einer Mutter
Berta, Haushälterin
Сумасшедший поневоле
Frau Wenzel
Рейхсмаршал Геринг решил спасти от смертной казни своего школьного товарища, почтальона Фукса, обвиненного в государственной измене. Фукса признали сумасшедшим, выдали соответствующую справку, освободили из заключения Прикрываясь справкой о невменяемости, Фукс вволю насмехается над фашистскими порядками. После окончания войны почтальон вознамерился заняться своей любимой работой. Но...фиктивная справка не потеряла своей силы. Тогда по совету адвоката Фукс устраивает дебош. Его отправляют на судебно-медицинскую экспертизу и признают здоровым. К счастью, наказание назначается условное, и почтальон становится почтальоном.
Buddenbrooks - 2. Teil
Ida Jungmann
Second part of two of the saga of the troubled Buddenbrook family and their business in 19th century Germany.
Ida Jungmann
First part of two of the saga of the troubled Buddenbrook family and their business in mid 19th century Germany.
2 x Adam, 1 x Eva
Der Mann im Strom
Grabenplatz 17
Frau Quast
Murder mystery about the disappearance of a boy who has leukaemia following the murder of his mother, which he witnessed.
Millowitsch-Theater - Der keusche Lebemann
Regine Seibold
The Copper
Otto Friedrich Dennert is a celebrated veteran of the Essen police force. While investigating a series of killings of women he reaches retirement age. The case is taken over by a new team, including Dennert's son Harry. Convinced that they have arrested the wrong person, Dennert begins investigating by himself with assistance from the criminal underworld.
Das unbewohnte Eiland
Witwer mit fünf Töchtern
Frl. Nessel
Frau Appeblom
Drei Birken auf der Heide
Meta, Haushälterin bei Wedekind
Luise Nettebohm
Tierarzt Dr. Vlimmen
Mrs. Kleef
Kirschen in Nachbars Garten
Der Major und die Stiere
Oberwachtmeister Borck
Emmy Sperling
Reaching for the Stars
Frau Vermeeren
Amalie Schramm
Eine Frau von heute
It Was Always So Nice with You
While working as an accountant in his uncle's factory, talented young pianist Peter dreams of becoming a famous composer. When he shows his work to a producer, he manages to convince him to give him a chance. From time to time he gets bigger contracts that keep him more and more away from home and his young wife Elisa. When he "discovers" and supports a pretty ballerina in Munich, a rumor starts that he's having an affair. He fails to realize that his marriage is threatened.
Eternal Love
A romantic drama directed by Hans Deppe.
Anna Musonk
Frau Schmidtchen
Käpt'n Bay-Bay
Ferien vom Ich
Frau Mohr, Wirtschafterin auf Dornberg
Liebe im Finanzamt
Adele Schild
My Name is Niki
Junge Magd
Winnie is desperate and doesn't know what to do next. She is about to marry her lover Paul, who has returned from war captivity. Both want to emigrate to America short after marriage. But the young woman has an illegitimate one-and-a-half-year-old son, whom she has kept secret from her fiancé. The short-tempered Paul would never understand that. When she is on her way to the orphanage, the grumpy senior civil servant Hieronymus Spitz and his little dog Tobby get into her train compartment. After a short observation, Winnie is certain that the misantrope actually has a good heart, because he lovingly takes care of his dog. Without further ado she leaves little Niki with the tax accountant and disappears from the train. Only a note with a request remains. The overwhelmed old gentleman initially wants to get rid of the child, but then takes it home and takes care of it together with his housekeeper. Both take the bundle of joy to their hearts. But then everything turns out differently.
Das späte Mädchen
Ernestine Stengel
Das seltsame Leben des Herrn Bruggs
Frau Lemke
Eine Frau mit Herz
Frl. Lossow
Insel ohne Moral
Stine, Frau des Gendarms
Hochzeit mit Erika
Freitag, der 13
Kätchen für alles
Mutter John
1883-й год. Горничная Мари, работающая в богатой буржуазной семье рожает внебрачную дочь от своего хозяина. Умирая от родовой горячки, она оставляет девочку, названную Гуште, свое бабушке. Та воспитывает правнучку, как может, но жизнь не оставляет подросшей девочке иного выбора, кроме как пойти по стопам своей матери. Гуште тоже становится горничной, но, к счастью, ей удается встретить молодого художника Пауля Шмидеке, вместе с которым ей предстоит вынести все тяготы и лишения.
Die Kuckucks
Wanda Merian - Kunstgewerblerin
Der große Mandarin
Film Without Title
Frau Schichtholz
A screenwriter comes up with a story about an affair between a maid and her employer.
Between Yesterday and Tomorrow
Frau Gertie
A group of people gathers back in the post-war ruins of a luxurious Munich hotel they inhabited at one point or another years before; each trying to cope with the tragic consequences of the war and their own actions.
Der stumme Gast
Marianne Ebeling
Whodunit centered around a hostel.
Das Leben geht weiter
Ein fröhliches Haus
Der Verteidiger hat das Wort
Jordan, a famous criminal lawyer, will only represent clients, of whose innocence he is convinced (must be financially not-too-well-off). One day, his future son-in-law, the jeweler Fabian, is arrested on suspicion of murder on the day before his wedding. He is said to have murdered his ex-wife, the dancer Ria Norady. The conductor Gillmore found her dead in her dressing room shortly after a visit from Fabian. Gisela Jordan asks her father to defend him. After speaking to Fabian, the lawyer is convinced he's innocent. But since there is no proof of this, he decides to go and try and find the real murderer himself.
Ein schöner Tag
An attempt to mimic the artistic success of Urlaub auf Ehrenwort and zwei in einer großen Stadt though it's neither romantically nor in a patriotic way as involving. Three soldiers on very short home leave visit Berlin. One isn't from there and runs around with his guide book being perplexed by all the things that are different now. Another visits his wife and his baby. And the third enters a romance due to a mistaken identity which at the end provides a tiny bit of drama in a film which otherwise bends over to show how happy the home front is and supportive of its soldiers. Some nice location shooting, but neither story nor stars amount to much.
Fritze Bollmann wollte angeln
Anni Angermann
Stimme des Herzens
В 1760 году, в самый разгар Семилетней войны, около сотни прусских курсантов младших классов захвачены в плен русской армией. Пленные кадеты, подгоняемые жестокими казаками, продвигаются в тыл врага по выжженной немецкой земле. На помощь подросткам приходит бывший прусский офицер Цюлов, перешедший на сторону русских; отряд детей забаррикадировался в заброшенной крепости и в течение нескольких дней отражал атаки русских солдат.
In this Nazi propaganda film, a troubled young boy joins the Hitler Naval Youth, where he finds meaning and purpose in his life.
Kleine Mädchen – große Sorgen
Pauline, Köchin bei Hartung
When Dr Hartung (Fritz Odemar) hits Eva (Geraldine Katt) with his car, she decides to make him her "life's mission" and free him of his "unhappy marriage" which he never declares as such. In her way stands only her best friend Ursula (Hannelore Schroth) who happens to be Dr Hartung's daughter and is all but enthusiastic about her friend trying to seduce her father.
U-Boat, Course West!
This Nazi propaganda film follows the exploits of a German submarine as it prowls the North Atlantic.
Über alles in der Welt
Erika Möbius
Nazi cinema produced numerous WW2 military epics, one of the most impressive of which is Ufa's first-rate 1941 production, Uber Alles in der Welt,directed by Karl Ritter (Stukas). Ritter customarily produced morale-building propaganda pictures, and this, his first propaganda film to deal with the war, as well as his finest effort, was one of the highest-grossing pictures of the Third Reich. Set largely in France, England, and Spain, the film chronicles the plight of Germans caught by the outbreak of war and their frantic attempts to return to the Fatherland to join the battle. All of Germany's enemies receive equal disdain. The British, the French, the Poles, and the Jews are portrayed respectively as warmongers, profiteers and cowards. In the end, all that is important is returning to Germany.
Anneke Hauken
Battle Squadron Lützow
Bauernmagd Lina
Propaganda film telling the story of a German bomber crew taking part in the invasion of Poland and attacks on British shipping.
Die lustigen Vagabunden
Meta - Kellnerin
On account of a bet, the painter Menzinger and his friend Schratt decide to travel the country as unemployed bums (no doubt, because there were so few unemployed and homeless people in Germany just a few years earlier). For two weeks, they wander around Germany; then they're confused with some robbers and they land in jail. How does it feel to imitate the homeless now, guys?
Für die Katz'
Magd Fieken
Mädchen im Vorzimmer
Ihr Privatsekretär
Frau Kiesewetter
Das Gewehr über
Der Stammbaum des Dr. Pistorius
Marie Klambusch, Dienstmädchen
Dein Leben gehört mir
D III 88
Across German screens at the outbreak of WWII streaks "DIII88: The New German Air Force Attacks", an aeronautic and maritime spectacle glorifying Hermann Goring's Luftwaffe and the spirit of the newly arisen Germany. Once war became imminent, Joseph Goebbels instructed the German film industry to initiate production of numerous militaristic projects, but DIII88 was initiated by the Propaganda Minister's rival, Goring, who commissioned several aviation pictures. DIII88 is not a war picture per se, because it takes place in peacetime, but the young, fresh-faced air aces enthusiastically look forward to the coming war. The propaganda is blatant: The only thing that matters is dedication to duty and unconditional commitment to the Fatherland.
Die Hochzeitsreise
1939 German film by Karl Ritter.
Pour le Mérite
The Four Companions
Lotte Waag
Four graduates of an industrial design school team up and form a small business. The protagonist is so excited by the venture that she turns down the proposal of her dashing instructor. Time passes and her three partners lose interest in the business for different reasons. This leaves the heroine who has a change of heart and decides to forgo the business and marry the instructor after all.
Der Haustyrann
Gretl Giese
Ein Volksfeind
Lehrerin Petra
Before the First World War, Dr. Hans Stockmann had a practice in a small town. His powerhungry brother is the mayor of Bad Trimburg, which has developed into a respectable resort. Dr. Stockmann is called in to become the town’s chief physician. He considers the sanitary conditions to be intolerable and insists on a clean-up. His ambitious brother and all those who, till now, have profited well from the corner cutting, are, of course, against that for financial reasons. The doctor is condemned from all sides and the conflict escalates.
Autobus S
Fremdenheim Filoda
Dienstmädchen Mona Pilten
Marie, Christofs Frau
Heiratsinstitut Ida & Co.
Spiel an Bord
Fräulein Distelmann, Politesse
Onkel Bräsig
The clever Zacharias Bräsig is a good friend to all and tries to help out, where he can. Bräsig also meddles in the relationships of young people, so that by the end of the film, there's a double marriage.
Brigitte, Medizinstudentin
Wenn der Hahn kräht
Carnival in Flanders
The Fishmonger's Wife
Flanders, Hispanic Monarchy, 1616. The inhabitants of the small town of Boom are busy organizing the annual local festivities when the arrival of the Duke of Olivares, who rules the country on behalf of the King Philip III of Spain, is announced. While the male citizens cowardly surrender to panic, the brave female citizens decide to become the best hosts the Spaniards can ever meet. (German version of the French film La Kermesse héroïque, 1935.)
Der mutige Seefahrer
Tine Peterson
Wer wagt – gewinnt
Das Mädchen vom Land
Alles um eine Frau
Hermine und die sieben Aufrechten
Krach um Jolanthe
Stine, Magd
Die vier Musketiere
Der Polizeibericht meldet
Mädchen bei Burkhardt
Director Burckhardt is found shot just after making the moves on Gisela Ostercamp, the wife of a business colleague. When the criminal investigator Haupt inspects items in the apartment of the dead man, he comes to the conclusiong that Gisela herself is the murderess and accusations start flying between the married couple. The murdered man's brother, the lawyer Burckhardt, steps up to act as defense counsel for the woman, with whom he has learned to love in the meantime.
The Growing Youth
Tochter vom Hausmeister
A psychological study of three girls who enter a boys' school to prepare for their final examination.