Steve Latshaw

Рождение : 1959-08-13, Decatur, Illinois, USA


Return of the Killer Shrews
A reality TV crew charter a boat to an island for filming, one which the boat's captain had been to before and attacked by giant shrews, more than fifty years earlier.
Return of the Killer Shrews
A reality TV crew charter a boat to an island for filming, one which the boat's captain had been to before and attacked by giant shrews, more than fifty years earlier.
Volcanic activity awakens a prehistoric giant anaconda, forcing the local Sheriff and a band of volunteers to stop the menace.
Опасная гастроль
Во время московского концерта американской попзвезды, который посетил русский президент Петров и американский посол, террористы устраивают диверсию. Все входы и выходы заблокированы, а единственная надежда многотысячной толпы — перкуссионный барабанщик, в прошлом служивший в морской пехоте.
Planet Raptor
In 2066, the planet is entirely occupied by raptors. The only hope for the human race is a group of marines.
Government agent Daniel Leight has his radiation treatments sabotaged. He soon finds that he can now move at super speeds but only by risking metabolic damage which could prove to be fatal. 'Lightspeed' must now use his powers to go after old friend turned terrorist who is now a mutant half-snake called Python.
American Black Beauty
After her father dies in a horse riding accident, a displaced city girl named Cheryl is sent to live with a foster family on a farm in the country. Here she meets a magnificent horse. Cheryl learns to face her fear of horses and manages to race once again.
The Curse of the Komodo
Genetically-engineered Komodo dragons have become ginormous creatures hunting people on a remote tropical island. A small group of scientists must stop the dragons before they escape the island and destroy the rest of the world.
Несущие бурю
После провальной операций «морских котиков» по захвату опаснейшего террориста Каспера отважные бойцы готовы любой ценой отомстить ему за павших собратьев. Для этого им нужно выкрасть у албанских повстанцев секретную российскую боеголовку сделав ее приманкой для неуловимого бандита. Вместе с пленным пособником Каспера бесстрашные спецназовцы высадятся в пекле балканской войны, чтобы под перекрестным огнем врага блистательно выполнить самую рискованную миссию в своей жизни...
Southern Discomfort: Wrestling on the Indie Circuit
Welcome to the Alabama independent wrestling circuit! It's the middle of the summer -temperature 110 degrees. At the high school gym, to the sounds of hoots and screams from a very vocal and emotional audience, aging wrestling legends such as the Iron Sheik and Bullet Bob Armstrong battle with and against local professional competition. Behind the scenes you will meet these people and get the inside story on what and who make up this often unseen side of professional wrestling.
В огне
Владелец завода по переработке нефти, Венделл Мэйс, в погоне за сиюминутной прибылью презрел все меры безопасности. В итоге огненный смерч полностью уничтожил весь завод, распространился на близлежащий город и отрезал от внешнего мира заводскую больницу, в огненном мешке которой оказались врачи и больные. Единственная надежда на спасение из огненного пекла - пожарная команда капитана Джека Томаса. Сможет ли горстка смельчаков спасти жизнь сотням отчаявшихся людей, в том числе и своему командиру, волею судьбы оказавшемуся среди пострадавших?
Неудачные попытки правительства по созданию саморазвивающейся компьютерной программы, с помощью которой можно управлять погодой, привели к тому, что программа выходит из-под контроля и самостоятельно создает страшные природные катаклизмы. Талантливый геймер и хакер Ник — единственный, кто смог, войдя в виртуальный мир сети, зацепить злостную неподатливую программу…
The Russian space station Avma is disintegrating, and an international team of scientists is sent to the dying station to salvage valuable technology left on board. But fate has other plans, and when a rogue meteor collides with the station, leaving them with all communications lost, and life-giving oxygen bleeding into space, one man has only hours to save all the lives on board.
Gale Force
Renegade L.A. detective Sam (Williams) takes a role as a cast member in a reality TV show where he leads a quartet trying to find ten million dollars in buried cash. But Jared (Dudikoff) secretly lands his violent militia on the island in an effort to slay the cast and steal the money. And Jared is successful: Thanks to a corrupt producer, the renegade mercenaries find the cache of cash and start off with it, but Sam and his intrepid, unarmed teammates interrupt them before they can depart. An explosion-filled chase across the island winds up with the good guys trapped by the heavily armed bad guys, and it looks like the game is over for the TV show survivors. However, Mother Nature, in the guises of a hurricane and tidal wave, has other ideas.
Mach 2
A Presidential candidate running against the Vice-President plans a trip to the Balkans to negotiate the release of American servicemen being held hostage. Before he leaves, he receives a disk documenting evidence that the Vice-President has been trying to revive the American economy by causing a war in the Balkans. He plans to show it to both sides in the hopes of ending the situation. However, Secret Service agents hijack the Concorde he is on and kill the pilots. It's up to an Air Force officer, nicknamed "Washout" because he can't fly a plane, to land the Concorde. Written by Leigh Roche
Точка падения
Искатель приключений, ученый и страстный собиратель старины Морис Хантер организует экспедицию в далекую заснеженную сибирскую тайгу, где, по его сведениям, великий физик Тесла провел в начале XX века испытание, а затем и захоронил свое гениальное изобретение — прибор, способный генерировать «лучи смерти» огромной разрушительной силы. Однако удивительная находка Хантера вызвала не только научный интерес: группа международных террористов решила заполучить смертоносное устройство уже на борту самолета, совершающего рейс из России в Канаду. Перестрелка во время захвата террористами лайнера привела к экстренней посадке в горной части Канады. Выжило всего лишь несколько человек, включая получившего ранение при падении Хантера, а также его дочь и ассистентку Надю...
Navy SEALs launch a rescue mission after terrorists plunge a jet carrying a missile-launching computer into the sea.
A black ops unit goes to middle east after a terrorist. They are betrayed and their operative is caught. Later, unit leader starts an investigation. Meanwile the enemy offers the operative a chance for revenge against his superiors.
When deadly anthrax missiles are stolen by a militia, ATF agent Ethan Carter must go undercover and join the group to save the country from disaster.
A prestigious senator and the passengers on board a train are kidnapped by a militia group.
Active Stealth
After Captain Murphy lost some of his men on his last mission to Mexico to bring back a US Senator, he has been plagued with unhappiness and bad dreams. When Murphy is given orders to go back to Mexico to help Mexican people slaving for Salvatore, a rich drug dealer, he must use a new technology plane to get there. The plane is technically advanced with a new protection luxury called 'Active Stealth'. Murphy and his men get aboard the 'Active Stealth', piloted by Hollywood who dreams of being an actor and embark to Mexico. The action never stops from then on when Salvatore sends his men in to block them from getting through.
Not Quite an Angel
Justin and Jessica were not the same since the death of there mother. All they do is ask for trouble and their father is always away for work. Jessica seek help from heaven to save the city with some celestial magic.
Memorial Day
An embittered satellite expert gets the opportunity for revenge against the USA by aiding terrorists in a plan to destroy the country's military base.
Срочное погружение 2
Офицер медицинской службы ВМФ США Джейк Фулер прибыл на борт российской подводной лодки с визитом доброй воли. Но оказалось, что атомная субмарина, оснащенная супермощным ядерным оружием, захвачена террористами. Джек остался один на один со смертельно опасными преступниками, угрожающими устроить конец света. Ему надо действовать быстро и точно, пока не стало слишком поздно…
Invisible Dad
Doug Baily's father is weird, but a strange machine in the garage now makes him invisible too. It's a roller coaster ride of fun and hijinks as Doug tries to turn his invisible dad back to normal again.
Invisible Dad
Bungling Waiter
Doug Baily's father is weird, but a strange machine in the garage now makes him invisible too. It's a roller coaster ride of fun and hijinks as Doug tries to turn his invisible dad back to normal again.
Scorpio One
Using ultra-advanced technology, scientists aboard Scorpio One have made a monumental discovery -- and paid for it with their lives. Now, with time and oxygen running out, Scorpio One is about to become ground zero for an explosive showdown high above the Earth, where the stakes are nothing less than the future of the world.
Death Mask
Wilbur works in an old carnival and shows some gruesome things to the public. He covers his face because he had a sadistic father who burned his face as a child. Everybody makes jokes about his scars and when the new boss fires him, he goes to an old swamp-witch who gives him a peace of wood from a hanging tree. Wilbur makes a mask from this piece of wood and puts all his anger in this mask. When he puts the mask on, everybody who looks at him commits suicide.
Cable Installer
A long long time ago a wizard was put to death, but he swore vengeance on the townsfolk that did him in, particularly Arthur Kelly's family. Arthur had done the final graces on him when he came back to life as Mr. Jack the Pumpkin Man. The Kellys proliferated through the years, and when some devil-may-care teens accidentally unleash Jack-O, young Sean Kelly must stop him somehow as his suburban world is accosted and the attrition rate climbs
A long long time ago a wizard was put to death, but he swore vengeance on the townsfolk that did him in, particularly Arthur Kelly's family. Arthur had done the final graces on him when he came back to life as Mr. Jack the Pumpkin Man. The Kellys proliferated through the years, and when some devil-may-care teens accidentally unleash Jack-O, young Sean Kelly must stop him somehow as his suburban world is accosted and the attrition rate climbs
A long long time ago a wizard was put to death, but he swore vengeance on the townsfolk that did him in, particularly Arthur Kelly's family. Arthur had done the final graces on him when he came back to life as Mr. Jack the Pumpkin Man. The Kellys proliferated through the years, and when some devil-may-care teens accidentally unleash Jack-O, young Sean Kelly must stop him somehow as his suburban world is accosted and the attrition rate climbs
Biohazard: The Alien Force
Triton Indutries has created a genetically-engineered creature using DNA from human sources. During the course of the experiment, however, the host mother carrying the mutant escapes from the laboratory compound, giving birth shortly thereafter. The intellient "baby" beings hunting down and killing its male DNA donors, while at the same time trying to mate with its female donors. The head of the lab wants to destroy the monster before the press can get wind of the story, but the former head of security wants to expose the whole thing.
Biohazard: The Alien Force
Triton Indutries has created a genetically-engineered creature using DNA from human sources. During the course of the experiment, however, the host mother carrying the mutant escapes from the laboratory compound, giving birth shortly thereafter. The intellient "baby" beings hunting down and killing its male DNA donors, while at the same time trying to mate with its female donors. The head of the lab wants to destroy the monster before the press can get wind of the story, but the former head of security wants to expose the whole thing.
Dark Universe
On its way back to Earth, the space shuttle Nautilus passes through a cloud of alien spores causing its sole occupant, astronaut Steve Thomas to transform into a blood-thirsty monster. The shuttle crashes into a swampy region of central Florida, creating a situation which threatens contagion and/or death to all who encounter the shuttle or its mutated pilot.
Dark Universe
On its way back to Earth, the space shuttle Nautilus passes through a cloud of alien spores causing its sole occupant, astronaut Steve Thomas to transform into a blood-thirsty monster. The shuttle crashes into a swampy region of central Florida, creating a situation which threatens contagion and/or death to all who encounter the shuttle or its mutated pilot.
Vampire Trailer Park
A detective and a psychic investigate a series of murders at a trailer park, and suspect that some of the residents are doing the killings--and they are vampires.
Vampire Trailer Park
A detective and a psychic investigate a series of murders at a trailer park, and suspect that some of the residents are doing the killings--and they are vampires.