Andrew Parke


Neutra: Survival Through Design
Director of Photography
This insightful documentary feature from PJ Letofsky serves as a profile of iconic Austrian-American Architect Richard Neutra, whose work and legacy have helped shape the modern understanding of design, architecture and the interconnected fabric of nature. Today, Richard's legacy lives on through his son, Dion, who has taken up his father's mantle after nearly three-decades under his mentorship.
Neutra: Survival Through Design
Aerial Camera
This insightful documentary feature from PJ Letofsky serves as a profile of iconic Austrian-American Architect Richard Neutra, whose work and legacy have helped shape the modern understanding of design, architecture and the interconnected fabric of nature. Today, Richard's legacy lives on through his son, Dion, who has taken up his father's mantle after nearly three-decades under his mentorship.
Director of Photography
Described as "Angela Carter rewriting La Belle et la Bête as an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer", the story follows, through a tapestry of dreamlike images, a girl (Sarah Livingston Evans) and her three friends—the characters' names are never revealed—as they find themselves stranded in a dark and surreal forest by someone—or something (Edward Gusts)—who has obsessively loved, watched, and waited for the girl ever since childhood.
Pirate Camp
Director of Photography
Only the pure of heart will be able to find the key to breaking the curse that holds real pirates captive.
Ночь живых мертвецов 3D
Director of Photography
Прибыв на похороны любимой тетушки, «невезучие» племянники оказываются заложниками дьявольских сил. Ночные кошмары стали реальностью. Как долго продержатся герои, чтобы не сойти с ума от кладбищенского ужаса и атаки живых мертвецов? Невероятные спецэффекты создают ощущение 100% присутствия и абсолютной реальности происходящего, участия в пугающих и шокирующих событиях фильма…
Director of Photography
A mortician at a funeral home finds a way to bring back the dead for an hour at a time to do his dirty work. The town's chief of police (Fahey), gets suspicious and tries to get to the bottom of the mysterious and brutal deaths and events happening in the small town before too many people die.
Graduation Night
Director of Photography
"Graduation Night" is a coming-of-age comedy about four high school seniors and their wild adventures. Life has many unexpected twists and turns in store for each of them as their lives will forever be changed.
The Bad Father
Director of Photography
A begrudged son and his June Cleaver-esque wife return to the home of his deceased father and discover that not only was his "supposed" father a Satanist, but that he is actually the first-born son of Satan himself. He must then decide whether or not to use the powers of Hell to reign on Earth.
Father Frost
Ruled by the all powerful Father Frost, the Forest of Enchantment is the most bizarre and remarkable place in the world! Natalie and Ivan's newlywed hopes of living happily ever after are shattered when they stumble into this mysterious and strange forest. The evil witch, Baba Yaga, can't stand love and sets out to curse their marriage. With incredible magical forces against them, the young couple must summon the great power of Father Frost to come to their aid before their love is lost forever.
Center of the Web
Director of Photography
An actor is wrongly taken as a professional killer by a band planning to murder the Governor. Then he is hired by the Security Dept. to try to unmask and to catch the leaders.
Обнаженный нерв
Director of Photography
Семь женщин убиты в течение десяти дней. Пресса в панике, а у полиции нет улик. Когда появляется Джимми Клэйтон, который в своих видениях становится невольным свидетелем всех этих преступлений, детектив Эллис и капитан Гэвин, ведущие это дело, сочли его сумасшедшим. Роман с красивой журналисткой на время избавляет Клэйтона от ужасных видений, но вскоре они возобновляются с новой силой и доводят его почти до безумия.
That's Action
Director of Photography
Actor Robert Culp introduces trailers for and scenes from movies from Action International Pictures.
Born Killer
Director of Photography
Two deranged and homicidal escaped convicts terrorize a group of teenagers engaged in a paint-ball war.
Полиция будущего
Director of Photography
Недалекое будущее, для борьбы с преступностью создано спецподразделение C.O.P.S.
Wildfire: The Legend of the Cherokee Ghost Horse
Director of Photography
A young girl deals with her guilt following the sudden and tragic death of her father. With the family facing financial ruin, the survivors move to Oklahoma to live with the girl’s grandmother outside of Tahlequah, atop Sparrowhawk Mountain. Emotionally lost and distraught, young Samantha finds peace from the attentions she receives from a mysterious wild horse that seems to be following her as she walks home from school each day.