Rolf Peter Kahl

Rolf Peter Kahl

Рождение : 1970-11-08, Cottbus, Germany


Rolf Peter Kahl


Als Susan Sontag im Publikum saß
Norman Mailer
Als Susan Sontag im Publikum saß
Als Susan Sontag im Publikum saß
В поисках наслаждения
Additional Photography
August 2019. Frank recognizes his own story of twenty years ago in a recently published book. He remembers Marie, with whom he had a relationship before she moved to the United States and disappeared from his life. Frank sets out in search of her and finds himself in a USA petrified by a heat wave and lost in suspicion and political paranoia. He heads into the desert in pursuit of Marie.
В поисках наслаждения
August 2019. Frank recognizes his own story of twenty years ago in a recently published book. He remembers Marie, with whom he had a relationship before she moved to the United States and disappeared from his life. Frank sets out in search of her and finds himself in a USA petrified by a heat wave and lost in suspicion and political paranoia. He heads into the desert in pursuit of Marie.
В поисках наслаждения
August 2019. Frank recognizes his own story of twenty years ago in a recently published book. He remembers Marie, with whom he had a relationship before she moved to the United States and disappeared from his life. Frank sets out in search of her and finds himself in a USA petrified by a heat wave and lost in suspicion and political paranoia. He heads into the desert in pursuit of Marie.
В поисках наслаждения
Frank Patrick
August 2019. Frank recognizes his own story of twenty years ago in a recently published book. He remembers Marie, with whom he had a relationship before she moved to the United States and disappeared from his life. Frank sets out in search of her and finds himself in a USA petrified by a heat wave and lost in suspicion and political paranoia. He heads into the desert in pursuit of Marie.
В поисках наслаждения
August 2019. Frank recognizes his own story of twenty years ago in a recently published book. He remembers Marie, with whom he had a relationship before she moved to the United States and disappeared from his life. Frank sets out in search of her and finds himself in a USA petrified by a heat wave and lost in suspicion and political paranoia. He heads into the desert in pursuit of Marie.
Top Girl or la déformation professionnelle
Helena, 29, a single mother with an 11-year-old daughter, is a moderately successful actress who earns a living as an escort in the sex industry. Her relationship with her own mother, a singing teacher, is tense, and she’s also increasingly annoyed with her job. Meeting David offers her an opportunity.
Простые сложности Нико Фишера
Kontrolleur Peter
Нико уже почти тридцать, он не закончил учебу в университете, его бросила подружка, отец лишает финансовой помощи, а психиатр подтверждает, что у него неустойчивая психика. В поисках выхода и хоть каких-то денег, хотя бы на чашку кофе, Нико бродит по улицам Берлина, что превращается в череду случайных встреч со знакомыми и не очень. Нико персонаж неоднозначный, чье поведение провоцирует непрекращающуюся цепь комических ситуаций…
A huge, run-down apartment in Berlin Mitte. Two women and a man, rehearsals for a movie about love and sex, that will never be shot. Acting and reality mingle into a dangerous melange. Berlin is the shelter, love is impossible, flesh is the law.
A huge, run-down apartment in Berlin Mitte. Two women and a man, rehearsals for a movie about love and sex, that will never be shot. Acting and reality mingle into a dangerous melange. Berlin is the shelter, love is impossible, flesh is the law.
Макс Шмелинг: Боец Рейха
Joseph Goebbels
Фильм основан на биографии известного немецкого боксера Макса Шмелинга, бывшего в 1930—1932 годах чемпионом мира в тяжелом весе. Расцвет карьеры Шмелинга пришелся на время правления в стране нацистов, когда знаменитый боксер помимо своей воли стал символом режима. Понимая, что победы на ринге делают его практически неприкосновенным для правящей партии, Шмелинг решает остаться в стране, несмотря на то, что это решение подталкивает его к непростому моральному выбору. Будучи женатым на девушке еврейского происхождения, помогая своим друзьям и соседям спасаться от преследования, спортсмен в то же самое время должен примерно исполнять обязанности символа нацистской Германии — посещать приемы и позировать репортерам рядом с Гитлером и Геббельсом. Но у Шмелинга есть преимущество перед теми, кого он считает своими врагами — он точно знает: чтобы победить, нужно изучить уязвимые места соперника.
Maggie (21) and Klaus (45) are touring in Germany in a camper and they seem to be lovers despite their age difference. However, at a camping site Maggie shows some affection for another man. The unavoidable conflict escalates fatally.
Берлин зовет
Популярный немецкий клубный ди-джей с нетерпением ждёт выхода своей новой пластинки и турне в её поддержку. Он не может и предположить, что радость от возможности посетить лучшие ночные клубы мира вскоре будет омрачена изменой подруги, что его душевные терзания усугубит наркотическое пристрастие, а успешно начавшееся турне ди-джея окончится в психиатрическом отделении Берлинского госпиталя.
Melodies of Spring
Miss Baghdad
Sunday Girls
'Sunday Girls' is a portrait of four young German actresses: Laura Tonke, Nicolette Krebitz, Katharina Schuettler and Inga Birkenfeld. They are members of a new group of young actresses who try to put their passion for films into practice, away from the mainstream TV market. Their individuality and their will to remain independent is what makes them so interesting... their luck, their fears, their goals, the things that life is made up of... "Of course I'm a little in love with them, that's how all films start." (director RP Kahl)
Berlin Stories
A movie about Berlin
Axel and Karla are an ill-matched couple in a borderline situation. The two meet in the hospital. Axel is keeping watch at his son′s bedside and Karla is waiting for some sign of life from her sister. None of the doctors can tell them whether the young couple will come out of their comas after their serious accident. As the weeks of uncertainty, fear and tedium pass by, a peculiar relationship develops between Axel and Karla, sustaining both of them.
Suck My Dick
99€ Films
Anyone can hold a mini-DV camera. Anyone can get 99 euros in credit. And everyone has already written a five-minute story in school. So everyone is actually prepared to make a 99euro-film. but "99euro-films" is more. It is the proof that German films can also be wild, new, modern, funny, political and entertaining. And all that in 80 minutes. 12 young German filmmakers come together, inspire exciting young actors and go: have an idea and simply film it. Just do it and be independent.
Venus Talking
Novellist Venus lives with her family out of Berlin and moves temporarily to the city where she is starting to write a new book. Her fans can watch her via a webcam. Away from husband and children she begins an affair with Fabrizio...
Angel Express
Angel Express is a film about people restlessly seeking for the ultimate experience. Set in late nineties Berlin, it shows images of radical change: Young urban heroes in the glare of flashlights; an environment in which coldness and affection or lust for power and friendship go hand in hand.
Angel Express
Angel Express is a film about people restlessly seeking for the ultimate experience. Set in late nineties Berlin, it shows images of radical change: Young urban heroes in the glare of flashlights; an environment in which coldness and affection or lust for power and friendship go hand in hand.
Angel Express
Angel Express is a film about people restlessly seeking for the ultimate experience. Set in late nineties Berlin, it shows images of radical change: Young urban heroes in the glare of flashlights; an environment in which coldness and affection or lust for power and friendship go hand in hand.
Angel Express
Angel Express is a film about people restlessly seeking for the ultimate experience. Set in late nineties Berlin, it shows images of radical change: Young urban heroes in the glare of flashlights; an environment in which coldness and affection or lust for power and friendship go hand in hand.
Silvester Countdown
A young Berlin couple travel to a friend's place for the celebration of Silvester and New Year's Eve. During that period, we witness today's juvenile sub-culture, especially the ways of keeping a partnership - or breaking it up in between.
Silvester Countdown
A young Berlin couple travel to a friend's place for the celebration of Silvester and New Year's Eve. During that period, we witness today's juvenile sub-culture, especially the ways of keeping a partnership - or breaking it up in between.
Deadly Maria
40-year Maria is living in a monotonous and deadlocked marriage with her husband. In addition, she has to take care of her ill despotic father. One day, she falls in love with her sensitive neighbour Dieter. But her attempt to leave her gloomy everyday life behind leads straight into tragedy.
Banale Tage
In East Berlin in the late 70s, two boys meet one evening in a disco: Thomas, who is from a working class family and is doing an apprenticeship, and Michael, a 16-year-old school pupil from an educated middle-class family. They both miss the tram home and walk together instead, ending up at Michael’s house where they discuss God and the world into the early hours. Following this encounter the two boys enter into an unusual friendship, united by their mutual desire to get away from the phoniness, the limitations and the restrictions of their parents and of society.
Jugend ohne Gott
A teacher at a German high-school in the nineteen thirties has issues with his students who seem to be getting less human and more convinced of Nazi ideals as time goes on.