Fernanda Machado

Fernanda Machado

Рождение : 1980-10-10, Maringá, Paraná, Brazil


Fernanda Machado


Impuros: O Filme
Following in his deceased brother's footsteps, power-hungry drug lord Evandro embarks on a ruthless rise to power in Brazil's crime-ridden favelas. Evandro's ascension puts him on a collision course with Victor, a reckless detective with nothing to lose.
A Menina Índigo
Unlike the other children, Sophie discovers in the midst of her abilities to paint the gift of being able to cure illnesses. The news spreads and reaches the hands of a tabloid journalist. To protect the girl, her separated parents need to unite.
Trust Me
Mari is a talented but insecure chef who dreams of running her own restaurant. She goes through a challenging professional time, taking orders from an authoritarian boss who inhibits her talent. One day she meets Caio, a charming young man who provides the conditions for her to realize her dream. Caio shows Mari that she should trust herself and open her own restaurant. However, things are not always what they seem to be.
Man Camp
Attempting to compete for the love of a beautiful woman, a self-declared sissy joins a man camp that "transforms boys into men," only to discover it's run by his dream girl's macho boyfriend.
Amanhã Nunca Mais
Walter is an absent father and husband who works in a hospital without time for his family. His redemption happens when his wife sends him to the birthday cake for her daughter, but she does not know is that during the return trip home, the impossible will happen so that everything goes wrong.
Stereo Hearts 2
Two teenagers from different social classes fall in love after meeting in a conflict at a party and will have to face challenges to be together.
Mentiras sinceras
Focusing on the real-imaginary doubt, the film delves into the role of the stage actor alongside the set-up of Sam Shepard's 'Mente Mentira'.
Flordelis: Basta uma Palavra para Mudar
Mulher estuprada pelo pai
Não foi muito fácil escolher a forma de contar a história de Flordelis, mãe, ex-moradora da Favela do Jacarezinho, mulher corajosa que entra nas comunidades, a louca que desafiou a justiça por amor aos filhos, a linda mulher que abriu mão da sua juventude e do seu futuro profissional para viver a missão de doar amor, ensinar amor e aprender com o amor.
Элитный отряд
В 1997 году, перед визитом Папы Римского в Рио де-Жанейро, капитан Насцименто из БОПО (Батальона особых полицейских операций) получает задание устранить опасность, исходящую от наркоторговцев, действующих в опасных трущобах поблизости от резиденции Папы. Капитан Насцименто ищет человека, способного заменить его, так как жена капитана беременна, и он собирается оставить БОПО и стать наставником новобранцев. Тем временем, два друга-идеалиста Нето и Матиас начинают службу в военной полиции, рассчитывая стать честными полицейскими и бороться с криминалом. Однако они сталкиваются в военной полиции с коррупцией, недостатком профессионализма и бюрократическим идиотизмом. После серьёзного инцидента в Моро да Бабилония они решают вступить в ряды БОПО.
Laura goes to Buenos Aires and falls for the photographer Guilherme. When she returns to Brazil, her homeland, she discovers Guilherme is actually her fiancé's best friend.