Sayombhu Mukdeeprom

Sayombhu Mukdeeprom

Рождение : , Thailand


Sayombhu Mukdeeprom is a Thai cinematographer, best known for his work on the films of Apichatpong Weerasethakul and Luca Guadagnino.


Sayombhu Mukdeeprom


Finally Dawn
Director of Photography
A young Roman woman during the 1950s is on the verge of becoming engaged to a man. She goes to Cinecittà to do an audition as an extra and is thrust into this almost infinite night during which she discovers herself.
Tashi, a tennis player-turned-coach, has taken her husband, Art, and transformed him from a mediocre player into a world-famous Grand Slam champion. To jolt him out of his recent losing streak, she makes him play a “Challenger” event — close to the lowest level of tournament on the pro tour — where he finds himself standing across the net from the once-promising, now burnt-out Patrick: his former best friend and Tashi’s former boyfriend.
Шесть персонажей
Director of Photography
Экранизация спектакля «Шесть персонажей в поисках автора» Луиджи Пиранделло.
13 жизней
Director of Photography
Летом 2018 года подростки из футбольной команды вместе со своим тренером оказались в ловушке пещерного комплекса в Таиланде, выход из которого был затоплен водой. Пока они ищут спасения от подступающей воды, во внешнем мире собирается отряд для их спасения. Основано на реальной истории.
Director of Photography
Джессика, специалист по выращиванию орхидей, приезжает в Колумбию, чтобы ухаживать за сестрой, находящейся в состоянии сна. Но и сама Джессика практически теряет покой — ее преследует странный звук, похожий то ли на взрыв, то ли на мощный удар, который тревожит и лишает сна. Пытаясь понять его происхождение, героиня все больше теряет связь с тем, что принято считать реальностью.
Director of Photography
Находясь на отдыхе в Греции вместе со своей девушкой, американский турист Беккет попадает в автокатастрофу, после чего оказывается в бегах от пытающейся его убить полиции, замешанной в непонятном политическом заговоре. Всё, что ему нужно — добраться до посольства и понять, что случилось с его девушкой, пропавшей после аварии.
Director of Photography
Итало-американская писательница Франческа, которая живёт в Штатах, вынуждена вернуться в Рим, чтобы забрать к себе престарелую мать.
Nakee 2
Director of Photography
A new detective was sent to investigate unusual events in a rural village in the north-east of Thailand which was believed to be involved with the mythical giant snake called Nakee.
Director of Photography
Молодая балерина отправляется в престижную европейскую танцевальную академию, где она сталкивается с чем-то зловещим и сверхъестественным. Теперь она должна выяснить причину серии смертей, чтобы не стать следующей жертвой проклятия.
Назови меня своим именем
Director of Photography
История внезапного и сильного романа, возникшего между подростком и летним гостем, посетившим особняк его родителей на итальянской Ривьере. В течение нескольких беспокойных недель неумолимый, но обречённый поток навязчивой идеи, восхищения и желания, неизбежно усиливает их страсть, доводя до порога отчаяния и сопутствующего страха перед невозможностью только одного: полной близости.
Arabian Nights: Volume 3, The Enchanted One
Director of Photography
In which Scheherazade doubts that she will still be able to tell stories to please the King, given that what she has to tell weighs three thousand tonnes. She therefore escapes from the palace and travels the Kingdom in search of pleasure and enchantment. Her father, the Grand-Vizier, arranges to meet her at the Ferris wheel, and Scheherazade resumes her narration: “Auspicious King, in old shanty towns of Lisbon there was a community of bewitched men who, in all rigour and passion, dedicated themselves to teaching birds to sing…”. And seeing the morning break, Scheherazade fell silent.
Arabian Nights: Volume 2, The Desolate One
Director of Photography
In which Scheherazade tells of how desolation invaded men : “It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that a Judge will cry instead of giving out her sentence. A runaway murderer will wander through the land for over forty days and will teletransport himself to escape the Guard while dreaming of prostitutes and partridges. A wounded cow will reminisce about a thousand-year-old olive tree while saying what she must say, which will sound none less than sad ! The residents of a tower block in the suburbs will save parrots and piss inside lifts while surrounded by dead people and ghosts; including in fact a dog that…”. And seeing the morning break, Scheherazade fell silent.
Director of Photography
Distinguished Italian poet Antonia Pozzi (1912–1938) was among those women who were at odds with the times in which they lived. Her poems record her inability to adapt to social norms and her desire to live fully, and in poetry she sought an escape from reality and from her own complex soul and emotional life.
Arabian Nights: Volume 1, The Restless One
Director of Photography
Every night, in danger of being beheaded, Scheherazade tells King Shahryar unfinished tales to continue them the following night, hence defying his promise of murdering his new wives after their wedding night. Scheherazade tells king Shahryar her stories but these are not those in the book. These are stories based on whatever will be happening in Portugal during the production time of the film. As in the book, these stories will be tragic and comical, with rich and poor, powerless and powerful people, filled with surprising and extraordinary events. This film will be about the reality of a disgraced country, Portugal, under the effects of a global economic crisis.
Last Summer
Director of Photography
A story about three youngsters who are haunted by the spirit of their teen-idol friend, Joy, who died under mysterious circumstances in Last Summer.
The Gangster
Director of Photography
Jod is a gangster who has been sent to jail as a result of a military coup that brings a new order to the streets. In the young gangsters' neighbourhood, uniformed officer Neung rules like a dictator and is a frequent thorn in the side of Jod's gang. When he emerges from prison, Jod is a changed man with a determination to set things right.
Врата ада
Director of Photography
Приехав к тестю в Тайланд, Джеф вместе с семьей попадает в страшную автомобильную катастрофу. Очнувшись после глубокой комы, он узнает, что выжил только он… Постепенно Джеф начинает замечать за собой странности: он не чувствует горя и скорби, его отражение начинает исчезать в зеркале, а в темноте его преследуют страшные призраки и демоны. В поисках причин происходящего, он обращается к шаманке, которая объясняет ему причину происходящего: душа Джефа осталась в ловушке теневого мира вместе с семьей. И теперь ему предстоит тяжелое и опасное путешествие в Ад, чтобы спасти семью и самого себя.
Loving You, Loving Me
The film tells the story about how to love and to be loved through the people in three different families.
Director of Photography
Мир, охвачен лихорадкой, под названием: Снежный Пес. И люди не замечают ничего вокруг - ни близких, ни назревающей войны в родной стране. В центре сюжета 3 идиота, которые как-то да связаны с этим псом.
Дядюшка Бунми, который помнит свои прошлые жизни
Director of Photography
Дядюшка Боонмее страдает острой почечной недостаточностью и решает провести остаток дней у родственников в деревне. Здесь ему являются призраки умершей жены и пропавшего сына и принимают его в свои крылатые объятья. Раздумывая над причинами своей болезни, дядюшка Боонмее вместе со своей семьей пересекает джунгли и достигает пещеры на вершине горы, где родилась его первая жизнь…
Bitter / Sweet
Director of Photography
American businessman Brian Chandler has a perfect life with a great job and beautiful fiancée. When his boss, renegade coffee mogul Calvert Jenkins sends him to Thailand to inspect a crop for purchase, Brian meets Ticha, a beautiful Bangkok executive who has long-since given up on the prospects of finding love.
A Letter to Uncle Boonmee
Director of Photography
A filmmaker captures images that characterize the violence and repression as well as the hope of rebirth and remembrance in northeastern Thailand.
Муай Тай
Director of Photography
Три друга — Пао, Биак и Само живут в небольшой тайской деревушке и страстно мечтают стать бойцами Муай Тай и посмотреть мир. Им невдомёк, что там где настоящиие бои — крутятся настоящие деньги, настоящие проблемы и настоящая кровь, а вершина успеха покорится лишь единицам — но какую цену придётся заплатить за это?
Me… Myself
Director of Photography
Thaen is hit by a car and loses his memories. He starts to live with the woman who hit him as she feels a bit responsible for hurting him other than the fact that she is afraid of getting into any trouble because of this accident. Thaen is trying to recollect his memories while living with the woman and her nephew.
The Anthem
Camera Operator
The Anthem is a celebration of filmmaking and the viewing experience. In Thailand, before every cinema film screening, there will be a Royal Anthem before the feature presentation. The purpose is to honour the King. It is one of the rituals imbedded in Thai society to give a blessing to something or someone before certain ceremonies. The Anthem presents a 'Cinema Anthem' that praises and blesses the approaching feature for each screening. This audio-visual purification process is performed by three old ladies. They also channel energy to the audience in order to give them a clear mind.
Синдромы и столетие
Director of Photography
Фильм составлен из отрывков памяти, которые начинаются внезапно и заканчиваются без логического конца. Дантист хочет стать певцом и интересуется одним из своих пациентов, Буддистским монахом, который мечтает стать диск-жокеем. Один из докторов неловко объявляет свою отчаянную любовь к доктору Тоею (главной героине), которая ассоциирует его с бывшей влюбленностью, которую она испытывала к эксперту по орхидеям…
Midnight My Love
Director of Photography
Sombat is a night taxi driver who has unique taste in things. He enjoys listening to AM radio channels for they reminds him of the good old days though other people find him outdated and call him dork.
Worldly Desires
Camera Operator
One of three films commissioned by the Jeonju International Film Festival in 2005. A couple escaped their family to look for a spiritual tree in the jungle. There is a song at night, a song that spoke about an innocent idea of love and a quest for happiness. Worldly Desires is an experimental project where I invited a filmmaker friend, Pimpaka Towira, to shoot the love story by day and the song by night. The story, Deep Red Bloody Night, was written by my assistant who wanted to reprise a forbidden love story in a more romantic time in the past. I picked a pop song, Will I be Lucky? to convey a sense of guiltless freedom one feels when being hit by love. The video is a little simulation of manners, dedicated to the memories of filmmaking in the jungle during the year 2001-2005. -Apichatpong Weerasethakul
A group of house maids are transferred to be secret agents to investigate a suspicious event with modest technology equipment. The new blood agents struggle in the rough and tough mission without the knowledge of how to use the equipment and that leads to the failure of their mission. Are they gonna make it while they have to do housework and the mission in the same time?
Director of Photography
A group of house maids are transferred to be secret agents to investigate a suspicious event with modest technology equipment. The new blood agents struggle in the rough and tough mission without the knowledge of how to use the equipment and that leads to the failure of their mission. Are they gonna make it while they have to do housework and the mission in the same time?
The Extern
Director of Photography
Story of two doctor externs, who are really different from the main stream. It deals about their studies, their exams and love. This movie enhances through comic sequences the importance of doctors in Thai society.
The Iron Ladies 2
Director of Photography
Sequel to the surprise hit about a gay volleyball team having troubles with their success and fame, and how they reunite after they split because of creative differences.
Director of Photography
Tao is a tomboyish university student who supports her studies by writing for her uncle's racy pulp pornographic magazine Sayew, despite the fact that she has never had sex herself. The magazine is struggling financially, so Tao's uncle, Dr. Porn, tells her she needs to spice up her stories or else be sacked. After writing fantasies about her neighbors doesn't work, Tao takes the advice of her uncle and starts reaching for first-hand experience to draw on, turning to the macho magazine photographer and writer, Young Stallion. However, the sexually uncertain Tao also has fantasies about a female classmate, Mui.
Blissfully Yours
Director of Photography
Min is an illegal Burmese immigrant living in Thailand who has contracted a mysterious painful rash covering his upper body. His girlfriend, Roong, and a middle-aged woman, Orn, take him to see a doctor. Min pretends that he cannot speak because he is not fluent in Thai and speaking would reveal him to be an illegal immigrant.
Heaven's Seven
Director of Photography
Seven ex-soldiers are hired to rob a group of American GI's trucks, under the misguided notion that these trucks contain a wealth of treasures. They successfully seize the trucks, only to find that there's nothing precious within. A troop of fully-armed, brutal, not to mention racist GIs, led by Peter, is now after them. At the same time, their former superior (in charge of seven) is tracking down a cargo of dangerous chemicals and he asks for their help. They reluctantly agree, and their personal conflict is turned into an action-packed confrontation fought and waged for the sake of one thing only: their country.
Mysterious Object at Noon
Director of Photography
Apichatpong Weerasethakul brought an appetite for experimen­tation to Thai cinema with his debut feature, an uncategorizable work that refracts documentary impressions of his homeland through the surrealist concept of the exquisite corpse game. Enlisting locals to contribute improvised narration to a simple tale, Apichatpong charts the collective construction of the fiction as each new encounter imbues it with unpredictable shades of fantasy and pathos.