Antonio Pierfederici


Secondo Ponzio Pilato
Giuseppe di Arimatea
The story of salvation is told from the perspective of the Roman governor in Judea, Pontius Pilate.
Постановка Франко Дзеффирелли. «Отелло» — музыкальная трагедия, поражающая правдивостью и глубиной воплощения человеческих характеров. Необычайной рельефностью и драматической силой отмечены музыкальные портреты Отелло — героя и воина, страстного любящего супруга, человека доверчивого и одновременно неистового в своей ярости, кроткой и чистой Дездемоны, коварного Яго, попирающего все нравственные законы. Хоровые эпизоды дополняют образы главных персонажей, выражая отношение к ним народа. Важную роль в опере играет оркестр, передающий эмоциональную, атмосферу событий, исключительное богатство психологических оттенков.
Why They Kill Themselves
The story is about a man with family problems, try to solve everything with drugs, later his girlfriend died of an overdose ...
A naturalist monk
After attending esoterical studies with a wise man, Cagliostro, a mysterious Italian count, received the gift of supernatural powers. He started to travel all over Europe to heal the poor. But he is also a member of a pre-revolutionary lodge the aim of which is to give freedom to the populations of Europe. This cannot be tolerated by the 18th century's establishment and bought the Pope and the regal house of France try to eliminate him. So Cagliostro is locked up in a castle, while his wife is killed. But when in 1795 the door of his cell is opened there is nothing inside but a sword...
Clap, You're Dead
A crew that is filming a horror movie is stalked by a mysterious killer who slays three of the beautiful young actresses. There is a main suspect (a crew member that got fired shortly before the first murder occurs, after he had an argument with the first victim), a police inspector that doesn't search for possible other suspects and a dose of sleazy sex
Four Gunmen of the Holy Trinity
Mr. Martinez
Arms trafficking with the Indians on the one hand and acquiring documents concerning the ownership of a goldmine on the other are the principal interests of Quin and Gomez, the highly suspicious guests at Papa Martinez' inn. The unexpected arrival of the sheriff Thomas, and the journalist, George, upsets the plans of the two unsavoury allies and they have to try every kind of trick to win out against such adversaries.
La signora dalle camelie
The Double
Professor Bergamo
A man is shot in an underground car-park by a mysterious bearded man. As he dies he recollects the events that led him to this situation, including adulterous liaisons and jealous envy.
Ромео и Джульетта
Lord Montague
На балу во дворце Капулетти зарождается любовь двух юных существ, судьбою обреченных на ненависть. Ромео Монтекки и Джульетта Капулетти полюбили друг друга на свою беду, ведь их семьи ведут смертельную вражду уже многие, многие годы… Но их любовь сильнее родовой вражды, сильнее предрассудков и непреодолимых препятствий. Великая сила этой любви побеждает все, даже смерть…
The Little Nuns
il presidente
Two nuns come to Rome to protest to an airline about its jet planes which have been flying over their convent school, disrupting teaching of the little orphans who study there and damaging the ancient fresco of their patron saint through sound vibrations.
Vanina Vanini
principe Livio Savelli
Vanina Vanini, a bored, spoiled Roman countess, falls in love with a dedicated young patriot who is in Rome to assassinate a traitor to the brotherhood of the Carboneria.
Totò, Peppino and... the Sweet Life
Antonio goes to Rome to represent his fellow peasants, to request a highway that will be built in their region. But the guy is mastered by 'la dolce vita' and wastes the money entrusted to him for his mission. When Peppino is sent to to find out what happened, he lets himself be trapped by the gentle grip of 'la dolce vita'
Маска Сатаны
В попытке очистить страну от скверны инквизиторы объявляют ведьмой молодую княжну Азу и надевают на неё Маску Сатаны — специальную маску с острыми шипами внутри. Перед тем, как сгореть на костре, княжна проклинает своих палачей до седьмого колена. Фильм снят по рассказу Николая Васильевича Гоголя.
Il borghese gentiluomo
The Last Days of Pompeii
In Pompeii in the year 79, Lycias and Helen fall in love. Helen's guardian, the high priest of Isis, wants to separate them. To do so, he tries to make Lycias drink a love potion, but a young slave threatens to reveal everything. The high priest, unable to silence her, kills her and arranges to have Lycias accused...