Hans Hermann Schaufuß

Hans Hermann Schaufuß

Рождение : 1893-07-13, Leipzig, Germany

Смерть : 1982-01-30


Hans Hermann Schaufuß


Die Halde
Onkel Pink
White King
The daughter of a poor mountain farmer becomes pregnant by a young nobleman. Because he does not want to marry her, she commits suicide. Her brother Ferdl then wants to confront the count. A brawl ensues. Ferdl has to flee into the mountains, where he falls into a ravine and is presumed dead.
Der Zweck heiligt die Mittel
Frohe Ostern
Betreten verboten
Herr Wetzel
Der Mann auf meinem Rücken
Der Monat der fallenden Blätter
When British philosopher Harold Hilliard took off for Warsaw to lecture on the Dysteleological Surd, he had no idea that he would soon become embroiled in international espionage. During the trip he tried to open a suitcase he mistook for his own. When a fellow passenger, a Pole with stainless steel teeth, took umbrage, Hilliard put it down to bad manners, but when the same man saw him pick up the wrong coat in the plane, Hilliard realized that he was suspected of spying. The party at the airport to welcome Hilliard only convinced the Polish agent that the British Secret Service was now picking its men with extraordinary cleverness. Hilliard, whose works were little known in England, was warmed by unaccustomed praise but chilled by the apparent certainty of the counter espionage people that he was a British agent whose code name was Whale.
Der Fall Jeanne d'Arc
Nachruf auf Egon Müller
Der Schmied seines Glücks
Adam Litumlei
Zweierlei Maß
General Frédéric
Ayachiv Atlan
Wetter veränderlich
Zwischen Montag und Samstag
A Piece of Heaven
Однажды на скамейке Люксембургского сада в Париже бедный художник заметил белокурую девушку, погруженную в чтение стихов. Едва удостоив соседа взглядом, девушка — ее зовут Анни-Клер — тут же дает понять, что принадлежит к высшим слоям парижского общества, доказательством чему служит шикарный автомобиль, подкатывающий к воротам сада. Несмотря на столь очевидную разницу в социальном положении, Анни-Клер начинает встречаться с молодым художником и дает ему ласковое прозвище Монпти…
Звезда Африки
Фильм рассказывает о жизни, боевом пути и смерти аса люфтваффе Ганса-Йоахима Марселя, на счету которого было 158 сбитых самолётов противника. Фильм интересен тем, что при его съемке были использованы настоящие предметы униформы, а также вооружение и самолёты, оставшиеся после Второй мировой войны, а консультантами фильма стали бывшие друзья и сослуживцы Марселя…
Die Prinzessin von St. Wolfgang
von Bittersalz
The Affairs of Julie
Juliane Thomas is an ambitious but unemployed young writer. After breaking up with her lover she works at a dentist friend to make ends meet. One day she instantly falls in love with one of the patients (Jean Berner) and promptly writes a movie script about the encounter in which she projects her own fantasies about how things will turn out eventually. By coincidence this movie script is picked up by a film director who happens to be Berner's closest friend and from then on things become very complicated...
Frauen sind für die Liebe da
По пьесе Людвига Аценгрубера «Крестьянин-клятвопреступник» о трагической судьбе батрачки Паули Рот.
Китти и огромный мир
Основатель Рима, легендарный Ромул, дабы заселить основанный им город, объявил, что в нем найдется убежище всем изгнанным и преследуемым! Так город Рим стал заселяться беглыми рабами, разбойниками и искателями приключений. Но всё это были мужчины! Чтобы решить проблему продолжения рода Ромул посылает сватов в соседнее племя сабинян. Только старейшины в резкой форме отказали им, ссылаясь на неблагонадежность женихов. Тогда решено было девушек выкрасть или заманить… устроив красочную спортивную олимпиаду?
Many Passed By
Herr Kirchner
Attempted murder told from three perspectives: that of the offender, the (prospective) victim and the investigating officer.
Weil du arm bist, mußt du früher sterben
Herr Moll
Regina Amstetten
Dr. Mahnke
Little brother and little sister
Königliche Hoheit
An American heiress in Europe falls in love with a German prince, but he is required to marry someone else for reasons of state convenience.
Продавец птиц
Johann, servant
Экранизация одноименной оперетты Карла Целлера. Адам и его невеста Кристель хотят пожениться, но у торговца птицами не хватает денег. Чтобы профинансировать свадьбу, Кристель находит ему работу у принца. Однако Адам совершенно неправильно понял этот жест: он убежден, что у Кристель роман с принцем. Взамен он неожиданно влюбляется в жену принца, которая переодевается крестьянкой Мари для того чтобы разобраться в слухах о неверности мужа...
Прокурорша Корда
Доктор Корда Фробениус — первая женщина-прокурор в своем округе. Очевидно, что люди не доверяют ей ведение сложных дел. Но в дальнейшем — встреча с мужчиной становится одновременно и самым тяжёлым её делом. Трактирщик Ганс Нейдхард сразу же привлекает её, потому что он поразительно похож на возлюбленного её юности. Теперь она должна обвинить этого человека в убийстве своей жены. Корда в отчаянии. В результате судебного разбирательства собраны почти полные косвенные улики, но Корде удается предотвратить тюремный срок, и все выясняется случайно. Нейдхард оправдан. Корда вне себя от радости и хочет обнять его. Но он так и не смирился с тем, что она обвиняла его. У тюремных ворот его ждет молодая женщина, с которой он наконец сможет начать новую, беззаботную жизнь.
Ferien vom Ich
Heinz Tiedemann, Prokurist, genannt Alexander
Hanna Amon
Hanna Amon and her brother Thomas live on an estate they've inherited from their parents. Local veterinarian Brunner loves Hanna from afar, and Thomas is in love with the daughter of the local mayor. Love, however, doesn't always mean happiness, as both Hanna and Thomas are soon to find out.
Kätchen für alles
Herr Schulze
Das kleine Hofkonzert
Shot in 1944, finished and released in 1949.
Der Mann, dem man den Namen stahl
During his trip to the city, a naïve man from the countryside falls victim to a thief who steals his wallet. Since all his personal documents were in it, he not only looses his money but also his identity. The thief turns out to be a cunning con man, who uses the papers for his criminal schemes. Soon enough, a warrant is issued, and eventually both men – the thief and the innocent guy – are arrested. But since all the red tape of the government causes even more confusion, the odyssey of the victim searching for his lost identity has just started.
During Napoleon's victorious campaign in Germany, the city of Kolberg gets isolated from the retreating Prussian forces. The population of Kolberg refuses to capitulate and organizes the resistance against the French army, which immediately submits the city to massive bombardments.
Wir beide liebten Katharina
Das Hochzeitshotel
Rupp, Chef eines Pressedienstes
Familie Buchholz
Акробат, пре-крас-но!
Безработный акробат благодаря вмешательству судьбы за одну ночь становится знаменитым.
The Golden City
Anna Jobst is the daughter of a rich, conservative farmer. Living on the bank of the Moldau, she wishes nothing more than follow the river to Prague, the "Golden City". After arriving, she quickly falls into a bad crowd.
The Great King
Gen. Zieten
King Frederick II (aka "Frederick the Great") of Prussia is engaged in a major battle against the Austrian army at Kunersdorf, and things aren't going well. The Austrians are inflicting major casualties, and his army is beginning to crumble. Defeat seems inevitable when a combination of events gives him hope that he may pull victory from the jaws of defeat after all.
Das andere Ich
Request Concert
German propaganda film spinning a story around the popular radio broadcast "Wunschkonzert".
Sächsischer Gesandter
В 1862 году Германия была разделена на 35 государств, входивших в конфедерацию под фактической властью императора Австрии Франца Иосифа. Король Пруссии Вильгельм I, желая восстановить независимость своего государства от власти династии Габсбургов, назначает на должность премьер-министра барона фон Бисмарка. Бисмарк распускает парламент, вводит цензуру в печати, проводит реформу армии. Как дипломат Бисмарк успешно ведет переговоры с Францией, Австрией и Россией. После перевооружения прусской армии Бисмарк начинает реализацию плана создания единой Германии «железом и кровью».
The Rothschilds
Biopic about the Rothschilds, a Jewish family whose members rose to the top of the European banking community during the Napoleonic era.
Salonwagen E 417
In a transport museum, the items on display begin to tell their stories. Most interesting is the history of the Pullman car. In the beginning, it served as transport for a princely family; then became the headquarters car for the military high command; and then, most adventurous of all, it ended up with a circus. Converted to a bar, it finally had its day and was supposed to serve as a placard carrier. Luckily, the museum saved it from this sad fate.
The Leghorn Hat
Onkel Florian
Der Florentiner Hut (The Leghorn Hat), a 1939 German film directed by Wolfgang Liebeneiner
Diskretion – Ehrensache
1. Detektiv
The impossible Mr. Pitt
René Mouche
Der Mann, der nicht nein sagen kann
Ein Volksfeind
Zeitungsbesitzer Dornbach
Before the First World War, Dr. Hans Stockmann had a practice in a small town. His powerhungry brother is the mayor of Bad Trimburg, which has developed into a respectable resort. Dr. Stockmann is called in to become the town’s chief physician. He considers the sanitary conditions to be intolerable and insists on a clean-up. His ambitious brother and all those who, till now, have profited well from the corner cutting, are, of course, against that for financial reasons. The doctor is condemned from all sides and the conflict escalates.
Versprich mir nichts!
Herr Lemke
Maler Pratt, an artist, refuses to sell his paintings as he thinks that they still need improvement before being publicly exhibited, but his wife Monika thinks differently and sells them because she thinks they are good...and they need the money. As he only signs an "M" on his work, Monika has no difficulty in claiming she is "M", but problems arrive when she is commissioned to do a large mural and Maler refuses to help her out. However, his creative spirit gets the best of him and he does the mural which is widely acclaimed to be a great work of art. Felder , an art dealer, is not overly pleased with this turn of events as he has been pleading with Monika to divorce her shiftless husband and marry him.
Ein Mädel vom Ballett
Berthold Lange
A woman is put on trial for murdering a musician who ruined her marriage.
Der mutige Seefahrer
Das Einmaleins der Liebe
Zwei Genies
Jakob Senf
An early short film by Douglas Sirk (Detlef Sierck) which takes a satirical look at dubious business practices during the Weimar Republic. It was banned under the title "Zwei Genies" but released as "Zwei Windhunde" after revisions were made.
На вершине Монблана
«Вечный сон» (название фильма в переводе с немецкого оригинала, под названием «На вершине Монблана» кинолента демонстрировалась в СССР) — немецкая альпинистская драма 1934 года о первом восхождении на Монблан. Городок Шамони на востоке Франции, конец 18 века: Жак Бальма, как и многие фермеры, мечтает взобраться на вершину Монблана. Когда король Савойи обещает в награду золото за первое восхождение, Жак осмеливается подняться.
Herr an Bord
Viktor Schott, daredevil and womanizer, is charged by his father, a jeweler, to go to Istanbul and purchase a valuable emerald necklace from a rich Persian and to bring it back by ship to Marseille. A pair of criminals are watching him and attractive Delia, with whom Viktor is in love, is used as bait. His boyhood friend Sibyl, who is in love with Viktor, warns him of the criminal ship owner and the captain, who intend to steal the jewel during a masked ball on board. Shortly before reaching the coast of France, an explosion causes the ship to capsize.
Schützenkönig wird der Felix
Egon Scherzinger
Rosen aus dem Süden
Herr Krause
Master of the World
A German scientist designs and builds a machine that will do dangerous work instead of placing humans in jeopardy. But the machine itself turns out to have disastrous effects on the people involved.
Nordpol - Ahoi!
Film by Andrew Marton.
Ein Mädchen mit Prokura
Strohp, Kassierer
Fräulein Frau
Herr mit Kneifer
The Only Girl
A dashing marquis bends from his horse when he discovers a lost garter in the woods and falls. During his delirium he is serenaded by a little hairdresser. She is the person who lost the garter to begin with and has only come to get it back having borrowed it from her employer--the empress of France. The marquis mistakenly thinks he was nursed by the empress, herself, and decides to woo her.
Keinen Tag ohne dich
Herr Sturmvogel
A Girl You Don't Forget
A GIRL YOU DON'T FORGET can be thought of as a backstage musical that treats the whole world as backstage. Melodies seem to be buzzing through the air, available to anyone in the right state of mind. Willi Forst always is, and he is also an actor who can transform any space into a stage. Fritz Kortner, one of the defining personalities of the German theatre scene of the 1920s, makes the most of his star’s talent in an intricately constructed romantic comedy that believes in the truth of artifice. Forst plays Paul Hartwig, a wannabe actor who is reduced to selling books in the cold streets of Berlin. While pursuing his big break, he meets Lisa Brandes (Dolly Haas), another victim of the global financial crisis who has just learned a new trick: cheating horny old men out of their money by selling promises she does not intend to keep. Dedicated theatre man Paul decides to win her over by putting on an act, but a misplaced slap leads to unintended consequences. - Lukas Foerster
Was wissen denn Männer
Vater Kroschelt
Strich durch die Rechnung
Modern dowry
Dan Douglas is a typical Scottish. When his niece Evelyne marries engineer Fred Keller aboard the ship to Scotland, he gives her a pearl necklace as dowry, but it's false. The newlyweds face their differences when the necklace gets lost.
We Need No Money
In this German comedy, an enterprising American uncle comes from Chicago goes to the tiny town of Groditzkirchen to make a fortune on credit even though he only has $10 to his name. To do so, he enlists the aide of a bank clerk and begins posing as a millionaire.
The Thirteen Trunks of Mr. O.F.
In the very oldfashioned town of Ostend suddenly 13 suitcases are delivered to the hotel, with a note, that O.F. will be here soon and needs 6 rooms (the hotel just has five). This event, probably the biggest in 300 years, starts a small wave of modernisation, yet everybody is wondering who O.F. is. Journalist Stix and architect Stark have an idea how to use this event. They proclaim, that O.F. is a former citizen of the town, who became a millionaire abroad. They tell their fellow citizens that the town still needs modernisation, like better hotels, nightclubs, shops, etc. And soon, Ostend is a boomtown, then a capital. The architect, responsible for the new buildings is finaly allowed to marry the mayor's daughter, while Stix marries the cabaret star and the widowed mayor his new secretary. The only problem is, O.F. hasn't shown up, while finance experts from all over the world are trying to solve the depression problem.
Weekend in Paradise
Mr. Finance Director
The adventure in Tunisia
First Police Commissioner
The Scoundrel
Schutzmann Lemke
The bridegroom's widow
The night before his wedding George gets drunk and marries a chorus girl. Her boyfriend appears, they fight and are believed dead, so she is now "the bridegroom's widow" (die Bräutigamswitwe). When they both come back one after another they must hide from the Police as they believe they have murdered each other, while the inspector believes there are ghosts in the house.
Three days of middle arrest
Dr. Strauch
When an attractive maid in a garrison town becomes pregnant, she reveals that one of three soldiers stationed there who had been chasing after her, is responsible.
The blonde nightingale
The funny musicians
Oscar Brandes
Different kinds of Berliners, the well to do along with the ordinary shopkeepers, enjoy their weekends in the city's suburban garden colonies.
The Inn at the Rhine
Die Venus von Montmartre
The Finances of the Grand Duke
der Bucklige
The likeable and carefree Grand Duke of Abacco is in dire straits. There is no money left to service the State's debt; the main creditor is looking forward to expropriating the entire Duchy. The marriage with Olga, Grand Duchess of Russia, would solve everything, but a crucial letter of hers about the engagement has been stolen. Besides, a bunch of revolutionaries and a dubious businessman have other plans regarding the Grand Duke. With the intrusion of adventurer Philipp Collins into the Grand Duke's affairs, a series of frantic chases, plots and counter-plots begins.