Tomas Tivemark


Волшебная сказка на Рождество
Молодой Карл — большой поклонник Робин Гуда. Под Рождество ему в голову приходит отличная идея: забрать подарки у богатых и раздать их бедным жителям трущоб.
Mamma Moo Finds Her Way Home
Mamma Moo wants to see the world. Crow has already seen everything. When Stork shows up at the Farm and starts building a nest, Crow is challenged by someone who actually traveled the whole world. Mamma Moo gets the feeling that there is so much more out there to see than her usual pasture, Crow tries his hardest to convince her to stay where she belongs – like a normal cow.
Медвежонок Бамси и дракон
Главный соперник и враг Бамси — лис Рэйнард придумал коварный план, как вместо него стать главным городским героем. Он хитростью пытается расположить к себе горожан и завоевать любовь красавицы Микелины. Разбойники устроили пожар на чердаке в доме бабушки Бамси. Его быстро удалось потушить, но в нем все же сгорели бутоны очень редкого растения, называемого громовым колокольчиком. Эти цветы являются важным ингредиентом для приготовления специального меда, дающего Бамси легендарную силу. Именно благодаря своей силе медвежонок всегда может прийти на помощь любому жителю города. В поисках громового колокольчика медвежонку помогают очень шустрый, но при этом трусливый Кролик-Попрыгунчик и Черепашкин, который изобретает удивительные механизмы. Приключения ждут друзей и на море и на суше, они даже встретятся с волшебным созданием.
Медвежонок Бамси и дочь волшебницы
Script Supervisor
Разбойники устроили пожар на чердаке в доме бабушки Бамси. Его быстро удалось потушить, но в нем все же сгорели бутоны очень редкого растения, называемого громовым колокольчиком. Эти цветы являются важным ингредиентом для приготовления специального меда, дающего Бамси легендарную силу. Именно благодаря своей силе медвежонок всегда может прийти на помощь любому жителю города. В поисках громового колокольчика медвежонку помогают очень шустрый, но при этом трусливый Кролик-Попрыгунчик и Черепашкин, который изобретает удивительные механизмы. Приключения ждут друзей и на море и на суше, они даже встретятся с волшебным созданием.
Медвежонок Бамси и Город Разбойников
В мультфильме «Медвежонок Бамси и Город Разбойников» самый сильный медведь в мире и два его друга Литтл Хопп и Шеллман показывают, что лучшее оружие против зла - дружба (и, конечно, несколько капель бабушкиного громового меда).
Svensson, Svensson - In Sickness and in Health
Gustav and Lena Svensson are facing their 30-year wedding anniversary , but Lena can't stand Gustav anymore and therefore wants to divorce him. The only thing Gustav does is to watch sport - any sport at any time - and doesn't give Lena any attention at all. Gustav however, thinks that everything is great and doesn't think they can give up just a week before their anniversary . Lena gives Gustav one absolute last chance and they go off on a love weekend where Gustav will have to prove that Lena is more important than football and TV. But at the hotel football legend Tommy Franzén shows up and messes everything up for Gustav!
One Eye Red
Gråtande skådespelare
Halim has seen through it all. He has seen through the Integration plan a secret conspiracy that tries to turn all immigrants into Swedes. Unfortunately he has also seen through his own father, who has fallen victim to the Integration plan. But Halim has his own plan; he is going to be Sweden’s mightiest revolution immigrant and take a stand to save his father from forgetting his Arabic roots.
7 Millionaires
The rich heir Måns Lundin is about to get married to the equally rich Judith Fahlén but when his brother arrives for the wedding there is a disagreement about the money left by their dead father.
One Step Behind
Shortly after police discovers the murder of three friends, police inspector Wallander finds his friend and colleague Svedberg dead. First, it is believed that Svedberg killed himself but Wallander soon discovers links between Svedberg, the three friends and a fourth person, a young woman in a mental hospital.
The Unknown
Executive Producer
Five young field-biologists are sent to northern Sweden to investigate effects of a large forest fire. However, what was thought to be some weeks of camping and easy work soon turns into a nightmare as they find the remains of a mysterious creature and take it in for examination...
The Unknown
Five young field-biologists are sent to northern Sweden to investigate effects of a large forest fire. However, what was thought to be some weeks of camping and easy work soon turns into a nightmare as they find the remains of a mysterious creature and take it in for examination...
The Unknown
Five young field-biologists are sent to northern Sweden to investigate effects of a large forest fire. However, what was thought to be some weeks of camping and easy work soon turns into a nightmare as they find the remains of a mysterious creature and take it in for examination...
Jakten på en mördare
A murder of a man seems to be affiliated with the police themselves. A curse of lies, betrayal and prostitution begins to emerge and affects the relationship between everyone in the team.
Svensson, Svensson - The Movie
Lena Svensson has been offered a new and exiting job in Stockholm that she can't say no to. But her husband, Gustav, has no plan of what so ever to move from his quiet little town of Vivalla, and especially his job as a very proud postman. After Lena started to commute between Stockholm and Vivalla, he decides to sell the house and give Stockholm a chance. He starts of with a job as a postman in one of Stockholm's worst districts, but after a mistake on a conference, Gustav seems to do quite a success at his new job, while Lena is struggling with annoying colleagues and a demanding boss.
Bert: The Last Virgin
Tony Werner
The film is based on a series of immensely popular Swedish children's books, about the boy Bert, who is just hitting puberty and having the usual problems with it. But that's where the usual ends abruptly.
Merry Christmas, Svensson Svensson
Father Gustav, mother Lena and children Lina and Max celebrate everything but a peaceful Christmas. A really merry Christmas with the Svensson family.
Bert - Känsliga kyssar
Bert - Berts Piniga Pubertet
Bert - Berts Röjiga Rockliv