A look back on the life of Nobel Peace Prize winner, Shimon Peres, who served as prime minister of Israel twice and negotiated the 1994 Israel-Jordan peace treaty.
Original Music Composer
Фильм рассказывает о непростых отношениях между Элизабет Тэйлор и Ричардом Бартоном, которые дважды были связаны узами брака.
Original Music Composer
The latest production of Moriah Films is It Is No Dream: The Life of Theodor Herzl, exploring the life and times of Theodor Herzl, father of the modern state of Israel. Narrated by Academy Award winner, Sir Ben Kingsley and starring Academy Award winner Christoph Waltz as the voice of Theodor Herzl, the film examines how Herzl, a well known journalist and playwright, an assimilated, Budapest born Jew, horrified by the Dreyfus trial in Paris and the anti-Semitism he saw spreading across Europe, took upon himself the task of attempting to create a Jewish homeland in Palestine against all odds. Over the span of 8 years, Herzl organized and led a worldwide political movement that within 50 years led to the establishment of the state of Israel. The film follows Herzl as he meets with Kings, Prime Ministers, Ambassadors, a Sultan, a Pope and government ministers from Constantinople to St. Petersburg, from Paris to Berlin, from Vienna to Vilna in his quest to build a Jewish nation.
A documentary covering the 2010 Olympic Games in Vancouver.
'Against The Tide' examines the conflict that erupted in the American Jewish community over the best means to rescue the European Jews trying to escape the Holocaust. It tells the little known story of Peter Bergson, who tirelessly stood up against American Jewish leaders in the late 30's and early 40's in an effort to save the Jews of Europe.
"I Have Never Forgotten You" is a comprehensive look at the life and legacy of Simon Wiesenthal, the famed Nazi hunter and humanitarian. Narrated by Academy Award winning actress Nicole Kidman, it features interviews with longtime Wiesenthal associates, government leaders from around the world, friends and family members--many of whom have never discussed the legendary Nazi hunter and humanitarian on camera. Previously unseen archival film and photos also highlight the film. What was the driving force behind his work? What kept him going when for years the odds were against his efforts? What is his legacy today, more than 60 years after the end of World War Two?
Original Music Composer
Ever Again examines the sweeping resurgence of antisemitism in 21st century Europe and its connection to global terrorism.
True story based on the best-selling book by Mort Kondracke.
Music Director
The stories behind many medal of honor winners, as told by their recipients, observers and the official records. The documentary features interviews and archive footage.
A young woman named Esmeralda and her family move to New York from a rural area of Puerto Rico. The transition is difficult due to the many challenges she and her family face.
Kathryn is distraught at the news of her husband's death delivered by a stranger from the airline for whom he was a pilot. She starts however to uncover information which leads to her arrival in London for further investigation...and further devastation.
In Search of Peace: 1948-1967 chronicles Israel's first two decades, offering new insights on the origins of the Middle East conflict. Combining a rich tapestry of rare archival film and photos, the film offers a unique global perspective on one of the seminal events in the 3,500-year history of the Jewish people. Featuring the voices of Edward Asner, Anne Bancroft, Richard Dreyfuss, Miriam Margolyes and Michael York. "An unabashedly emotional and stirring inspirational history of Israel..."
A documentary covering the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney.
Original Music Composer
В 1938-39м годах из сотен немецких, австрийских и чешских семей вывозили еврейских детей. Их везли в Англию, где их должны были скрыть английские приемные семьи. Они сумели избежать страшной участи, ведь около 15 миллионов их сверстников были уничтожены нацистской машиной.
Inspirational tale set in the late 1940s involving an elderly blind woman with a unique collection of bells in her home and a dyslexic 12-year-old boy who form an offbeat friendship to help each other overcome a disability.
Original Music Composer
Bennett, who's engaged to his boss's daughter, just lost a major client for his company. When a letter meant for someone else is accidentally mailed to his home, Bennett tries to return it to its author. She turns out to be Robbie, curator of the museum home of the poet Longfellow which is desperate for funding. Bennett is drawn to Robbie and decides to help her save the museum. In the process, he finds himself reevaluating his life.
Original Music Composer
An ambitious U.S. Senator reflects back on his life after the death of a woman whom he loved and kept in contact with only through correspondence.
Original Music Composer
Linda and George live in a small town. He is the school principal. They are about to celebrate their 16th anniversary. She catches him with her daughter's young teacher, and has to deal with the kids, the town and her love to him.
Мышонок Тимми Бризби, младший сын Джонатана Бризби, который однажды уже спас всех из страшного места под названием Н. И. М. Х. Но есть одна проблема: Тимми — новичок. Так что ему сначала необходимо пройти Курс N 101 для обучения героев. Он упражняется в «Змеином патрулировании» и многом другом, но еще перед сдачей выпускного экзамена Тимми приходится проверить свои новые знания. Дело в том, что мышке Дженни нужна помощь в спасении ее родителей из Н. И. М. Х., из места, которое угрожает всем жителям Долины Репейников. Справится с Н. И. М. Х. — это очень сложная работа для такого маленького мышонка, но Тимми принимает вызов и доказывает, что неважно какого ты размера, любой может стать героем.
A documentary covering the 1998 Winter Olympic Games in Nagano.
Original Music Composer
Melissa Gilbert stars as Marygold/Meredith. A sad and lonely writer returning to her home town in England for the first time since she was about 6 or 7 years old,after being adopted and raised in America. While there she decides to look for her mother's grave,and finds out her memories are not exactly what she thought they were,her mother is alive. She then sets out to find her mother and some answers and finds both. She also falls in love, of course, but has a problem with long term commitments...
Фильм о дружбе мальчика и женщины. Каждое Рождество они готовят и рассылают пироги своим друзьям, дарят друг другу подарки.
A documentary covering the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta.
Original Music Composer
The story of the post World War II Jewish refugee situation from liberation to the establishment of the modern state of Israel.
Paula Tobias, a Holocaust survivor who has suffered the ultimate personal tragedy of losing her spouse and children during the Nazi occupation of World War II. Now re-married and living in America during the late 1960's with husband David, they build a new life together with sons Ben and Jake. One evening, Paula receives a phone call which assures her that her son, Alec, is actually alive and in New York. This brings up painful memories from the past for everyone involved, including Ben and Jake, who force their father to talk about the Holocaust. Paula rushes to New York only to find that it was a mistake - Alec was never found. She falls into a dramatic depression, as the family confronts their fears and tries to stay together.
Original Music Composer
Каждое лето в живописной горной долине становится шумно и весело. Здесь находится один из лучших школьных лагерей Сидон, где дети без опаски могут отрываться на полную катушку. Но однажды "остров свободы" оказывается под угрозой: алчный строительный магнат Джеффри собирается построить на месте лагеря элитный курорт для "денежных мешков". Но директор детского дома, который пообещал своим подопечным хороший отдых, не собирается сдаваться. Он начинает борьбу, не гнушаясь ничем. Участвуют в этом также его папа Гарри Хебер (Лесли Нильсен) и двое изобретательных мальчишек...
Original Music Composer
"Meeting cute" while Jodie's son Timmy enthuses over a model train set, Jodie and the raffish but likeable Steve immediately hit it off, but she is already engaged to conservative lawyer Paul Davis. The days between Christmas and New Year's Eve, Jodie finds herself in the unenviable position of choosing between two men whom she adores equally--a job not made easier by the well-meaning interference of son Timmy.
Original Music Composer
When Suzanne Stein has a genetic analysis done on her unborn child, she discovers that although she has a healthy baby, the child will most likely be born gay, like her brother, David. She must decide whether to keep the child, or to have an abortion. Her family enters a crisis about love and acceptance as she makes this difficult choice.
Original Music Composer
A college freshman is date-raped and tries to press charges.
Original Music Composer
On one day at an English Hotel, four different stories are shown. Diana is in London to promote her Television Series and her ex-husband Sidney shows up to ask her for money for his gay lover. Mark and Annie come to London for the Wimbledon Tennis matches, but they lose their tickets and Mark's back goes out. Debra is on her honeymoon with Paul, but Paul is missing and Debra lies to everyone she meets as to where Paul is. Sharon and Lauren are on a shop till you drop trip and Sharon meets Dennis, an older man who seems to be interested in her.
Мать Таны Робертс всю жизнь была любовницей женатого мужчины. Тана решает, что не будет похожей на мать, и ни за что не попадет в эту ловушку. У нее есть лучший друг Гарри и ее любимая работа. Но со временем Тана понимает, что делает те же ошибки, за которые осуждала мать. Она приходит к выводу, что ни романы, ни карьерные успехи не помогут убежать от прошлого.
Original Music Composer
Юная красавица - итальянская аристократка Серена ди Сан Тибальдо знакомятся в послевоенном Риме с американским офицером Брэдом Фуллертоном. Молодые люди страстно влюбляются друг в друга и женятся. Но мать Брэда, властная и богатая женщина мечтает о блестящей политической карьере сына. Считая Серену неподходящей парой, она заставляет ее отказаться от всех прав на семейные деньги. И после трагической гибели мужа Серена остается одна с маленькой дочерью, с разбитым сердцем и без средств к существованию. Не поддаваясь отчаянию она решает стать фотомоделью.
Original Music Composer
When a man ends a regretful love affair that occurred during his wife's illness, his mistress plots revenge by targeting his family's most treasured possessions, a priceless painting and his son.
Original Music Composer
Satchel Paige and Josh Gibson are the greatest players in the Colored leagues, and everyone expects that one of them will make the leap to the Major Leagues, now that there is talk of integration. But, unexpectedly, it's the rookie with the army record, Jackie Robinson, that gets tapped to be the first.
Original Music Composer
Young American Joanne Hunter is stranded in the German-occupied Holland with her Dutch grandparents. The German CO, Captain Kessel begins to wage war on the village's morale, and Joanne's house must quarter another German officer, Lt. Braun, who finds himself torn between his duty and distaste of Kessel's methods. When Kessel threatens the lead statues of 16th-century freedom fighters in the town clock, Joanne and her grandparents rally the villagers to save Kirkendam's "little riders".
Original Music Composer
Команда кадетов-выпускников космической академии отправляется в свой первый настоящий полёт, и сразу же сталкивается с настоящей угрозой. После вражеской атаки все высшие офицерские чины на корабле погибают, и новичкам приходится принять командование на себя.
Original Music Composer
Три подруги Пэйдж Тэйлор, Бэт Тафт и Кэт Хантер снимают квартиру и работают врачами-стажерами в окружной больнице Эмбаркадеро в Сан-Франциско. Все они отличные специалисты и безгранично любят свое дело. Одним из пациентов Пэйдж Тэйлор становится Джон Кронин. У старика последняя стадия рака, и он знает, что скоро умрет. С каждым днем ему все труднее терпеть страшные боли. По просьбе Джона Пэйдж помогает ему уйти из жизни, хотя это решение дается ей нелегко. А через некоторое время ее арестовывают за убийство Джона Кронина. Перед смертью он изменил завещание и оставил 2 миллиона долларов Пэйдж, а не жене. Начинается судебное разбирательство…
Фильм основан на реальных событиях. Третий год бушует Вторая мировая война. Театр военных действий простирается от Европы до Африки и Тихого океана. В США, на базе ВВС «Таскиги» обучаются цветные пилоты — лучшие из лучших представителей «низшей» рассы, каждый из которых, прежде чем стать курсантом, прошел долгий путь, полный унижений и презрения со стороны белых сограждан. Курсанты достойно проходят обучение, но командование не спешит отправлять их в действующую армию, не веря в возможности цветных пилотов.
Вскоре группу из Таскиги перебрасывают в Западную Европу, где бомбардировочная авиация США несет огромные потери от истребителей Люфтваффе. Здесь группа получает новенькие истребители P-51 «Мустанг» и уже в первом боевом вылете сбивает несколько немецких Мессершмитов Bf-109. Поначалу, отношение белых пилотов «Летающих крепостей» к группе из Таскиги оставляет желать лучшего, но с каждым новым боевым вылетом цветные пилоты завоевывают все большее уважение.
Original Music Composer
The bold escapades of tough-talking Calamity Jane Canary and her illustrious cohorts. It's the waning days of the Wild West and Jane, the rough 'n' rugged cowgirl, is searching not only for her long-lost daughter, but the Wild West she once knew. Jane traverses plains, mountains and continents until she finally discovers the answer to her problems: Dora, the vivacious, gold-hearted madam who's been her one true friend all along.
Original Music Composer
Jack Reed investigates a young woman whom he and his wife take into their household when she turns out to be targeted by unknown assassins.
This comprehensive HBO presentation documents the history of heavyweight boxing through the 20th century, beginning with Jess Willard's victory over Jack Johnson in the early 1900s and running through the reign of the controversial Mike Tyson.
A documentary covering the 1994 Olympic Games in Lillehammer.
The failing economic fortunes of a small turn-of-the-century Nebraska town interrupt a blossoming romance between a pair of star-crossed lovers.
Original Music Composer
Chicago police detective Jack Reed investigates the brutal murder of a stripper while he deals with corruption and bureaucracy within his own department.
Верность и преданность в неравном поединке с искушением роковой страстью. Молодая и красивая Рафаэлла Филлипс была счастлива в браке с богатым и влиятельным дипломатом Джоном Генри, который был старше ее на целых 40 лет. Но болезнь превратила его в беспомощного инвалида, медленно умирающего в их роскошном доме в Сан-Франциско. И именно в это время в жизнь Рафаэллы входит обаятельный Алекс Хэйл, предлагая ей поддержку, в которой она так отчаянно нуждается. Чувство долга перед мужем не позволяет Рафаэлле отдаться любви в объятиях Алекса. Но Джон, тайком от нее заключает с Алексом соглашение, которое должно дать Рафаэлле то, на что он сам уже не способен.
A bored little prince makes a poor rat hunter his whipping boy but after his pranks at the royal court almost causes a war with the neighbor king he runs away with the whipping boy to escape from his first spanking. After being in the real world his life will change making him a prince fit to rule.
When a young mother is murdered, Chicago police sergeant Jack Reed sets out to find her killer. But the secret world of undercover operations rears its ugly head.
После смерти отца шестнадцатилетняя Кристал вынуждена покинуть родной дом. Она устраивается работать певицей в один из ночных клубов Сан-Франциско. Талантливая и целеустремленная девушка становится звездой эстрады. Слава, богатство, миллионы поклонников - теперь у Кристал есть все, о чем она только могла мечтать. Но ей никак не забыть свою первую любовь и семейное ранчо, где она была счастлива когда-то.
Original Music Composer
A young boy heads off to the Yukon after hearing tales about the Gold Rush, and he forms an unwavering friendship with a heroic Alsatian dog called Buck.
Two adoptive brothers -- one a mob hit man, the other a Department of Justice investigator -- who are unaware of each other's existence until they become involved with the same woman, end up in a deadly triangle in this thriller.
Original Music Composer
Alan Masters is a despicable businessman with his hands in organized crime. He marries Diane, a kind and gentle woman, and abuses and batters her viciously. Sergeant John Reed has had enough of his city's organized crime and, against the wishes of his dirty-cop superiors, tries to get evidence against Alan Masters. After Alan finds out that Diane has been helping Reed, he beats her to death...and its up to John Reed to put him away for it, and clean up the dirty cops that want to stop him. Part I starts with Diane's death and then, in a flashback, details her struggles against abuse and Reed's struggles as he coaches her to gather evidence against Alan. Part II deals with Reed's struggles with intimidating cops.
Lorie Brindel works at an insurance company and falls in love with one of her clients, the much older Ed Bledsoe. Spending weeks of passion together, Lorie is convinced that Ed is the man of her life and that he would marry her. When Ed decides to break up the relationship, Lorie does not accept it and tries to win him back, falling from her extreme love into an equally extreme hatred.
A five-year-old named Grace creates an imaginary friend, because her parents only pay attention to the new baby, Tony. Now at 35, his sole friend reappears to help her.
Original Music Composer
After the death of her husband, Pat learns that he gambled away all of their savings and that she's now destitute. She may even have to leave their apartment. Much to the embarrassment of her daughter Tina, who wants to marry a rich snob, she helps the homeless Dollie, who lives in a cardboard box near her building, and they become friends
Sixty year old Max is having something of a middle-age crisis. His marriage seems to go nowhere as the passion, tenderness and happiness vanished when their daughter moved out. On top of that he owns an antique hardware store which is close to bankruptcy. While driving home Max is involved in a traffic accident which gives him amnesia. Confused, lost and in a disordered state, he wanders into a camp full of Latin American farm workers. There he finds a new meaning of life, happiness and a sense of belonging. However, as his memory slowly returns it's inevitable that he must confront his past.
Original Music Composer
A boy risks life and limb to travel across the war-torn southern states of America during the height of hostilities in the Civil War, hoping to visit his wounded brother in a field hospital on the other side of the country. His accidental meeting with Abraham Lincoln helps the disheartened president understand just how important the Gettysburg Address really is.
Они полюбили друг друга с первого взгляда. Мелани, популярная телеведущая из Нью-Йорка, воспитывающая дочерей-двойняшек, и Питер, преуспавающий хирург из Лос-Анджелеса, недавно овдовевший отец троих детей. Решение пожениться принесло в их жизнь большие перемены. Мелани пришлось отказаться от блестящей карьеры на телевидении и перебраться в Лос-Анджелес. Но ей одной не удается справиться с множеством возникших проблем и наладить совместную жизнь. А Питер, увлеченный работой, не уделяет семье должного внимания. Питеру нужно сделать выбор: либо он расстнется с грузом прошлого и принесет необходимые жертвы на алтарь семьи, либо потеряет Мелани..
Original Music Composer
A divorced and remarried doctor tries to reconnect with his eleven-year-old son whom he has always neglected.
Original Music Composer
A veteran minor league pitcher in 1957 tutors a young phenomenon.
Original Music Composer
Все складывается удачно в жизни преуспевающего бизнесмена Берни Файна: стремительная карьера, счастливый брак, очаровательные дети. И судьба как будто решает испытать его на прочность. Вскоре после рождения сына Лиз умирает от рака, оставив на руках Берни восьмилетнюю Джейн и маленького сына. Неожиданно появляется первый муж Лиз и отец Джейн, бывший заключенный Чандлер Скотт. Он требует от Берни денег в обмен на отказ от своих прав на дочь. Получив по суду временное право посещать девочку, Чандлер похищает Джейн и уезжает с ней в Мексику. После долгих поисков Берни находит Чандлера и возвращает перепуганного ребенка домой. Не сразу найдя в себе силы вернуться в привычный жизненный круг, Берни все же начинает новый раунд борьбы за счастье…
У отца 10-летнего Джошуа через каждые 3 месяца появляется новая подруга. Джошуа снова узнает чувство материнской любви, когда он встречает Клаудиу — очередную подругу своего отца. Проблема в том, что любовь его отца к ней после нескольких месяцев также заканчивается, но не любовь Джошуа к ней. Сможет ли она стать мамой для Джошуа?.
Original Music Composer
A divorcée struggling to make ends meet, but still utilizing her spare time for social causes neglects her daughter in this fact-based story. At 18, the daughter starts drifting into bad company and eventually becomes a prostitute. To try to get her back in a proper life, her mother abducts her off the street and forcibly brings her home.
Original Music Composer
When Tim McFall's young daughter dies as the result of toxic waste dumped in the local river, he tries to shut down the company and everybody turns against him. In his fight he is joined by a beautiful student activist, and soon his obsession with revenge threatens his marriage as well as his career.
История матери баскетбольной звезды Айзея Томаса — Мэри, сделавшей все, что в ее силах, чтобы уберечь свою семью от негативного влияния окружающих ее бедности, наркотиков и криминала.
Original Music Composer
Roger Dollison, a police officer, and his wife, Kendra, are living the American dream. They have two children, Teddy and Sandy, a lovely home, and a dog named Rex. What they know and how they live as a family is irreparably changed one day when it is discovered that a classmate of Teddy's is the apparent victim of sexual abuse and molestation at the respected neighborhood daycare center. Like all other parents, the Dollisons are tormented — "we should have known, we should have seen" — but their devastation is complete when Teddy tells his own story, one he promised his abusers he would never tell.
Original Music Composer
По роману Карлоса Фуэнтеса. Американская учительница и стареющий американский журналист соединяются судьбой во время мексиканской революции 10-х годов нашего века. Они оказываются в армии Панчо Вильи в компании молодого революционного генерала. Напряженна драма живо воссоздает атмосферу времени, батальные эпизоды сняты масштабно, а мастерство звезд - на самом высоком уровне...
A documentary covering the 1988 Olympic Games in Calgary.
История респектабельного французского правозащитника Жана Шавеля, стихийно попавшего в заключение во время Германской оккупации, а после окончания войны, возвратившегося в уже совершенно другой город и в другую жизнь…
Inge Dournenvald and Lise Mueller are best friends in pre-WW2 Austria, despite the fact that Inge is Jewish and Lise is the daughter of a Nazi sympathizer. When they are forbidden to see each other, they meet secretly. After the Germans invade Austria in 1938, Inge and her family escape to America with the help of Lise
Original Music Composer
Сестры — близнецы Сэди и Роуз Ратлифф почему-то с самого детства не были похожи друг на друга. Можно сказать, что они были противоположностями. Но это никого не смущает: всякое бывает.Их спокойная жизнь заканчивается, когда они обе поехали в Нью-Йорк, где случайно встречают Сэди и Роуз Шелтон, которые подозрительно на них похожи.
In this thinly-veiled, though uncredited, new version of Hemingway's "To Have and Have Not," here a prospective series pilot, an ex-sailor living in Key West, chartering out boats and struggling to forget his past, is lured into a dangerous rendezvous with Cuban gunrunners.
Original Music Composer
Вам никогда не приходилось жить в одном доме с хищником? Нет, не с ревнивым мужем, и не с женой-стервой, а… с тигром, например? Вот и Баббера такая перспектива не слишком радовала. Домашнему аду он предпочел свидания с одноклассницей Ширли. Все бы ничего, вот только мама Ширли, медсестра Роуз, оказалась уж очень хороша и сексапильна.
И тут закрутилось: встречи в постели и пробежки в голом виде в окрестностях городка, выяснение отношений с друзьями и родственниками… Но совершенно новая жизнь началась у Роуз и Баббера, когда они узнали о предстоящем рождении их будущего ребенка…
Original Music Composer
Rudy, an American of Hispanic descent, whose south-of-the-border looks show him no mercy during an immigration raid in a migrant worker factory. As his luck goes, he is caught with neither money nor his ID and is deported to Mexico - without speaking a word of Spanish!
Original Music Composer
As a baby, Bobo gets separated from his family during a camping trip. After being raised by wild dogs for twenty years, Bobo is discovered by animal researcher Penny, who brings him back to his family and attempts to teach Bobo how to readjust to life with humans. While his mother is overjoyed to see him again, Bobo's older brother Henry is more worried about losing his share of the inheritance. As Bobo progresses with Penny's lessons, Henry plots to have him eliminated.
The definitive photographic record of the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics, told "from the inside" through the lives of the participants, the words of David Perry, and the singing voice of Placido Domingo. From the opening to closing ceremonies, this unique style of storytelling shows a side of the Olympic Games not seen by television audiences.
Два журналиста по заданию редактора «жёлтой» газеты отправляются в Трансильванию на поиски доктора Франкенштейна. Естественно, они не воспринимают всерьез эту командировку, но, тем не менее, добросовестно пытаются опросить жителей городка.
По мере продвижения расследования они проникают в тайны обитателей Трансильвании. И им становится очевидным, что здесь не всё так просто…
Letting Go stars John Ritter as a widower and Sharon Gless as a lonely unmarried woman. They meet during a group-therapy session. Romance is inevitable, but the road to true happiness is pockmarked by a series of comic complications. Advertised as a straight romantic drama, Letting Go is actually more akin to the screwball comedies of the 1930s, with a strong satirical bent regarding "behavior modification" theories. The made-for-TV film debuted May 11, 1985.
Charlie is a 16-year-old orphan struggling to raise her two younger brothers when she endeavors to train a wild horse she names Sylvester and turn him into an Olympic jumping champion.
Original Music Composer
Ведущий популярного телевизионного шоу Роб Сэленджер женат на Микки. Но из-за ее плотного рабочего графика супругам очень редко удается находиться вместе. Однажды Роб знакомится с молодой и симпатичной девушкой Мод, с которой у них завязываются романтические отношения. Узнав, что Мод беременна, он решает на ней жениться. По иронии судьбы в это же самое время законная супруга сообщает, что тоже ждет ребенка. Теперь, имея рядом двух беременных женщин, Робу приходится решать вдвое больше проблем…
Original Music Composer
Advertising executive, Alex Grier, is fired and is unable to find another position, being over-qualified. His wife, Annabelle, with no experience, is hired by the Freddie Fox agency when she uses her husband's résumé to get the job. He remains at home, raising their three children, coaxing his wife while trying to write the "great American novel."
Original Music Composer
At the age of 16 Mary becomes a nun. But she never gets used to the strict rules of her new life and when she falls in love with Father Tim, she wants to withdraw her vow.
Original Music Composer
Любовь внезапна, неожиданна, неизбежна… Она вспыхивает, как пламя, но эту искорку нужно уметь сохранить. Особенно, когда твоя любимая так выделяется из окружающих. У нее чуткая, ранимая душа, небесной красоты глаза, густые светлые волосы, она — идеал, за одним маленьким исключением: она — русалка.Влюбленным предстоит много приключений, много трудностей и преград, и только настоящее чувство позволит им, несмотря на прихоти судьбы, остаться вместе. Ведь ласковое лазурное море скроет их от врагов.
Original Music Composer
Майор в отставке Джеффри Пэлгрейв, пишущий мемуары на карибском курорте, случайно выясняет, что один из проживающих в отеле является женоубийцей (по образу и подобию Синей Бороды). Но прежде, чем показать мисс Джейн Марпл его фотографию, майор становится жертвой вроде бы случайной передозировки алкоголя и препарата для снижения артериального давления. После того, как фотоснимок загадочно исчезает, и выясняется, что препарат принадлежит другому постояльцу отеля, мисс Марпл приходит к выводу: серийный убийца вновь взялся за старое. И, что хуже всего, убийства будут продолжаться. За помощью в разгадке преступления она обращается к пожилому, грубоватому бизнесмену мистеру Рефилу.
Original Music Composer
Майкл Китон в роли отца семейства, инженера, которого увольняют с автозавода. Пака он пытается найти другую работу, его жена находит хорошо оплачиваемое место в рекламном агентстве. Каждый день она уходит на работу, а он остается дома, чтобы вести хозяйство и присматривать за детьми. Она делает карьеру, а он пытается стать хорошим домашним мужем, вот только у него это не очень-то получается...
Three hopefuls -- Shanna Reed, Deborah Geffner and Maureen Teefy -- each wants to be a Radio City Music Hall Rockette, vying for the one open spot the hall's choreographer, Gwen Verdon (in her TV-movie debut), has to fill. Sheree North plays Geffner's ex-Rockette mother and John Heard is a magazine reporter who falls for each of the aspiring dancers. The film was shot partially at Radio City Music Hall and was given a single public showing there several nights before its television premiere.
A young woman, unable to handle the stress of raising a family, runs out on her husband and young daughter. 12 years later, she returns in hopes of rekindling a bond with them.
El Pueblo Del Sol captures not only the visual delights of Mexico today, but also grasps the day-to-day life of a people in a land filled with future promise. One is mesmerized by rich images of such natural beauties as the Isla Contoy in the Caribbean, Copper Canyon in the Chihuahua Sierra, the Paricutin Volcano, and Ensenada's Bay. Short IMAX documentary.
Original Music Composer
Воин по имени Дар после того, как орда жестоких джанов уничтожила его родной посёлок, отправляется искать мести. Отмеченный знаком бога-зверя, он понимает язык птиц и животных, и его спутники — огромный ночной тигр, парочка хитрецов-хорьков и орёл — помогают ему не только сражаться с людьми, но и с неведомыми существами, обитающими в тёмных лесах и сырых подземельях.
In this pilot for a prospective TV series, Kate Bennett is an investigative TV news reporter whose life is imperiled, along with that of her young daughter Jennifer, after she doggedly pursues the story of a sniper attack on several nurses.
Original Music Composer
A man is wrongly convicted for murder and sent to prison, where he is accused of murdering a brutal guard he killed in self-defense.
In this sequel to "Skyward" and pilot to a prospective series, Julie attempts a secret flight to bring her grandfather home for a Christmas reunion.
Original Music Composer
An aspiring young actor moonlights as a male stripper while looking for work in the theatre.
Original Music Composer
Due to her parents' divorce, a young lady named Judy begins to doubt herself and love in general as her wedding day approaches.
Ambitious pilot to a prospective series revolving around a combat cameraman in Vietnam. Carl Danton is in Saigon on assignment at the start of the 1968 Tet offensive with a cynical boss in the local bureau chief. His love interest is a Vietnamese doctor whose brother happens to be a leader in the Viet Cong and whose influential parents are involved in high-level corruption.
Talented musician and free spirit Libby chafes under the rule of her divorced journalist mother, so she seeks emancipation from her parents and hits the road, soon joining the ranks of a traveling carnival. She gains the freedom she has longed for but learns some hard lessons along the way.
Music Arranger
Talented musician and free spirit Libby chafes under the rule of her divorced journalist mother, so she seeks emancipation from her parents and hits the road, soon joining the ranks of a traveling carnival. She gains the freedom she has longed for but learns some hard lessons along the way.
Original Music Composer
Talented musician and free spirit Libby chafes under the rule of her divorced journalist mother, so she seeks emancipation from her parents and hits the road, soon joining the ranks of a traveling carnival. She gains the freedom she has longed for but learns some hard lessons along the way.
A San Antonio cop, as an act of faith, vows to run more than 300 miles in five days, hoping his critically ill five-year-old daughter will survive to greet him at the finish.
Original Music Composer
Billie Dupree is a flight instructor at an old Texas airport. When a young girl in a wheelchair finds the airport by watching gliders fly, she decides she wants to learn how to fly. Dupree teaches her to fly with some special controls compensating for her handicap. Koup Trenton runs an aircraft repair service and is trying desperately to get an old airplane back in the air. The three, together, put the young girl and the old plane up in the air.
Original Music Composer
A love-hate relationship among three generations of women, spanning 30 years.
Original Music Composer
A woman tries to cope with her husband's emotional instability while also juggling a career as a local TV show director, her motherly duties, and an extramarital affair.
A feisty widow falls in love with a zestful widower in a retirement community, much to the disapproval of her married daughter.
Original Music Composer
French Postcards rings both comic and true. The believable, fresh-faced characters are young naives from American colleges spending their French-English dictionaries, they compulsively seek out hundreds of monuments, romanticize the nomadic artist's life, and look for grown-up love. The French tutor them well, as befits their reputation. Jean Rochefort is the harassed headmaster with a hankering for affairs, and Marie-France Pisier is his very sexy wife. Watch for a newcomer named Debra Winger, and another-Mandy Patinkin.
Original Music Composer
Tilt is the story of a precocious young girl who is a pinball wizard. Because she does not get on with her parents, Tilt is contemplating running away from home. Skipping school one day, she decides to go to to Mickey's Bar. Mickey, who is Tilt's good friend, helps her set up a gambler for a pinball game. Because the gambler is unaware of Tilt's pinball wizardry, he is easily hustled out of his money. While watching the confrontation, a young man named Neil Gallagher, who is an aspiring musician, is impressed with Tilt's ability, congratulating her after the win. Neil invites Tilt to watch him sing at a rock concert, and after his performance she believes he can become a great singer. Because Neil needs money for a demo tape of his songs, he has an idea of taking Tilt with him and having her hustle would-be gamblers.
Original Music Composer
Завсегдатай пляжей влюбляется в богатую матрону Томлин из Беверли Хиллз, которая не способна на глубокое чувство.
Oliver Barrett IV is emotionally devastated by the death of his wife Jenny, and, while he tries to lose himself in his work as a lawyer, the long hours don't ease his pain, especially when he finds that his leftist views conflict with those of the senior partners at the firm. Eventually, Oliver's inconsolable grief begins to alienate those around him, until he finds new love with Marcie Bonwit, the wealthy and beautiful heiress to the Bonwit Teller fortune. Despite his affection for her, Oliver finds it difficult to leave the memory of Jenny behind, which causes major problems in their relationship.
Original Music Composer
Earl Eischied is a man with his hands full. As the Chief of Detectives in New York City he is trying to break up a group of black militants that are on a crime spree including the killing of a police officer. He is also trying to battle with a mayor and police commissioner that want him out of his job.
Original Music Composer
Dr. Julie Farr presides over three impending births and cannot help but get involved in the lives of her troubled patients.
Original Music Composer
The Other Side of the Mountain Part 2 is a 1978 film directed by Larry Peerce. It stars Marilyn Hassett and Timothy Bottoms. It is a sequel to The Other Side of the Mountain
Original Music Composer
The residents of vacation spot Seal Island find themselves terrorized by a pack of dogs -- the remnants of discarded pets by visiting vacationers.
A widowed firefighter with two children manages to get transferred to a one-man fire/rescue station in the Los Angeles foothills in order to be able to be home at night with his kids.
Music Director
The story of Sara Yarnell, a schoolteacher who moves from Philadelphia to the Western frontier to start a new life. She becomes the only teacher in a one-room schoolhouse in Independence, Colorado.
Original Music Composer
A rancher and former rodeo star comes across a runaway boy while he is hunting a wild stallion.
Original Music Composer
Dimwitted, meaty guy foils criminals by turning invisible.
Original Music Composer
"e’Lollipop" is the extraordinary story of two inseparable South African children, Tsepo and his orphaned friend Jannie. Jannie is sent to a missionary station in Tsepo’s village where they become best friends as Jannie finds his place in his new home. Life is full of childhood fun and antics until tragedy strikes: Jannie, now 10 years old, is seriously injured. In the face of much adversity, Tsepo and his community pull together so that Jannie can get specialised medical treatment. A daunting challenge lies ahead... At what cost will Jannie survive? Tsepo and Jannie’s inspirational story unfolds against the breathtaking backdrops of a dramatic African landscape and New York City in the mid-1970s. "e’Lollipop" is a life-changing story that reminds us of the true value of friendship, community, sacrifice and family - despite our color or creed.
The adventures of a group of rangers that are tasked with saving a couple of alpinists and a young lady with a broken leg, while also dealing with a hungry bear.
The passengers in an aerial tramway are trapped when the tramway breaks down 8,500 feet in the air.
Original Music Composer
Джонатану опротивила скучная жизнь его клана чаек. Он был с головой погружен в смелые эксперименты с техникой полетов и жаждал высотных далей. И потому что он был не такой как все, старейшины выгоняют его из стаи. И вот наш герой отправляется за горизонты в мир великий и опасный. .. в поисках мудрости и свободы.
Jeremy is learning cello at an arts school in New York. At school he spots Susan, who practices for a ballet audition, and he falls in love.
A television adaptation of Lillian Hellman's play about the Hubbards, a rich Southern family of greedy, ruthless individuals.