Esme Percy

Esme Percy

Рождение : 1887-08-08,

Смерть : 1957-06-17


Esme Percy


В свете прожекторов
Handel Fane (archive footage)
Углубленный взгляд на изображение трансгендерных людей в Голливудских картинах и влияние этих историй на повседневную жизнь трансгендеров и американскую культуру.
Death in the Hand
Cosmo Vaughan
A pianist aboard a train reads the palms of passengers and predicts their deaths. Soon those deaths begin to happen.
The Ghosts of Berkeley Square
The ghosts of two stupid 18th-century officers are doomed to haunt a Berkeley Square mansion until the unlikely event of a reigning monarch paying the house a visit. It will take more than 200 years... Based on the novel "No Nightingales" by Caryl Brahms and S.J. Simon.
Lisbon Story
A musical cabaret singer meets a British agent and goes with him to Nazi occupied France to save an atomic scientist.
Цезарь и Клеопатра
Major Domo
Исторические данные свидетельствуют о том, что, прибыв в Египет, Юлий Цезарь сделал шестнадцатилетнюю Клеопатру своей любовницей и единовластной царицей Египта. О том же и картина - о взаимоотношениях стареющего Цезаря и юной Клеопатры.
Глубокой ночью
Antiques Dealer (Segment "The Haunted Mirror")
Таинственный клиент приглашает архитектора Крэйга в свой дом, и по прибытии у Крэйга появляется странное чувство, что это место ему знакомо, несмотря на то, что ранее он никогда тут не бывал. Вскоре выясняется, что это на самом деле кошмарный сон, и чтобы пробудиться, Крэйгу придётся выслушать пять страшных историй от собравшихся здесь людей.
Hi Gang!
Lord Chamberlain
Hi Gang! is a 1941 British comedy film directed by Marcel Varnel and starring Bebe Daniels, Ben Lyon and Vic Oliver. It was a spin-off from the popular radio series Hi Gang!.
21 день
Henry Wallen
Ларри Дарран случайно убивает мужа своей любовницы Ванды. Виновным признают бродягу Эванса, которого обнаружили рядом с трупом. Теперь у Ларри есть только три недели на то, чтобы сделать выбор: сознаться в содеянном или отправить невиновного на виселицу.
Count Aristid Karpathy
Этот фильм - первая экранизация пьесы Бернарда Шоу о превращении вульгарной цветочницы Элизы Дулиттл в изысканную светскую даму под чутким руководством профессора фонетики Генри Хиггинса и полковника Пикеринга. Бернард Шоу написал свою пьесу под вдохновением древнегреческого мифа о скульпторе Пигмалионе, который создал статую Галатеи — девушки до того прекрасной, что он влюбился в нее и стал просить Афродиту оживить свое создание. Богиня любви вдохнула жизнь в Галатею, и Пигмалион женился на ней.
The Tell-Tale Heart
Our Fighting Navy
Diego de Costa
Trouble is brewing in the banana republic of Bianco for both His Excellency, El Presidente, and the British Consul, Brant. Rebels, led by Diego De Costa, the trusted "Minister of the Marines and the Customs" and Lieutenant Enricquo, the gunnery officer of the small republic's one battleship, have taken over the battleship, and the town. Most of the British citizens have taken refuge at the Consulate or have been evacuated to the small cruiser in Bianco's port, the "H. M. S. Audacious." But there are two major issues; the Consul's daughter, Pamela, and Canadian Lieutenant Bill Armstrong have been kidnapped by the rebels and now held hostage on the battleship "El Mirante," and El Presidente was visiting the consulate when the war broke out and is now under the protective custody of the British Empire.
Jump for Glory
A London cat burglar falls for the girlfriend of a stockbroker who used to be his partner.
Tony and his dance partner/wife Gaby headline a Paris musical. Tony becomes the unwilling target for the attentions of performer Yvette. She is later murdered with the dagger used by Tony and his wife in their act, and Gaby is accused of the crime.
Crime Over London
With the police on their tail, a gang of New York criminals decided to relocate to London where they plan a major robbery on a department store.
Land Without Music
Austrian Ambassador
Believing real life is an operetta, the citizens of the European country Lucco break into song at every blink of an eye. Since everybody's singing, nobody works, there's no money to pay taxes, and the country faces bankruptcy, leading the ruling princess to declare all music illegal. Enter opera singer Richard Tauber and American journalist Jimmy Durante to save the day and lead the citizens to march on the palace in protest--and in song.
Song of Freedom
Gabriel Donozetti
John Zinga, a descendent of slaves, has an ancient medallion around his neck and a fragment of song passed down generations. He is an English dockworker with a magnificent voice and a yearning to learn his roots.
The Amateur Gentleman
John Townsend
A former boxing champion, now an innkeeper, is accused of stealing a watch from a party of guests at his inn, who happen to be members of English royalty. The old man is arrested and thrown in prison. His son, knowing that his father didn't steal the watch and suspecting a frame-up, follows the royal party to London, where he poses as a wealthy "gentleman" and insinuates himself into the English court in an effort to find out who framed his father and why.
The Invader
A bumbling yachtsman sails to the South of Spain with a fiery seductress, only to become the pawn in her dangerous game of love.
Abdul the Damned
Ali, the Grand Eunuch
In 1908, Sultan Abdul Hamid rules the Turkish Empire, but he is faced with the threat of revolt by the Young Turk party. He allows Hilmi Pasha, the leader of the Young Turks, to return from exile and form the country's first constitutional government. With tensions still growing, chief of police Kadar Pasha assassinates Hassan Bey, the leader of the Old Turk party, and makes it look as if a Young Turk committed the crime, in order to give Abdul an excuse for arresting the Young Turk leaders. Meanwhile, Abdul becomes infatuated with a visiting Austrian singer. When she rejects his advances, she endangers both herself and her fiancé, a Turkish officer who also knows who really shot Hassan Bey.
It Happened in Paris
A British millionaire's son travels to France to study art, and falls in love in Paris.
Invitation To The Waltz
Napoleon Bonaparte
As the threat of Napoleonic invasion looms ever closer, a German duke and potential ally of England falls for a pretty ballerina.
Unfinished Symphony
Composer Franz Schubert--broke, struggling and unhappy--gets a break when a wealthy friend wangles him an invitation to a command performance in front of a princess of the royal family. Schubert performs a version of his new work, "Symphony in B Minor", for the princess, but a misunderstanding results in Schubert storming out of the concert in a rage. Complications ensue.
Nell Gwyn
Samuel Pepys
King Charles II first meets Nell Gwyn after seeing her do a turn at Drury Lane. They soon become close, the King preferring her feisty irreverent company to that of the aristocratic French Duchess of Portsmouth. Nell becomes his most loyal subject, while ever-ready to take the Duchess down a peg. But the actress can never hope to be fully accepted by the King's circle despite his constant attentions.
Love, Life and Laughter
Gracie plays a London publican's daughter named after Nell Gwynn, who much like the original, becomes romantically involved with a King(John Loder).
On Secret Service
Bleuntzli - Reporter
Greta Nissen stars as an Italian noblewoman living a dangerous double life as a spy. A remake of the celebrated German thriller Spione am Werk. Co-starring noted German actor Karl Ludwig Diehl and American matinee idol Don Alvarado. The film takes place in Vienna, 1912. When an Austrian staff officer is implicated by association with a known Italian spy he goes on the run. Three years later - as the Great War gets into full swing - he returns and begs the Austrian Secret Service to allow him to clear his name from suspicion.
Bitter Sweet
Hugh Devon
A young girl falls in love with a young conductor in Vienna, and they marry. However, their marriage is threatened by a wealthy man.....
The Lucky Number
A professional footballer attempts to recover a winning pools ticket.
Handel Fane
Полицейские находят актрису Диану Бэринг рядом с телом другой актрисы. Присяжные выносят приговор — виновна. Такое решение не может устроить лишь одного человека из состава присяжных — сэра Джона Менира, которого прекрасно играет Герберт Маршалл. Он начинает собственное расследование.