Narrator (voice)
A film exploring the Queen's love of country life - whether in Scotland, Norfolk, or Windsor - through the eyes of those who came into contact with her and shared her passion.
1914 год. Несколько лет назад герцог Оксфордский потерял любимую жену, поэтому теперь трясётся над единственным сыном Конрадом и пытается уберечь его ото всякого рода опасностей. Но парень горит желанием служить короне и напрашивается с отцом в командировку в Сараево, где прямо у них на глазах убивают эрцгерцога австрийского Франца Фердинанда. Начинается Первая мировая. Получив письмо от шпиона при дворе императора Николая II, Оксфорды с верными помощниками отправляются в Россию ликвидировать Распутина, который имеет на монарха сильное влияние и убеждает его не вступать в войну.
Roald & Beatrix, the tail of the curious mouse, a heart-warming Christmas film inspired by the true encounter between a six-year-old Roald Dahl and his idol Beatrix Potter. A magical story of what really can happen when you are brave enough to follow your dreams. Joining Dawn French who plays Beatrix, the cast includes Jessica Hynes, Rob Brydon, Alison Steadman, Nina Sosanya, Bill Bailey and Nick Mohammed.
A celebration of Ruth Jones and James Corden's comedy, with stars including Alison Steadman, Larry Lamb and Melanie Walters revealing backstage gossip. Location manager Nicky James lets viewers in on filming secrets, including how they managed to pull off that cliff-hanger finale, despite hundreds of fans turning up to watch, while favourite scenes are recounted as fans of the show including Ruth Langsford and Tamzin Outhwaite talk about why they love the sitcom.
A gentle, sweet, funny, romantic story of love in later life. Following a couple in their sixties, Dave and Fern who get to know one another over the course of 23 dog walks. Set against the dramatic background of the changing seasons of one year.
Grace Tanner
A man takes to a remote hideout with his sick wife, where they live in isolation as he battles to protect her life, and his own sanity, from a supernatural threat plaguing humanity. When a drifter happens upon their cabin and they take him in, old wounds are exposed and a harrowing twist reveals the true nature of the catastrophe that has befallen the couple.
Jenny, a single mother raising two daughters after her husband leaves, is aided by her widowed mother, Mary. But Jenny struggles to stay afloat after Mary suffers a devastating stroke and develops dementia.
The story behind the murder of 16-year-old Becky Watts, who was killed by her stepbrother Nathan Matthews and his 21-year-old partner Shauna Hoare in Bristol in February 2015. This programme documents the huge police manhunt that unfolded in the wake of her disappearance, and the police investigation which eventually brought her murderous stepbrother to justice.
Granny Evans
Ben never knew his father; he was killed in 9/11 when Ben was just a baby. Eleven years later, Ben goes to spend the summer with his grandparents, hanging out with Priti, the girl next door, and his wayward cousin, Jed. Priti is a livewire and a Muslim who gradually begins to suspect her older brother is a terrorist. The trio set out to investigate and uncover more than they expected in this family film.
Chris Shepherd directs a short animation in tribute to Joe Orton (Entertaining Mr Sloane, Loot) to mark the 50th anniversary of his death. Joe Orton would write letters of complaint using the pseudonym of Edna Welthorpe. Using this persona, Orton would wind up companies, vicars and even ridicule his own plays. In this short we see what mayhem ensues when Edna writes to Smedley Jams and Littlewood home catalogue service.
Following the death of their friend, two girls in their late twenties embark on a road trip to spread his ashes. Seph and Alex take turns driving. Dan is in the glove compartment, in tupperware, decreasing in volume as the trip progresses.
Mrs. Fox
Англия. Вторая мировая война. Журналистка для освещения военных действий отправляется в прибрежный город, где располагается взвод, охраняющий побережье….
Auntie Jean
The death of his safe cracking grandfather has landed Johnny as the only one left alive who can open a safe for a degenerate crew of violent gangsters,but he's just a junkie with little more on his mind than getting that next fix.
In a revealing documentary, Mike Leigh, director of Secrets & Lies, Vera Drake and Abigail's Party among many others, talks to Alan Yentob about a unique body of work and a lifelong struggle to make films on his own terms. On day one of a Mike Leigh film, there is no script, no story and the actors do not know if they will even be in the final film. It is a process that has yielded some of cinema's most celebrated performances, and Leigh's new film Mr Turner is already winning critical acclaim. Actors including Jim Broadbent, Eddie Marsan, Sally Hawkins, Lesley Manville and James Corden give fascinating insights into the director and his distinctive method of working.
Mother of the bride Isobel speaks direct to camera about her selfish Lesbian daughter Kelly's upcoming civil partnership to the older, sensible Janice.
Mrs. Phillips
15-year-old Jack is on a French Exchange trip with his school. But his mum won't stop ringing to check-up on him. On his last night, his host falls ill and Jack is forced to spend the last day of the trip with his French teacher; the sexy, chic, mysterious Camille. But she is due to endure a family lunch to celebrate her cantankerous father's birthday. Jack's young yet sophisticated philosophy charms Camille and as the day goes on they bond. Without realising, they help each other to overcome their parallel family problems, teaching Jack a few lessons along the way.
Dora Mitchell
David Jason stars as cockney ex-docker Don Mitchell in this emotional drama. Don is incredibly proud of his son David’s affluent lifestyle. The cars, the detached house and private schooling for the children were things Don could only dream about as a young man. His wife Dora, on the other hand, has doubts about her son’s financial affairs. When David’s life starts to unravel under a mountain of debt, family bonds are tested to the limit.
Self - Narrator (voice)
Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie are to reunite for a TV special to mark the 30th anniversary of their partnership.
Channel 4 has conducted a survey with the leading TV critics and industry figures, and asked the public in a YouGov national poll, to tell us what they think was the greatest television of the last ten years.
Documentary about the love affair between the British and their caravans, which saw the country establish the world's largest caravan manufacturer and transformed the holiday habits of generations of families. In telling the intriguing story of caravanning in Britain from the 1950s through to the present day, the film reveals how caravans were once the plaything of a privileged minority, but after World War II became a firm favourite with almost a quarter of British holidaymakers.
Nessa and the Wests head east, with some help from Dave and his coach. Meanwhile in Essex, Dawn and Pete visit for drinks, Mick is preoccupied with his new love, and Smithy cannot wait to spend his first Christmas with Neil the Baby. Pam has prepared a lovely spread and Bryn has his mistletoe ready, but as the Christmas spirit gets a grip, Gavin and Stacey have a startling announcement to make.
Jenny Evans
A drama about a couple on the edge of divorce, their solicitors, their daughter and of course, their dog.
Mrs. Brown
Orphaned by smallpox, young Lancashire country lady Fanny Hill cheerfully accepts her friend Esther Davies's offer to join the London 'working girls' with Mrs. Brown, a madam who recruits her as charmingly fresh enough to wait, in-living, on gentlemen.
Young couple Jackie and Leo move from North London to a suburban home in the green belt paradise of Southern England. At the birthday party of a neighbor, they soon discover the strict social hierarchies of village life.
Boasting an amazing selection of the most watched, most influential and most highly acclaimed programmes ever made, The 50 Greatest Television Dramas presents a long overdue assessment of the rich heritage television drama has to offer. Channel 4 invited over 200 of Britain's top television drama professionals – writers, directors, producers and commissioners – to take part in an exclusive poll to discover what they consider the finest dramas ever produced.
A look at the production of Play for Today: Abigail's Party (1977).
Crazy Butcher
A camping trip seems like the perfect way for a group of friends to spend a vacation they will never forget. Unfortunately, no one will be left alive to remember the trip! Something lurks in these barren woods, something more insane than a chainsaw-wielding psycho, something more brutal than machete swinging mama's boy and more savage than a tribe of flesh-eating cannibals. There's a LOONY loose!
Sam's Mum
Комедия, которая рассказывает о том, как три пары соревнуются в конкурсе «Самая оригинальная свадьба года» журнала «Конфетти»… Наши герои показывают все, на что они способны и сами получают от этого удовольствие, но не всегда…
Casting Agent
Забавный на экране, в жизни актер доставлял массу хлопот близким своим эгоцентризмом и инфантилизмом, которые никак не вязались с его внешностью солидного очкарика. Персонажи и ситуации, с которыми сталкивается Селлерс основаны на действительных фактах. Питер Селлерс — один из самых прославленных комедийных актеров в истории кино. Необыкновенный талант к перевоплощению, способности неузнаваемо менять голос и внешность закрепили на целое десятилетие за Селлерсом статус комика Великобритании N1. Середина 60-х стала временем расцвета его актерского таланта.
Fitness fanatic, Donald Leek, indulges in a monthly Chunky Monkey experience with, someone vaguely resembling movie-songstress, Julie Andrews, who he's expecting at 7:30pm. His obsession with Ms. Andrews (and her posterior) is somewhat disturbing to say the least. Before she arrives however, he has to dispose of the body parts of Mr Azam, manager of his favourite Indian restaurant, who has neglected to send him a Christmas card. He is interrupted by a peculiar assortment of unwelcome visitors, amongst them, Jesus Christ and a one-testicled self-made millionaire. Each one is as unhinged as their host, who retaliates to the intrusion in extreme fashion
A hostage situation takes an unusual turn.
Auntie Barbara (voice)
Written by Raymond Briggs, this beautifully animated film tells the story of ten-year-old John. After being woken up early one morning. John finds a big invisible something sitting on his bed.
Bronwyn Race
All grown up and gunning for political power in a small North Wales community, Glen Marcus and his best mate harbour a dark secret which seems to be coming back to haunt them. But can the daughter of Tina Trent, a local woman just returned from Alaska, be the same girl the two lads buried fourteen years earlier? Only local policeman Max Bracchi can solve the case with the help of a wrongly accused tramp, Tin Man.
Madame Leon
Новая работа известных автора либретто Гилберта и композитора Салливана проваливается. Творческий дуэт сталкивается с кризисом. Тут как нельзя кстати оказывается японская выставка в Лондоне…
Mother / Veronica
Дела у мальчика Джека и его матушки шли совсем неважно, и тогда Джек решил отвести корову на базар и продать. Но вся выручка, что ему досталась, были лишь три бобовых зернышка. С досады мать Джека выкинула их во двор. И вот на утро перед домом выросли 3 гигантских бобовых стебля, упирающихся верхушками в облака. Забравшись по стеблям на самый верх, Джек попал в удивительную сказочную страну, где встретил много новых друзей. Теперь веселой компании предстоит всем вместе одолеть страшного и злого великана и освободить народ чудесной страны...
Mrs Whatnot (voice)
Santa and his helpers oversleep and risk causing a toy shortage at Christmas.
The Hen (voice)
Полнометражный фильм по мотивам сказки Андерсена. Гадкий Утенок был чужим в стае. Его обижали, над ним смеялись утки и гуси - пока он не сбежал из дому. По дороге он встретил славного крысенка, тоже оставившего родную нору. Друзья вместе путешествовали, делили горе и радость. И вот они попали в театр... Время шло. Утенок рос, и никто уже не мог назвать его гадким.
Christine Peacock
When Dorset postman Clive Peacock is forced into early retirement, the years ahead look bleak. But on his last day in the job, in a moment of unexpected rebellion he makes a decision that will change his life. As he makes his final collection from the postbox in the small seaside town where he lives, he decides to deliver the letters himself, by hand, no matter the destination. Mounting his trusty bicycle, he sets off on what proves to be an odyssey of self-discovery. Pursued by the police and lionised by the media, Clive becomes both a fugitive and a reluctant hero.
Woman with Dog
У чернокожей лондонской девушки Гортензии умирает приемная мать, и она принимает решение найти свою биологическую мать. Параллельно выписываются образы Синди Роуз, матери Гортензии, которую она ищет, Роксаны, дочери Синди и сводной сестры героини с молодым ухажером, брата матери с его женой, живущих в отчуждении, близком к тихой ненависти… Многое изменится с появлением в доме нового члена семьи.
The Snow Queen holds Ellie responsible for ruining her plans to freeze the world and sets out to seek revenge. She kidnaps Dimly the flying reindeer and once again Ellie and her friend Peeps the Sparrow are forced to travel, this time to the South Pole, where the Snow Queen and her Trolls have taken up residence.
About a personal experience of claustrophobia and how to deal with it. When you can't have another cup of coffee or another brandy because you just gotta get on the plane. And there you are. And suddenly there's a flight attendant saying - Good morning.
An unconventional promo for the 1994 single of the same name by British band Pulp. Various celebrities are interviewed about their memories of losing their virginity, and frontman Jarvis Cocker reminisces about his.
Rosemary Horton
Отель «Габриэлла» повидал на своем веку много забавного, но такая неразбериха в его стенах царит впервые! Педантичный киллер Лоутон охотится за одинокой леди, которую ему не заказывали. Брокер по недвижимости Ортон пытается навязать сделку толпе угрюмых мафиози.
А ищущий любви на стороне женатый Хортон приходит на свидание туда, где настроились на деловую встречу. Кто ж виноват в этом нагромождении ошибок? А виноват простодушный посыльный отеля, перепутавший похожие фамилии постояльцев и передавший каждому послание, предназначенное для другого. И этой малости хватило, чтобы вызвать целую лавину анекдотических недоразумений.
Edda Goering
In 1981, Gerd Heidemann (Jonathan Pryce), a war correspondent and reporter with the German magazine Stern, makes what he believes is the literary and historical scoop of the century: the personal diaries of Adolf Hitler. Over the next two years, Heidemann and the senior management figures at Stern secretly pay 10 million German marks to a mysterious 'Dr Fischer' (Alexei Sayle) for the sixty volumes of 'Hitler's diaries'. However, to the dismay of all, it is discovered after the publication of first extract that the diaries are crude forgeries, faked by Stuttgart criminal Konrad Kujau.
Фильм рассказывает о нескольких днях из жизни простой лондонской семьи. Повседневные отношения, маленькие трагедии, рутинные скандалы, большая любовь и другие кошмары.
Jackie Johns
Every cub reporter wants a front page 'splash' and the journalists from The Brit, a top-selling daily tabloid, are no exception. They're on the trail of a sensational story and their jobs depend on it.
When Marjorie's husband of 20 years dies of a brain tumour, she's hit financially as well as emotionally. The money she makes packing tights in a factory isn't enough to cover her rent, and her TV is repossessed. Soon after the funeral she meets Arnold, a wealthy pub landlord, who squires her to the local Conservative Club ball in an effort to cheer her up. Life with Arnold promises not only companionship but undreamt-of luxury, but Marjorie's friends and family do not necessarily approve.
Ширли Валентайн — совершенно непредсказуемая домохозяйка, которая с легкостью доказывает, что никогда не поздно воплотить в жизнь самую смелую мечту. Устав от жизни в провинциальном Ливерпуле, вдоволь наговорившись со стенами своей кухни (поскольку говорить больше было не с кем), Ширли решила тряхнуть стариной и совершить авантюрное путешествие в Грецию. В одно мгновение она с легкостью забывает о своих проблемах и с головой бросается в романтический омут, повстречав обаятельного грека по имени Костас. Дама с удивлением обнаруживает, что «есть еще порох в пороховницах», и все ещё, возможно, только начинается…
Рабочий-строитель, заливая фундамент раствором, мельком успевает увидеть на дне нечто, напоминающее женское тело. Поздно! Труп похоронен под толщей застывающего бетона. Вызванная полиция, параллельно с попытками извлечь предмет своих поисков, начинает расследование. Инспектор, ведущий дело, с самого начала подозревает главного героя картины — преподавателя психологии из соседнего колледжа. И не без оснований: тот считает, что у него действительно есть веские причины пойти на убийство собственной жены. Чем безнадежнее становится дело — тем больше растет в инспекторе уверенность, что он попал на след того самого Лондонского Душителя, о котором давно трубят все газеты…
(from AllMovie, written by Hal Erickson) "British character actor Alfred Molina contributes another top-rank characterization in Virtuoso. Molina essays the role of real-life concert pianist John Ogden. The film touches briefly upon Ogden's performing genius, then takes a dark turn by concentrating on his descent into mental illness. Alison Steadman co-stars in this made-for-British-TV production."
A young boy wants to work with a famous creature/fx man but gets more than he bargained when one of the creatures, The Ultra-Gorgon, takes him under his wing. Literally.
Единственный, кто знает всю правду о Мюнхгаузене — сам барон. Легендарный герой рассказывает историю своих невероятных приключений. Но неужели он действительно летал на раскаленном пушечном ядре, сражался с трехголовым грифоном, путешествовал на Луну, видел обнаженную Венеру, выходящую из морской раковины, и в конце концов, столкнулся нос к носу с самой Смертью? В это невозможно поверить… но разве знаменитый Мюнхгаузен может врать?
A short comedy by Mike Leigh about the romance between a young woman and a man who communicates only through jokes and humor...
Действие фильма происходит в Ньюкасле — городе, переживающем экономический упадок, где людям отчаянно нужна работа. Американский магнат с темным прошлым по имени Космо решает провести грандиозную операцию по отмывке денег, скупая городскую недвижимость. Финни, владелец процветающего джаз-клуба, отказывается от щедрых предложений американца. Но Космо не привык отступать и намерен добиться своего любой ценой.
Gwenda Stimpson
У директора школы мистера Стимпсона есть один «пунктик». Всю свою жизнь и жизнь своих сотрудников и учеников он сверяет строго по часам. Но когда близится час его славы, отлаженный механизм дает сбой. Отправившись на престижную учительскую конференцию на другой конец страны, Стимпсон умудряется перепутать поезда. И теперь, чтобы успеть вовремя и произнести самую важную речь в своей жизни, он вынужден принять участие в безумном марафоне по пересеченной местности через всю Англию. К концу дня Стимпсон, преследуемый полицией, женой, соседями и коллегами по работе, будет объявлен в розыск за угон автомобиля, кражу, похищение и вандализм...
A down on his luck Irishman in London decides to play snooker for money.
The hardships faced by a woman trying to survive a bloody civil war while caring for the abandoned child of the deposed former ruler.
While researching the work of author D.H. Lawrence (Kenneth Branagh), Kate (Alison Steadman) begins a romance with a fellow academic, and learns about Lawrence's love affair with the married aristocrat Frieda Von Richthofen (Helen Mirren) in this made-for-television drama. As Lawrence and Von Richthofen fall deeper into their forbidden relationship, Kate grows more familiar with Lawrence's work, such as the sensuous Lady Chatterly's Lover.
Mrs. Allardyce
1947 год. Рядовые англичане в первые годы после войны со своим строго установленным дневным рационом живут чуть ли не впроголодь, а уж о мясе, тем более беконе, могут только мечтать. Мясников и фермеров во избежание расцвета черного рынка строго контролируют власти. Но нет таких правил, которые нельзя обойти. Когда принцесса Елизавета собралась замуж, группа бизнесменов провинциального английского городка решает организовать торжество в честь королевской свадьбы, чтобы своей верноподданностью впечатлить (а может, подкупить) местные власти.
Mary Hussey
The true story of jockey Bob Champion who overcame cancer to win the 1981 Grand National
Royal Shakespeare Company's televised adaptation of Moliere's play with Antony Sher in the title role of Tartuffe.
Miss Land
Summer, 1948. 14-year-old Alan has just three wishes: that there will be lasting peace, that England will win the Ashes, and that he will finally kiss classmate Ann. So when he's cast opposite her in a play that requires a kiss and England seem to be doing well in cricket, life couldn't be better.
Writer and Director Mike Leigh discusses the techniques used to create his plays.
Danny Duggan runs a failing building contractors, and resorts to sub-gangster thuggery to keep the business afloat. However, with the bottom falling out of the building game, Duggan finds that playing at gangster is only fun when you're on the winning side.
Kay Pasmore
Colin Pasmore tests his strength against his family ties but finds them stronger than he ever imagined.
Беверли Мосс приглашает своих новых соседей, Анджелу и Тони, к себе в гости. Кроме того, она зовет свою подругу, чья дочь Эбигейл устраивает дома вечеринку. Тем временем с работы перед приходом гостей возвращается муж Беверли. После подачи алкогольных напитков вечер перестает быть томным…
Jan Blincoe
TV play by Mike Stott. Comedy about a couple expecting their first baby.
Margaret Hudson
When teacher Tony Scannell decides he wants to be ordained as a Catholic Priest his decision has wide ranging effects on his family and loved ones.
Candice Marie
A middle-class couple go camping in Dorset, but peace and quiet elude them.
Christine Potts
The play tells the story of Christine Potts, who undergoes an unexpected mastectomy, and struggles to cope with the aftermath and the deficiencies of her post-operative care.
Alan Bleasdale’s television debut, this beautifully observed drama stars Alison Steadman as a woman having a passionate tryst with the boy next door while her husband is at work.
Mike comes home on leave from Ulster. After six years in the Army he has to decide whether to sign up again or not. His parents want him to leave the army and come home, but the family flare-ups and bickerings are not conducive to helping him choose.
An episode of the BBC drama series Second City Firsts. Jackie is leaving the army. While waiting for her car to arrive, she encounters Corporal Harvey, the woman who used to be her lover.
Veronica Thornley
A quiet and put-upon house cleaner breaks her silence.