Brigitte Zeh

Brigitte Zeh

Рождение : 1975-05-15, Ostfildern, Germany


Brigitte Zeh


Lehrer kann jeder!
Anke Glossat
Dr. Hoffmann - Die russische Spende
Katharina Steinmayer
Ein Sommer in der Bretagne
Veterinarian Britta has recently separated from her boyfriend and is open to a new beginning, preferably in Brittany, where she spends the summer vacation with a befriend couple. After a rain shower, she unexpectedly stumbles upon her idyllic dream house, only to run over the fisherman Yves with her bike in her blissfulness. Unfortunately, Yves also wants to buy the house that is up for sale in an anonymous bidding process. He and his father can no longer make a living from fishing, and he wants to build up a second source of income in the form of holiday apartments. The empty neighboring house would be ideal for this. At first, Yves finds Britta more annoying than nice. But she gains ground with her fearless and positive nature. When Yves finds out who his opponent in the bidding process is, he tries to badmouth his beautiful home area in presence of the German doctor. Everything would be so much easier if it weren't for those darn feelings. House or love, that is the question now.
Wir bleiben Freunde
Katinka Tabel
Das Kindermädchen - Mission Italien
Kathi Höffner
Встреча выпускников 2.0: Свадьба
Знаменитый ди-джей Томас и его подруга Линда наконец решили пожениться. Хотя провал последнего альбома сильно расстроил пару, Томас и Линда намерены устроить свадьбу несмотря ни на что. Одновременно с этим Томас узнает, что брак его лучшего друга Нильса оказался под угрозой после 25 лет совместной жизни: Нильс выяснил, что его жена Джетта недавно переспала с другим. Этим любовником оказывается старый приятель Томаса, который умирает на его холостяцкой вечеринке. Теперь троим друзьям предстоят похороны, на которых все может измениться. Главное — успеть на свадьбу, а времени почти не остается. К счастью, все согласны в одном: главное в жизни — это любовь!
The Components of Love
Sophie and Georg once loved each other, but now they have split up. Almost the entire film takes place in front of the same doorway in Berlin. In an elliptical way, the individual scenes portray a family for whom the word patchwork is the new normal — and take a laconic look at the everyday irrationalities of love.
Die Auferstehung
Laible und Frisch - Do goht dr Doig
Lena Frisch
Sam and Anna are part of the hip, vegan, green, eco-friendly, upper-class subculture of Berlin. Anna is a successful doctor, and Nick works in advertising. However, life in Germany's capital is fast-paced and stressful, so the two of them decide to take the next step towards the ideal "eco lifestyle" and move out to the country. As they arrive, they find that life in the country is much less relaxing than they expected, as the rather eccentric locals keep them on their toes.
Neid ist auch keine Lösung
How Men Talk About Women
Tine wants to find her dream boyfriend, but can't find him that easily. Her male best friend enjoys his single life, until they feel attracted to each other.
Katie Fforde: Wie Feuer und Wasser
Rebecca Mayne
Октябрь ноябрь
Соня, актриса-звезда, «Снежная Королева» картин о роковых сильных женщинах, проводит дни в Берлине — на съёмочной площадке очередной мелодрамы о мужеубийце. Накатывающее ближе к ночи одиночество холодная красавица скрашивает свиданиями с новым партнёром по фильму и попытками отшить назойливого старого любовника. В последний съёмочный день Соне придётся вернуться в Австрию: там, в миниатюрной альпийской деревне, держат ветшающий горный отель её родные — сестра Верена, стыдливо изменяющая мужу с сельским доктором, и отец, едва оправившийся от сердечного приступа. Клиническая смерть — короткое путешествие по ту сторону — помогло ему увидеть действительность в новом свете и счастливо примириться с ней. Смогут ли его дочери обрести ту же желанную гармонию?
Claudia Kess
The Wild Chicks and Life
The Wild Chicks are slowly growing out of their youthful gang years and have to face the worries of growing up on the sidelines of a big class trip before graduation.
The Stranger in Me
A young couple in love: Rebecca (32) and her boyfriend Julian (34) are expecting their first child and are full of pleasant expectation. As Rebecca gives birth to a healthy boy their luck seems to be perfect. But instead of the unconditional motherly love she was expecting she is thrown into an emotional turmoil. Helplessness and desperation reign and her own baby is a stranger to her. With every day that passes her inability to meet the demands of motherhood become more and more apparent. Unable to admit this to anyone, not even Julian, she falls into a deep darkness - to the point that she realises she is becoming a threat to her child. Now only unconditional love can bring her back on track…
Das Geheimnis im Wald
Jule Brandenburg
Журналист Людо, схлопотавший восемь месяцев тюрьмы, освобожден на испытательный срок при условии, что он обязательно пройдет курс трудотерапии. Ему предстоит отработать триста часов в местном детском саду. Как ухаживать за 8-летними оболтусами, Людо не очень представляет, но в группе работает его старая знакомая — еще в школе он изводил ее своими выходками.
Sooner or Later
Nora is fourteen and lives with her parents in a quiet Berlin suburb. She is a romantic introvert who spends her day retreated into her own enchanted dreamworld. Her parents, Anette and Uwe, are busy trying to handle reality; both are wrestling with unrealized hopes and dreams along with the added troubles caused by Anette's return to her studies and Uwe's struggling business. When Thomas, a former lover of Anette's and his family move in next door, the already fragile foundations of Nora's family are rocked.
3° kälter
Nachbarin Maren
Axel and Karla are an ill-matched couple in a borderline situation. The two meet in the hospital. Axel is keeping watch at his son′s bedside and Karla is waiting for some sign of life from her sister. None of the doctors can tell them whether the young couple will come out of their comas after their serious accident. As the weeks of uncertainty, fear and tedium pass by, a peculiar relationship develops between Axel and Karla, sustaining both of them.