Claudia Fritzsche

Claudia Fritzsche

Рождение : 1981-01-01, Germany


Claudia Fritzsche


Sam and Anna are part of the hip, vegan, green, eco-friendly, upper-class subculture of Berlin. Anna is a successful doctor, and Nick works in advertising. However, life in Germany's capital is fast-paced and stressful, so the two of them decide to take the next step towards the ideal "eco lifestyle" and move out to the country. As they arrive, they find that life in the country is much less relaxing than they expected, as the rather eccentric locals keep them on their toes.
Alles Verbrecher - Leiche im Keller
Sonka Schmidt
Alles Verbrecher: Eiskalte Liebe
Sonja Schmidt
You: an experienced vixen with the fashion sense of a random generator. He: an Italian pretty boy who swallowed all American action films with his mother's milk. Together are Herta Frohwitter, played by Ulrike Krumbiegel, and her assistant Marco Petrassi, played by Daniel Rodic Frankfurt's new investigator duo. They successfully fight "Verbräschä" and also the quirks of each other. The first common case leads them to a wedding fair. Rosi Döpfner, a hotel manager who is no longer completely fresh, reports her fiancé Rüdiger Vogelsang as missing.
Bella Dilemma
Bella is in a dilemma: She lives with her ex Martin and her new boyfriend Sebastian in a shared flat. Neither does she dare to pour Martin pure wine, nor to quit. Just when Bella has come to an end to the secrecy, a bad news arrives by phone: Two very good, mutual friends of Bella and Martin have been fatally injured. They leave Tom, a two-year-old boy. Bella does not hesitate: Martin and her will take care of the boy. But how should that work in the WG? And what about Bella's relationship with Sebastian?
Unter Frauen
Stefanie Gruszow
Macho Alex is smart and good-looking. He is known among women as an unscrupulous hunter. He wraps the women in rows around his fingers and then disappears into his sports car. For him, love is something for men who pee while sitting. The womanizer Alex then pushes it a little too far, because three love affairs at the same time are too many even for the greatest professional.
Und weg bist Du
Frau Dr. Schmitter
It could be as simple as this: He is Death and a young woman is on his list. With polite words, he tries to convey the ominous message gently to Jela Becker. But the vivacious young lady never dreamed of surrendering to death without protest. how could she She's only 31! Her husband and nine-year-old daughter Lucy need her. Death hesitates for just a moment - enough time for Jela to flee...
Willkommen im Krieg
Полтора рыцаря: В поисках похищенной принцессы Херцелинды
Arbeiterin bei "McSpiess"
Жил-был король со своей дочерью Херцелиндой. При принцессе был рыцарь-телохранитель Ланце. Она его любила, и он ее тоже любил, но не мог ей в этом признаться. Но в один прекрасный день принцессу похищает Черный рыцарь, и храбрый Ланце отправляется на ее поиски, а в помощь ему подряжается псевдо-рыцарь — трусливый турок. С тех пор и начинаются злоключения Полтора рыцаря.
Журналист Людо, схлопотавший восемь месяцев тюрьмы, освобожден на испытательный срок при условии, что он обязательно пройдет курс трудотерапии. Ему предстоит отработать триста часов в местном детском саду. Как ухаживать за 8-летними оболтусами, Людо не очень представляет, но в группе работает его старая знакомая — еще в школе он изводил ее своими выходками.
The School Trip