Discover how six seemingly ordinary but supremely talented men became Monty Python, sketch comedy's inspired group of lunatics who turned such unlikely sources of inspiration as Spam, dead parrots and the Inquisition into enduring punch lines. This entertaining documentary includes interviews with members of the troupe, as well as home movies, photos and rare recordings from Monty Python's early years.
Look Back in Anger is a love triangle involving the brilliant-but-disaffected young Jimmy Porter (Branagh), his upper-middle-class, impassive wife Alison Porter (Thompson), and her aristocratic best friend Helena Charles (Redmond). Cliff (Horan), an amiable Welsh lodger, attempts to keep the peace.
Executive Producer
A TV Special consisting of various sketches with the titular comedian and fellow comics in guest appearances.
Robert Box asks his colleague Lorraine out for a date. They go to a restaurant where Dave Perry tries to break it as a stand-up comedian.
Внук профессора Джеймса Мориарти пообещал миру, что ему осталось жить всего пять дней. Мориарти - мастер маскировки, великолепный стрелок и очень настойчивый. Несколько правительственных деятелей застрелены, и кажется, что это действительно конец цивилизации, каким мы его знаем, - пока президент не узнает, что внук Шерлока Холмса живёт на Бейкер-стрит 221Б, и направляет комиссара полиции Скотланд-Ярда чтобы нанять его.