Jiří Macháček

Jiří Macháček

Рождение : 1966-07-06,


Jiří Macháček


Wild Prague
Narrator (voice)
Amidst today’s urban jungle of concrete, glass and metal, it is easy to forget that we actually live in the territory formerly dominated by wildlife. Many of its members have been exterminated by humans, while others have fled the sprawling urbanization to the surrounding countryside. It is their survival strategies that get revealed in exciting detail in the documentary series, Planet Czechia. For two years, a team of camera operators headed by Jan Hošek were recording a life cycle of Prague’s wild animal world across all seasons of the year. The film, accompanied by the commentary read by the actor Jiří Macháček, registers everyday struggles of the fat dormouse, the mouflon, blackbirds or the water hen, teaching the viewers in a casual manner a higher degree of tolerance toward the city’s overlooked inhabitants.
Zdeněk Toman
This fascinating historical drama looks at the life of "the Czech Schindler," Zdenek Toman, a controversial figure who was an unsavory politician and dubious entrepreneur, but also the savior of hundreds of Eastern European Jews.
Zahradnictví: Dezertér
In 1940s Prague, a former Nazi prisoner returns to run his posh hair salon and struggles with family, the rise of communism and his past.
Zahradnictví: Rodinný přítel
Sisters whose husbands were arrested by the Gestapo struggle to get by with their children during WWII, while one grows close to a selfless doctor.
Wilson City
FBI agent Aaron Food
Comedy inspired by paperback crime novels tells the story of an adventurous search for a mysterious murderer who just after the end of the First World War has begun a rampage in Wilson City, a jerkwater town somewhere in Eastern Europe. The investigation is being led by an inhomogeneous pair of detectives - a greenhorn and local police cadet named Eisner and an experienced FBI officer Food, who has been sent to Europe by US President Woodrow Wilson himself.
A loose adaption of Bára Nesvadbová's novel of the same name. A novel that lacks a dramatic line and concentrates on the flow of emotions and feelings of two injured and beloved women, two women that the aging lothario Mára came between. The theme of the entire book is the degree and limit of love, a right and ability to love several people simultaneously while hurting them at the same time. Written by Czech Film Center
Мужские надежды
Симпатичный бонвиван и весельчак Рудольф совершенно уверен: «Женщине просто необходимо бороться за своего мужчину, она должна постоянно стараться удержать его. А главное, женщина не должна с ним скучать!…»
Fimfarum - To the good of all
The film contains three Jan Werich's fairy tales, each directed by one artist. The first story sets out to the Sumava mountains in Southern Bohemia to find out whether Ogres ever lived there. The middle tale The Hat and the Little Jay Feather concerns a king who sends his three sons to bring back a hat he left at a tavern when he was young. The third and longest fairy tale Reason and Luck is about the two virtues of the title try to prove their importance by changing the life of a pig herder named Louis. Written by
A bitter sweet comedy that follows a highly appointed Chancellor who set to step down from his position after years of service to his country. With just two last days left to enjoy his palatial villa before he is finally evicted, his situation gradually goes from bad to worse.
Identity Card
Bittersweet comedy about four teenage boys, their friends, parents, lovers - from the moment when they are 15 to moment when they are 18. Story is set in 1970s, when is Czechoslovakia occupied by Russians.
Куки возвращается
Любимая игрушка шестилетнего мальчика — медведь по имени Куки. Но у ребенка астма, и старая пыльная шкурка Куки вредна для него, поэтому мама выкидывает игрушку на помойку. Ложась в тот день спать, расстроенный ребенок представляет, как Куки хочет вернуться домой оттуда, где он оказался. А оказался он в волшебном лесу, населенном странными зверями и созданиями, о существовании которых, живя на полке в комнате хозяина, даже не подозревал. В этом сказочном месте Куки нужно победить страшное зло и стать настоящим героем.
Klub osamělých srdcí
Женщины в соблазне
Гелене уже за сорок, и своей жизнью она довольна. Она работает консультантом-психологом в Службе помощи семейным парам. Её муж — успешный бизнесмен, а дочь Лаура — человек с «широким сердцем». Лаура помогает бездомным животным и людям, дарит кровь, одежду, а однажды приводит домой негритянку. «В Африке голод, и девушке нужна помощь». И вот, в один прекрасный день, вся жизнь Гелены рушится — её муж уходит из дома вместе с молодой африканкой. На помощь к Гелене приходит её мама, Вилма, в прошлом несостоявшаяся актриса, которая вдруг решила написать книгу своих эротических воспоминаний «Хроника моих стонов». В написании книги Вилме помогает бывший спортивный журналист, мужчина молодой и разведённый. Вся семья: мама, дочь, любимый парень дочери решают помочь Гелене — ей нужен мужчина. А без их помощи Гелена его точно не найдёт! Вот только все складывается совсем не так, как всем хотелось. В одинокую Гелену влюбляется жених её дочери, молодой продавец книг Якуб.
Strawberry Wine
This is not a love story though it is full of love. It is not a comedy though the characters often say funny things. It is not a detective story even though the hero is trying to solve a murder. It is not a nature drama though it shows the splendid colours and customs of the countryside. It is not a musical though Lubica expresses her longing in a passionate dance. Nor is it a film about ghosts though a ghost does ask the hero for a favour. A few draughts of Strawberry Wine are enough to take us into a magical world in the true centre of Europe, where love, crime and penitence are just as much a part of life as the changing of the seasons, the migration of birds or the flowing of a mountain stream.
When Oskar, a self-centred TV weatherman, cheats on his wife Zuzana with their au pair, she kicks him to the curb and enlists her in-laws in the search for a new boyfriend.
When Oskar, a self-centred TV weatherman, cheats on his wife Zuzana with their au pair, she kicks him to the curb and enlists her in-laws in the search for a new boyfriend.
Teddy Bear
Jirka, Roman, and Ivan have been friends since school. Today they are about 35 and, although they went into different fields, their friendship has lasted. Each of the three friends hides a secret, and their lives change radically when the secrets come out. How will the three friends stand up to the tests they are forced to face? Will their friendship survive?
Пустая тара
Robert Landa
Пожилой учитель окончательно решил покинуть преподавание, но не может примириться с позицией проведения своей старости, сидя на лавочке в парке. Он полон идей, активности и мальчишеских страстей. Вопреки возражениям своей жены, которая с сарказмом комментирует всю деятельность своего мужа, поступает в бригаду по приёму тары в небольшой супермаркет. Маленькое помещение, где встречаются бутылки с бутылками и люди с людьми, - самобытный микромир, полный трагических судеб.
Up and Down
František Fikeš
Milan and Goran are two criminals who smuggle illegal immigrants. One night after they complete a smuggle, they discover that one of the immigrants has left a baby behind. Milan and Goran decide to sell the baby to Lubos and Eman, who are responsible for running an illegal baby adoption center. Lubos and Eman make attempts to sell the baby to Miluska and Frantisek, a barren couple.
Smart Philip
Inspired by the stories of the American writer Raymond Chandler, the classical hero is private detective Phil Marlowe, a romantic cowboy, who takes the law into his own hands in the rough prairie of a large city.
One Hand Can't Clap
Jedna ruka netleska...
Some Secrets
A dark and absurd road-movie comedy in which the grandmother fulfills a dream, the mother stops treating her daughters like kids, the daughters stop treating their husbands like idiots, and the father's ashes get spread all over the country.
Robert works for a travel agency and helps to arrange scenes from the everyday lives of "ordinary" Czech families as an attraction for Japanese tourists. He also works as a kind of matchmaker and occasionally helps to put together some of his friends. He helps to separate his friend Hanka from Peter, an announcer for an independent radio station who tries to capture "real" life by recording the moments from "reality" and playing them over the air. Vesna, came to Prague from Macedonia because it is according to her the best place for UFOs to land, but her real reason for coming is somewhat different... Hanka is followed by the crazy Ondrej, until then a respected brain surgeon, and married with two kids. Through him she meets Jacob, who uses copious amounts of weed in order to be constructive in this gloomy world. On the other hand, this destroys his short-term memory - and he forgets that he already has a girlfriend...
Prague Stories
A four-story omnibus depicting different Czech slices-of-life from the titular city.
The Idiot Returns
Frantisek, the main character is returning to his family. Until now he's been, "successfully" avoiding all relationships. He is an ingenuous and a pure person and thus, is regarded as an idiot. He becomes involved in various love and family conflicts. It is because he hasn't experienced much of the "real" life that he is able to perceive human relationships in their genuineness.
Stříbrný a Ryšavec
Multicar Movie Show
Жемчужная девушка
Много лет рыцарь Корнелиус тоскует по своей жене, похищенной злым волшебником в день после свадьбы. У несчастного рыцаря остался только портрет любимой. Но однажды и он исчезает. Корнелиус отправляется на поиски… А тем временем, молодой комедиант влюбляется в девушку, как две капли воды прохожую на пропавшую жену Конелиуса…
Dead Beetle
Sad love story about Martin, who is sent to a psychiatric hospital for observation after displays of hooliganism, and Markéta who is recovering from post-traumatic shock after her mother's suicide.
Pumelice lesní moudrosti
Stone Bridge
A bitter comedic-drama centering around Tomas, a former promising young director who must cope with a commerce driven world he no longer wants to participate in.