Scott Swanton


Secret of Giving
As Christmas approaches, a single mother (played by Reba McEntire) struggles to raise her son and keep up the payments on her Oregon ranch, which is difficult since she's heavily in debt. But she's a tough cookie, and proves that a steadfast attitude and an open heart go a long way in surviving the cold hearts and greed of the Scrooges around her.
A Father for Brittany
Keith and Kim Lussier are a childless couple who are given custody of a 3-month-old foster child, Brittany. However, tragedy strikes when Kim dies of cancer in the middle of the adoption process, leaving Keith to fight for Brittany's custody alone.
A Promise to Carolyn
When two sisters can no longer go on living with the painful memory of their baby sister being murdered 37 years ago by their stepmother, together they try to uncover the truth.
Not Our Son
A Seattle household secretly cooperates with police in a case that links a family member to widespread arson.
Death in Small Doses
One night Nancy Lyon awakes in pain and dies shortly after - poisoned with arsenic. Her family immediately suspects her husband Richard, who left her temporarily the year before because of an affair. Especially Nancy's brother is keen on getting the children away from the suspected murderer. All evidence points against Richard, but in court Richard surprisingly presents proof that his wife had depressions and maybe killed herself - or are these proofs just fake? -- Depicts an authentic case.
Survive the Savage Sea
After their 43-foot schooner was stove in by a pod of killer whales, the six members of the Robertson family spend 37 days adrift in the Pacific with no maps, compass, or navigational instruments.They use every survival technique they can as they battle 20-foot waves, marauding sharks, thirst, starvation, and exhaustion.
Finding the Way Home
Sixty year old Max is having something of a middle-age crisis. His marriage seems to go nowhere as the passion, tenderness and happiness vanished when their daughter moved out. On top of that he owns an antique hardware store which is close to bankruptcy. While driving home Max is involved in a traffic accident which gives him amnesia. Confused, lost and in a disordered state, he wanders into a camp full of Latin American farm workers. There he finds a new meaning of life, happiness and a sense of belonging. However, as his memory slowly returns it's inevitable that he must confront his past.
Race for Glory
A member of an up and coming motorcycle racing team abandons his teamates to join a rival team. He ends up playing second fiddle to the champion of the new team. Not satisfied, and against the wishes of his new boss, he tries to beat the champion but fails. He leaves racing, eventually to return and reunite with his old friends in an attempt to win the Grand
Nightmare at Bittercreek
In a deadly battle for survival, four women are hunted by a ruthless group of killers they accidentally stumble upon while camping.
Nightmare at Bittercreek
In a deadly battle for survival, four women are hunted by a ruthless group of killers they accidentally stumble upon while camping.
Убийство в трёх актах
В Акапулько, в замке экстравагантного и гостеприимного хозяина — миллионера, происходит светский раут. Гостям, элегантным дамам и господам, среди которых - сам Эркюль Пуаро, предлагают перед трапезой прохладительный коктейль. В один из бокалов подмешан яд...
Murder: By Reason of Insanity
A married couple from Poland emigrates to the U.S.,. but things don't turn out as well as they had imaged. The husband's business fails, while his wife's career really takes off. The husband, unable to cope with the pressures of his failed business, his failing marriage and the adjustments necessary to live in a completely different society, begins to take out his frustrations on his wife.
A Summer to Remember
Silent since losing his hearing to meningitis, young Toby Wyler takes a bitter stance against the world and his family, refusing to accept his new stepfather. But when a highly trained orangutan named Casey is thrown from a truck near Toby's home, the boy soon has a secret friend he can communicate with via sign language.
Убийства девушек с календаря
Миллионер Ричардом Трейнором раз в год занимается составлением календарей для продажи. Он всегда приглашает девушек модельной внешности, чтобы, использовать их фотографии в качестве основы для своего календаря.Каждая приглашенная девушка занимает место определенного месяца.Выгоду получает как Ричард, так и его модели, получающие славу и хорошие гонорары. Ричард, заметив невероятный рост продаж календаря, решает организовать грандиозную вечеринку. Поначалу все идет хорошо, но внезапно происходит трагедия. Неизвестный скидывает с крыши здания девушку, которая была обозначена на календаре как Мисс Январь. Но критической ситуация становится после того, как убивают Мисс Февраль. В этот момент становится понятно, что кто-то методично убивает всех девушек с календаря. Расследование поручают опытному лейтенанту Дэну Стоунеру, который должен оперативно понять, что же произошло, найти убийцу и посадить его за решетку. Любое промедление может иметь слишком высокую цену.
The Killing of Randy Webster
When his teenage son is shot by the Houston police following a stolen van chase, his father undertakes a tireless investigation into the truth and uncovers the fact that the gun found with the boy's body was a "throwdown," a weapon planted by the cops.