Andrew Phillips

Andrew Phillips


Andrew Phillips is a composer for film and television.


Andrew Phillips


Сэр Алекс Фергюсон: Никогда не сдавайся
Жизнеописание Алекса Фергюсона — главного тренера английского футбольного клуба «Манчестер Юнайтед» с 1986 по 2013 годы.
The Changin' Times of Ike White
Ike White was a musical prodigy who recorded a funk and soul classic album inside a Californian prison in 1974. Then he disappeared. 30 years later, director Dan Vernon tracked him down, only to find a trail of wives, lives and false identities that leave as many questions as answers.
Saudi Women's Driving School
Original Music Composer
An unprecedented access to a number of Saudi women in the capital city of Riyadh as they embrace the freedom that comes from being behind the wheel.The Saudi Women’s Driving School is said to be the world's largest driving school, which caters exclusively to women since the ban on female drivers was lifted in 2017.
Original Music Composer
A look at the rise of anti-Semitism and assaults against Jews in present-day France.
Original Music Composer
Five acclaimed photographers travel the world to provide detailed insight into the difficult conditions faced by refugees who dream of a better life.
Out of the Ashes
Original Music Composer
Against a backdrop of war and poverty, Out of the Ashes, traces the extraordinary journey of a team of young, Afghan men, as they chase a seemingly impossible dream, shedding new light on a nation beyond that of burqas, bombs, drugs and devastation. This feature-length documentary follows the Afghan cricket team in their quest against the odds to qualify for the 2011 World Cup, premiering at the Edinburgh International Film Festival on 17th June. Backed by BBC Storyville and Oscar-winning director and cricket fan, Sam Mendes, 'Out of the Ashes' follows the squad over two years as they go from playing in their shalwar-kameezes on rubble pitches to batting their way around the globe and up the international league tables.
Pinochet in Suburbia
Original Music Composer
In 1998 former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet visits Britain for medical treatment. On being tipped off, Amnesty International seize the chance to bring to justice a man they insist is guilty of multiple human rights violations. The newly-elected Labour government is initially amenable, and soon Pinochet is under house arrest (albeit in a detached house in leafy suburbia) and awaiting extradition to Spain. However, Amnesty are up against the complexities of British law, the vacillations of Home Secretary Jack Straw, Pinochet's former ally Margaret Thatcher - and the Senator's own vast reserves of cunning.
Агата Кристи: Жизнь в образах
Биопические виды об Агате Кристи, знаменитой писательнице-загадке. История рассказывается о воспоминаниях и с точки зрения Кристи в двух совершенно разных случаях в ее жизни - один из которых сеанс, который она проводила с ее психиатром после ее знаменитого 11-дневного исчезновения в 1926 году, а другой благодаря воспоминаниям, которые она давала на интервью с журналистами по случаю 10-ой годовщины запуска West End ее пьесы «Мышеловка». У Кристи было свободное и открытое детство, несколько разбитое смертью ее отца. Как волонтерская медсестра, она встретила своего первого мужа, Арчи Кристи. Большая часть фильма касается ее исчезновения в 1926 году, которая произошла после просьбы ее мужа о разводе, который позволил бы ему жениться на женщине, с которой у него был роман. Ее психиатр пришел к выводу, что она была в каком-то состоянии фуги и что ее потеря памяти была подлинной. В конце концов она снова вышла замуж, большую часть своего времени проводила в Сирии и Ираке с ...