Erbförster Ulrich
Herr Tendler
Vater Schonath
Professor Lichtermark
The Viennese seamstress Gabi Berghofer wants to marry an innkeeper. But he marries someone else. Gabi then becomes a model for a painter, who falls in love with her. She spends some wonderful time with him, but he, too, leaves Gabi to return to his family. Desperate and deserted, Gabi stands before the gravestone of the young artist Gabriele Dambrone, who took her life due to heartache. Then she decides to once more take her life in her own hands and to make her old dream of becoming an actress come true.
Friedrich List
Melchior Jobst
Anna Jobst is the daughter of a rich, conservative farmer. Living on the bank of the Moldau, she wishes nothing more than follow the river to Prague, the "Golden City". After arriving, she quickly falls into a bad crowd.
Anton Weber
In this Nazi propaganda film, a troubled young boy joins the Hitler Naval Youth, where he finds meaning and purpose in his life.
Johann Sebastian Bach
Лейпциг, XVIII век. Фридеман, старший сын Иоганна Себастьяна Баха, возвращается домой после долгой отлучки, во время которой он обучался музыке. Отец горячо приветствует сына и предлагает ему место органиста. Но Фридеман не хочет посвящать себя религиозной музыке. Принц Вюртембергский через курьера приглашает Иоганна Себастьяна к своему двору, и тот предлагает сыну поехать вместо него. При дворе Фридеман одерживает победу в музыкальном конкурсе и привлекает к себе внимание знаменитой балерины Фиорины и девушки из высшего общества Антонии Колловрат…
Christian Friedrich Daniel Schubart
В этом фильме изображена жизнь великого немецкого драматурга, философа и поэта Фридриха Шиллера. В фильме рассказывается, среди прочего, о сложном периоде, который Шиллер пережил во время пребывания в военной академии, и о том, как этот период вдохновил его в последующей работе.
Landschaftskonsulent Sturm
В 1733 году герцог Карл Александр Вюртембергский назначает своим финансовым советником зажиточного торговца Зюсса Оппенгеймера. Оппенгеймер вводит таможенные сборы за пользование дорогами и придумывает всё новые налоги, чтобы снабдить герцога деньгами. Постепенно он усиливает влияние на своего покровителя и тот, в итоге, предоставляет ему полную свободу действий. При этом Оппенгеймер действует не только в своих личных интересах. Он добивается от герцога снять запрет на проживание евреев в Вюртемберге.
The farmers on the Lohhof, the largest farm in the area, are well known all around and have the highest prestige amongst their peers, not the least, because they never suffer any shortage of water. When in times of drought the water everywhere else has dried into nothingness, the water on the Lohhof is abundant and fresh. But one very dry summer, the drought comes to the Lohhof, too, and this time, the source of the water has dried up. And so, with diving rod in hand, one of the farm's old peasants goes on his merry little way to find a new source of water. At one point, the diving rod bends so strongly, that it almost slips out of the old man's hands. Convinced that there must be a huge source of water nearby, all the farmers of the Lohhof bend their backs to find the new well. They dig long, but they dig in vain: no water is found, only a strange sand, which is yellowish, shiny and flickers golden in the sun.
Hanno Kohlemainen
General Kirileff
Pfarrer Hoppe
Germany, 1890: Having just gotten his high-school diploma, Hans leaves for Heidelberg to begin his university studies. But first, he wants to visit his uncle, Pastor Hoppe, in the small village of Rosenau. It's here that he again meets his cousin and childhood friend Annie. Annie is the illegitimate child of Pastor Hoppe's sister, who's left the upbringing of her offspring to the man-of-the-cloth. Conservative chaplain Schigorski continually tries to convince Annie to join the nearby cloister and thus "atone" for the sins of her mother. And it's getting more difficult for the fun-loving girl to escape the chaplain's harrassment. When Hans arrives, old feelings of lust come back to the surface.
Professor Kittguß
The underage Rosemarie is still too young to run her inherited farm by herself; but she's more than aware that her foster father and the farm's administrator, the farmer Schlieker, is constantly skimming from the farm's finances to line his own pocket. To put an end to Schlieker's scheme, Rosemarie asks her godfather, Professor Kittgus, for help. But when Kittgus confronts Schlieker, the farmer not only proves to be unreasonable but also violent...
Dr. Bergriedel - Bezirkstierarzt
Pedro Montemayor
The jealous star conductor Montemayor knows that his beautiful younger wife, Winifred, is cheating on him with an American named Jack Mortimer. After the concert rehearsal, he takes a taxi to the train station, sees Mortimer and shoots him at an intersection from the backseat of his taxi. The shot is not heard during the traffic noise. The taxi driver, Sponer, sitting in his car with the now-dead Mortimer, goes into a panic.
Alfred Doolittle
Kurfürst Karl Ludwig, ihr Vater
Heinrich von Melchthal
Propaganda film detailing the plight of ethnic Germans, known as "Volga Germans", in the Soviet province of Manchuria.
Widowed carpenter Vincenz Olivier lives with his 8-year-old son Boubou in a small French town. But on the day he is supposed to marry the mayor′s daughter, Louise, his dark past catches up with him: Ten years ago, Vincenz – whose real name is Leon Bernier – escaped from prioson after being convicted of murdering his lover′s sister. Taking Boubou with him, Vincenz, who then and now still denies the crime, flees from the police in a desperate attempt to prove his innocence.
A crazed scientist murders his wife, walls her up, then flees. A reporter sets out to track him down. Remake of Unheimliche Geschichten (Richard Oswald, 1919).
Grenadier Flambeau
Ingenieur Lorenzi
German-Italian crime drama with a racing milieu: The International criminal, "The Paw", who kills his victims with a prosthesis, has struck again! An engineer, who has designed a new racing car for the Italian firm Alberti has been found beaten to death. The plans for the car have been stolen. Rappis, the firm's director, takes part in the race and hits the finish line at the same time as the German racer, Peter Kruger. Then Rappis is found beaten to death, too.
Franz Joseph I.
The film focuses on the leadership of the Great Powers of Europe in the days leading up to the outbreak of the First World War.
Der alte Knie
Katharina Knie is a 1929 German silent drama film directed by Karl Grune and starring Eugen Klöpfer, Carmen Boni and Adele Sandrock. It is based on the 1928 play of the same title by Carl Zuckmayer.
Martin Luther
German silent film about the life of Martin Luther
Karl Hartmann
Andrej Karlowitsch Siganew
Directed by Aleksandr Razumnyj.
Götz von Berlichingen
Anton Paudler
Axel Swinborne
"Comedians" - Axel Swinborne is a celebrated stage star. Although much in demand, he now wants to recover and travel by train on vacation. He leans out of the window at full speed, as happens a momentous mishap: his jacket gets tangled on the window lever so unhappy that it ejects the suction force out of the window.
Don Philipp
Испанский король Карл V свергнут собственным сыном Филиппом. Поддержавшая его Инквизиция получает карт-бланш в жестоком преследовании еретиков. Прошли годы. Уже взрослый сын Филиппа Карлос примкнул к сторонникам независимости Фландрии, страдающей под испанским владычеством. Но есть ещё более значимая причина конфликта отца и сына - Филипп решает жениться на Елизавете Валуа, в которую давно влюблён дон Карлос... Как указано в начальных титрах, фильм снят по мотивам исторических хроник, но угадываются и мотивы трагедии Шиллера "Дон Карлос" и одноимённой оперы Верди. Не случайно эта картина сродни опере вообще, в ней сочетаются величественность и внимание к эмоциональным проявлениям персонажей. Большое внимание уделено костюмам и крупномасштабным декорациям. Главная звезда фильма, Конрад Фейдт в противовес своим привычным демоническим персонажам, показан здесь романтической, слабой личностью, тем самым демонстрируя широкий диапазон актёрских возможностей.
Весёлая атмосфера новогодней ночи, шумные улицы, празднующая толпа резко контрастируют совсем с другой историей. Её герои - жена, муж и его мать. Маленькая война между невесткой и свекровью приводят к трагической развязке. Ещё один символ - бушующее холодное море успокоится только к финалу... Режиссёр Лупу Пик виртуозно обходится без интертитров, нам остаётся лишь удивляться насколько всё ясно без слов, сколь тонко удаётся передать, что творится в душе персонажей.
Sohn Steyer
A lost Murnau peasant-farm film.
After the revelation that Georg has seduced her, Maria is driven away by her father. Georg, fearing the wrath of Maria's father, has swiftly abandoned the girl and left for the mining town of Sankt Anton, where he expects to hide easily amongst the large population of colliers. Maria must care for herself, and ends up in Sankt Anton, where she attempts to rebuild her life. There, she gets to know Thomas, and soon the young people are engaged. When Georg and Maria meet again, drama ensues. The film originally ran 97 minutes.
The movie follows two distinct plot lines until the two eventually merge: the first is that of the bored middle-aged man seeking a departure from monotony in his life; the second is that of the blind man and the little boy, his grandson, who are interdependent. None of the characters have been given names and are therefore referred to only by description. The city is an expressionistic nightmare, a dangerous and chaotic place.
Graf Essex
The Earl of Essex, a person favourite of the Queen, is in jeopardy of losing his relationship with the monarch after secretly marrying one of the Queen's ladies-in-waiting.
Peter Rog
дьявольское поле — самое страшное место во владениях графа Рюденберга. По легенде, в нём сокрыты несметные сокровища. Но сокровища эти — необычные: однажды, когда по приказу предка графа крестьяне вырыли глубокую яму в поисках богатства, случился страшный пожар — и с тех пор ничто не растёт в мёртвом Дьявольском Поле.Йоханнес — амбициозный молодой человек, по происхождению крестьянин, однако, презирающий жизнь на земле. Чтобы вырваться из крестьянского быта, он знакомится с Гердой, дочерью графа Рюденберга, потом становится секретарём графа, а позже случайно узнаёт подлинную тайну Дьявольского Поля и истинную цену его сокровищам. И решается на обман и предательство…
John, a young man raised by his aunt, is in love with Anna, a servant girl who is going to have his baby. He is willing to marry her but his stern aunt wants him to marry a rich girl. To separate the lovers, she arranges for her nephew to be enrolled at a university in a distant town. She then has Anna sent away to live with Torgus the coffinmaker and his mother where she will be secluded until the birth of the child. Torgus, a golemesque sort of fellow, is immediately charmed by the beautiful girl and takes pity on her. Meanwhile, Anna anxiously awaits John's return...
Vincenz Gellner
"The Bear Joseph", so named because of a fight with a bear, is rescued by Wally, a farmer's daughter, from a dangerous situation in a vulture's nest. He then calls her "Geierwally". They fall in love. Wally's father disapproves of this romance. He has other plans for Wally.
Mac Chifford
Die Ratten was produced by actress and singer Grete Ly. Her company, Grete Ly-Film, made five films between 1919 and 1921. Die Ratten, which is based on the play of the same name by Gerhart Hauptmann, was the last one. Hauptmann, one of the most important promoters of literary naturalism, had received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1912.
The screen adaptation of his play is beautifully photographed in a realistic style by Karl Freund, one of best German cameraman of that time who also worked with directors such as Lang, Murnau, Dreyer, Dupont and Ruttmann. Moreover, the cast of Die Ratten also acts in a very naturalistic way, far from the affected expressionistic style. Die Ratten was made on a modest budget, but the collaboration of an excellent team produced a film that was ahead of its time.
Ivan, a poor Russian student, lives in Switzerland. He is unexpectedly invited to Russia by a distant relative, Princess Wirsky. To finance the journey, he works as a messenger for revolutionaries who want to depose Grand Duke Wirsky. In Moscow, he delivers the message and falls in love with Marja, the daughter of the revolutionary, but Marja's father loves Princess Wirsky and wants to betray the revolutionaries. The princess falls in love with Ivan, and jealously deports Marja to Siberia. In revenge, Ivan strangles the princess. He spends the rest of his life yearning for Marja, whom he has never kissed. When he receives the news of Marja's death, he commits suicide.
Karenow, Anführer der Freiheitsbewegung
Engineer Walter Fahr has constructed a massive passenger submarine, the 'Gloria'. The vessel undertakes a test journey with various esteemed invitees aboard, together with several animals, and the blind passenger Professor Keigo Sotuma. […] When those aboard the 'Gloria' return to the surface, they find a ship whose entire crew is dead. It is the astronomer Sotuma who figures out what has happened: during their undersea journey, the Earth was scorched by the tail of a comet, and all life extinguished. The 'Gloria' sails back to shore, carrying the final humans into a dead world…